November 2014 HPC KOINONIA NEWSLETTER A Publication of Hillsboro Presbyterian Church Harvest Game Festival Potluck Final All-Church Gathering Sunday, Nov. 2 (After church in the FSH) Saturday November 22 5:30pm Town Hall Meeting to voice your views in response to stated questions No vote will be taken Inside this issue: What’s Happening: > Final All-Church Gathering Nov 2 Welcome, Sermons, Greeters 2 > All Saints’ Sunday, Pictures Daylight Savings Time Ends Nov 2 The Pastor’s Pen 3 Youth News 4 Education, Service 5 > Middle School Retreat Nov 7-9 > Men’s Group Nov 8 Fellowship, Property 6 > Blood Pressure Screening Deacons, Co-Mission Mtgs Nov 9 Stewardship 7 Events, Sisters in Christ 8 Worship, Deacons 9 Groups 10 Missions 11 > Pinochle Nov 14 > Book Club Nov 16 > Bunko Nov 18 > CPYA Nov 21-23 > Ladies Night Out Nov 21 3 Tables of Christmas Joy, Birthday, Anniversaries 12 > HPC Game Night/Potluck Nov 22 Calendar > 13 1st Sunday in Advent Nov 30 Groups Brunch, Tables of Christmas Joy www.hillsboropres.com Welcome Visitors and Newcomers If If you do not have a Church Home, consider being a part of what God is doing here at HPC. There are 5 steps: 1) Know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior; 2) Know HPC is where Jesus wants you to belong; 3) Attend an HPC 101 Class; 4) Meet with Session; & 5) Profess your faith before the congregation. Visitors and Newcomers are invited to everything in this newsletter. We welcome YOU in the Name of Jesus who welcomes us! The Vision of HPC is for all to EXPERIENCE that GOD is able to do MORE by His Spirit at work within us. Therefore: Our Mission is to continue to build A CARING, CHRIST-CENTERED COMMUNITY that is excited to KNOW Jesus GROW Spiritually & SHOW God’s love ...all for His glory and purpose. SERMONS 11/2 CONGRATULATIONS! (ALL SAINTS’ SUNDAY) 11/9 CHOOSE, THIS DAY 11/16 RIGHTEOUS IGNORANCE 11/23 ONE RETURNED TO GIVE THANKS 11/30 THE “O” ANTIPHONS Greeters 11/2 Bob & Lanora Kuest 11/9 Gary & Crystal Jones 11/16 Barb & Bob Rauscher 11/23 Molly Westmoreland 11;30 Nancy Johnson SCRIPTURE MATTHEW 5:1-12 JOSH 24:1-3A, 14-25; MATT 25:1-13 MATTHEW 25:31-46 LUKE 17:11-19 PROV 3; EZEKIEL 34; ISAIAH 11, 22, 60; LUKE 1; PSALM 47; ISAIAH 7 Flowers Mike & Judy Walker Fred, Naomi, & Garrett Kuest Elroy & Greta Schindler Poinsettias—HPC Families Thank You to…Lanora Kuest. Lori Wisdom, Judith Lamp, Sue Dever & Janine Wikoff for helping in the office and Worship. Page 2 Pastor’s Pen “Her pleasure in the walk must arise from the exercise and the day, from the view of the last smiles of the year upon the tawny leaves and withered hedges, and from repeating to herself some few of the thousand poetical descriptions extant of autumn--that season of peculiar and inexhaustible influence on the mind of taste and tenderness--that season which has drawn from every poet worthy of being read some attempt at description, or some lines of feeling.” ― Jane Austen, Persuasion Greetings! Ahh Autumn, how I love this season of our year. Actually, I find something to be appreciated about every season of the year; each season brings its unique array of pleasant sensations, associated with another mood, the promise of anticipated activities befitting that time of year. The changing seasons of the year also provide the church with recurring opportunities to celebrate the Christian Faith in worship. The Christian church, following earlier Jewish tradition, has long used the seasons of the year as an opportunity for festivals and holidays, sacred time set aside to worship God as the Lord of life. While Jewish celebration revolves around the Exodus from Egypt, the Christian Church year focuses on the life and ministry of Jesus. As a congregation moves through the church calendar, they are presented in an organized way with the opportunity to talk about, reflect upon, and respond to the entire range of faith confessions that lie at the heart of the Christian Faith. The Christian calendar is organized around two major centers of Sacred Time: Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany; and Lent, Holy Week, and Easter, concluding at Pentecost. The rest of the year following Pentecost is known as Ordinary