FELLOWSHIP MISSIONARY CHURCH | 11.16.2014 Abraham: A Journey of Trust Children656 Adult 1721 TOTAL 2377 ABRAHAM COVENANT OBEDIENCE TRUST ALTAR FAITH ISAAC MORIAH ATTENDANCE FMC 11.09.2014 FELLOWSHIP NUMBERS ACTIVITIES Giving Operating Need $53,441.12 Operating Offering $54,116.27 Surplus/Deficit +$675.15 Capital Improvement $888.50 Elder Fund $10.00 Ministry Schedule adults Prayer Walk | Sundays, 6:30 AM | Come2Go parking lot, 323 W. Baker Street Common Ground | Sundays, 9:45 AM | Room 106 The Daniel Plan | Sundays, 9:45 AM | The Mix Study of Romans | Mondays, 9 AM | Room 104 Children of the Day | Mondays, 6:45 PM | The Mix Emerge (young adults, 18-29) | Tuesdays, 6:30 PM, WunderKammer Art Gallery, 3402 Fairfield Ave. 46807 Authentic Manhood | Tuesdays, 6:30 PM | Room 100 Refresh (Women) | Tuesdays, 6:30 PM | Conf. Room Card Care | 2nd & 4th Wednesdays, 5 PM | Conf. Rm The Choir | Wednesdays, 6PM | Chapel Mending Nets | Thursdays, 7 PM | Room 100 OUR INFORMATION Fellowship Missionary Church | 2536 E. Tillman Road Fort Wayne, IN 46816 260.447.3578 | www.fmcfw.org Sunday Gatherings: 8:00, 9:45 & 11:30 AM CHILDREN TotTown (birth-age 4) | Sundays, 8:00, 9:45 & 11:30 AM Crosstown (preK-gr. 4) | Sundays, 8:00, 9:45 & 11:30 AM AWANA | Tuesdays, 6:30 PM YOUTH Uptown (gr. 5-7) | Sundays, 9:45 AM | Upstairs Downtown (gr. 8-12) | Sundays, 9:45 AM | Rm. 100 Please note: Pictures taken at activities hosted or sponsored by Fellowship Missionary Church may be used in publications available for public view. Children under age 16 will not be identified by name in these publications. To be excluded from pictures, register your choice with the church office (447-3578, gdeselm@fmcfw.org). WELCOMe We are so glad you’ve joined us this morning! We want to help you find a place to connect and belong here at Fellowship. Please stop by the Welcome Center in the Atrium and introduce yourself to us! SPIRIt 5-HOUR NIGHT FRIday, Nov 21, 5-10 PM | FMC Kids in grades 5-7, join other youth at FMC for a night of fun, games, community, food and Scripture. Christmas gift store | Nov 16 & 23 -Keith & Barbara Anderson -Elizabeth Becker -Yolanda Bennett -Annie Bolling -Corrinna Church -Tamra Cowen -Jennifer Farnsworth -Lisa Fields -Penny Giddens -George Harris -Dee Jay & Jean Hartley -Matthew & Ashley Kick -Carol Kumfer -Matthew & Lindsay Lott -Sascha & Karey Martin -Carlos & Angela Medina -Ed & Mable Mendoza -Heidi Rabideau -Peggy Rice -Troy & Lisa Schade -Brandi Scott -Patricia Kim Settles -Bhupathy, Thabitha, Timothy & Trizah Tatavarthy FRIENDS Show God’s love to families among us by helping them provide Christmas gifts for their children. Stop by the Ministry counter located just inside the front doors of the church to pick up a gift tag. ABRAHAM: THE JOURNEY OF TRUST new members The following people are joining the Fellowship Family today: ACT TEACH imom FRIday, Nov 21, 6-8 PM room 100 TotTown moms, join us for another night of iMom! You’ll make great connections with other moms of little ones and find a place of support as you seek to raise your children in truth and faith. Pastor Dave continues his teaching series on the life of Abraham this morning. Together we will explore what God has for each of us on our own journeys of trust. FAMILY Because you matter • • • • • • • baby dedications Today we are joining with families, in support, as they dedicate their children to God. Parish & Heather Gratz --Coralyn Christina & Vivian Blue Kyle & Heather Smith --Brooklyn Elyse NEWS Visitors, please do not feel obligated to participate in the offering. The offering is for those who call FMC their church home. CDs of today’s message are available at the Welcome Center in the Atrium following the 11:30 AM gathering. DVDs of today’s message will be available next Sunday. Elders are available to pray with you at the end of each gathering. Please turn off phones & pagers before we begin. If you have a medical emergency, find an usher and he/she will page a First Responder. Emergency contact number for a Pastor: 260.447.3578 If your contact information - phone, e-mail, or mailing address - has recently changed, please let us know at infoupdate@fmcfw.org. Doug & Sally Stitzer --Sophia Grace Joshua & Mariah Trudel --Mark Anthony Shawn & Rachael Zellers --Wyatt Henry FMC Publications We want to help you get connected and grow at Fellowship. For more information about what’s happening at FMC, pick up a copy of Thrive, our monthly ministry calendar, and On Mission our bi-monthly newsletter. Both are available in the Atrium today.