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View - Treasure Mountain Junior High
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School Year
TMJH registration for the
2016-2017 school year will
begin on August 8. On
August 18, we will have
school pictures and student
laptop distribution. Watch
your mail and the TMJH
webpage for more
information in August.
A Message from
Our Principal
We are wrapping up another fantastic school year at TMJH! I hope
students, parents, and teachers feel as satisfied with their
personal growth this year as I do and that everyone has made fun
and relaxing plans for the summer. I’d like to thank all of the
students, staff members, and parents who were involved in our
“Let’s Talk About Drugs in Park City: A Community Discussion”
event: Niko Jensen, Mary Klismith, Amy Jenkins, Zach Nakaishi,
Molly Miller, Robert Kunz, and students from the Leadership class,
especially Brooklyn Bohm, who DJ’ed for us. This was truly a
collaborative event that included community members, students,
and parents, and it would not have happened without the
cooperation of everyone. We will hold another community discussion
on drugs next October.
Ms. Sutherland
Save the Date!
May 31
Student Laptop
return (all students)
June 1
Student locker
clean out
June 2
June 3
School dismissed
at 11:45 am.
JUNE 2016
A word from our Assistant Principal
I can't believe it is the end of the school year already. The weather in
Park City at this time of year always makes it tricky to gauge exactly
how close we are to summer. I want to thank each of you who has
taken the time to share your questions or concerns with me during
my first year at Treasure Mountain. I have learned a tremendous
amount from you and your students. Moving forward, I plan on
expanding the positive behavior committee’s work to include more
education about the restorative justice model for teaching students
conflict resolution and peer mediation. These practices help
students feel safer and happier at school. If you'd like more
information about these practices, please
visit and search for the term "restorative
justice." Have a safe and relaxing summer with your family.
Ms. Jenkins
Assistant Principal
The PTSO will be sponsoring a whole school End of Year
Celebration on June 3rd from 8:00am to 11:15am. There
will be food, games, movies, music and much more.
PTSO is looking for volunteers to help with the
celebration. If you are interested, please contact Kaz
Burnz or Ericha Oberg
JUNE 2016
N o tes fro m the S c ho o l N urse
Ple a se p ic k up a ny me d ic a tio n o r me d ic a l sup p lie s y o ur stud e nt ma y ha ve in the hea lth
ro o m b y JU N E 2 nd . W e c a nno t sto re me d ic a tio n o ve r the summer. A ny med ic a tio n le ft in
the sc ho o l w ill b e d isc a rd e d .
H a ve a sa fe a nd he a lthy summe r!
Gina Agy, RN
School Nurse, Park City School District
Your Credits Count!
9th grade credits count for high school graduation! Students who receive F's (0
credit) in any of their 9th grade core classes (English, Math, Science, Social
Studies, Comp Tech, and PE) must make up those failed quarter grades in order to
graduate. Students must meet with their Guidance Counselor for remediation
options, including summer options (must register by June 1). Do this as soon as
possible, as there are deadlines for signing up for summer courses.
Counselors will only be available through June 7.
Teacher Appreciation Week
The TMJH Teachers and Staff would like to give
recognition to our TMJH parents for all there
support and their extremely generous donations for
teacher appreciation week and thru out
the year.
JUNE 2016
Thank you for a wonderful week of
delightful surprises and for everything
you do for TMJH teachers and stu dents.
Ms. Gallagher
Thanks you so much PTSO you are awesome!!!!! Ms. Taylor What a week of
appreciation! Spoiled big
time! The awesome thing
about our PTSO here at TMJH
is that they support us the
whole year through on so
many levels. This week was
extra sweet and beautiful,
though. So appreciated!
Ms. Matthews
Teacher Appreciation gets me out
of bed in the morning!! Thank you
so much for the attention to
details like tablecloths and having
everything set up so nicely
especially the flowers- the delicious
food and the utensils to it eat it
with (not easily found here at
Treasure!) and your kind and
appreciative attitudes make feel
appreciated and special...Many
Thanks PTSO!
