WELCOME ……………………………….


WELCOME ……………………………….
we are glad you are here today
November 9,2014
WELCOME to both our GUESTS and family to a me of worshiping our heavenly Father who provides
hope and peace today! You are invited to stay a er the service for refreshments and a me of
connec ng. For more informa on about our church and its ministries, please connect with the greeter at the Welcome Centre, where you will also find brochures about many of the programs offered
during the week for all age groups. We invite you to fill in a Guest Card – you can place it in an
offering bag or, even be er, return it to the Welcome Centre and receive a welcome gi .
TUESDAY EVENING PRAYER GROUP : Tuesday 7pm - 8pm, and meets every week in room 101 on the
lower level in the office area. You are welcome to come out when you can, bringing any joys and
needs to share, and to join in the me of prayer.
BETHEL IS A CAP CHURCH. This means that as a member or regular a ender you can access up to six
sessions of local professional Chris an counseling at no cost to yourself through our Congrega onal
Assistance Plan. To book an appointment or to ask any ques ons call 866-347-0041 or feel free to
contact Pastor Ray with any ques ons (519-853-2121 or 519-853-4257 or pastor@actoncrc.com).
More informa on is also in the brochure with the light house on the front found in the triangular
display in the Fellowship Hall.
ELDERS BOARD meets this Monday, November 10, 7:30 pm, in Room 102.
DEACONS BOARD meets this Tuesday, November 11, 7:30 pm, in Room 102.
MINISTRY BOARD meets next Monday, November 17, 7:30 pm, in Room 102.
KNIT & CHAT meets Tuesday November 11 at 10am. Everyone is welcome!
TODAY we are thankful for the shared gi s of music & leadership. Today we are thankful for Pastor
Ray Vander Kooij and his willingness to preach what God has put on his heart and to Synchairo music
team for providing leadership in worshiping our Lord. If you are interested in joining the Worship
Ministry in any way please contact Dorothea.
NEXT WEEK we hope to explore Ma hew 5:1-13 as Pastor Ray will conclude the series on GOD’S
FAMILY. Thanks to all those that par cipated in the short survey that helped pick the theme for this
week—how we are to be the salt of the earth. We encourage you to take some me this week to
reflect on the scripture as way to prepare your heart and mind for next week’s service. Be ready to
Please Pass the Salt!
TODAY’S OFFERING - World Missions - Karen Lubbers: Partnering with “Team Beyond” of Internaonal Teams in Soro , Uganda, and with Chris an Reformed World Missions, Karen’s desire is to see
economically, physically, and spiritually oppressed lives changing in the name of Jesus. She will be
working in children's ministry to build up ministry programs, and working with and encouraging
former child-soldiers. New profile cards for Karen are in your mail folders. We encourage you to send
a Christmas card or note soon.
Nov 16 - Friendship Ministry
Nov 23 - Benevolence
TO ALL OUR BAZAAR VOLUNTEERS FROM 2013: would you be able to help us again this year? Your
help last year was very much appreciated! For more informa on please call He y (905-877-9503) or
Anne (519-853-0758). Thank you, Knit & Chat.
WOMEN'S COMMUNITY BREAKFAST: Saturday, November 15, 2014 Doors open at 8:30am
Breakfast served at 9:00 am, Cost $3.00. New volunteers welcome to help set up or cleanup!
All are welcome; bring a friend, or a neighbour.
WOW IT'S THAT TIME ONCE AGAIN!!! With Christmas approaching its me for the annual
Cadet/GEMS Poinse a Fundraiser. For the next two week we will have a table set up in fellowship
hall with sign up sheet and a GEM or Cadet there to assist you! So a er church don't forget to order
some beau ful POINSETTIA'S!!! Pick-up is on Sat Dec 6th along with the AWESOME Cadet pancake
Breakfast! If you prefer or have any ques ons Email Cherie at Cherierauwerda@live.com or phone/
text me at 905-691-4105!! Thank-you once again for all your support for our Cadets and GEMS Clubs.
UNFROZEN -- THE CHRISTMAS PROGRAM is coming to Acton! We need your help to make this a
deligh ul retelling of the story of Christ’s birth a reality on Bethel’s stage! Please see the sign up board
for the ways to get involved. We are looking for both those that don’t mind ge ng on the stage and
those that are great supports behind the scenes. We are also looking for a musical team to lead the
audience in 7 familiar carols. If you are interested or have ques ons – please ask Dorothea.
