Achieving work
Achieving work
Inthisissue It’s FREE! Take one. Parkinson’s Disease Pg 2 3 Penyakit Parkinson 4 What is Asthma? 5 Staying in the pink of health 6 Better dental care for our patients 6 MediCare Assistance Scheme 7 7 Skim Bantuan MediCare 7 7 Be a Volunteer 8 Public Forums 8 A newsletter fo r p atients • A p r - M ay 2 0 0 8 Achieving work-life balance There has been considerable debate that achieving work-life balance is nothing but a nice textbook concept. But the truth is many working adults are making unhealthy life choices and favouring workrelated chores and goals over other important areas of their lives such as family, friends and hobbies. As a result, many people are experiencing ‘burnout’ due to overwork and increased stress. This condition is seen in nearly all occupations from blue collar workers to upper management. While it may not be possible to achieve a perfect balance between work and personal life, it is necessary to make choices regarding different aspects of your life to achieve harmony. CASE STUDY Being single and without family commitments, Jonathan immerses himself in work. He spends long hours at work and aims high at the corporate ladder. While he enjoys work, Jonathan constantly has to deal with a demanding boss, who calls him even after office hours, late at night and when he is on leave. Even when Jonathan is on medical leave, he forces himself to keep up with project timelines as he does not want to be seen as an ineffective worker. But Jonathan knows that the sheer volume of workload and stress are slowly degenerating his mental and emotional health. priorities and manage his expectations if necessary. By effectively managing his boss’ expectations, it will help prevent frustrations on both ends. 2. Schedule ‘down time’ Scheduling ‘down time’ such as coffee breaks and a walk to the pantry or washroom will help Jonathan re-charge and work more effectively. Once in a while, he should take a few days’ leave to recuperate from work stress, and he should help his boss understand that he is not able to attend to work during this period. Balancing work and personal life can be difficult with Jonathan’s demanding job (and boss) and if he does not know how and when to relax. However, there are still ways where he can strive to strike a balance. 3. Managing thoughts Jonathan needs to recognise that taking breaks and saying ‘no’ are not signs of being incompetent. He should learn to find time to relax and re-charge himself and set aside personal time to do things he enjoy. 1. Manage expectations To be an effective performer, Jonathan needs space to work on the task at hand and he needs to prioritise his work. Whenever he feels overwhelmed by work, he should check back with his boss on his Often times, it is up to us to achieve our worklife balance. If we set our priorities right and make our choices based on these priorities, achieving it will no longer be impossible. By Mr Henry Lew, Psychologist, NHG Polyclinics MICA (P) 264/01/2007 page 1 Health Tips What is Parkinson’s Disease? Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is named after James Parkinson, a London doctor who first described his observations of the disease in 1817. However, it was only 60 years later that French doctor Jean Martin Charcot recognised the importance of Parkinson’s work and named the disease after him. PD is a chronic and progressive disorder of the central nervous system that often impairs the sufferer’s motor skills and speech. At present, no one knows what causes PD. Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease At present, there is no cure for PD, but medications or surgery can provide relief from the symptoms. As PD is a deficiency in dopamine (a chemical in the brain that sends signals to help coordinate muscle movements), the medications or surgery is to help replace dopamine in the brain. Nevertheless, surgery remains the only option for patients with severe or quickly-progressing PD who have failed all other medical therapy. Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease: • Trembling of hands, arms, legs, jaw and face • Rigidity or stiffness of the arms, legs and trunk • Bradykinesia or slowness of movement • Poor balance and coordination When the first signs of PD show, you should seek treatment as early as possible as it can minimise the chances of disability and help you maintain the highest possible quality of life. As the disease progresses, the shaking or trembling, which affects the majority of PD patients may begin to interfere with daily activities such as walking, talking or completing simple tasks. Other symptoms may include depression and other emotional changes; difficulty in swallowing, chewing, and speaking; urinary problems or constipation; skin problems; and sleep disruptions. Common drugs used to treat Parkinson’s Disease Who is at risk of contracting Parkinson’s Disease? PD is more commonly seen in men than in women. It usually affects people aged 60 and above, although it can also affect people who are younger. Currently there are no tests that can diagnose PD, therefore the diagnosis is usually based on medical history and examination. Doctors may even request for brain scans or laboratory tests to be carried out in order to rule out other diseases which may mimic PD. Levodopa is the most widely used form of treatment for PD. It combines with carbidopa which delays the conversion of levodopa into dopamine until it reaches the brain. This is to replenish the brain's dwindling supply of dopamine. Anticholinergic is another type of drug that helps control tremor and rigidity. Other drugs used to treat PD are dopamine agonist which acts like dopamine in the brain and COMT inhibitors which work by blocking the action of a chemical in the body (known as catechol-O-methyltransferase) that breaks down dopamine. Amantadine and selegiline are also drugs that appear to help reduce the symptoms. By Dr Yehudi Yeo, Senior Family Physician and Head of Choa Chu Kang Polyclinic page 2 Health Tips page 3 Health Tips Apakah Penyakit Parkinson? Penyakit Parkinson dinamakan sempena nama seorang doktor di London, James Parkinson, yang telah mencatatkan pemerhatian beliau tentang penyakit tersebut buat pertama kalinya pada tahun 1817. Namun, hanya selepas 60 tahun kemudian barulah seorang lagi doktor berbangsa Perancis, Jean Martin Charcot telah menyedari akan kepentingan hasil kerja Parkinson dan menamakan penyakit itu sempena nama beliau. Penyakit Parkinson ialah satu penyakit kronik dan gangguan pada sistem pusat saraf yang akan menyebabkan kelemahan untuk bergerak dan bercakap. Sehingga sekarang, tiada siapa yang mengetahui punca Penyakit Parkinson ini. Gejala Penyakit Parkinson: • Menggeletar di bahagian tangan, lengan, kaki, rahang dan muka • Kekakuan atau kekejangan di bahagian lengan, kaki dan tubuh • Pergerakan yang lambat (Bradykinesia) • Keseimbangan dan koordinasi badan yang kurang baik Semakin penyakit ini meningkat, keadaan menggigil atau menggeletar yang berlaku di kalangan kebanyakan pesakit Parkinson akan mula mengganggu aktiviti harian, seperti berjalan, bercakap atau menyelesaikan tugas yang mudah. Tanda-tanda lain mungkin termasuk kemurungan dan perubahan emosi, kesukaran untuk menelan, mengunyah dan bercakap; masalah urinari (pekencingan) atau sembelit; masalah kulit;dan gangguan dalam tidur. Siapa berisiko menghidap Penyakit Parkinson? Penyakit Parkinson lebih kerap berlaku kepada kaum lelaki berbanding wanita. Ia melibatkan orang yang berusia 60 tahun keatas, walaupun ia juga boleh berlaku kepada orang yang lebih muda. Buat masa sekarang, tiada ujian yang dapat mengenalpasti Penyakit Parkinson, oleh itu mengenalpasti penyakit biasanya berasaskan kepada sejarah perubatan dan pemeriksaan. Doktor juga mungkin meminta pengimbasan otak atau ujian makmal dibuat untuk page 4 mengenalpasti penyakit yang mungkin mirip Penyakit Parkinson. Rawatan untuk Penyakit Parkinson Setakat ini, masih belum ada ubat untuk mengubati Penyakit Parkinson, tetapi ubat-ubatan atau pembedahan dapat melegakan gejala-gejalanya. Oleh kerana penyakit ini adalah dari akibat kekurangan dopamin (bahan kimia di otak yang menghantar isyarat untuk membantu koordinasi pergerakan otot), ubat-ubatan atau pembedahan akan membantu menggantikan kandungan dopamin dalam otak. Namun, hanya pembedahan yang menjadi pilihan untuk pesakit yang menghidap Penyakit Parkinson yang sudah teruk atau yang sedang progresif dengan cepatnya setelah cara-cara perubatan terapi yang lain gagal. Apabila tanda-tanda pertama Penyakit Parkinson mula muncul, anda harus mendapatkan rawatan segera kerana ia akan mengurangkan risiko ketidakupayaan dan membantu anda mengekalkan hidup yang berkualiti yang terbaik mungkin. Ubat-ubatan yang biasa digunakan untuk merawat Penyakit Parkinson Levodopa merupakan jenis rawatan yang paling kerap digunakan untuk Penyakit Parkinson. Ia bergabung dengan carbodipa yang melambatkan proses penukaran levodopa menjadi dopamin sehingga ia sampai ke bahagian otak. Tujuannya ialah untuk mengisi semula kandungan dopamin otak yang semakin menurun. Anticholinergic ialah satu lagi jenis ubat