St. Mark’s Episcopal Church Connecting Spirits Engaging Minds Welcoming All ON LION November 2014 Let’s talk…just not about money! Money, politics and religion…all vital topics, but ones to be avoided in polite conversation, goes the adage. We realize how true the adage is, when we fail to follow it, and move into heated arguments in our own conversations. Or when we witness the violence provoked on the international scene, when issues are seen through distorted and illogical lenses. Many congregations are afraid to talk about these areas in a serious way ‐‐especially money. I know a number of clergy who dread this time of the year, when the stewardship campaign commences and they are required to speak about finances and generous, adult giving. It’s much easier to use shame‐‐ or even childish approaches, such as the “carrot and stick”: if you give, you get. This type of “prosperity theology” is often employed by those who see life as a series of exchanges, and believe that with good luck, they’ll get the greater amount when the deal is done. Or perhaps, the theological view is pure reward: “I work hard, long and effectively and raise myself up and justly receive, obviously deserving all that I possess as a reward for getting ahead by hard work and God’s good graces.” This view of many of Americans in today’s society works for a time, until it all falls apart and reality must be faced ‐‐broken dreams and hidden worry. And worry is at the crux of our dealing with money and resources and talents. Many are in a constant, low‐ level type of anxiety. Am I spending too much? Are we saving enough? Will social security be there for me to get my share? Will nursing home costs increase for my parents and clean us out just as our children are entering college? How will the stock market correction of recent weeks affect our life style? Can I count on the correction to be temporary, or will it be long term? However, the faithful people of God know something that others have yet to realize and embrace as their own. We know that our essential worth comes from God and not from money ‐‐not from money earned; money hoarded; money spent to purchase things; or money used to exercise power. Once we see this truth , we can begin to see that we have much going for us‐‐ we are gifted with an abundance of skills and stories, with opportunities for love and ministry for and with one another. The people of God know the truth‐‐ that we have things money can never buy; we are rich in things of the soul and it is in community, where these abundant gifts become best known, lifted up and celebrated, each gift, each person of equal worth in the Divine heart. Growing up in the Church, I placed in the offering bowl an envelope with one dime in it each week, joining my father as he placed his. Thirty years later, on a comfortable summer afternoon, I asked him about that gesture of giving and why he continued that practice. And his reply was simple and profound, “I do it for you kids.” He did not use the past tense; he used the present tense; his giving was not about him; it was for the next generation to prosper and grow. He gave not out of duty, nor out of shame, nor even responsibility, but out of a willing desire to share on behalf of another; as simple as that. I remembered that conversation at stewardship time that fall. It propelled me into a richer theology and a more prayerful, generous, sharing. (continued on p. 3) BEFORE GOING TO BED SATURDAY, NOV. 1ST, SET YOUR CLOCKS BACK ONE HOUR! The Right Rev. Whayne M. Hougland 9th Bishop of Western Michigan Advent Advances Each year, we hear much about the struggle between a religious Christmas and the secular, commercial Christmas. Much hand wringing by the Christian Church is exercised and maybe a little bad mouthing along the way. The preparation time for Christ’s Nativity is named ADVENT, a good All Saints’ Day name as it means “coming”. When will be celebrated on Sunday, we see something coming ahead nd Nov. 2 . This is a major feast day on the calendar, do we not of our church and one of the four anxiously anticipate the event, the traditional days for Holy person, the experience? December Baptism. This day