SAERTEX®, a global leader in the produc+on of


SAERTEX®, a global leader in the produc+on of
Thermoplas+c con+nuous fiber reinforcement with Noncrimp Fabrics SAERTEX®, a global leader in the produc+on of non-­‐crimp fabrics (NCF) and special solu+ons, is pleased to introduce its new con+nuous fibre-­‐
reinforced thermoplas+c materials. The combina+on of glass and carbon fibre NCFs with thermoplas+c matrix systems (such as PA6, PA66, PP) establishes new applica+ons for composites. Product descrip+on Product porJolio This is revolu,onary: Thermoplas,c con,nuous fiber reinforcement with Noncrimp fabrics. These materials are moldable under heat. This flexibility in downstream processing is only one of the many advantages. The combina,on of glass and carbon fiber NCFs with thermoplas,c resins (like PA6, PA66, PP) establishes new applica,ons for composites. The well-­‐proven advantages of NCFs are being matched with new technologies like injec,on molding and stamping processes. Besides, the weight reduc,on at high mechanical resistance there are addi,onal advantages that include crash resistance, shortened cycle ,me and the recyclability of thermoplas,cs. At the same ,me the full range of mul,axial reinforcements are available – which leads to an ideal load carrying construc,on for lightweight parts. SAERTEX® fabrics are dis,nguished by their stretched fibers inside the individual layers which op,mally absorb mechanical forces such as pressure and tension. SAERTEX® as a global leader in the produc,on of NCFs possesses the versa,le exper,se in the manufacturing of con,nuous fiber reinforced thermoplas,c materials. The primary focus is on the highest product efficiency. Long,me experience in the composite industry enables SAERTEX® to op,mize the part characteris,cs by using the most appropriate material. Both with thermoplas,c and thermoset resins SAERTEX® offers first-­‐class technical solu,ons. The organic sheet product por\olio is well diversified: it ranges from pure/dry NCFs for thermoplas,c applica,ons to partly or fully consolidated organic sheets, from thermoplas,c prepregs to pressed plates. The products are sold on rolls or as cut plates. SAERTEX® thermoplas,c sandwich structures with NCF-­‐PP surface layers and honeycomb core offer addi,onal applica,ons in compressive environments. SAERTEX® fabrics are available as unidirec,onal, bidirec,onal, mul,axial s,tch bonded construc,ons. Depending on the fiber type, surface load and layer combina,on, various mechanical resistances can be produced. Tensile modulus and tensile strength of the SAERTEX® Thermoplas,cs are extremely interes,ng for new structural applica,ons such as crash absorp,on in lightweight environments. SAERTEX® offers mechanical datasheets to each thermoplas,c material. SAERTEX® Biax-­‐Glass-­‐PA66 Prepreg Katharina Frey, Composite Engineer, R&D, Stephen A Misencik, Technical Marke,ng Saertex GmbH Advantages Besides outstanding mechanical performance SAERTEX Thermoplas,cs generate a new possibility to reduce cycle ,mes for the manufacturing of high-­‐structural composites. Technical features: -­‐ Outstanding mechanical proper,es -­‐ Excellent crash energy absorp,on -­‐ Great lightweight poten,al -­‐ Local reinforcement of thermoplas,c parts Opportuni+es SAERTEX® Thermoplas,c can be u,lized both for injec,on molding and for stamping processes as well as for other temperature shaping methods. The used thermoplas,c raw materials are standard products homogenously combined with injec,on mold types. The composite parts made of SAERTEX® organic sheets are easily drapeable -­‐ which saves ,me – and display excellent mechanical proper,es. These materials can also be used as local reinforcement of complex composite parts, so called composite-­‐patches. SAERTEX® Biax-­‐Glass-­‐PA6-­‐System in 3mm thickness SAERTEX® Thermoplas2c sandwich structure with honeycomb core SAERTEX GmbH & Co. KG
Brochterbecker Damm 52
Phone: + 49 2574 902-­‐0 48369 Saerbeck Email: Germany