Document 6601196
Document 6601196
MED DIA RELE EASE 08 Nove ember 2014 4 For immediate release NHG G Salutes Pioneerin ng Staff fo or their Co ontribution ns to Publlic Healthc care Since 1 1963, Mr Mak M Kim Meng M has worked w dilig gently behind the sce enes across the Nationa al Healthca are Group to help pro ovide quality care to patients – from main ntaining paper rrecords at the Tan To ock Seng Hospital H to o managing g electronicc laboratorry results and variou us adminisstrative dutties as a he ealth atten ndant with National N p Polycliniccs. With 51 1 years of service, an nd counting g, the 70-yyearHealthccare Group old is ccurrently on ne of the lo ongest servving staff at a NHG. Mr Mak is on ne of 1,000 0 remarkkable pione eering stafff recognise ed for theirr dedication n and invaluable contrib butions at NHG’s N Hon nouring Ou ur Pioneerss event, he eld today att the ITE College C Centra al. K Yong, Minister fo or Health, paid p tribute e to guestss – Guest--of-Honourr, Mr Gan Kim comprising existing and former staff of o NHG – fo or their com mmitment, sacrifice and a assionate service s to patients. p He e underline ed how the e collective e hard workk of the compa ave the wa ay for the current c succcess of NH HG as the Group’s pioneerss helped pa nal Health System of Central Siingapore. Region ompass ma any different areas off expertise e – one “While these achievementss may enco mains the same s – no one would have been n possible without w the e vision, fact rem dedication and drrive of our pioneers. In your divverse roles s as doctorrs, nurses, allied nals, or adm ministrative e and supp port staff, you y have each e played d an health profession ant role in making NH HG’s vision n of ‘Adding years off healthy life fe’ come alive,” importa said Minister Gan n. o took the opportunitty to highlig ght a few other o role models m from m across the He also NHG fa amily, man ny of whom m boast mo ore than fou ur decades s of service e in public 1 of 4 Members off the National He ealthcare Group healthccare. Theyy include Ta an Tock Seng S Hosp pital Senio or Nurse Manager, M M Mr Harbha ajan Sing gh, who spent 55 of his h 74 yearrs in servicce at the ho ospital; Low Chen Presid dent of NHG College e and Eme eritus Con nsultant, Professor P ng Hock, 71, who ha as served more than 45 years in healthca are; Dr Tyrrone Goh, 66, Executive Director of National Healthcare Grroup Diagnostics with 36 yearrs of service e; and last but not lea ast, NHG Group G CEO O and Emeritus Con nsultant Profes ssor Chee Yam Cheng, 65, wh ho after 38 years of service, s continues to inspire staff wiith his intellect, humility, wit and d passion. (See Ann nex for a lisst of long-sserving staff) o montage e brought th he audiencce on a jou urney from the days of o old to the e A video presen nt age of ro obotics and d advanced d medical technology t y. With eacch passing milesto one, the co ommon thre ead that binds is the compassio on, dedication and commitment of he ealthcare workers w in caring for our patien nts through h the decad des. bute eventt – designe ed to provid de an atmo osphere off celebratory fun and The trib gamess, food as well w as ‘live e’ performa ances on and a off stag ge – also provided p an n opportu unity for prresent and former co olleagues and a friendss to reconnect. NHG D Deputy Gro oup Chief Executive E O Officer (Re egional Hea alth), Profe essor Philip p Choo, w who hoste ed the even nt, shared, “Our comm memorativ ve mementto is compo osed of picture es from NHG past eve ents and buildings. b A names of All o our pione eers are sa aved in ve slotted at a the side of the memento. You would ha ave receive ed a a card thumb driv nalised certtificate of appreciatio a on too. We want to re emember th he contribu utions person of all our pioneerrs.” – END DS – 2 of 4 Members off the National He ealthcare Group NHG About N The National Healthccare Group (NHG) ( is a le eader in publlic healthcare e in Singapo ore, recognise ed at nd abroad for the quality of its medica al expertise a and facilities. Care is pro ovided throug gh an home an integrate ed network of o nine primary healthcare e polyclinics, acute care hospital, nattional specialty centres, and businesss divisions. Together the ey bring a ricch legacy of medical expe ertise to our phy of patientt-centric care e. philosop NHG’s vvision of “Add ding years off healthy life”” is more tha an just about healing the sick. s It encom mpasses the more e difficult butt infinitely mo ore rewarding g task of pre eventing illnes ss and prese erving health h and quality o of life. With some 13,000 staff, NHG aims a to proviide care that is patient-ce entric, accessible, seamlesss, comprehe ensive, appro opriate and cost-effective c e. As the R Regional Hea alth System (RHS) ( for Ce entral Singap pore, it is vita al for NHG to partner and collabora ate with othe er stakeholde ers, commun nity advisors, volunteer welfare w organisations and others in this Care C Network k together witth our patients, their famiilies and care egivers to de eliver integrated healthca are services and program mmes that he elp in Adding Years of He ealthy Life to all concerne ed. More infformation is available a at: http://www.n h dia queries and more in nformation, please contact: For med midah Aidillah h Ms Ham Senior E Executive Group C Corporate Co ommunication ns NATION NAL HEALTH HCARE GRO OUP Direct: 6496 6 6264, Mobile: M 9661 7141 Email: H Hamidah_Aid Ms Lydia a Soh Assistan nt Manager Group C Corporate Co ommunication ns NATION NAL HEALTH HCARE GRO OUP Direct : 6 6496 6947 Mobile M : 9842 2 8571 Email : lydia_cc_soh Ms Tania Tan er Manage Group C Corporate Co ommunication ns NATION NAL HEALTH HCARE GRO OUP Direct : 6 6496 6267 Mobile M : 9692 2 2887 Email : ttania_ll_tan@ g 3 of 4 Members off the National He ealthcare Group Annex:: Highlighte ed NHG Pio oneers – Ac ccording to o Years of Service S in Healthcare H S/N N Number of years y of Name Institu ution Job J title Mr Harbhajjan Singh TTSH Senior Nursse s service 1 55 5 Manager 2 51 Mr Mak Kim m Meng NHGP P Health Atten ndant 3 49 9 Mr Jabar Bin Shamsud din IMH Health Atten ndant 4 45 5 Prof Low Cheng C Hock NHG College C Emeritus Consultant and o NHG President of College 5 44 4 Mr Narayan nasamy NHG Pharmacy P Pharmacy Executive Murugam 6 More tha an 40 Assoc Proff Giam Yoke e NSC Chin Senior Consultant Dermatolog gist and Consultant incharge of Psychoderm matology Division 7 40 0 Assoc Proff Wong Kim IMH Eng 8 38 8 Prof Chee Yam Y Cheng g Emeritus Consultant NHG Emeritus Consultant and Group CEO O 9 More tha an 36 Dr Meenakkshi NHGP P Sundararam man 10 36 6 Dr Tyrone Goh G Family Physsician – Senior Stafff NHG Executive Director D Diagno ostics 4 of 4 Members off the National He ealthcare Group