originated in becomes that anticipatory Ireland and spread to England by experience in which we keep th the 8 century. In 835CE, the focused on the great feast of Bishop of Rome proclaimed it a Christ’s coming to humanity; it is universal holy day in which we not a time to ignore the remember the martyrs of the faith, commercial stuff that surrounds us the recognized saints of past or the syrupy music that envelopes generations and all who have died us nor the wonderful greetings and in the Lord Christ. All will be invitations we receive from others. invited to name those dear to It is a matter of putting all that in them for public remembrance that perspective and accept the joy of it morning during Services; you are and sometimes, the shallowness of also invited to bring in a picture of all that, all the while, staying a dear one to be placed on tables attuned to our inner anticipation of in the church proper as visual mystery and wonder of a child reminders of saints residing in the born for us, a savior for us, the Divine Heart. anointed one in our midst. In the Advent season, which this year begins on Sunday, Nov. 30, Sunday Morning you will see the bright blue vestments that speak of joy rather Adult Ed Returns! than the penitence of the Lenten Rob Bell, author of controversial purple. The Advent wreath will be books such as Love Wins and lit each Sunday by various founder of Mars Hill Church, has members as a sign of eternal made a series of brief DVDs on hope. The round wreath topics of interest to people symbolizes the eternal Trinity; the seeking to grow in faith (e.g., Why greenness, the color of hope; the do bad things happen to good candles marking off time leading people?). During November, Larry up to the Nativity, helping us to Manglitz will be leading move deeper into the mystery of discussions that begin with one of this season with the lighting of these DVDs. You're invited to join each candle. Join the assembly this him, 9:15‐ 10:10 am, in the coming month as we anticipate downstairs conference room. together the Good News of redemption brought by the Son, the Child Jesus, looking forward to Clergy The Rev. Canon Robert Alan Schiesler, Ph.D., Pastor The Rev. Sue York, Associate for Pastoral Care The Rev. Dr. Hugh Dickinson, Priest Associate Ministry Support Team Dr. Gregory Crowell, Music Director Kit-Ying Law, Organ Scholar Erik Childers, Children’s Choir Director Mary Heintzelman, Office Manager Jane Stidolph, Dir. of Christian Formation Jeff Brown, Dir. of Youth Ministries Pam Stevenson, Finance Manager David Hawley, Facilities Manager Julian Medrano, Facilities Assistant Wafa Amash and Sommer Jabber, Nursery Caregivers Officers and Vestry Members Jennifer Julius, Sr. Warden Leigh Eicke, Jr. Warden Mark Stoppels, Treasurer Sherri Nelson, Secretary Through 2014: Aleta Anderson, Sherri Nelson, Baldwin Ogden, and Pat Roy Through 2015: Leigh Eicke, Jennifer Julius, and Mark Stoppels Through 2016: Chuck Bocskey, David Kidd, and Catherine Frerichs St. Mark’s Ministries Fellowship Ministry - Judy Fetterhoff Formation Ministry Children - Jane Stidolph Youth - Jeff Brown Adult - Pastor Library - Charles Brown Healing Racism - Becky Bocskey Health Ministry - Pastor Sue Worship - Pastor Altar Guild - Margaret Stretton Ushers - Tom Burr Stewardship Ministry Finance & Facilities - Sharon Buursma Endowment Board - Wendy Stock Outreach Ministry Outreach - John Bosserman Breakfast Café - Jennifer Julius Connecting Spirits Engaging Minds Welcoming All On Lion is published eight times a year by St. Mark’s Episcopal Church 134 North Division Avenue Grand Rapids, MI 49503-3103 (616) 456-1684 fax (616) 456-7506 www.stmarksgr.org https://www.facebook.com/stmarksgr 2 Sacred Sounds Begins Its Seventh Season! Join us on Sunday, November 23 at 5:00 p.m. for a free concert by the Choral Scholars as they present a program A Song of Thanksgiving. Praised for their “breathtaking intonation and stunning musicality,” the Choral Scholars grew out of a quartet of hired section leaders (called “choral scholars”) in the St. Mark’s choir. Since their debut in the St. Mark’s Concert Series in 2005, they have performed as part of several local concert