November 2014


November 2014
November 2014
Sunday Services: 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.
Sunday School: 9:45 a.m.
Church Office: (919) 553-4784
Giving Thanks in My HOME
When I was growing up I was convinced that I had the meanest parents in the neighborhood. While
other children had cookies, Twinkies, and Kool-Aid for lunch, I had to eat a sandwich. While my
friends didn’t have to eat their vegetables for dinner, I always had to eat all of my vegetables. While I
always had to go to bed at a certain time, my friends told me they could stay up late. Plus, my parents always wanted
to know where I was at all times and who my friends were and what we were doing. On top of all this, my parents
actually had the audacity to break the child labor laws by making my sister and me work. We had to wash dishes,
make our beds, and clean our rooms.
As I became an adult, though, I realized that my parents definitely knew the difference between HOUSE and
HOME. As you look at these two words, you notice that they both begin with the same letters: HO, but this is
where the similarity ends. The first word, HOUSE, ends with the letters or the word USE, while the other word,
HOME, ends with the letters or the more personal word ME. Therein lies the difference. My parents never
thought about our HOUSE as just a place – a place we would USE to eat our meals and sleep at night. It was always
a HOME, which had the personality of my parents. It was in our HOME that my parents taught me lifelong lessons
about things such as sharing in the household duties or the more significant issue of sacrificial love.
As we prepare for our national day of Thanksgiving, consider how you view your church. Is it a HOUSE that you
come to USE once a week or is it a HOME where you can say, “This is where God comes to ME through others in
my church family.”? I am very thankful for my family – my wife, my daughter, and all of you who bless me in my
church HOME. I am touched by your faith in God – a faith that can move mountains of stubbornness in children,
mountains of neglect in hurting families, and mountains of despair one’s own life.
This is the kind of faith that comes from a daily association with Jesus Christ. This is the kind of faith that teaches
there is more to life than the material. This is the kind of faith that teaches that life continues beyond death in
heaven with God. When you receive sacrificial love and faith in God from your family, especially your church
family, you are truly blessed beyond words.
Therefore, as we prepare to enjoy a wonderful meal with our
families on Thanksgiving, let us all pause from our busy
schedules to gather together as a family in our church HOME
for a special Thanksgiving Eve worship service on Wednesday,
November 26, at 7:00pm to thank God for His many
blessings. I have a lot to be thankful for as God, indeed,
blesses ME in my HOME every day through all of you.
In God’s Service,
Pastor Bill
Happy Fall Ladies of Holy Cross,
As you know, Sariina Kalli will be moving to
Indiana with her family. We pray for God’s blessings as
she searches for a new church home. I would like to
take this opportunity to thank her for all her hard work
and dedication to Holy Cross and the LWML. She will
be greatly missed. We are still looking for an
enthusiastic woman to fill the role of Vice President. If
you are interested in serving or would just like more
information, please contact Melissa deCathelineau at or the church office.
The Eastern Zone Fall
Rally was held on Oct. 18 at
Advent Lutheran Church in
Chapel Hill. We enjoyed a bible
study, fellowship and a luncheon
as well as the quarterly meeting ,
where our very own Connie Reid
was inducted as the new President.
Congratulations to Connie. Join
me in praying for and encouraging
Connie in her new role.
Speaking of rallies, Holy Cross will be hosting
the Eastern Zone Spring Rally on Saturday, April 18,
2015. Holy Cross will be responsible for providing
lunch, table settings, and a guest speaker. We will be
choosing a mission to receive Gifts of the Heart, where
we will be inviting the attending ladies to donate items
needed for that mission. Planning for this important
event will start soon, so please let us know if you are
interested in designing this one-day rally of Christian
women from around our area.
Do you have lots of left over candy from
Halloween? Consider donating it to the College and
Military Outreach Program at Holy Cross. This is
another outreach program where we send care packages
to our college and military friends across the state. We
would love to have as many care packages as possible,
but we need your help to do it. A list of additional care
package ideas is located on the College and Military
Page 2
bulletin board in the narthex. Please drop off your
donations in the collection center and we will take care
of the rest. It’s never too late to add someone to the list,
so if you know of a college student or member of the
military, please let us know. Lizy Coleman has recently
volunteered to coordinate this outreach project for the
LWML. Thanks Lizy.
