33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time


33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
33rd Sunday
in Ordinary Time
Theme: Creative Fidelity
Eucharistic Liturgies for the week of November 16, 2014
Nov 15
Nov 16
Mon Nov 17
Tue Nov 18
Wed Nov 19
Thu Nov 20
Fri Nov 21
Sat Nov 22
5:00 pm
8:00 am
9:30 am
11:15 am
5:00 pm
9:00 am
9:00 am
9:00 am
5:30 pm
9:00 am
9:00 am
5:00 pm
+Jerry Grady
+Anton Sanh Kieu
+Fernando Ayala & Family
+Lewis Lemus
Parishioners by our Pastor
+Roger Pagni
+Art Travis
Communion Service
+Dorothy Gadzinski
Special Intentions of Samuel Mathew
+Anne Davis
+Steve Harmon
Readings for the week of November 17, 2014
Monday: Revelation 1:1-4; 2:1-5; Luke 18:35-43
Tuesday: Revelation 3:1-6, 14-22; Luke 19:1-10
Wednesday: Revelation 4:1-11; Luke 19:11-28
Thursday: Revelation 5:1-10; Luke 19:41-44
Friday: Revelation 10:8-11; Luke 19:45-48
Saturday: Revelation 11:4-12; Luke 20:27-40
Sunday: Ezekiel 34:11-12, 15-17; 1 Corinthians 15:20-26, 28;
Matthew 25:31-46
Your prayers are needed for the recovery of the following people:
Frediani Fam, Fr Jim Fugle, Ruby Sandoval, Emma Hittle,
Corinna Osgood, Chicago Fam, Londos Fam, Marie Gardner,
Beeson Fam, David Burch, Kristy Burch-Weinberg, Alfredo
Panelli, Capurro Fam, Earl Fuest, Dolly Barter, Katie Branson,
Donna Meek, Rico Carretero, John Michael Langley, Hudson Fam,
Kleckner Fam, Maureen Flynn, Charles Connelly, Sandra Rippee,
Marie Kiley, Donna Casci, Dorothy Davidson, Peter Herborn, Liam
Vonderhaar, Sr Mora McGarry, Sr Gertrude, Shirley Menicucci, Jodi
Kehmeier, Caruso Fam, Josephine Baltierra, Gloria Dondero, Lucy
Cordova, Erebia Fam, Ciara Lamia, Kari Ann Briggs, Carmelita
Monette, Guadalupe Lemus, Grayson McClure, Michon Holland,
Albert Torres, James Dorsey, Leon Micheline, Robin Harris, Paul
Kessler, Tony Cormier, Martina Caruso, Clifford Hess, Theresa
Ryan, Kim Barstow, Gary Fuest, Rosa Tolentino, James Dorsey,
Tony Geraghty, Tom Reed, Ricardo Gonzalez, Kay Petty, Joseph
Gnibus, Linda Cato, Charlie Estrada, McKenzie, Marilyn Forrest,
Sharon Delaney, Barbara Heyrmann, Marjorie Carrier, Llewellyn
Fam, Amanda Van Horn
Please call when they recover, so the name may be removed from the list.
LEARN YOUR FAITH/RCIA: an Invitation for
Conversion & Full Initiation into the Church
Thursdays 7:00 - 8:00 pm parish hall
If you are someone or do you know someone who . . .
_ has expressed an interest in becoming Catholic?
_ was baptized Catholic as a child, but has not celebrated the
Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist?
_ would like to learn more about the Catholic Faith?
_ Everyone is welcome to attend!
Dear Parishioners,
During November, the parishes of our
Diocese are asked to welcome nominations for
delegates to the upcoming Synod next year. I ask,
therefore, that you please consider becoming a delegate by
nominating yourself or another faithful parishioner who
would be willing to be one of our delegates. We are entitled
to 16 delegates and must also have at least 3 alternates. It
will be the responsibility of our Pastoral Council to select the
delegates from those nominated at their December 8th
meeting. Delegates should reflect the demographic composition of our parish.
According to Canon Law #460: “A diocesan synod
is a group of selected priests and other members of the
Christian faithful of a particular church who offer assistance
to the diocesan bishop for the good of the whole diocesan
community according to the norm of Canons #461-468.”
For implementation of these Canons, the Diocese of
Reno Synod will bring together people from the entire
Catholic community to discuss the vision for our Diocese.
The Synod and the sessions leading to it should be a Spiritled process that will give our Diocese clear priorities for the
We are all grateful to Frank Bigotti for his ministry
of removing the noisy latch system on the two doors leading
to our social hall and for his doing any necessary refinishing
of the beautiful doors. We will no longer be subject to the
BANG! CRASH CRASH sound as persons entered/exited
these doors, disturbing meetings inside.