series, collaborated with the Grand Rapids Symphony Youth Chorus, and have released a number of recordings. The group presents a varied program of choral masterworks offering thanks for God’s presence in nature, in music, and in each other. This is a free concert of wonderful music, so come and bring a friend! Let’s Talk (continued from p. 1) Following inner tension and some decline seven years ago, St. Mark’s has emerged a more healthy and vital community, looking forward for new possibilities. The list seems endless, when we reflect on how much ground we’ve covered in reclaiming our identity as a leadership congregation, the founding congregation of both city and diocese. Past generations heard and responded to the echoing invitation of Jesus, “Do not be afraid.” and “Do not worry.” They not only bequeathed to this generation, this historic campus, but also a rich heritage of generosity and compassion. Like every generation, we have moved through trial and today, are not found wanting. Where once we had no children, today we have dozens; where once we were turned inward on our worries, today we enthusiastically look outward towards outreach and justice making. Where once others spoke of decline and worry, today we speak of and act upon the conviction of our tag line as we “connect spirits, engage minds and welcome all.” The Vestry has had to deal with mandates of both diocese and national church in the past four years, leading to some financial stress, but the Vestry also has determined to continue our growth trajectory as a vibrant, Christ centered congregation, that will not be burdened by worry and regret. We have, however, reached a crucial crossroads in our common life; we can choose either to be captured by financial worry or to open our hearts to each other‐‐ for the children in our midst, playing, learning and singing; for the person, young, old, white, black, gay, straight, conventional, non‐conventional, who sits nearby at Worship on Sunday morning. We can choose to make a difference, to make an investment in one another, as God has invested his own Son, the essence of Divine love, in every one of us, without exception. Each of us is needed now to step away from our worries and step up to giving from our generosity, from God’s generosity. If you have not yet pledged, watch for your 2015 pledge card in the mail, mark it with a bold stroke and mail it or drop it in the Sunday offering bowl. May an intentional, prayerful, generous life of stewardship and caring be our hope and our future at St. Mark’s. Canon Bob 3 Radical Welcome Radical Welcome & Outreach Ministry Radical Welcome needs your ideas The September Radical Welcome workshops enlightened me on how St. Mark’s can build on a tradition of opening its arms to those who have been marginalized, as well as those with needs within the parish. Movement in this di‐ rection won’t happen by itself; it requires thought, plan‐ ning and action. That is happening now after 18 people representing St. Mark’s ministries and others outside our church participated in passionate discussions on how our congregation can be even more active and engaged. As chair of the Outreach Ministry, Radical Welcome will be the foundation for continuing our outreach commitments and strengthening the bonds with neighboring ministries. It will also provide opportunities for parishioners to make valuable contributions of their time and talents. We will do this not only to address immediate needs but also to help all of us more fully “strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being.” This is the truly “radical” part as it springs from the root of our Christian calling‐‐the commitment we’ve made and renewed in our baptismal vows. We've already implemented a few ideas from the first Radical Welcome group. Now it's your turn! Join us for a half‐hour conversation about how we can be even more effective in addressing the needs of the members of St. Mark's, and of the people in our community. Judith Claytor and John Bosserman will be hosting the discussions at 12:15pm on three Sundays in November‐‐Nov. 9, 16, and 23. Come to one or come to them all‐‐your thoughts will be radically welcomed! New