Ms. Andreini
Thank you for all the time and
efforts you put into planning this
special week for us. We
appreciate you too!!!
Ms. Hurner
Thank you PTSO! All of
the treats were great! The
Thursday lunch was
A big Thank you
PTSO for the awesome
week! Happy Mother's Day!
Ms. Hedges
Don't like: planning
my b reakfast,
planning my lunch,
planning my snacks.
Mr. Thompson
Wow, what a great PTSO!
I am an itinerant
teacher, so I have spent
years traveling to a
variety of schools
around the Wasatch
Front. TMJH is such a
great place, like I've
never seen before! In
my 8 years of teaching,
this is the first time I've
been included in a
Teacher Appreciation
Week. Some of that
credit obviously goes to
the amazing admin and
staff here, but also the
wonderful PTSO. Thank
you for making me feel
Ms. Blackham
Thanks for everything.
Mr. Torrey
Thank you PTSO! It's so
nice to feel
appreciated! You turned a
difficult week into one
filled with love and
gratitude! You're the best
and we couldn't do what
we do without your
support! xoxoxoxo
Ms. McKenna
Thank you SO MUCH for
the incredib le job you
have done of spoiling us
all year long, fr om the
pleasant and pala table
soups at fall conferences;
to t he perfect and
plentiful arr ay of salads
and sa ndwiches at spring
conferences; to the
treats, gifts, and meals
this week, you have given
us healthy and delicious
options to encourage and
pa mper me. It would be
fun to have a collection
of the recipes and
restaurant sources used
throughout the year, for
future enjoy ment. Maybe
next year... :)
Ms. Henry
JUNE 2016
It means so much to be
remembered for Teacher
Appreciation week. Even
though doing the work
is reward enough, the
acknowledgement is
greatly appreciated.
Ms. P edrone
Lo ve t he flo wer s t oo!
W e are for tu nat e t o
have su ch g en erou s a nd
t houg ht fu l com m un it y
par ent s.
M s. Du is
I look forward to this
all year... Thank you
PTSO for taking care
of Park City teachers
so well!
Ms. Stratton
Gorgeous flowe rs t o
st art the w eek, a
bo unt if ul break f ast , a
f estiv e and del icio u s
l unch , a nd a gif t c ard. I
f eel so apprec iat ed.
Tha nk you PT SO.
M s. Grav es- Hen neman
Thanks for all the wonderful
treats, lunch, and gift cards.
May favorite week of the year!
Mr. Jeffrey
Thanks so much for always
being so generous to all of
us!! I am very grateful for the
kindness I have been shown
by the PTSO over the years I
have had the great fortune to
teach here in Park City!!
Mr. Macias
It 's b ee n a won de r ful we ek, thank
you! T his is a w ee k I always look
for ward t o e ac h year !
Ms , Mad dux
Thanks so much for the
excellent pampering. Your
kindness came just at the
right time. It gives me the
boost I need to finish the
year with the students on a
happy, positive and
energized note. I love
getting flowers:)
Thanks so much.
Ms. Dieterich
I've moved around a lot
and worked in a quite a
few different school
districts and I can whole
heartedly say that the
PTSO at Treas ure
Mountain spoils us. I know
that we all feel incredibly
lucky to have such
thoughtful people that
really make us all feel
Ms. Maxwell
It w as a d el ig ht fu l
we ek . Th an k yo u fo r
yo ur g en er os it y - th e
fl ow er s, c ar am el
ap pl es , br ea kf as t,
lu nc h an d gi ft
ce rt if ic at es w er e mu ch
ap pr ec ia te d! !
Ho w th ou gh tf ul !!
Ms . Be ck er
Thank you so much for
the great food and gifts.
You are the best!
Ms. Strong
Thank you PTSO:)
Mr. Jensen
Thanks PTSO for all the yummy
goodies! I look forward to
Teacher Ap preciation Week every
year :)
Ms. Brechwald
T his is really sp ecial for
ever yon e W e are all p re tty
tired as the e nd of the years
com es alon g, an d this is ju st
su ch a n ice pic k-me -u p. T he
lun c h ye sterd ay w as an
aweso me tim e for pe ople to talk
and en joy eachothe r-takin g a
min u te to c onn ect w ith p eop le
we some tim es are n't able to
see -a really won d erfu l effo rtwe app rec iate everythin g
PT SO d oes to sup p ort u s all
year lon g .