The Fundraising Committee will meet Monday at
6:00 p.m. in the parlor. We expect all groups and organizations utilizing our facilities to have a responsible representative present. The Finance Committee will meet Monday,
November 24th, at 6:00 p.m. in the parlor.
Our Confirmation I & II teens will be holding their
retreat Friday evening and all day Saturday. Please keep
them in your prayers.
Your Pastor,
Good stewards are like the industrious
and reliable servants in today’s Gospel,
prudently using and multiplying the gifts entrusted to them
by God. Each of us also has received gifts and talents
which the Lord has every right to expect us to utilize
them for the building of His kingdom here on earth.
The 2nd collection next Sunday will be for
our Building Needs Fund. In August, we
paid an extra $5,452 towards the principal on
our $1.37 million mortgage and transferred
$3,475 to our savings account for future maintenance
Mon Nov 17
Tue Nov 18
Wed Nov 19
6:00 am-10:00 pm
Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament
6:00 am-10:00 pm 6:00 am-10:00 pm
Adoration of the
Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament Blessed Sacrament
9:00 am Mass
9:00 am Mass
1:30 pm Prayer
Quilters - hall
6:00 pm Fundraising
Cte - parlor
9:00 am
Communion Service
5:30 pm Mass
9:30 am MOMS
Group - hall
7:00 pm Healing
Hearts - chapel
Thu Nov 20
Fri Nov 21
Sat Nov 22
Sun Nov 23
6:00 am-10:00 pm
Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament
6:00 am - 5:00 pm
Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament
5:00 pm Mass
Masses at:
8:00, 9:30 &
11:15 am, 5:00 pm
9:00 am Mass
9:00 am Mass
7:00 pm Learn Your
7:00 pm Confirmation Retreat - hall
BLD Covenant
Community - FFB
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Mon - Thu
6:00 am to 10:00 pm, Fri 6:00 am - 5:00 pm. Pray
for Vocations hour M-F 12:00 pm. Rosary M-F
8:30 am & Thursdays 6:00 pm. Please sign the
sheet each time you visit with our Lord.
Welcome: Whether you are visiting or new to our parish, we
are blessed to have you celebrate with us! We extend to you
the hospitality of our parish. If you wish to join our faith
community, we welcome you! Parish registration forms can be
found on a table in the gathering space.
Moving or leaving the parish? Please notify the office of
change of address.
Baptism: We welcome all families with young children. The
1st step for the parents is to attend a class; they are held on the
1st Tuesday of every month at 6:00 pm. When choosing your
child’s Godparents, they must be baptized, confirmed, receive
communion regularly in the Church, and if married, must be
married in the Catholic Church.
Matrimony: at least one of the Catholic parties must be a
registered, practicing member of Immaculate Conception.
Please call the pastor to make an appointment to begin your
marriage preparation process four to six months before your
desired date. Please make no arrangements until after this
appointment. The Engaged Encounter weekend is required.
Prayer List for Family Members in the war:
Navy: Bruce Kelsey, Mike Mott
Marines: Matthew Schroeder, Conan Salberg, Thomas
Prado, Nathanael & Angel Foresee, Ryan Eskandary, Dave
Kirby, Jacob Painter, Isaiah Jones, Joe Sheldrup, Ryan Bombard
Special Forces: Kevin Lydon, Aaron Gibson, Jeremy Valdez
Army: Mike Sheely, Roland Snyder, Steve Lewis, Greg Cook,
Butch Pajarillo, Jr, Steven Garcia, Logan Forbing, Michael
Hardiman, Daniel D’Annunzio, Gordon Gogan, Alex Cisneros,
Dominic Manoli, Michael Sorondo, Ken Olesinski, Joseph Pace,
James Owens, Eric Mankin, Tim Wise, Juan Ruvalcaba, Jesse
Carlile, Nathan Suddeth, Zachary Long, Garrett Spratley
Air Force: Dennis Chanez, Bob Davis, Ida Davis, Todd Hudson,
David Sifers, Kelly Sifers, Cesar Ochoa, Trevor Nolan, Alan
Nadal, Katherine Dew
National Guard: Early Jones, John Secora, Lela Sorondo,
Robert Hindman, David Sousa, Ryan Carlile, Eric McKenzie
Please pray for their safe return and for peace. If any parishioner has a
loved one in the war with Iraq and Afghanistan, please call the parish
office to place his/her name on the list.
retreat - hall
The 2nd collection today is for the Catholic
Campaign for Human Development. The
CCHD has come to the aid of communities
nationwide for over 40 years in an effort to
eradicate poverty. During World Youth
Day 2013, Pope Francis told us to “never
tire of working for a more just world, marked by greater
solidarity.” CCHD puts these words into action by funding
housing, education, and the development of job opportunities. In addition, please remember that 25% of the
collection’s proceeds stay here in our diocese to fight
poverty in our communities and defend the dignity of our
Please make 2nd collection checks payable to Immaculate Conception Church. The bank will not accept
them otherwise.