Time, from the word "ordinal," which simply means counted time (First Sunday after Pentecost, etc.). Ordinary Time is used to focus on various aspects of the Faith, especially the mission of the church in the world. Page 3 Undergirding our journey through the seasons of the church calendar the Common Lectionary appoints scriptural texts appropriate for each Sunday and festival. The lectionary follows a three-year cycle, each new cycle beginning with the First Sunday of Advent. Many preachers, including yours truly, employ the use of the lectionary in selecting a text upon which to compose their sermons, week to week, season to season. I have found that the lectionary has an uncanny ability to appoint texts which are not only appropriate for the seasons of the church calendar, but which also speak to the issues of the day – whether they be issues being addressed by individual worshipers, or by the congregation, or within the broader arena of our society and the world. And, my experience has been that worshipers in regular attendance, who are open to hearing the scriptural message that sometimes “afflicts the comfortable as well as comforting the afflicted,” find that the discipline of lectionary-prompted sermon topics to be of benefit as we travel, together through the church’s seasons. Over the coming weeks Christians will experience not only the changing of climatological seasons, but also the seasons of our church calendar. We will move from “ordinary time” into the season of Advent, embarking on a new year’s consideration of scriptural texts appointed by “Cycle B” of the Common Lectionary and leaving behind those texts we experienced this year of our Lord in “Cycle B” of the lectionary. I know that you may be saying, “Too much information, David.” Perhaps you’re right. So let me put it more simply: May you, as you experience occasions for worship during the coming weeks of seasonal change, bring you blessings of inspiration and nourishment for your journey, in whatever season of life you may currently inhabit. Peace and blessings, Dave Page 4 Youth News Fall Retreats November 7-9 Middle School Retreat in Lincoln City November 21-23 Senior High CPYA Cascades Presbyterian Youth Assembly “BE” This year I have the great honor of speaking at CPYA. I am very excited to talk with different students and youth leaders throughout the Presbytery about discovering who God has called them to be. Registrations are available for both retreats in the fellowship hall Pie Auction November 16, 11:30 am in the fellowship hall All Proceeds will go to the Senior High Mission Trip to New Orleans, LA to work with Camp RHINO Rebuilding Hope in New Orleans (RHINO) is an outreach ministry of St. Charles Avenue Presbyterian Church and a premier mission destination. We provide meaningful service opportunities in New Orleans for volunteers from all over the nation and actively work to help New Orleans residents restore their lives both physically and spiritually. Since initially opening our doors in October 2005 to help with Hurricane Katrina response, we have welcomed over 6,000 volunteers from various national organizations and built 33 homes through Habitat for Humanity, as well as partnered with The New Orleans Mission, Second Harvest Food Bank, Magnolia Community Services, and Parkway Partners to rebuild hope in many different ways all over New Orleans. No Youth Group November 9 (Due to middle school retreat) November 23 (due to CPYA) November 26 and 30 (For Thanksgiving break) Ladies Night Out Ladies Night Out will be hosted by Retha Lange and Char Leep on Friday, November 21, 5:30pm. Stay tuned for more details to come! Page 5 Service Education At our Congregational Meeting, Sunday, October 19, we elected Elders and Deacons as follows: Thank you to all who signed up to teach Sunday School! We are looking for a few more Sunday School teachers to fill the months of December 2014-March 2015. If you are interested in teaching Sunday School for one month or have any questions about teaching, please talk to Jennifer. Elders: Lori Wisdom Jill Cessna Steve Dever Fred Kuest Bob Moyers Class of 2015 Class of 2016 Class of 2017 Class of 2017 Class of 2017 