With the holidays fast approaching, it’s almost
time to set up the Salvation Army Angel Tree. We are
hoping to support 80 families this year. Once the tree
goes up, feel free to take a tag or two, shop, and return
the unwrapped gifts to the church by November 30.
Plan ahead now to share the gift of giving this holiday
Mark your calendars now for the LWML Spring
Retreat at Fort Caswell at Oak Island. This amazing
weekend event will be May 15 – 17,2015. It promises to
be a fun-filled weekend with inspirational bible studies
and a whole lot more. Watch the newsletter for more
details as they become available.
Our annual LWML Christmas Luncheon will be
on Sunday, December 7 after the late service. This year’s
luncheon will be held at Simple Twist, just down Hwy
42 from the church. We will be introducing new board
members and collecting donations for the Holy Cross
Community Christmas Dinners. Please join us for great
food and fellowship at this informal and relaxing event.
Hope to see you there.
In His Service,
Melissa deCathelineau
Upcoming Events
November 8th:
LWML Board Meeting
November 30th:
Salvation Army Angel Tree Gifts Due
December 7th:
LWML Christmas Luncheon
Wo men o f H oly Cro ss
LW ML Mission P roj ec t fo r 2014
Items to be donated monthly to the homeless thru the Salvation Army in Smithfield
Each month: Disposable Razors, Shaving Cream, Mouthwash, Deodorant,
Travel Size Shampoo, Conditioner & Body Wash, Toothbrush & Toothpaste
November: Cranberry Sauce, Chicken Broth, Canned Yams
Preparing Leaders for a Diverse World - Concordia College, Selma, Alabama ~ $50,000
Community diversity is increasing across the nation. Concordia College Alabama has a
strong teacher education program and deep Lutheran roots in the African-American
community of Alabama. It is uniquely positioned to raise up needed African-American
leaders for The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. A mission grant of $50,000 is providing
endowed scholarships and aid in national and international recruitment, and preparing a work force with special
abilities to serve the diverse cultural needs of the church.
Go to and scroll down to “Mission Grants” to find out about this recipient and other 20132015 Mission Grants.
It’s that time of year again to support our college students and members in the
military! Final exams are just around the corner for our students and they have expressed
in the past how much it meant to them to know their Holy Cross Family is thinking of
them and praying for them. We also try to recognize them on birthdays too.
We need your help in updating our list of college students and members in the
military, so please update their information by dropping a note off in the church office or
emailing Cassy at or myself, Lizy Coleman at
The current list we have includes:
College Members: Amanda Casachahua, John Casachahua, Morgan Coleman, Paul Coleman, Matt Delevie,
Reid Dressler, Ali Greene, Andrew Josupait, Nick Polonski, and Alexis Patterson.
 Military Members: Richar d Bailey, Mer edith (Bar ton) Bowman, Daniel Casachahua and Todd Kline
 We need updates for: Richar d Bailey, Cor ey Emer ick, J essica Lassandr o, Laur en Pollar d and Alex
Care packages will be sent out the first week of December, so please consider donating some of the following
items to the box in the collection center:
Individual Size:
 Coffee/Hot Chocolate
 Potato Chips/Snacks
 Instant Soup
 Ramen Noodles
 Easy Mac
 Cereal/Oatmeal
 Flavored Water/Drink
Microwave Popcorn
Granola Bars
Raisin Boxes
Snack Mixes
Nuts/Sunflower Seeds
Beef Jerky
Other Items:
 Pencils/Erasers
 Disposable Cameras
 Stamps
 Razors
 Prayer Cards
 Ziploc Bags
 Word Puzzle Books
 Phone Cards
Page 3
Travel size:
 Tissues
 Sewing Kit
 Band-Aids
 Q-tips
 Deodorant
 Body Powder
 Toothbrush
 Toothpaste
Thanksgiving Meals and Boxes
The Lord has blessed Holy Cross this Thanksgiving season. We will supply meals for six
families. Below is a list of the items needed for our Thanksgiving boxes:
Box/Bag of
Can/Jar of Gravy
Cranberry Sauce
Canned Yams
Can/Box of Chicken Broth
Green Beans
Pumpkin Pie Filling
Can of Evaporated Milk
Box/Envelope Mashed
Boxed Mac-n-Cheese
Boxed Pie Crust
10-12 lb Turkey
This year we would like to collect money to buy Harris Teeter gift cards for our 14
Backpack Buddies for Thanksgiving. The cost for each Backpack Buddies meal is $50.