Congratulations and best wishes to Jonathan Gomez
and Mabel Torres who were married Saturday,
November 8th, at Immaculate Conception Church.
May they have a lifetime of happiness together!
Upcoming Meetings:
The Prayer Quilters will meet Monday at
1:30 pm in the hall.
The Fundraising Committee meeting will be Monday at
6:00 pm in the parlor. All parish ministries/organizations who
utilize our facilities are expected to have a representative
The MOMS Group will meet Wednesday at
9:30 am in the hall. Child care will be provided
from 9:00 - 11:00 am.
The Healing Hearts Grief Support Group will meet
Wednesday at 7:00 pm in the chapel.
The BLD Charismatic Group will meet Friday, at 7:00 pm
in the hall.
Confirmation Retreat will begin Friday evening and all day
Altar Servers for November 23
Please remember in your prayers the souls of
Raffaella Panelli and of Joe McPhilliamy, whose
funeral Masses will be held Monday and Wednesday, respectively, at Immaculate Conception Church.
Sun 8:00 am
9:30 am
11:15 am
5:00 pm
Office help is needed on Mondays at 8:30 am for two to
three hours. Please call the office if you are able to
Katie Maga, Maria Christina & Maria Isabel Chiu
Alex Hernandez, Amanda Hooghkirk
Reece & Julian Isip, Lucas Godard
Aurora Getten, Guadalupe & Juan Placencia
Chaz, Lincoln, & Mason Dunn
Servers, please remember to sign in
on the sheet on the bulletin board in
the ushers room. If you are unable to serve your
scheduled time, please get a substitute.
Bi-lingual Bibles are available in the
Gift Shop.
Caution: Please drive slowly near the Faith
Formation building on Monday and Wednesday evenings as children are present, especially after dark.
Donate to our Building Fund when you shop!
Savemart has a SHARES card that you swipe during
checkout. Cards are available in the office. We
received $150 for the last quarter. Thank You!!
Please check the bulletin board in
the gathering space for events, job opportunities,
and information not listed in the bulletin.
Advertiser of the week
658 N McCarran Blvd
(in Silver State Plaza)
Professional & Business Directory
Join Us
Bart Lydon, President
1155 Watson Way, #2
Through your will you
Specialty Welding Supply
have the power to help
John Kehmeier, Parishioner
the Church continue to
Industrial & Safety Supplies
do God’s work. As you
FertilityCare Center of Reno
Power & Hand Tools
prepare or update your
provides Creighton Model
Weld Training & Certification
will, think of the good works of the
Natural Family Planning
Industrial Gases, Equipment Repair
church that you would like to continue
MIG, TIG, Stick & Torch Equipment
Services for achieving and
to help when your life on earth ends.
avoiding pregnancy.
For further information, please call the
For information call 827-5111 parish office.
750 E Glendale Ave 356-6988
Mr V’s Specialties
Host Dry Extraction
Carpet Cleaning
space available
call 358-5977
Brothers & Sisters in Christ,
The 2nd Diocesan Synod of Reno is
coming December 3-5 of 2015. Please
pray for the work in preparing for this
historical event for our Church in Northern
Nevada, and offer input and assistance when and where
requested during this process. We are “Together - where
the Spirit leads.”
Tamale Pre-order/Pre-pay form
$20 dzn - orders must be pre-paid by November 30th.
Orders can be placed by dropping this form with payment in the collection basket or to the parish office.
chicken ______
Name: ______________________________
phone #: __________________________
They will be available for pickup on Sunday, December 7th.
Prayer for our Diocesan Synod
God our Father, You have called us by baptism
to be faithful members of your Church.
Send the Holy Spirit to guide the work
of the second Synod of the Diocese of Reno.
Inspire us to bring new life
to the mission of your Church
here in Northern Nevada.
Through the work of our Synod,
may we follow where the Holy Spirit leads,
to become instruments and hope for the world
in spreading the Good News
to people far and wide.
With example and help of Mary our Mother
who gathered with the disciples in the upper room,
may we listen to the promptings of the Spirit.
Come, Holy Spirit,
fill the hearts of your faithful,
and kindle in them the fire of your love.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Please fill out the form below and put it in the collection box or return to the parish office. Please print clearly.
These are hours when adorers are needed: Thursday 4:00 - 5:00 pm
Phone Number