Document 6600184


Document 6600184
Evening Worship
November 9, 2014
Sunday School
Morning Worship
9:15 A.M.
10:30 A.M.
Opening Song
Rev. Todd Latham
Worship Through Singing
All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name
His Name Is Wonderful
Your Name
Offertory Prayer
Worship Through His Tithes and Our Offerings
Offertory Song
Message in Song
Offertory Prayer
Worship Through His Tithes and Our Offerings
Offertory Song
Ladies Trio
What If It Were Today?
Angel Latham
Dr. Roy D. Graves
Jesus, I Come
At the Name of Jesus
Worship through Singing
Jesus Is Coming Again
Celebration Choir
Rev. Todd Latham
We Bless Your Name
Message from God’s Word
6:00 P. M.
Message in Song
Celebration Choir
God Is Still Doing Great Things
Message from God’s Word
Dr. Roy D. Graves
Wherever He Leads I’ll Go
Presenting of Decisions
Pastor Roy
Presenting of Decisions
Pastor Roy
How to Join Sunnyside
You are invited to become a part of the family of Sunnyside Baptist Church.
You may do so in one of the following ways:
Trusting Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord and desiring baptism
by immersion as a symbol of your faith and dedication.
Being baptized if you have trusted Christ as your Savior,
but have not been baptized as a believer by immersion.
Transferring your membership from another Baptist Church.
Joining by statement as a former Baptist or having been baptized
by immersion as a believer.
During our invitation time, please come forward to express your desire,
or feel free to ask questions of one of our Pastors.
Complete the tear-out part on the back of your bulletin
and drop it in the offering plate if you are a visitor
or you have a need someone can help you with.
As a courtesy to all worshippers, please turn off ringtones
on cell phones and pagers. Unless there is an emergency,
please remain in the Auditorium until the service is over.
This will allow everyone to give their full attention to the
worship of the Lord without distraction. Thanks.
Mail your Christmas cards to your church families in the
mailboxes set up in the Vestibule.
The teens will put the cards
in the correct boxes for pickup.
The suggested donation is 25 cents
per card, with all the money
going to Lottie Moon.
The mailboxes will be in the Vestibule
next Sunday, November 16th.
Ladies’ Christmas Brunch
Saturday, December 6th — 9:30—11:00AM
“Sharing the Joy”
The ladies will enjoy brunch then make
Christmas cards to send to our
service men & women overseas.
Tickets will be $1 to help with the
postage for the cards and a dish
according to the 1st initial of your last name.
Registration and more info will be available next Sunday.
8:00 AM
9:15 AM
10:30 AM
10:30 AM
6:00 PM
6:00 PM
Coffee and Donuts Time hosted by Michael Fox
and Paul Supino
Sunday School
Children’s Church
Morning Worship
Children’s Choirs Rehearsal
Evening Worship
MONDAY, November 10th
6:00PM Puppets perform at First Broad Street
TUESDAY, November 11th
6:30 PM Ladies’ Bible Study
WEDNESDAY, November 12th
10:00 AM Sunnyside works in the Mission Center
6:30 PM thedge—Youth
6:30 PM College Class Bible Study
6:30 PM Adult Prayer and Bible Study
6:30 PM Celebration Choir Rehearsal
6:30 PM Awana
SATURDAY, November 15th
Couples I and YMCA I Sunday School Classes party
in the gym
SUNDAY, November 16th
8:00 AM Coffee and Donuts Time hosted by Tim Jones
and Gary Conner
4:00 PM Puppets Rehearsal
4:30 PM Deacon’s Meeting in the Conference Room
THURSDAY, November 20th
12:15 PM Bus leaves the church for the Smoky Mountain Opry
in Pigeon Forge
Hope you have enjoyed seeing (or possibly smelling?) the
newly painted walls throughout the church.
PLEASE do not put anything on any walls or doors with tape!
It pulls the paint off!! There is some ‘gummy’ stuff
in the office that you can use to hang things.
Thankful Feast
Tuesday, November 25th—6:00 PM
Enjoy an evening of fun, food, fellowship and giving of thanks
with your church family. Bring sides and desserts.
The meat, dressing, gravy, rolls and drinks will be provided.
There is a sign-up sheet in each adult Sunday school
class and on the Welcome Center—please note the
family and how many will attend so the cooks will get
a general idea of how many to prepare for.
Also, there is an option for your preference of turkey or ham.
AM—Phyllis Moody, Linda Fletcher, Faye Powell,
Brian & Vivian Thacker, Beth Fletcher, Victoria Miller
PM—Cindy Shannon, Arlena Miller
2014: Living a Biblical Worldview
Sunnyside Baptist Church
Dr. Roy D. Graves, Pastor
Preschool Children’s Church
Joe & Sharon McClellan
Deacon on Call this week
Michael Fox, #965-2900
Paul Supino, #677-1487 (Yokefellow)
Front Door: Creig Wilson, Lynn Davis, Yokefellow
West Door: Tim Jones, Gary Conner, Yokefellow
East Door: Brent Helvey, Steve Bishop, Yokefellow
—Ministry Staff—
Rev. Marcos Gatz, Worship Pastor
Rev. Todd Latham, Youth & Children’s Pastor
Carrie Faust, Children’s Director
—Administrative Staff
Betsy Shelton, SecretarySecretary-Receptionist
Joe McClellan, Andrew Gibbons, Glenn Jackson
Dianna Bridwell, Financial Secretary
The Food Pantry is in need of any non-perishable
food items.
Please use the barrel in the Vestibule for your donations.
Everything you give is greatly appreciated.
Office hours—8:00 AM—4:00 PM
Phone: 423-288-5081
E-mail the office at
Find more info on the website:
am interested in becoming a Christian.
am interested in church membership.
want to know more about Sunnyside.
desire a visit.
have recently moved to the area.
am interested in areas to serve.
If you are visiting with us this morning,
we want to welcome you to Sunnyside.
Please take a moment to fill out the attached card,
tear if off the bulletin, and put it in the offering plate
so we will have an opportunity
to get better acquainted with you.
Welcome to Sunnyside Baptist Church
Date: ____________________
Name: ____________________________
Address: ___________________________
City:______________ State___ Zip______
I am a guest of:______________________
I heard about Sunnyside through:
_____ our website
_____ word of mouth
other ________________________
Are you a member of a church? Yes No
Names and birthdates of children or others
living in your home:
____________________ ____/____/____
____________________ ____/____/____
____________________ ____/____/____
Please check all that apply:
Welcome Visitor
Tuesday, December 2nd
10:00 AM
Coming in December:
Sun., December 7th
Morning Service
The program will be the Santa Pals. Paul Vo, missionary, speaking
If you would be willing to donate a
Evening Service
Children’s & Puppet’s
wrapped $5 gift for the program,
Christmas Musical
please bring it by the office
or let Barbara Morelock
Fri., December 12th
or Freddie Foster know.
Christmas Parties:
Couples III in the gym
Sat., December 13th
Christmas Musical
6:00 PM
The church office will be closed
for Thanksgiving
Wednesday, November 26th,
Thursday, November 27th
Friday, November 28th.
Sun., December 14th
Christmas Musical
6:00 PM
followed by a fellowship to
honor our choir for their
hard work.
Fri., December 19th
Choir Christmas Dinner
6:00 PM