South Hunterdon Regional High School


South Hunterdon Regional High School
School Office
Fax 609-397-2366
South Hunterdon Regional High School
Board of
Fax 609-397-6495
301 Mt. Airy – Harbourton Road
Lambertville, New Jersey 08530
Louis T. Muenker, D.Ed., Superintendent
Kerry Sevilis, Business Administrator/Board Secretary
William Ross, Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Mark Collins, Principal
Important Information for Parents and Guardians
This section of the back to school mailing contains consent forms that are required by Federal and
State laws and that have important ramifications for your child.
These forms must be signed and
returned to your student’s homeroom teacher by Friday, September 12th.
Here is important
information, to assist you in making your consent selections:
_____Student/Parent Code of Conduct Agreement.
The Code of Conduct can be found on the
district website under academics, chose high school or middle school, then student handbook.
Students and Parent/Guardians are asked to sign the Code of Conduct agreeing to abide by the
_____Parental/Guardian Photo/Image Consent Form.
South Hunterdon frequently recognizes
students on the high school’s website, through an email “ListServ” service, and on FaceBook. This
requires parental permission, required by the State of New Jersey.
You can choose to give
permission for a student’s name, photo, or other “identifiers” to appear on the school’s website or on
Please note:
If you do not give this consent, your child can not be included in any
recognitions on the website.
If you want your child to receive these recognitions, check the “I
give permission” choice on the consent form.
_____Consent to Survey.
Occasionally, South Hunterdon surveys students on adolescent social or
health issues, usually in health classes. The enclosed information sheet gives details and requires
you to give your consent.
School Office
Fax 609-397-2366
South Hunterdon Regional High School
Board of
Fax 609-397-6495
301 Mt. Airy – Harbourton Road
Lambertville, New Jersey 08530
Louis T. Muenker, D.Ed., Superintendent
Kerry Sevilis, Business Administrator/Board Secretary
William Ross, Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Mark Collins, Principal
_____Media & Technology Agreement.
In the best interest of our students’ safety and the
protection of the technology systems, this agreement insures that all equipment and facilities only be
used for legal and appropriate purposes.
_____Military Recruiters Access to Student Information Consent Form.
Federal law requires all
high schools to provide the names, addresses and phone numbers of all 11th and 12th grade students.
Parents have the option of deciding whether or not to release this information.
The enclosed
information sheet gives details and requires you to give your consent.
Safe Homes Parent Pledge Form.
Consent to have name, address and phone number
published in a Safe Homes Directory.
_____ PTSO Membership Form. The PTSO is mostly a group of Parents along with Teachers
and Students of South who are dedicated to both the community and school.
We are here to
help provide extra-special activities for the students and teachers providing unforgettable teen year
We are always looking for new members.
South Hunterdon Regional High School
301 Mt. Airy – Harbourton Road
Lambertville, New Jersey 08530
Louis T. Muenker, D.Ed., Superintendent
Kerry Sevilis, Business Administrator/Board Secretary
William Ross, Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Mark Collins, Principal
School Office
Fax 609-397-2366
Board of
Fax 609-397-6495
I, __________________________________________, parent/guardian of__________________________________________,
agree to abide by the following guidelines for computer, technology and Internet usage at South Hunterdon Regional High
School and as governed by Board of Education Policy 2361 and Regulations 2361. I will review the Regulations as published
in the Student Handbook or on the school technology web pages at under the District Information > Technology tab.
As a user of South Hunterdon Regional High School’s computer/technology facilities I agree and accept the following rules for
acceptable use for both school issued devices and infrastructure or personally owned devices I use in school:
1. To use the computer/technology facilities for the purpose they were intended.
2. Passwords are the individual’s responsibility and should not be shared with anyone.
3. Files, folders and work are for the access of only those who create them viewing or modifying any other person’s data
without permission is not permitted.
4. Access to restricted portions of the network operating system is not permitted.
5. Only approved software you have been granted express rights to by the network supervisor may be used. Installing or
using illegal software, shareware, or freeware is not permitted.
6. Copyright laws must be adhered to.
7. Game playing, music and video streaming on the computer is only permitted for educational purposes when authorized
by a teacher or the network supervisor.
8. Employing the computer/technology systems for commercial purposes is not permitted.
9. Damaging or intentionally wasting computer technology resources is not permitted. (i.e. use of “chain letters”,
transmitting to mailing lists, or excessive printing.)