yang dapat mengawal tremor (gerak-geri menggeletar) dan kekakuan. Ubat lain yang digunakan untuk merawat PD ialah seperti dopamine agonist yang bertindak sebagai dopamine di otak dan COMT inhibitors yang bertindak untuk menghalang reaksi suatu bahan kimia dalam tubuh (dikenali sebagail catechol-O-methyltransferase) yang mengurai dopamine. Amantadine dan selegiline juga adalah jenis-jenis ubatan yang dapat membantu mengurangkan simptom. Health Tips Asthma Control Test (Suitable for patients 12 years old and above) Q1 During the past 4 weeks, how often did your asthma prevent you from getting as much done at work, school or home? All of the time 1 Most of the time 2 Some of the time 3 A little of the time 4 None of the time 5 What is asthma? Asthma is a chronic condition that affects the airways that carry air in and out of the lungs. When a person with asthma comes into contact with something that irritates their airways (also known as an asthma trigger), the muscles around the walls of the airways tighten so that they become narrower and the lining becomes inflamed and swollen. Sometimes, excessive sticky mucus or phlegm builds up which can further narrow the airways. These episodes may be triggered by exposure to an environmental stimulant (or allergen) such as cold air, warm air, moist air, exercise or exertion, and emotional stress. In children, the most common triggers are viral illnesses such as those that cause the common cold. What causes asthma? • You are more likely to develop asthma if you have eczema or other allergic conditions or a family history of asthma. • Many aspects of modern lifestyle such as changes in housing and diet and a more hygienic environment may have contributed to the rise in asthma cases over the last few decades. • Research has shown that smoking during pregnancy significantly increases the risk of a child developing asthma. • Children whose parents smoke are more likely to develop asthma. • Environmental pollution can make asthma symptoms worse and may play a part in causing asthma. • Adult onset asthma may develop after a viral infection. • Irritants found in the workplace may lead to a person developing asthma (known as occupational asthma). The common symptoms of asthma are: • coughing • wheezing • shortness of breath • tightness in the chest Controlling Asthma To effectively control asthma, you should avoid things that may cause asthma attacks, keep track of your symptoms and take medicine. You may also take the Asthma Control Test to give yourself a snapshot of how well your asthma has been controlled. Q2 During the past 4 weeks, how often have you had shortness of breath? More than once a day 1 Once a day 2 3-6 times a week 3 1-2 times a week 4 Not at all 5 Q3 During the past 4 weeks, how often did your asthma symptoms (wheezing, coughing, chest tightness, shortness of breath) wake you up at night or earlier than usual in the morning? 4 or more times a week 1 2-3 nights a week 2 Once a week 3 Once or twice 4 Not at all 5 Q4 During the past 4 weeks, how often have you used your reliever inhaler or nebulizer medication (usually blue and called salbutamol)? 3 or more times a day 1 1-2 times a day 2 2-3 times a week 3 Once a week or less 4 Not at all 5 Q5 How would you rate your asthma control during the past 4 weeks? Not controlled 1 Poorly controlled 2 Somewhat controlled 3 Well controlled 4 Completely controlled 5 With a score of 25, your asthma appears to have been under TOTAL CONTROL over the last four weeks. However, if you are experiencing any problems with your asthma, you should see your doctor or nurse. With a score between 20 and 24, your asthma appears to have been reasonably well-controlled but not totally controlled during the past four weeks. Your doctor or nurse may be able to help you aim for TOTAL CONTROL. With a score of less than 20, your asthma may NOT BE CONTROLLED during the past four weeks. Your doctor or nurse can recommend an asthma action plan to help improve your asthma control. As asthma symptoms can vary from month to month, it is worth revisiting the test to see if your score changes. You can also share your results with your doctor or nurse to help explain how your asthma is affecting you. Remember, asthma does not control your life. Instead, you can control asthma. By Dr Jean-Jasmin Lee, Family Doctor, Ang Mo Kio Polyclinic page 5 Health Tips Staying in the pink of health Most women today, especially working mothers, have to juggle between work life and family. Often times, their dual responsibilities take so much of their attention that they