
Astech – 8, rue des Vertugadins • 92190 Meudon – Fax : +33 (0)1 45 34 96 12
E-mail : green-aviation2014@pole-astech.org
November 6, 2014
Coffee breaks and lunch 3.000 €*
November 7, 2014
Coffee breaks and lunch 3.000 €*
Firm/organisation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
14.000 €*
9.000 €*
6.000 €*
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At a time when there seems to be plenty of
“green aviation” conferences everywhere, this is
not just one more of the same. The 6R Green
Aviation Conference in Paris on the 6th &
7th November 2014 at “Le Musée de l'Air et de
l’Espace”, Le Bourget, adopts the ideas of a
circular economy to promote the goal of a truly
sustainable aviation industry.
Like practically all products in this world –
aviation is built with and consumes finite
Professor I.S. Jawahir (University of Kentucky)
defined a new paradigm (6R) for sustainable
manufacturing in 2006. Moving from the
traditional 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) to
add a further 3Rs (Recover, Redesign and
Remanufacture) to embrace the entire (full) lifecycle of the product, from Pre-manufacturing and
Manufacturing to Use and Post-use.
Many conferences focus on the “Use” stage of
the aircraft’s life.This conference is about looking
at the whole lifecycle – highlighting best practices
in each stage and at the same time stimulating
further innovation by understanding how actions
in one stage can influence outcomes in others.
Sustainability has become a very popular concept
and is widely accepted both by individuals and the
industry. It is worth questioning such issues as:
• What are the limits of green operations and
technology improvements and at what cost?
• Are travellers really ready to pay more for a
green flight?
• What is the real environmental impact of
composite materials and are they wholly
• Is the concept of cradle to cradle a reality or a
• Recycling an aircraft has a cost? How should
this be paid for?
• What is the environmental impact of the supply
chain in the manufacturing industry?
• Can aircraft ever become carbon neutral?
• Is there really a level playing field for a
sustainable global aviation industry?
Presented by ENVISA – one of very few niche
aviation and environment research & consultancy
companies in the world, and with the logistics
and networking expertise of ASTech (Paris
Region Aerospace cluster) this Conference will
deliver a truly original International event and
Global in scope and participation, an audience of
more than 150 people is expected.The event will
reach out to airlines, airports, academics,
research centres, policy makers, regulators, airframers, engine manufacturers, OEMs, aerospace
clusters …. In short, the whole environment
Industry is concerned.
Support the 6R Green Aviation Conference and promote your organization to a high level audience.
The benefits of Sponsoring include:
• Be seen as an active player in 6R Green Aviation discussions
• Confirm your strategy in determining the course for the future
• Promote your organization, its products and programmes to a distinguished, high-level audience
• Receive recognition as a Symposium sponsor in all Symposium (print production, website, …)
• Get the podium at the opening ceremony for one of your high level representative
• Network with attendees, many of whom are decision-makers in the industry.
General Sponsorship Level
Platinium Sponsorship : 14.000€(1)
Acknowledgement as sponsor in all conference
materials and Website
Recognition by the Envisa President during remark at
the opening session
15 minutes presentation on your organization at the
opening session
300 Word company presentation on the conference
3 full conference registrations
Inclusion of company brochure or flyer in the
conference folder
Corporate logo featured on the plenary session screen
(General screen saver)
9 m2 exhibit space
White paper «advert»(2) (full page)
List of attendees
Gold Sponsorship : 9.000€(1)
Acknowledgement as sponsor in all conference
materials and Website
Recognition by the Envisa President during remark at
the opening session
300 Word company presentation on the conference
2 full conference registration
Corporate logo featured on the plenary session screen
(General screen saver)
6 m2 exhibit space
White paper «advert»(2) (half page)
Silver Sponsorship : 6.000€(1)
Acknowledgement as sponsor in all conference
materials and Website
Recognition by the Envisa President during remark at
the opening session
300 Word company presentation on the conference
Support one day events
November 6, 2014 sponsorship
Coffee breaks and lunch sponsorship : 3.000€(1)
• Acknowledgement as sponsor in all conference materials
and Website
• Recognition by the Envisa President during remark at the
opening session
• Opportunity for Sponsor to provide printed brochures at
the coffee breaks station during the day (all brochures to
be provided by sponsor)
• Signage with Sponsor Logo displayed at coffee breaks and
lunch stations
• 300 Word company presentation on the conference
• Corporate logo featured on the plenary session screen
(General Screen Saver)
November 7, 2014 sponsorship
Coffee breaks and lunch sponsorship: 3.000€(1)
• Acknowledgement as sponsor in all conference materials
and Website
• Recognition by the Envisa President during remark at the
opening session
• Opportunity for Sponsor to provide printed brochures at
the coffee breaks station during the day (all brochures to
be provided by sponsor)
• Signage with Sponsor Logo displayed at coffee breaks and
lunch stations
• 300 Word company presentation on the conference
• Corporate logo featured on the plenary session screen
(General Screen Saver)
1 full conference registration
White paper «advert»(2) (quarter page)
20% VAT not included
A White Paper will be developed for publication Spring 2015, drawing on the issues and debate of the Conference. It will be a joint Industry statement,
setting out high level goals and milestones to take the aviation industry to a new level of Sustainability through the 6R paradigm.