10. Sending or displaying any threatening, offensive, obscene, or harassing material in any form is illegal and subject to
criminal charges.
I agree that in the best interest of my child’s safety and for the protection of the technology systems, that equipment and
facilities only be used for legal and appropriate purposes. Usage is only for legitimate educational research and class
connected projects and assignments.
I agree that penalties and costs incurred from violation of the computer and Internet guidelines will be the responsibility of the
I also release South Hunterdon Regional High School and its officers, agents, and employees from any and all claims based on
my child’s inappropriate, illegal, or improper use of the computer and Internet systems, and agree to indemnify without
limitation or liability and hold South Hunterdon Regional High School harmless from any and all claims by third parties,
including any claims based on allegations of copyright infringement from my child’s performance.
I understand computer/technology data storage areas will be treated like school lockers. Network storage areas remain the
property of the South Hunterdon Board of Education. The Board reserves the right to conduct routine inspections of files and
communications to maintain system integrity and ensure all users are using the system responsibly. Users should not expect
that files would always be private.
Parent Signature _____________________________________________ Date ________________
Student Signature _____________________________________________ Date ________________
Address ___________________________________________________________________________
City __________________________________________ State _____________ Zip ______________
Telephone ________________________
Parent E-Mail __________________________________
South Hunterdon Regional High School
301 Mt. Airy – Harbourton Road
Lambertville, New Jersey 08530
Louis T. Muenker, D.Ed., Superintendent
Kerry Sevilis, Business Administrator/Board Secretary
William Ross, Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Mark Collins, Principal
School Office
Fax 609-397-2366
Board of
Fax 609-397-6495
Student/Parent Code of Conduct Agreement
After reviewing the SHR Student Handbook, please sign the Code of Conduct
Agreement and return it to your homeroom teacher by Friday, September 12th. The
student handbooks can be found on the district website ( under
academics, chose high school or middle school, then student handbook.
My signature verifies that I have read, understand and agree to abide by this Code of
Student Signature: _______________________________________
Student Name:__________________________________________
I have reviewed the SHRHS Code of Conduct with my child and agree to abide by these
Parent/Guardian Signature: _______________________________________
Parent/Guardian Name:__________________________________________
South Hunterdon Regional High School
301 Mt. Airy – Harbourton Road
Lambertville, New Jersey 08530
Louis T. Muenker, D.Ed., Superintendent
Kerry Sevilis, Business Administrator/Board Secretary
William Ross, Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Mark Collins, Principal
School Office
Fax 609-397-2366
Board of
Fax 609-397-6495
Student Name (print) __________________________________ Grade _____
Dear South Parent/Guardian,
Academics, athletics, arts – there is always a picture perfect moment happening at South. Throughout
the year, we take hundreds of candid photos and videos to highlight student accomplishments, and we
would like your approval to include your son or daughter in these pictures and videos. Each year, a
number of events are photographed or videotaped for our web sites and various social media outlets, as
well as our print publications such as the Southern Eagle.
If you do not want your child’s image released in any of the circumstances, please indicate below.
Please note: All school co/extra curricular events are open to the public. If your son or daughter is
involved with any of these activities, we cannot guarantee that his or her name will not appear in the
Before your child can participate in any of the above activities, you must give your permission by
signing and returning this page to school. Thank you for your cooperation.
I give permission for my child to be interviewed, photographed, or videotaped for use in
school/district publications, school district publications, or for use by the general news media
for print or broadcast purposes; and for his/her name to be published in district publications and
website, and in news publications and broadcasts.
I do not give permission for my child to be interviewed, photographed, or videotaped for use
in school/district publications, school district publications, or for use by the general news media
for print or broadcast purposes; and for his/her name to be published in school/district
publications and website, and in news publications and broadcasts.
Parent/Guardian Name (print) _______________________________ Date _______________
Parent/Guardian Signature ______________________________________
Relation to Student (if guardian) __________________________________
South Hunterdon Regional High School
301 Mt. Airy – Harbourton Road
Lambertville, New Jersey 08530
School Office
Fax 609-397-2366
Board of
Fax 609-397-6495
Louis T. Muenker, D.Ed., Superintendent
Kerry Sevilis, Business Administrator/Board Secretary
William Ross, Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Mark Collins, Principal
Consent to Survey 2014-2015
In order to be in compliance with new directives issued by the State of New
Jersey, schools must obtain parental consent in order to survey students
regarding behaviors related to adolescent social and health issues. Although we
generally only survey students regarding these issues occasionally, usually in
our health classes, the survey results allow us to target areas for concern.