You may drop money off in the Church office, or collection plate. Please mark
your donations with “Thanksgiving for Backpack Buddies”.
Thank you very much for all you do!
Confirmation in Action Presents: The Journey of a Shoe Box Gift
Pack & Pray-The journey starts with you filling a shoe box with toys, school supplies, and
necessity items, and praying for the child who will receive your box.
Shoe Box Drop Off- Drop off your donation anytime between October 26th and November
16th. The Confirmation in Action class will collect the boxes and transport to a regional drop off
site for forwarding to the processing center in Charlotte, NC.
Overseas Transport-The precious cargo is loaded onto ships and planes and sent to children in over 130 countries.
Distribution-The gifts are delivered to churches, schools, orphanages, and children’s hospitals.
Wow! Shoe boxes are just the beginning. Through age appropriate booklets and discipleship programs, children are
introduced to the greatest gift-Jesus Christ!
Operation Christmas Child
October 26, 2014 – November 16, 2014
We have continued our Backpack Buddies ministry at East Clayton
Elementary school. We have committed to helping 14 students every
week. Please remember this ministry as you do your
grocery shopping and consider picking up some items that we need. The
items we need are:
Shelf Stable Milk Boxes
Canned Meats & Stews
Individual Breakfast Items
Canned Fruits & Vegetables
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Older and Wiser
For our October meeting, the OWLs attended a
play at the Garner Auditorium, entitled, “The Ladies
On Wednesday, November 5 , the OWLs will
meet at the church parking lot at 10 a.m. to carpool to
Southern Supreme Fruit Cake Factory (1699 Hoyt Scott
Rd., Bear Creek, NC 27207) and tour the kitchen and
visit the gift shop. Following Southern Supreme tour,
we will stop for lunch at Best Food Cafeteria, 220 E.
11th Street, Siler City, NC (919-742-2475. We plan to
return to the church by 4:30 p.m.
As the Thanksgiving Season approaches, the
OWLs give praise to God for His many blessings in our
personal lives and for Holy Cross Lutheran Church and
its members that enrich our lives as we fellowship
The Holy Cross Interiors Committee is
hosting their annual RADA Cutlery
Fundraiser. RADA Cutlery products are
100% American made and come with a
Lifetime Guarantee. RADA has a complete
line of kitchen knives, utensils, and cutlery
sets as well as stoneware, cookbooks, soy
wax candles, and quick mixes, which make
excellent Christmas gifts.
Orders can be placed Sundays from until
November 9th after each service. Payment
is due at the time of the order. Products will
be available for pick up on November 23rd.
Joyce & Dennis Ray
Me Fine has kicked off its
Annual “Hope for the Holidays.”
“Hope for the Holidays” is a
program that provides
Christmas gifts to families that
have children fighting critical or
terminal conditions at either
UNC-Chapel Hill or Duke
Hospitals. In many cases, Me
Fine receives "Last Christmas"
families and is entrusted with these families to provide
an amazing Christmas.
If you would like to help, we will be collecting gift
wrapping supplies through Sunday, 12/7/14, in the
Collections Center. This includes wrapping paper,
tissue paper, boxes (all sizes, including shipping boxes),
label tags, and tape. Please NO gift bags. If you have
any questions, please contact (call or text) Nancy
Burgart at 919-649-5476 or
Page 5
November 5th:
Ziti, Bread, & Salad
November 12th:
Shepherd’s Pie
November 19th:
Goulash, Corn,
Applesauce, & Rolls
Are you Playing in the Sand?
“Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the
Rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall,
because it had been founded on the Rock.” – Matthew 7:24-25
Do you remember the last time that you built a sandcastle? You probably
engineered your castle with incredible attention, choosing the perfect location on the
beach or in the sandbox, making sure that the walls were sturdy and that the castle was adorned with earthly
elements of leaves, sticks, shells, driftwood, or whatever else you could get your hands on. But where is that
sandcastle now? Is it still there? Of course not! The castle was made of sand.
When it comes to the Christian responsibility to which we have been called among our family or
spouse; among our own children, neighbors and friends, what it is that is receiving our best effort, our greatest
energy and our special attention?
Instead of listing out here what it is that we are spending the majority of our lives on, have you ever
asked your spouse, friends, family or children: “What is most important in my life?” What response would you get?
If the response that we get is anything other than Jesus, we are building our home upon sandy, shaky ground.
What we do with every aspect of our lives NOW, has massive implications of what is to come. The
point that Jesus makes in Matthew 7 is not to highlight the rains, the floods and the winds of life that may
come, because they certainly will. But Jesus took time to particularly emphasize what it is that we value in our
lives and what our lives are built upon in this weathered life. The rains of personal failure will strike you and
your children. The floods of sickness, addiction and death will come, too. And the winds of mistrust, laziness
and depression will wage against us as well. In these moments, what holds us up? What it is that will give our
children the foundation that they need in this life to weather any storm that strikes? What is it that will allow
our marriages to weather any storm that approaches?
The truth of God is that He has already established the Firm Foundation. His Son, Jesus, entered this
life to unveil and establish a Kingdom that knows no end. His life was marked with healing sicknesses that
crashed into people’s lives, being near to those stuck in floods of loneliness, and declaring forgiveness upon
those whose sin was like a massive hurricane wreaking havoc on their life. Here in Jesus, God’s grace is our
Foundation and Support. And through us, others can see the hope that we have which is authored by God
Below are a few suggestions especially, for parents, as we build our homes upon the Foundation of Christ who
is our Rock:
1) Younger Children: Go out in the yard with your child and play with them. Play in the mud. Get your
hands dirty. Plant flowers together, or water them. Build a sandcastle with them if you can. Carve a
pumpkin. Give them your full attention for at least 30 min. and then take a moment during that time to tell
them that “God always gives us His full attention and is with us whenever we play, whenever we get hurt and at all times.”
This way, you can communicate to your child that not only are you there for them, but more, God is among
them, too.
2) Older Children: Come up with a secret handshake together. It doesn’t have to be a long handshake, but
could be as simple as three squeezes. Then, give it a meaning – either “I Love You” or “I care about you.” Use it
whenever you can with them – when they leave for school, when you leave for work, when they leave for a
night with friends or a sports practice. Let this be an opportunity for you to connect with them if they are
unwilling to talk with you. Maybe this can be the start of further communication among each other, as
well as ways that you can communicate Jesus and His Love to your child within your home.
And in all things, please be reminded that Our Lord, Jesus, said to us,
“In this world there will be many troubles, but take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)
If you have any suggestions on topics or themes that you would like to see addressed in The Family Table, please email suggestions to
All suggestions will remain anonymous.
Page 6
The sun hadn’t even arisen for the
day when all was said and done.
But the moon was witness to the
fun that was October 17th and 18th
from 6:30pm to 7:00am. Nearly 40
Confirmation youth – 6th and 7th
graders – several adults and
numerous mentors converged
upon Holy Cross for the annual
Confirmation Lock-In. The topic? The 2nd Article of the Creed. The
Question? Who, really, is Jesus? At this Lock-In, we played LOTS
of games and danced to Just Dance 4 on the Nintendo Wii. We
played a highly addicting game known as “Human Battleship”,
watched a few movies, and didn’t get much sleep. The soda was
flowing. The snacks were had. Silence was had to find.