M s. Klism ith
JUNE 2016
Thank you for making a tough week
easier for me. The timing of teacher
appreciation week couldn't have
been better!
Thank you so much for thinking
Ms. Smith
about our TMJH staff. Everything
Thank you for all the
was either beautiful, delicious or
Chocolate Factory
heart warming. Ms. Pacal
goodies! We
appreciate the
Thankyou! PTSO, you are fabulous. Thank
recognition and
you for feeding us and making us feel
sending us to Weight
appreciated. Thank you for the beautiful
Watchers! The Bus
flowers and great gift cards.
Ms. Hooker
I love the va riety of ways our
PT SO th in ks of to tre at us... an d
the key wo rd is TREA T! My
favorite trea t w as th e flow ers in
the colored g la ss m in i lan te rn s...
adorable! :)
Ms. P ayne
At the NJHS induction ceremony, the TMJH chapter proudly
inducted around 200 new members. In order to be inducted,
students had to maintain a 3.5 average GPA, perform at least 20
hours of community service, attend meetings, and participate in
group projects. The induction ceremony included speeches from
principal Emily Sutherland and president Grace Wiczek, music from
Sean Lydon and Sanne Christensen, and taking the pledge in front
of friends and family. Congratulations to this year's inductees!
Mr. Parker
JUNE 2016
2016-2018 TMJH School Community Council
The Treasure Mountain Junior High School Community Council (SCC) is
soliciting parents and guardians interested in serving on the 2016-2018 Council.
Nominations forms are found on the TMJH SCC website. Nominations should be
submitted to Principal Emily Sutherland via email, fax(435-645-5649) or hand delivery
by June 3, 2016. (Please verify acceptance of nominee prior to submission. Self
nominations are encouraged.)
‘Write-In’s’ are accepted until voting begins during school registration days in
August 2016, but late nominees might not have their ‘Bio’ printed for the ballot.
From the nominations, a ballot will be drawn, and elections will be held during
August 2016 school registration. Three parent representatives will be elected for a two
year term. Questions? Contact Emily Sutherland, Principal, 435-645-5640 or email
The SCC meets 7 or 8 times annually. Meetings are generally held at Treasure
Mountain from 2:40 – 3:40 pm. The SCC consists of TMJH teachers, administrators, and
parents. The SCC is responsible for establishing and monitoring school goals and
administering the Utah State Land Trust program for Treasure Mountain.
The 7th annual Running with Ed on Saturday, May 21st
was a huge success. Our theme this year was a
“Titanic” based theme. Runners were welcomed at our
exchange by “The Mondays”, a local band featuring
Brian Kretschmar, a McPolin Teacher. The runners ran
through our front doors, into the “dining room” and were
serenaded by some of our Treasure Mountain orchestra
students. As they continued down the hallway lined with
portholes, runners had to dodge “floating luggage,
clothing, and an occasional iceberg”. As the runners
exited the rear doors, it appeared that the building was
sinking into the ocean being surrounded by sea
creatures. Our thanks go to the runners who ran a good
race, our volunteers who supported our transition
station and all the donations to make our school look
like a ship. Please take a moment to view the PCEF
webpage to see how much money was raised through
this event.
JUNE 2016
TMJH Laptop Collection May 31th
Per the PCSD student user agreement, the laptop has to pass inspection based
on possible damage done during the school year. Inspection of the computer
occurs at the check in station. If damage is such that repair or replacement is
required, there is a $100 deductible due as per the user agreement. If you have
any concerns, please call 435-645-5640.
District-assigned 13” MacBook Air
Power adapter at home
Take laptop case home after
laptop collection and bring it back
to school for laptop distribution in
*NOTE: Students who are NOT returning to TMJH or PCHS next year must return everything,
including laptop, power adapter and power cord.