Services and programs designed to address these areas of concern allow us to
meet the needs of students and their families based on the survey results.
Please complete the bottom of this form indicating whether or not we have
permission to survey your son/daughter in school. Names are never collected
as part of the survey process, so all information remains anonymous. A
separate form should be completed for each student you have enrolled at the
high school.
Student Name ___________________________________Grade ___________
Please Print
I give permission for South Hunterdon to include my child when
conducting surveys related to adolescent social/health issues.
I do NOT give permission for South Hunterdon to include my child
conducting surveys related to adolescent social/health issues.
Parent Name ______________________________________
Please Print
Parent Signature ________________________________Date _____________
Your Student’s Homeroom Teacher
South Hunterdon Regional High School
301 Mt. Airy – Harbourton Road
Lambertville, New Jersey 08530
Louis T. Muenker, D.Ed., Superintendent
Kerry Sevilis, Business Administrator/Board Secretary
William Ross, Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Mark Collins, Principal
School Office
Fax 609-397-2366
Board of
Fax 609-397-6495
Military Recruiters Access to Student Information Consent Form
The No Child Left Behind federal education legislation requires all high schools to provide
military recruiters with the name, address, and phone number of all grade 11 and 12 students. A
school’s failure to comply with this requirement could result in a loss of federal education
funding under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act that was signed into law in January
Parents have the option of deciding if their child’s information is to be released to military
recruiters. Please indicate below whether or not you want your child’s information released to
military recruiters. Failure to respond will mean that military recruiters will have access to your
child’s information.
Student Name ____________________________________________________
Please Print
(Please Circle)
I agree to release my child’s information to military recruiters.
I do NOT want my child’s information released to military recruiters.
Parent Name _____________________________________________________
Please Print
Parent Signature __________________________________________________
Date ____________________
Your Student’s Homeroom Teacher
South Hunterdon Regional School District
Random Drug and Alcohol Testing Program
Pupil Consent to Test Form
I understand fully that my performance as a participant and the reputation of my school are
dependent, in part, on my conduct as an individual. I hereby agree to accept and abide by the
standards, rules, and regulations set forth by the South Hunterdon Regional School District
Board of Education and the sponsors for the activity in which I participate.
I authorize the South Hunterdon Regional School District to conduct a test on urine, which I
provide on-site, to test for alcohol and/or drug use if my name is drawn from the random pool.
Pursuant to the regulations of the Pupil Random Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy, I also
authorize the release of information concerning the results of such tests to designated district
I understand that I may also be randomly drug tested for a period of one (1) calendar year from
the submission of this form.
Pupil Name (print)
Current Grade
Pupil ID# (leave blank)
Pupil Signature
Parent/Guardian Name (print)
Work Phone
Parent/Guardian Signature
Home Phone
Cell Phone
I plan to participate in one or more of the following athletic programs:
□ Band
□ Baseball
□ Basketball
□ Bowling
□ Cheerleading
□ Chorus
□ Cross Country
□ Drama
□ Field Hockey
□ Football
□ Applying for a parking
□ French Honor Society
□ Golf
□ Gourmet Crafters
□ Key Club
□ Literary Magazine
□ Media Aides
□ National Honor Society
□ Newspaper
□ Peer Leadership
□ Play Productions
□ Robotics Club
□ Science Olympiad
□ Ski Club
□ Soccer
□ Softball
□ Spanish Honor Society
□ Student Council
□ Thespian Club
□ Track
□ Yearbook
□ Weight Lifting
□ Other: _____________
Revised 7/3/12
I and set
Sue Bacorn
Vice President:
Janine MacGregor
Janice Zuzov
Marianne Carter
Nina Cally
301 Mount Airy-Harbourton Road
Lambertville, NJ 08530
Hello South Families,
It’s that time of year again! The 2014/2015 school year is just around the corner and
it’s time to ask for your support of SOUTH’S PTSO. This year we are not only seeking your
membership dues but we desperately need energetic members with fresh ideas who are
willing to step up and take over. As many of you are aware, our current team has been at
the helm for a very long time and it’s time to turn the reins over to the parents of younger
students, who have a desire to get involved and make a difference.
Through your generous support over the years, whether you paid membership dues
or made donations PTSO, wouldn’t have been able to provide extra-curricular events and
create lasting memories for each of our students. The preliminary calendar of events has
been set (listed on back), and we’ve worked hard to focus on activities, like dances and
socials, that are well attended. Running these events seems like second nature to those of us
who have been here a turn or two and we tend to run like a well-oiled machine. However
change is how we grow, and it’s time to think outside the box. PTSO needs new ideas and
perspectives to evolve into the future SOUTH PTSO.
