Cardiac care Cardiac care has changed


Cardiac care Cardiac care has changed
BMDH Fact Sheet
Cardiac care
care has
The way we manage cardiac
care has changed significantly
over the last ten years thanks
to improved technology,
enhanced paramedic services
and new ways of caring for
you in hospital, and when
you’re discharged.
spacious, light-filled rooms and
open feeling of the wards and
treatment areas.
In case of emergency, many
ambulances now have ECGs
and other equipment available
to rapidly assess your
“It will be a world-class facility and
puts us on the same level as other
major hospitals such as Liverpool
and Westmead for most types of
This means that in the event of
an acute cardiac event like a
heart attack, your treatment
begins before you even arrive
at the hospital.
Artist impression of a typical cardiac patient room
Cardiac services at Blacktown
Hospital will soon be offered in a
contemporary and purpose-built
new facility.
The new Cardiac Care Centre will
health system.
Mount Druitt will continue to offer
outpatient services, cardiac
rehabilitation, an exercise gym and
a device clinic.
BMDH Head of Cardiology
Professor Robert Denniss said staff
had been consulted about both the
12 beds
new centre and the relocation of
Patients with cardiac disease are
 Cardiology Inpatient Unit with
acute services.
also presenting more frequently
48 beds (in two wards)
with other conditions such as
“We firmly believe the relocation of
 Cardiac Diagnostic Unit
diabetes, kidney or lung issues.
acute services from Mount Druitt
 Provision of a second
to Blacktown Hospital is in the best “If you don’t treat diabetes or lung
interventional laboratory for
interest of our patients, that’s why disease at the same time as you’re
cardiac procedures in Medical
my colleagues and I proposed and treating a heart attack, you’re only
support the change,” he explained. doing half the job,” said Professor
 Extensive cardiac rehabilitation
“We’ve spent hours consulting with
gym and more.
planners and designers of the new “The consolidation of services at
All cardiac services will be located
cardiac centre to make sure it
Blacktown Hospital will provide
close together and related services meets our clinical needs and clinical easy access to other specialities
such as the Emergency Dept and
staff are excited about the
such as diabetes or respiratory care
Intensive Care Unit will be within
opportunities for delivering the
which are already based at
ready access of the new centre.
best cardiac care to local patients. Blacktown. It’s all about providing
the best outcome for patients.”
Acute cardiac services currently
“The new facility is designed
located at Mout Druitt Hospital will specifically for cardiac care, not for Construction of the new cardiac
relocate to Blacktown, possibly as
any other kind of speciality.”
care centre began in mid-2013 as
early as this year, in preparation for
part of the BMDH Expansion
Professor Denniss said that staff
the opening of the new centre in
Project Stage 1.
were particularly impressed with
the layout of the facility and
The consolidation will help reduce patients will appreciate
the amount of time patients need
having more single
to stay in hospital by reducing the
rooms, ensuite facilities
need for transfers, providing access and a patient lounge.
to diagnostic services which can
speed up diagnosis and simplifying “Patients and carers will
be impressed by the
the patient journey through the
 Coronary Care Unit (CCU) with
New building || 1800 155 102
Instead of old treatments such
as clot-busting drugs, patients
in hospital are now treated
with balloons and stents to
unclog the artery.
This has resulted in a 30%
reduction in heart attack
deaths and has more than
halved the risk of serious
complications such as stroke.
In the new Cardiac Care Centre
at BMDH Blacktown, we will be
able to offer most types of
cardiac care, including some
services such as cardiac MRI
and a specialist arrhythmia
clinic which were previously
not available locally.
Patients who require
cardiothoracic (open heart)
surgery would continue to have
their surgery at Westmead
Hospital and attend Blacktown
or Mt Druitt campus for postsurgery rehabilitation.
By enhancing services at
BMDH, we’re ensuring this
critical service continues to
grow and save lives.
FAQ: Cardiac care at Mount Druitt
Is Mount Druitt’s cardiac ward
The beds are not being closed,
just relocated. Mount Druitt’s
acute cardiac beds will transfer
to a new purpose-built facility in
the clinical services building at
Blacktown Hospital, but other
cardiac services will remain at
Mount Druitt.
Why is that important?
