Document 6601912


Document 6601912
Venue Scien5fic event Deutsches Herzzentrum München LazareBstraße 36, D-­‐80636 Munich Hörsaal Social event Evening at the Löwenbräukeller, D-­‐80636 Munich Contact Per Larsen Tel.: 089 / 4140-­‐3265 or -­‐3269 Fax: 089 / 4140-­‐3261 hBp://­‐meets-­‐cardiology OMICs meets cardiology 18. -­‐ 19. December 2014 Organiza5on Heribert Schunkert, MHA, Munich, D Thomas Mei?nger, MHA, Munich, D JeaneBe Erdmann, NCCR, Lübeck, D Scien5fic program Thursday, 18.12.2014 10:45 Heribert Schunkert Opening remarks
Session 1
Chair: H. Schunkert, M. Dichgans 11:00 Nilesh Samani (ULEIC, UK) Clinical applica?ons of GWAS studies of CAD 11:30 Paul de Bakker (UMC, NL) Dutch genomes and coronary calcifica?on 12:00 JeaneNe Erdmann (IIEG, D) Families as promising tools to iden?fy novel genes for CAD 12:30 Benjamin Meder (HD, D) Gene?cs of dilated cardiomyopathy
Lunch break Session 2
Chairs: S. Massberg, A. Peters 14:00 Stefan Blankenberg (UKE, D) Biomarkers for predic?on of CAD 14:30 Suzanne Leal (BCM, USA) Pigalls in rare variant associa?on studies 15:00 Panos Deloukas (QMU, UK) tba coffee break Session 3
Chairs: C. Weber, K. Laugwitz 16:00 Gerard Pasterkamp (UMC, NL) Atherosclero?c disease: transla?ng mice genes to human gene?cs. 16:30 Johan Bjoerkegren (MSSM, USA) Towards diagnos?cs and therapies of molecularly defined subcategories of CAD pa?ents 17:00 Tanja Zeller (UKE, D) Transcriptomics -­‐ the use of molecular tools in CVD. Results from the MetaXpress studies MHA Lecture 18:00 19:30 Chair: S. Engelhardt Jeffery Molken5n (CCHMC, USA) Gene?c analysis of c-­‐kit+ stem cell contribu?on to the heart Social event Friday, 19.12.2014
Session 4
Chair: J. Bjoerkegren, T. Mei?nger 8:30 Tōnu Esku (UoT, EST) tba 9:00 Norbert Hübner (MDC, D) Systems approaches to posBrans-­‐
crip?onal gene regula?on and cardiac dysfunc?on 9:30 Mar5n Dichgans (LMU, D) Stroke gene?cs: From common variants to mechanisms 10:00 Xia Yang (UCLA, USA) Integra?ng diverse genomic datasets to elucidate the complexity of CAD Coffee break Session 5
Chair: N. Samani, S. Blankenberg 11:00 Chris5an Gieger (HMGU, D) An atlas describing integrated gene?c and metabolic human individuality 11:30 MaNhias Mann (MPI, D) Modern proteomics technologies and their applica?on to cardiology 12:00 Fabian Theis (HMGU, D) The human blood metabolome-­‐ transcriptome interface Lunch break NCCR Satellite Session Session 6
Chair: J. Erdmann, Norbert Hübner 13:30 Yury Miller (UCSD, USA) Modeling cardiovascular disease in zebrafish 14:00 Alessandra Moreb (TUM, D) Genotype-­‐phenotype correla?on using human pluripotent stem cells 14:30 Mar5n Habré de Angelis (HMGU, D) Modelling cardiovascular disease in mice 15:00 Fare-­‐well