But the true substance of this Confirmation Lock-In involved an
exploration of the Bible and Luther’s Small Catechism, coupled
with mentor experience that they shared, to get a more clear
picture and understanding of who Jesus said He was, who others in
the Bible said that He was and who WE say that He is in our lives
today. The evening closed with nothing more than thankfulness
and praise to God as we came together in the Sanctuary and joined
in a youth-led historical worship service known as Compline (a
word meaning “completion”, this service has been used throughout the last 400500 years as people came together to worship after the “completion” of their
work-day before returning home). We each had the opportunity to place
our hands on the Bible, resting on the altar, and respond to the
question presented to us individually: “Who is Jesus to you?” and “Do
you intend to follow Him?” and closed with a hymn written by Martin
Luther in the mid 1500’s called, “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” as we
gave God – the Father, Son and Holy Spirit - our thanks through
song for being the stronghold in our lives that never fails.
The 8th grade Confirmation In Action
(CIA) enjoyed an afternoon at Ken's Korny
Corn Maze after assembling 200 Operation
Christmas Child shoeboxes. The students
broke into teams and were joined by Troy
Hirt, Pastor Tom, and Shayla. Each team
made it out of the maze without assistance
and in under one hour!
And then it was free-time for the rest of the evening – more snacks,
more drinks, more movies and more games.
Without the help of the following people, though, this evening could not have been
possible: Shaunna Voorhees, Donna
Harlow, Shayla Roma, Tonya Pischke,
Beth Otto, Chris Michetti, Laurel
Colpetzer, Todd Urban and the
mentors who attended Friday evening
to share a little bit of their life
experience with the youth. Also,
thanks to the Confirmation Parents
who provided food and drinks.
To each of you, THANK YOU from
the bottom of my heart. I am entirely
appreciative of each of you!
Saturday, November 1st
9:00—Noon Local Service Project at
iChoose Pregnancy
Saturday, December 6th
6:00—8:30 pm Christmas Party and gift
exchange at deCathelineau home
Friday, January 9th
4:00—8:00 pm Outdoor Ice Skating in
downtown Raleigh
Pastor Tom
Page 7
Can you believe that this year is 5/6 completed? There are only 61 days left in the year
2014. I don’t know about you but I plan to enjoy these last two months of the year.
At Open Arms, November is one of our greatest months. Each year we cook eight turkeys
and invite all of our families to join us for lunch the last Wednesday of the month. This
gives us FAMILY time and we are able to give thanks for all our many blessings. Each year
our crowd gets bigger and bigger. Last year we had 200 people attend!
While all this is going on we invite some of our past children to help make lunches for
groups that have to work on Thanksgiving Day. This year we will send food to the Johnston
Memorial Hospital (on 42w), the State Highway Patrol, and to one of our local firehouses.
The children also make cards letting these community helpers know how much we
appreciate all they do to protect us. Each year we hear back from these groups saying that
the food was appreciated but they mostly liked reading the cards.
I challenge each family to do the same. Take a minute to send a card to someone in your
area that has to work on Thanksgiving Day. Let them how much you appreciate them
giving up their family time to serve and protect our community.
Wishing Everyone a Safe and Happy Thanksgiving Holiday!