The first organized event is the High School Homecoming Semi-Formal Dance on
Friday, October 24, kicking-off an entire weekend of Homecoming festivities at South. The
Middle School will also enjoy a Masquerade Dance sometime in October. Our meetings take
place on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 7:30 pm in the High School Commons.
However, with everyone trying to settle back into a new school year routine PTSO will not
host a formal meeting until October 8th. Anyone that is seriously considering tossing their
hat into the leadership ring, I encourage you to contact any of the current team officers or
the PTSO via e-mail at with any questions or concerns. Also the
current team will be available during back to school night on September 18th.
You know us – you have seen the great things that we have accomplished and the
impact that we have had over the years. In addition, to your annual membership, would you
please consider joining the leadership team to steer the group into a bright new year? Just
complete the membership form below and return it to the PTSO mailbox at school along with
a $15.00 check made payable to SHR PTSO. Or, bring your membership form and fee to our
October 8th meeting. Or visit our table during Back to School Night on September 18th.
We are looking forward to a great year and a new PTSO team.
Every 2nd
Wednesday of the
7:30 pm in the
High School
Sue Bacorn
SHR PTSO President
 PTSO Membership Form 
Family Membership: $15.00
(Please make checks payable to SHR-PTSO)
Family & Contact Name: ________________________________
Contact numbers:
home _________________cell ___________________
E-mail contact:_____________________
Student/grade_________/_____; __________/______; _________/______
SHR PTSO Calendar of Events
Middle School Masquerade Dance
High School Homecoming Semi-Formal Dance
(Kick-off for Homecoming Athletic Festival Weekend)
Honor Roll Recognition Award Social
Meeting Schedule
Eagle's Nest Coffee House/Open Mic
November 12
PTSO Café at Winter Fest
October 8
December 10
January 14
Honor Roll Recognition Award Social
February 11
March 11
April 8
Honor Roll Recognition Award Social
PTSO Annual Rubber Ducky Race @ Shad Fest
May 13
June 10
Teacher Appreciation Week
PTSO Scholarship Awarded @ Commencement
Events scheduled are based on student participation and may be either
Postponed or cancelled at the PTSO discretion.
Who is the SHR PTSO and what do they do?
The PTSO is mostly a group of Parents along with Teachers and Students of South who are dedicated to both
the community and school. We are here to help provide extra-special activities for the students and teachers
providing unforgettable teen year memories.
The money raised through membership helps to sponsor annual events such as quarterly recognition bagel
breakfasts for Honor Roll Students, the Middle School Masquerade Dance, the High School Semi-Formal
Homecoming Dance, teacher generated school projects and numerous other events for which PTSO is asked to
help sponsor... PTSO annually awards two $500 Academic Scholarships and one $500 “Eagle Spirit
Scholarship”; this award is based solely on attributes that set a student apart in terms of character, initiative and
perseverance. Nominations are submitted from the faculty and the award is based on the majority number of
nominations received.
Interested in joining?
Come to a meeting the 2nd Wednesday of every month beginning in October. If you can’t make the meetings, but
would like to be a part of this amazing group, e-mail the PTSO at Or simply complete
the form located on the front and return with payment of $15.00 to the SHR PTSO mailbox located in the main
SAFE HOMES parents agree to cooperate with schools, law enforcement and young people to create a
healthy atmosphere in which the use of alcohol and other drugs is no longer the “norm.” SAFE HOMES
parents are taking a stand against the alarming increase in alcohol and drug use among our youth.
I will not allow parties and gatherings when I am not at home.
I will not serve, nor will I allow, youth under the legal drinking age of 21 to consume alcohol
in my house or on my property.
I will not allow the use of illicit drugs at my home or on my property.
(Parent Signature)
Your signature indicates your consent to have your name, address and phone number published in a secure online
directory. It also indicates that your best efforts will be made to implement the guidelines of SAFE HOMES. This
pledge is in effect for the four years your child is in high school. This is not a legally binding contract.
Please return this form to:
Margaret Christofely, Student Assistance Counselor;
South Hunterdon Regional High School
301 Mt. Airy – Harbourton Road
Lambertville, NJ 08530
Phone (609) 397-2060 x1206
Fax (609) 397-2366