Elders rotating off: Bill Hill (resigned effective 10-31-14) Tom Jacquemin (resigned effective 12-31-14) Susie Carlstrand (Class of 2014) Marie Chambers (Class of 2014) Steve Dever (Class of 2014) Deacons: Kent Callahan Class of 2016 Bonnie Jacquemin Class of 2016 Joanie Loepp Class of 2016 Deacons rotating off: Bonnie Jacquemin (Class of 2014) Joanie Loepp (Class of 2014) Norma VanValkenburg (Class of 2014) We welcome those Elders and Deacons who are starting in the new year and we say “Thank You for your Service” to those Elders and Deacons who will be rotating off. Don’t forget our final All-Church Gathering on Sunday, November 2,, 11:30am in the FSH. This will be a Town Hall format with an ‘open mic’ for the purpose of providing a forum for HPC members to express their views in response to stated questions and for members of session to hear those views. No vote will be taken at this Gathering. It is time to start preparing for the Children's Christmas Program! Please look for commitment forms to be coming home. We always alter the program to fit our numbers and there will be roles available for every interest level! Most practices will occur during Sunday School. There will mostly likely be one additional practice outside of Sunday morning. Please let us know of your interest and availability as soon as possible. We are starting a new sign-in practice in the nursery. Parents will be asked to sign their child in and out. They will also be able to designate who else is allowed or not allowed to pick up their child, as well as write down any additional instructions. Jennifer McLin Page 6 Fellowship We have had a few changes with helpers during Fellowship hour recently. I would like to send a big thank you to those that noticed and took it upon themselves to offer assistance so we could continue caring for the congregation without missing a step. God knows when to send angels. Our replacement freezer was installed in October. What a blessing. May the month of November and Thanksgiving give us all time to reflect on God’s love. As we fellowship may that love shine through us to our sisters and brothers. In God's Hands, Marie Chambers Fellowship Elder Poinsettia Sign Up Please join in the decorating of our Chancel area with Poinsettia plants as we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and the season of Christmas. The poinsettias will be used during the Advent season until after the services on December 24th, at which time they are yours to take home or give as gifts. Size available is 2 quart (6-8 blooms) for $8. Please sign up in the Fellowship Hall, make your checks payable to HPC, and give to Debbi Like in the Church Office by November 16th. Property Status of Grounds care planning. It has been decided that HPC Grounds Care will be done by volunteers. The cost to pay someone to do the work would be at $2500 to $3500 a month. Mike Kilgore has volunteered to head up the Grounds Care team. THANK YOU Mike!! Mike Needs volunteers to help with the grounds care. This is a brief list of things related to HPCs Grounds keeping job: Mowing, trimming, watering and related watering system maintainence. Equipment maintenance and repairs. We are also looking for someone that has the proper licenses to apply lawn care chemicals. If you are interested in helping with any part of the grounds keeping Please contact Mike Kilgore or Steve Dever. Sanctuary Lighting By the time you read this the sanctuary stage lighting should be in good working order. An electrician is scheduled to work on the lighting issues on 28-October. Parking Lot Lighting By the time you read this the parking lot lighting will have been repaired. Repairs are scheduled for 22-Oct. In Gods Service Steve Dever HPC Property Elder Page 7 Stewardship Revenue: Actual revenue for September is $13,323 including $2,157 of pass-through expenditures offsetting prior pass-through receipts. (Receipts prior to pass-through expenditures $15,479) Budget revenue for September is $21,161. The monthly actual to budgeted revenue deficit is $7,838. Actual year-to-date revenue through September totals $53,889 compared to budget year-to date revenue of $63,483. The year-to-date