Tuesday, November 11
Veteran’s Day: Open Arms WILL be open
Wednesday, November 26
11:00 am—Thanksgiving Family Lunch
Thursday, November 27—28
CLOSED: Thanksgiving Holiday
Open Arms Staff on Halloween
Page 8
We are praying for—Those receiving cancer care:
George Ballard
Debby Melton
Ann Bettis
Barbara Krefsky, aunt of Jennifer
Johnny Habuda uncle of Karen
Nancy Baker, friend of the
Jill Hall, niece of Emily LaJoye
 Charles Schrack, cousin of
Carolyn Reed
Shirley Bradley, grandmother of
Melissa Allen
John Brennan, brother-in-law of
BJ Johns
Randy Link, cousin of Becky
Michael Arizzi, friend of Otto
We are praying for—Those with health issues:
Phil Lee
Rick Francis
Earl Beers
Kathy Savoy
Linda McLoughlin
Louise Schafer
Ted Janowski
Bill Boyer
Jerry Denning
Mille Athey
Penny Schneider
Pat Barbieri
Regina Wheeler, daughter of
Reginald & Jeanne Tharrington
Mary Jacobs, friend of Patrick &
Meredith Marsh
Crystanna Mosley, granddaughter
of Velvet Kilburn-Shank
Meg Budd & Becky Hughes,
granddaughters of Rev. Pat
Ken Sapic, father of Connie Reid
Heidi Goldman, daughter of
Penny Schneider
Ed Hicks, stepdad of Alicia Angst
Gretchen Schneider, daughter of
Penny Schneider
 Grace Paar, aunt of Harold
Joseph Eisel, father of Carolyn
Amy Fordham, step-mother of
Marvin Fordham
Tony Heins, father of Barbara
Margaret Winkle, mother of
Harold Winkle
Rosie Villamil, friend of Elisabeth
Mahtob Mahmoody, friend of
Elisabeth Junker
Patricia King, friend of Ella
Charles & Arden Jager, friends of
Mac & Linda McLoughlin
Steve Estes, brother-in-law of
Kathy Savoy
Patricia Miller, mother of Kurt
Bonnie Mastros, sister-in-law of
Emily LaJoye
Marilyn Ball, mother of Blake Ball
Dorothy Williams, mother of
Robert Williams
Ruth Reid, mother of David Reid
We were absolutely
overwhelmed by your
love and generosity that
you showed to us last
month with your special
surprise gifts and cards in
honor of Pastor
Appreciation month. It is a tremendous joy
to serve in such a loving environment with
so many wonderful people. Words will never
be able to fully express the blessings we
receive every day from all of you. What a
privilege it is for us to serve as your pastors.
In the words of Paul, “I thank my God every
time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of
you, I always pray with joy because of your
partnership in the gospel.” – Philippians 1:3-5.
Thank you very much!
Pastor Bill & Pastor Tom
God called us to be part of His family for a
reason – it’s hard to grow alone. Our Holy
Cross community will meet you where you
are and walk beside you to a closer
relationship with God. If you would like to
join Holy Cross, follow these easy steps:
1) Worship with us regularly.
2) Explore the ministry and fellowship
opportunities we offer. Please feel free
to ask questions, attend special events,
and participate in different groups.
3) Attend Pastor Bill’s 4-week “Life With
God” class, beginning Sunday,
November 9, at 9:45am.
If you have any questions, please contact the
church office at (919) 553-4784 or Pastor
Bill at
Annual Voters' Meeting
Saturday, November 8th
at 7:00pm.
We are praying for—Those deployed:
 Anna Pate, niece of Theresa Harrell, deployed to Afghanistan
We will be meeting to approve
spending guidelines for 2015.