neglected their health. However, without good health, it is impossible to maintain quality of life, let alone manage it. Therefore, it is essential to have a well-planned health programme so that you are able to also take care of other areas of your lives. Eat Healthy • A balanced nutrition which is high in fibre and low in fats contributes to your well-being. • Remember to ensure sufficient dietary intake of calcium to prevent osteoporosis, especially after menopause. Calcium supplements can fill the gap if necessary. Exercise Regularly • Exercise can help burn calories, strengthen bones, improve flexibility and relieve stress. Stress Management • Love yourself by getting enough sleep and indulging in activities you enjoy. • Manage your expectations by setting realistic goals. Regular Health Screening • Keep tabs on your health by going for regular health checks. Prevention is always better than cure. COMMON HEALTH SCREENINGS MAMMOGRAPHY Mammography helps to detect very small lumps in the breasts even before our hands can feel them. You should go for regular mammography if you are above 40 years old. You should also conduct your own regular Breast Self-Examination (BSE). If you are above 30 years old, you should do BSE once a month (preferably one week after menstruation when your breasts are less tender and lumpy). PAP SMEAR SCREENING Routine PAP smear is the key to early detection of cervical cancer, as it is treatable if detected at an early stage. You should go for a PAP smear once every three years if you have had sex or are sexually active. OPPORTUNISTIC HEALTH SCREENING (OHS) OHS is a first step to knowing your health status. It helps in early detection and management of important health conditions. (Note: The list above is not exhaustive. Discuss with your doctor on the types of tests you should undergo.) To be able to enjoy the various stages of womanhood, women should eat well, exercise regularly and manage stress effectively. With that, you will then be able to achieve quality of life. By Ms See Yen Theng, NHG Pharmacy Better dental care for our patients Patients can now look forward to an improved range of services and facilities at our upcoming modernised dental centres. We have combined our dental clinics at Choa Chu Kang and Woodlands Polyclinics to form a larger regional dental centre at Woodlands Polyclinic, housing upgraded dental facilities and improved services for our patients. Patients can also look forward to more of such regional dental centres in some of our polyclinics soon. In addition, we have opened our first NHG DentalCare at Woodlands Polyclinic, which offers non-subsidised intermediate-level services such as teeth whitening, wisdom tooth extractions, crown, bridge and denture fabrications and root canal therapy. New NHG DentalCare at Woodlands Polyclinic At NHG DentalCare, patients can look forward to a more personalised service with senior dental surgeons, more advanced treatment and equipment, and shorter waiting time. On top of that, the centre has been built for barrier-free access for the disabled, with wider passages with ramps, a disabled-friendly toilet within the centre, and lower registration counter and dentist chairs. This centre also operates extended hours on Mondays and Fridays from 8am to 8pm and Saturdays from 8am to 4.30pm. To make an appointment with NHG DentalCare, call 6362 0400. To make an appointment with our dental clinics, call 6355 3000. page 6 Our Services MediCare Assistance Scheme Providing financial support for our patients NHG Polyclinics is going the extra mile for patients by offering the Medicare Assistance Scheme, which offers financial help to Singaporeans and PRs who are unable to pay for medical, dental treatment and medicine. For patients who require financial assistance, they may speak to their attending doctors or nurses during consultation, who will then refer them to our financial counsellors. Depending on the patient’s financial circumstances, NHG Polyclinics will waive a percentage of his/her medical and dental fees for a temporary period before he/she regains self-reliance. However, patients who are already under the following schemes will automatically receive full MediCare Assistance from NHG Polyclinics: 1) 2) 3) 4) Public Assistance Work Support Programme (WSP) Medical Fee Exemption Card (MFEC) Hospital Medifund 100% (HM 100%) To find out more about the scheme, call 6355 3000 or speak to our doctors or nurses at any of our polyclinics. Skim Bantuan MediCare Sumbangan Bantuan Kewangan kepada Pesakit Poliklinik NHG kini lebih prihatin