comparative balance-to-budget ($9,594) reflects a decrease from the prior month balance of ($1,756). Expenditures: Actual expenditures for September are $24,324 compared to budget expenditures of $23,237. Actual expenditure to budgeted expenditure reflects a monthly budget deficit of $1,087. Actual year-to-date expenditures through September total $72,315 compared to budget expenditures of $70,651. The year-to-date comparative balance for budgeted expenditures reflects a decrease resulting in a negative balance of $1,664. (prior month ($577)) Net Revenue and Expenditures: Net actual revenue and expenditure for September reflects a monthly decrease of $11,001. Net actual Year-to-date revenue and expenditure through September reflects a decrease of $18,426. (prior month year-to-date total ($7,425). Thank you for your continuing prayer and support. In His Service William Hill Stewardship Elder Page 8 Sisters In Christ Women’s Ministry/Sisters in Christ is in a time of change with our church Our fellowship time on Saturday mornings did not fit into peoples’ schedules as well as it used to. Ladies Night Out is a great choice for fellowship. Bible Study on Wednesday mornings at 10:00 in the Youth Room with Betty Grissett is going strong. If you have questions about The Prayer Shawl Ministry please contact Sheri Bapzik (see article below) or any questions about the Memory Quilts or the Comfort Quilts please contact Shellie Smith. Events Our events committee has been busy planning a number of events for our church and community. If you are interested in joining our group, we do have fun, and you are more than welcome. I keep the meetings brief and to the point with an agenda to help us focus on the specific fun ahead. All participants are given a chance to give feedback and are encouraged to help us make the coming event memorable. The following events will be happening over the next several months and we are looking forward to your participation. Bring a friend and neighbor to help us celebrate what HPC is about. Craft Fair October 25 9am-4pm in the Fellowship Hall Prayer Shawl Ministry All you wonderful folks who knit and crochet—please pray over your involvement in this vital Ministry. I wish I could convey the joy and smiles I have received in delivering these special Prayer Shawls. The Shawls are donated to Tuality Hospital and EmpRes Health and Rehabilitation Center Several of our own Church Family have received these beautiful Shawls. There has been some discussion on doing this as a group in addition to working on them at home. I am open to all suggestions from anyone interested in helping with this. God bless you for your kind support. Sheri Badzik Email: sheri.badzik@comcast.net or telephone (503)941-9751 Harvest Game Festival Saturday, November 22 5:30-8:00pm Potluck - bring a side-dish as well and we suggest new socks, blankets, and jackets for our homeless shelters. This will be a kid and adult oriented event with games for the kids, and adults. A new Bingo set is going to be part of the fun with prizes for the winners. Monthly potlucks coming soon following the holidays. December HPC and tree decorating with time and details to come. Respectfully, Tom Jacquemin, Events Elder Page 9 Worship Greetings All, November 30th is the First Sunday in Advent. We are looking for Families, Single folks, church groups to volunteer to do the Lighting of the Advent Candles. There are 4 Advent Sundays plus Christmas Eve. Please let me know as soon as possible if your family, church group or individuals folks would like to participate. The Ushers are looking for additional people (including youth) to help usher on Sundays. Please see John McFerran or Elroy Schindler. We are trying to decide whether or not to have 1 or 2 services on Christmas Eve. If we have two services, the first service would be geared more toward the younger members of our church and the 2nd service more adult oriented. Please give me or Pastor David Lee your input and thoughts. Blessings, John Stroeve Worship Elder Deacons Welcome incoming Deacons (class of 2016) Kent Callahan, Bonnie Jacquemin, and Joanie Loepp. Thank you to those Deacons rotating off: Bonnie Jacquemin, Joanie