-3HEADS UP FOR THE EASTER SEASON: Star ng in January we hope to assemble a full adult and kids
choir and drama team to start prac cing for a much larger Easter Program. Anyone that is gi ed in
conduc ng a choir or direc ng the drama – please let Dorothea know if you want to be involved in a
key leadership role.
-4THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS of the Halton Hills Chris an School would like to invite all parents,
members and supporters of HHCS to a end the Fall Membership Mee ng to be held, the Lord willing,
on Monday, November 17, 2014, at 7:30 pm in the new classroom addi on of the school.
RECYCLE ELECTRONICS- reques ng support for the fundraising efforts for our local Acton High School.
Drop off electronics for free environmentally responsible recycling. A bin will be in our church parking
lot on Sat. Nov. 22 from 10- 2pm. So come to the Bazaar with your broken/outdated TV's, computers,
monitors, stereo's, ba eries, cellphones, etc. and drop them off in the bin to make room for the things
you buy while shopping at the Bazaar. For more info see flyer on bulle n board in the fellowship hall.
A CHRISTMAS FAVORITE, The Messiah by G.F. Handel, will be presented on Sat. Dec. 13 by
musicians and ensemble of ARCADY (arcady.ca) under the direc on of Ronald Becke at
the Ancaster Chris an Reformed Church, 70 Garner Rd East in Ancaster. Concert
me is 7:30 pm. Tickets are $25 (plus service fee) and can be ordered now by calling 1-877-700-3130
or online at www.Ɵcketwindow.ca. Tickets are also available in person at the Redeemer University
College Box Office. For more info call John/Anne VanderLaan at 905-648-3170.
GUELPH COMMUNITY CHRISTIAN SCHOOL proudly presents... An evening with Nicholas Wallace,
"Canadian Champion of Magic" along with special guests 'the Nicole Ensing Band' on Saturday,
November 15, 2014 at the Victoria Park East Golf Club. Doors open at 5:30pm. Tickets are $50 each
or a table of 8 for $350. Tickets are available at the school office or by contac ng Angela at
avanarragon@rogers.com. Dinner - Entertainment - Silent AucƟon. All proceeds in support of the
GCCS Bursary Fund, making Chris an Educa on affordable for more families!
ADVENT DEVOTIONAL AND CALENDAR - Welcome the true Spirit of Christmas through an Advent
devo onal series and a calendar with daily ideas for reflec on, prayer, and giving from World Renew
and the CRC Office of Social Jus ce. You will receive an email a day (Nov. 30 – Dec. 25) to help you
orient your Christmas season though prayer, medita on, and hope-filled stories of God’s reconciling
work in us, through us, and around us. And the Advent calendar is a fun way for the family to
par cipate, too! Go to crcna.org/adventdevos to sign up.
THE BACK TO GOD WORLD WIDE MINISTRY have organized a Rally this coming Saturday November
15 at 7.30 PM to celebrate the 75 Year Anniversary of the BTGMI In the Heritage Hall of Holland
Chris an Homes. Coffee or tea will be served 7 PM. Dr. Kurt Sellers director of the B T G Mi. will be
the speaker. And the Spanish Pastor Serrano will share some stories about his ministry. Special music
will be provided by the Crusaders Male Choir. Come and Celebrate and do bring the family.
FAMILY FIRE - is an online community exploring Spirit-led family, marriage, paren ng, in-laws,
blended families, and in macy. Find encouraging ar cles and devo ons at familyfire.com. Subscribe
for regular email updates and connect with our Family Fire community on Facebook
BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND, Halton Hills Chris an School's meat and croque es sale is back now
un l Nov 24th. The informa on and order form will be in your mailbox soon. For more info, please
contact the school at 905-877-4221. Many thanks for your support!
CHRISTMAS HOUSE TOUR. United Way of Halton Hills presents their Annual Christmas House Tour on
Saturday, November 22, 2014 from 9.30 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. On this self-guided tour visit six beau ful
homes in Glen Williams and Georgetown. A lunch is included. Proceeds will go toward funding 20
social service agencies within our community. Ticket Price is $30.00. Tickets are available in Acton at
Blooms Away Flowers and Gi s. For further informa on call the United Way Office (905) 877-3066 or
e-mail unitedwayhh@bellnet.ca.