Prayer Service starting soon As part of our continuing work on Radical Welcome and hospitality, we are initiating a new Prayer Service at 9:15am on Sundays‐‐inviting our guests for prayer and fellowship in the Chapel. Some guests do stay for the 10:30am service, while others cannot for a variety of rea‐ sons. This Prayer Service will help to bridge the Café with the later Service. Those who attend will be invited to write a name or intention on cards that will then be given to 10:30am Service attendees to add to the Prayers of the People, and continue to pray for them during the John Bosserman, Chair following week. Outreach Ministry Members of the Kent Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra will present works of Vivaldi, Corelli, Grainger, and more during a one hour concert here at St. Mark’s Friday, Nov. 14th at 7:30pm Admission is free. 4 Children’s Formation Children’s Choir will sing during the 10:30am worship service on November 23rd. St. Nicholas Day Celebration A Diocesan Gathering For All Ages Join Bishop Whayne Hougland and spend the day finding old friends and meeting new ones as we learn about St. Nicholas and celebrate the joy of the season St. Nicholas Day Celebration, Saturday, December 6 St. Luke's Episcopal, Kalamazoo (247 W Lovell St Kalamazoo, MI 49007) 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Due to generous donations, there will be no fee for this! (if you'd like to bring something to help, please contact Gennie) What will happen? There will be activities for all different ages (adults, children and youth). Children will have a brief lesson and an activity. Teenagers will have an outreach project. Adults will have a program titled "Christmas Coping Please bring a book We'll be collecting books for the summer diocesan reading camps. Please bring a new or gently used copy of your favorite childhood book to give to the program. How do I register? http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event? oeidk=a07e9yckbka416f25e6&llr=wugfazjab Or Visit our facebook page to register: www.facebook.com/edwm.myp All ages are invited and friends are welcome. All Children must be accompanied by an adult (high school students, if you don't have anyone to accompany you, contact me and I will find you an adult). Please register by family group, or youth group if you are bringing a number of children from your community or your parish. 5 GRAND RAPIDS EPISCOPAL YOUTH (G.R.E.Y.) IHN (Interfaith Hospitality Network)/Family Promise Service Project We will not have Oasis at St. Andrew's on November 5 as they are hosting families who are in search of permanent housing through the services of Family Promise. The IHN program serves to provide these families with temporary housing. Our youth group will be hosting dinner for these families during the usual Wednesday night Oasis time slot. The dinner will take place between 5:45 and 7 pm. We will need youth to help set up, serve, dine with the families, and clean up, beginning at about 5 pm and finishing up by 7:30. Please RSVP to jeffatgrey@gmail.com indicate your child will be attending, so we can plan for enough food & help. Bowling Night We will have a G.R.E.Y. bowling night on Friday, November 21st at 6:30 pm at Westgate Bowling Center at 4486 Alpine Avenue Northwest in Comstock Park. This is a high and middle school event (they will play on separate lanes). Food, beverages and cost to bowl will be covered thanks in part to our parking lot fundraisers. I will need to have RSVPs by November 14 in order to reserve lanes. Contact me for more information: jeffatgrey@gmail.com. Calendar of Events ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Wednesday, Nov. 5, 5:00-7:30pm-IHN/Family Promise Service Project at St. Andrew's Friday, Nov. 21, 6:30-8:30am-Bowling Night at Westgate Bowling Center Sunday, Nov. 23, 7:30-9:30am-Breakfast Café at St. Mark’s Friday, Dec. 19, TBA-The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies Sunday, Dec. 28, 7:30-9:30am-Breakfast Café at St. Mark’s Connect Email Jeff at jeffatgrey@gmail.com to receive regular Grand Rapids Episcopal Youth updates. Jeff Brown Director of Youth Ministries St. Mark’s and