We are praying for—Those who Mourn:
 Sue Fosse and Family, mourning the death of Egil Fosse
Page 9
Altar Guild
 Ali Greene
 Amy Klein
 Emily Klein
 Jennifer Hinson
 Jane Wilson
 Sarah Beyer
Kim Pollard
 Shelby Ball
 Katie Copenhaver
 Caitlin Miller
 Kristin Henderson
 Sue Comeford
 Emilyann Marsh
Shayla Roma
Helen Comeford
Angie Ginn
Kurt Dressler
Marvin Fordham
Gene Gevers
John M Harlow
Cris Hoffman
Stephen Allen
Mike Mabry
Troy Hirt
Lesley Leigh
Kurt Miller
Blake Ball
Perry Bauer
Reginald Tharrington
Bob Williams
Val Feick
Wilson Feick
Reginald Tharrington
Ethan Mabry
Gary Barnes
Patricia Barnes
Jim Rybinski
Todd Urban
Al Popilek
Dennis Reese
Connie Reid
Herman Steele
Jim Selby
Robin Oelrich
Allen Poovey
Gary Barnes
Robert Bennett
Cris Hoffman
Stephen Allen
Mike Mabry
Bill Michetti
Bob Lotter
Chris Turner
Robert Angst
Rick Francis
Adam Wenzel
Dan Bohlman
Keith Garehan
Brad deCathelineau
Sarah Beyer
Jody Burgart
Ed Pollard
Jody Burgart
Ed Pollard
Paul Coleman
John M Harlow
Russ Mailen
Karen Hatcher
Blake Ball
Sean Pritchard
Kurt Miller
Bailey deCathelineau
Sue Beyer
Pat Barber
Carol Wiemert
Connie Thompson
Jordan Elliott
Todd Urban
Donna Steele
Stephanie Garehan
Edie Voorhees
Suzanne Harmon
 Irina Gomez
 Mallory Barton
 Shaunna Voorhees
 Monica Barton
Doris Niewoehner
 Amy Smith
 Leslie Davis
 Tawnya Bennett
 Sydney Johns
 Sheila Hirt
 Sara Hirt
 Melissa Allen
 Donna Harlow
 Andrea Boenker
 Martha Lawrence
 Angela Poovey
 Marissa Greene
Kurt & Angela
Derek & Tess
Eunice Burch
Jane Wilson
Madonna Bennett
Nathan Crumpler
Tommy Elliott
November 30
 Terri Lassandro
 Kaitlin Lassandro
Becky Matthews
Ella McBrayer
Adam & Heidi
Ron & Sandy
Al & Kris
Bob & Jill
Herman & Donna
Kurt & Beth
John M Harlow
Keith Garehan
Leslie Davis
Ella McBrayer
Sheila Hirt
Sara Hirt
Betsy Harsch
Madonna Bennett
Theresa Harrell
Helen Comeford
Yvonne Chrisikos
Edie Voorhees
Jeanie Henderson
Elisabeth Junker
Lindsey Patterson
Seth Bennett
November 23
Teresa Bauer
Denise Ball
Katie Speer
Adrienne Mabry
Janey Harlow
Emilyann Marsh
Sarah Beyer
Emily Klein
Emma Pollard
Damien Copenhaver
November 16
November 9
November 2
Vital Stats
386 (221 & 165)
316 (185 & 131)
305 (162 & 143)
307 (157 & 148)
Direct Deposit Offering (September):
$ 8,669
$ 8,853
$ 7,514
$ 2,380
Total Envelope/Plate Giving:
$ 38,504
Total offerings received thru 9/30/14:
Total projected offerings thru 9/30/14:
*Total revenue thru 9/30/14:
Total expenses thru 9/30/14:
(*Revenue=Offerings + CDC Contributions + Interest)
Avg. Sunday attend. 39 weeks 2013:
Avg. Sunday attend. 39 weeks 2014:
Avg. weekly offerings 39 weeks 2013:
Avg. weekly offerings 39 weeks 2014:
$ 7,981
$ 8,948
Special Gifts (to Holy Cross):
Future Growth
Backpack Buddies
2014 Mission Offerings (from Holy Cross):
iChoose Pregnancy Support Services:
$ 2,250
Southeastern District—LCMS
Senior Pastor:
Assistant Pastor:
Open Arms Director:
Admin. Assistant:
Music Directors:
Rev. Bill Beyer
Rev. Tom Roma
Wendy Neuschafer
Cassy Welch
Amy Gardner
Scott Barton
Assistant to Pastor:
Rev. Pat Zimmerman
Ed Pollard
Vice President:
Alen Voorhees
Board of Elders:
Paul Niewoehner
Keith Garehan
Tony Swann
Alan Harmon
Ron Harrison
Open Arms Board: Wendy Neuschafer
Social Ministries:
Heidi Wenzel
Board of Education: John Michael Harlow
Board of Properties: Dennis Reese
Financial Secretary: BJ Johns
Asst. Fin. Secretary: Karen Hatcher
Wilson Feick
Holy Cross Lutheran Church
2920 NC Hwy 42 West
Clayton, NC 27520