Joint Injection Techniques - Office of Continuing Professional


Joint Injection Techniques - Office of Continuing Professional
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Joint Injec on Techniques Wednesday, May 6, 2015, 6:30‐9:45 p.m. Reed Conference Center 5800 Will Rogers Road, Midwest City, OK 73110 Cost: $178 This workshop is intended for primary care providers who want to enhance their diagnos c and treatment
skills of commonly seen joint disorders in the office se ng. This will be an interac ve workshop in which
all par cipants will have the opportunity to engage in hands on prac ce with joint and so ssue
injec ons. A short didac c talk and review of anatomical images of the hand, shoulder, foot, and knee will
be followed by prac ce on anatomical models that give feedback when the injec on is done correctly.
Presented by: James Barre , M.D. Professor, Residency Program Director
Department of Family and Preven ve Medicine
Brian Coleman, M.D.
Associate Professor
Director, Primary Care Sports Medicine Program
Department of Family and Preven ve Medicine
Earn up to 3.00
AMA PRA Category
1 CreditsTM
Workshop Objec ves Upon comple on of this workshop, par cipants will improve their
competence and performance by being able to:
Describe the benefits and risks of joint
injec on.
Iden fy the unique anatomy of commonly
injected joints which allows for successful
joint injec on.
Demonstrate appropriate technique for performing
injec on of shoulder, knee and hip.
Joint Injec on Techniques Registra on First Name_______________________ Middle Name _________________ Last Name _____________________ Degree__________________________________Specialty____________________________________________ Address _______________________________City ________________________ State _______ ZIP __________ Phone ______________________________Email _____________________________________ I would like to receive informa on through Facebook. Account Name:_________________________________ I would like to communicate with my colleagues on Twi er. Username:________________________________
_____$178 Joint Injec on Techniques Workshop Payment Method:  Departmental Transfer‐CPD’s Char ield: ORG (COM015), FUND (MISCA), PROG (00014), SUB CLASS (00000),
 Credit Card: (Visa, MasterCard, or Discover)
Card Number _________________________Expira on Date ____________Total Amount Charged $______
Name as it appears on card (please print) ______________________________________________________
 Check: Check Number:____________
Return this form to:
Ephelders Lipscomb
Office of Con nuing Professional Development
800 NE 15th St., ROB 202
Oklahoma City, OK 73104‐4614
Fax: (405) 271‐3087 E‐mail: ephelders‐
For more informa on call (405) 271‐2350, Ext 6.
This workshop is held in conjunc on with the 18th Annual Primary Care Update, May 5‐9, 2015.
For more informa on and to register online, visit the Office of Con nuing Professional Development website:
Accommodations on the basis of disability are available by contacting Jan Quayle at (405) 271-2350, Ext. 8.
The University of Oklahoma is an equal opportunity institution.