At Blacktown, you will be able
to get all your acute cardiac
BMDH competes locally and
care in one location. Rapid
internationally for the best
general and specialist staff. We assessment using the latest
aim to be an employer of choice diagnostic technologies, critical
care, recovery and
in the local area so offering
rehabilitation will all be
more development
available in the new centre.
opportunities for staff is a
critical factor in attracting new When are cardiac services
employees. Consolidating and relocating?
continually improving services
The plan is to consolidate
also provides more
services into the new Cardiac
opportunities for research, and Care Centre in 2015, but
ongoing clinical education for
services could relocate earlier if
the health professionals of the there is an opportunity. An early
move would help staff and
The new Cardiac Care Centre at
Blacktown will also have a
cardiac gym with structured
exercise and patient education
services after cardiac illness or
There are also plans to provide
this service at convenient
community locations in the
future as many people prefer
not to return to the hospital for
ongoing exercise and lifestyle
Can I still get my pacemaker
checked at Mount Druitt or will
I have to go to Blacktown?
patients adjust to the new
Mount Druitt will still operate a
model of care, but at this stage device clinic for checking
there is no date for a relocation. pacemakers and other implants.
Cardiac care is still being offered Will staff lose their jobs?
More information about Mt
at Mount Druitt and will be
Druitt services will be provided
No, staff will have a choice to
Why are beds being relocated? available there until services
transfer with the service, or go closer to the time.
relocate to Blacktown.
to a different service. Some
My cardiologist only works at
A decision was taken several
However, patients are already
Mt Druitt. Will I still go to Mt
years ago during a review of
being transferred to Blacktown on rotation through Blacktown Druitt for consultations?
clinical services across the
for some types of services.
in preparation for the move.
Blacktown and Mount Druitt
Your cardiologist will advise you
Currently, if you have a cardiac
that consolidating cardiac
where you can go for your
What happens to the
episode and call an ambulance,
services into one purpose-built
equipment that was donated to consultation but most
you are most likely to be taken
facility would provide more
the cardiac service by
cardiologists are already seeing
to Blacktown (or another major
benefits for patients, eliminate
patients at Blacktown,
hospital such Westmead or
unnecessary duplication of
The cardiac gym at Mount Druitt Westmead or Nepean,
Nepean depending on your
services and speed up the
regardless of whether they live
will remain there, so gym
diagnosis and recovery time for
at Mount Druitt or Blacktown. It
equipment donated by
If you present to Mount Druitt
patients with heart problems.
depends on your individual
volunteers will stay in the
emergency and your condition
Cardiologists and other
Mount Druitt gym. Other
is critical, you will be
clinicians feel it is not possible
equipment will be reviewed and I live at Mount Druitt. How will
transferred to Blacktown.
to provide the full spectrum of
assessed, and the hospital will
I get to Blacktown Hospital for
If your condition is not critical,
services at both hospitals and
consult with the volunteers
you may be admitted to Mount about the transfer or
that the decision will be in the
We will provide you with
Druitt as an inpatient, but you
best interests of patients.
reallocation of any donated
parking, public transport and
may still need to be transferred equipment. This is standard
Patients will benefit from a new
patient transport information
to Blacktown for diagnostic
practice and happens frequently closer to the time.
one-stop-shop at Blacktown
services such as cardiac
in health services as facilities
that can support new ways of
Is Mount Druitt Hospital
catheterisation and imaging.
are updated or relocated.
delivering cardiac care.
This involves patient transport
Can I still go the cardiac gym at
Consolidating services on one
No, there are no plans to close
from Mount Druitt to Blacktown Mount Druitt?
campus will also provide more
Mount Druitt Hospital.
and back, sometimes several
opportunities for healthcare
Yes, the cardiac gym service will Emergency, dental and
times. Relocating acute cardiac
staff and make the hospital
remain for people who want to rehabilitation services have
care to Blacktown will eliminate
more attractive to new staff.
continue their rehabilitation at recently been significantly
this duplication.
Mount Druitt.
expanded and there are plans to
increase some types of surgery
in the future.
Mount Druitt is close to me.
Why can’t I stay there for
cardiac care? || 1800 155 102 | BMDHProject on social media
Acute cardiac services
currently offered at
Mount Druitt Hospital will
transfer to Blacktown
Hospital. Here are some
answers to frequently
asked questions about
the relocation.