terhadap pesakit kami dengan menawarkan Skim Bantuan MediCare yang memberikan bantuan kewangan kepada warga Singapura dan Penduduk Tetap (PR) yang tidak mampu membayar kos rawatan kesihatan, pergigian dan ubatubatan mereka. Bagi pesakit yang memerlukan bantuan kewangan, mereka boleh memaklumkan kepada doktor atau jururawat yang merawati mereka ketika konsultasi, dan seterusnya mereka akan dirujuk kepada penasihat kewangan kami. Bergantung kepada keadaan kewangan pesakit, Poliklinik NHG tidak akan mengenakan sebahagian peratus dari kos rawatan perubatan dan pergigian pesakit berkenaan untuk satu tempoh yang sementara sebelum pesakit tersebut mampu membayarnya sendiri. Namun, para pesakit di bawah skim-skim berikut akan menerima bantuan Medicare sepenuhnya daripada Poliklinik NHG secara automatik: 1) Bantuan Awam/ Public Assistance (PA) 2) Program Sokongan Kerja/ Work Support Programme (WSP) 3) Kad Pengecualian Yuran Perubatan/ Medical Fee Exemption Card (MFEC) 4) Hospital Medifund 100% (HM 100%) Untuk mendapatkan maklumat lanjut mengenai skim ini, sila hubungi talian 6355 3000 atau memaklumkan kepada doktor atau jururawat kami di mana-mana poliklinik kami. page 7 Specially For You Be a Volunteer If you’ve visited our polyclinics recently, you might have noticed several warm and friendly faces guiding elderly patients around or helping out at workshops. No, they’re not our new clinic staff. In fact, they’re our patients… and they’re also our newly recruited volunteers! NHG Polyclinics has introduced an exciting volunteer programme, and we’re looking for people from all walks of life to join our growing team. You’ll meet new friends, learn new skills and, best of all, make a huge difference to our staff and patients. So, why not join us as a volunteer today? All it takes is a big smile, warm heart and passion for helping others - and you’ll be on your way to brightening someone’s day! How can you help? Whatever your skills and interests, we’ve a wide range of volunteer opportunities for you to choose from, including: • Guiding and ushering patients • Helping patients take their height and weight • Providing administrative support • Organising workshops and forums • Taking part in community outreach programmes If you’re 15 and above, are in good general health and enjoy interacting with people, we’d love to hear from you! Please fill up this form and hand it to any of our polyclinic staff. We will be in touch with you shortly. Name: (Dr/Mr/Ms/Mrs/Mdm) __________________________________________ Address:__________________________________ __________________________________________ PUBLIC FORUMS Your Sexuality at 40, 50 and Beyond (In English) Learn how to keep your sexual passion alive! Let the healthcare professionals advise you on the physical, emotional and psychological changes that affect men and women after the age of 40. Also find out more about andropause and menopause and how you can manage them. Managing Pain Before It Manages You (In Mandarin) Discover ways to relieve your aches and pains without the help of medication. Pain experts will share with you on the alternative remedies, including acupuncture. Both forums will be held separately on: Date: Sunday, 11 May 2008 Time: 2.30 – 5.00pm Venue: Suntec Singapore International Convention and Exhibition Centre Registration Fee: $10 (includes a goodie bag) For more information and registration, call 6496 6681. Contact number:____________________________ E-mail address:_____________________________ Areas of interest Guiding and ushering Helping patients take their height and weight Administration Workshops and forums Community outreach programmes Others _________________________________ We also welcome schools and organisations that are interested to take on a volunteer project. Please contact us at or 6355 3000. Chairperson Dr Tung Yew Cheong, Woodlands Polyclinic Editor Ms Eleanor Toh, Corporate Communications, HQ Members Ms Jancy Mathews, Health Promotion & Preventive Care, HQ Ms Pauline Ang, Singapore Footcare Centre Ms See Yen Theng, NHG Pharmacy The information produced is for reference and educational purposes only. As each person’s medical condition is unique, you should not rely on the information contained in this newsletter as substitute for personal medical attention, diagnosis or hands-on treatment. If you are concerned about your health, please consult a healthcare professional. Reproduction of the articles in whole or part without permission is prohibited. For advertising rates and enquiries, please call Ms Audrey Lee at 64966696 or email page 8