St. Andrew’s Episcopal Churches-Grand Rapids, MI (616)304-7604 www.stmarksgr.org standrewsgr.org Dear Friends at St. Mark’s, I want to thank you all for the your kind effort in putting together a glorious celebration of Joe’s life. It was so appropriate for it to be at St. Mark’s, which he loved and was so much a part of his life for so long. Leaving St. Mark’s, for both of us, was one of the hardest things we had to face in our lives, necessary though it was. God bless you all, Jeanne Howell 6 ■ We remember Guillermo Venecia, whose mother recently died. We pray for the sick and those in distress, especially Kate Dykema, valiantly moving through her treatment, always with a smile, and for Jeanne Ransford, Betty Andre, Martha Stoppels, and Donna Erickson, after recent illness. ■ We commend to Almighty God Bev Snoap, who died after a long illness and hospice care, and was buried this month from St. Mark’s. ■ We thank those who welcomed so many to our Artprize exhibit of a dozen artists. Hosts included Pastor Sue York; Jan VanDeusen, Jean Mc Cormick, Dianne Vander Meer, Nancy Dodge, Angie Brown, Lori Visser, Barbara Williams Venecia and Isaiah Williams, Marissa Lee, Catherine Frerichs, Jackie Taylor, Brian Topolewski, Jim Gillard and Leah Haithcox, Clara and Whitt Kilburn, Bobbie Harrison, Judy Fetterhoff, Ann O’Keefe, Jane Litscher, Jan Deverman, Henry Krueger, Barbara Gracki, and John & Ceci Mumma. We especially thank Curator Shawn Krueger, who brought great talent, time, and energy to assembling a fine array of artists; who managed the show professionally on our behalf; and who filled in the gaps, when hosts were needed. ■ ■ St. Mark’s has two possible candidates for Holy Orders, who are beginning their discernment phase: John Bosserman (vocational Deacon) and Amanda Henes (Priesthood). We thank their teams for beginning work on this process with them: Chairs: Jackie Taylor & Doug Busman, and team members: Susan Brasic, Marge Dickinson, Bruce Johnson, Marissa Lee, Lori Visser, Leigh Eicke, Jim Gillard, Shirley Bernard, and Larry Manglitz. We thank Jr. Warden, Leigh Eicke, for her personal and poignant witness to stewardship as part of our 2015 Pledge Drive. ■ We thank The Silent Auction Committee, who planned and coordinated a highly enjoyable Parish Gala Dinner and successful Silent Auction. Members include Sallie Income as of September 30, 2014 Bowie, Sharon Buursma, Julie Connors, Category Actual Judy Freeman, David & Louise Kidd, Sunday Breakfast 2,130.00 Phyllis Rood, and Tom Walker. Prior Yr Pledges 1,541.00 Pre-Paid Pledges 0.00 Current Yr Pledges 204,110.94 Loose Plate Offerings 3,330.03 Offerings Not Pledged 17,776.67 Easter/Christmas Offerings Happy 3,398.53 Parking Lot Rents 33,804.76 November Misc Income 7,469.85 Birthday to: Endowment Allocation For Operations 56,300.00 Martha Stoppels, Fundraiser 0.00 Nita DeGraaf, 329,861.78 Megan Expenses as of September 30, 2014 Anderson, Cara Cassard, Bobbie Harrison, Category Actual Kelley Stoppels, Nancy Slade, Anne Todd, 107,006.60 Pastoral Julie Haan, Claire VanDeusen, Gus Wawee. 73,664.01 Facilities Ros Stuart, Larry Manglitz, Krista Eapen, 83,213.89 Administration and Wendy Muma. 45,918.72 Diocesan Giving 24,402.69 Christian Education Happy Anniversary to: 42,786.37 Music Larry & Sandie Snellink 7,388.34 Outreach and 384,380.62 Barb & Victor Balser. Budget 3,749.99 3,000.00 666.63 220,687.51 3,749.99 45,787.50 2,291.67 37,499.99 8,849.98 47,231.24 0.00 373,514.50 Budget 106,633.85 70,593.88 82,215.37 45,918.76 26,606.76 43,836.54 11,083.32 386,888.48 7 St. Mark’s Episcopal Church 134 N Division Ave Grand Rapids MI 49503‐3173 Ph (616) 456‐1684 Fax (616) 456‐7506 www.stmarksgr.org https://www.facebook.com/stmarksgr Coming in December… 8 ■ Dec. 7 — St. Nicolas Day with Cookie Walk and the 5pm Sacred Sounds offering of Lessons & Carols & Choral Anthems ■ Dec.14 — Children’s Christmas Pageant at 10:30am ■ Dec. 20 — The Revs. Christian & Jodi Baron’s Priestly ordination at Grace Church, Holland at 11am. Both of them formerly served as our Youth Ministers. ■ Dec. 24 — Christmas Eve Services: 5pm Family Holy Eucharist & 10pm Solemn Celebration ■ Dec. 25 — Christmas Day Service at 10:30am.