Loepp & Norma VanValkenburg. Our Updated Pictorial Directory will be coming out in December. Rosalie LaFleur will be contacting you to see if you would like to have your picture taken or retaken. Bob Kuest will be taking pictures on 3 Sundays in November: 9, 16, and 23; after worship so keep those dates in mind. If any of your information has changed, please contact Debbi Like in the Church Office, 503-648-5660. Remember our final All-Church Gathering on Sunday, November 2, 11:30am in the FSH. This will be a Town Hall format for the purpose of providing a forum for HPC members to express their views in response to stated questions and for members of session to hear those views. No vote will be taken at this Gathering. Page 10 Connect/Groups Men of HPC; The First Saturday Men’s group in October was a success. We kicked off our first meeting with a study from the book of Ecclesiastes and we had excellent weather for washing the windows of the Fellowship Hall and Sanctuary. We hope you can join us in November for some fellowship and study from the book of Daniel. We will meet Saturday November 8th at 9 AM in the HPC Fellowship Hall. A light breakfast will be provided and we will discuss plans for a service project in December. Book Club – Will meet 3rd Sunday (November 16) after church in the Quiet Room. Questions? Contact Pat Ehresmann Bunko – 3rd Tuesday of the month (November 18). Women’s Bible Study – Meets Wednesday mornings, 10am in the Youth Room. Contact Betty Grissett for more information. Sunday Brunch—last Sunday of the month (November 30) at Sunset Grill. Sign up sheet will be available mid-month in the FSH. “The Group” meets the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month at 7pm. Questions? Contact Jeanie Morgan. The Singing Christmas Tree: Join us on our trip to see Portland’s Singing Christmas Tree Saturday, December 6th @ 3:30 pm in the New Hope Auditorium (new venue) 11731 NE Stevens Rd, Portland, OR A few more tickets are left. Price is $21.20 each. Section I, at the top, in the Balcony level. Book your tickets with Dennis Baker 503-250-1154 or dennis1201@juno.com Please speak with me if you are interested in car-pooling from HPC. In His Service, -Dennis Men’s Bible Study continues to meet Monday evenings at 7pm in the Library. Questions? Contact Chuck Staley. Ladies Night Out meets the 3rd Friday (November 21). Retha Lange and Char Leep will be the hostesses. Pinochle meets on the 2nd Friday of the month (November 14). Questions? Contact Sonya Baker. Thursday Night Care Group meets Thursday evenings, 6:30pm at Steve & Sue Devers. Page 11 Missions Hi HPC , A lot is happening as we are getting ready for fall and winter. The Mission Co-mission is on track in reaching out to those in need and how best to help ! We are contacting: Food Banks; SOS Shelter for volunteer workers and collecting blankets and warm coats; and a clothing drive for Northwest Children’s Outreach (see article below). We’re looking at the different organizations we presently support and making some adjustments to be able to reach out more ! Our Peace Offering totaled $268.00. Thank you to all who contributed. Betty & Charles Grissett gave a report of 700lbs of food donated to the food bank. Outstanding! I’m so proud of them. They should have that mailman slogan that reads: Neither Rain, Sleet, or Snow will stop the food from being collected! A real God’s Blessing! THE ANNUAL HPC CRAFT FAIR is Saturday, October 25, 9am-4pm. It’s not too late to get involved. There is still table space available. If you have home-made crafts, bathrobes, aprons, paper and photo art, garden art, just to name a few, get in touch with Sue Dever. Help is also needed for set up on Friday, October 24 from 1-6pm. Contact HPC if you have something that you need transported! In closing I'd like to thank Mission Co-Mission members: Charles & Betty Grissett, Lanora Kuest, Lita Lenz, Dee MacDonald, Lois Martz, Jeanie Morgan, Carly Powne, and Norma VanValkenburg for all their help and hard work! Blessings Mike D. Kilgore Sr \ Mission Elder Clothing Drive for Northwest Children’s Outreach Northwest Children's Outreach is a faith-based, non-profit organization dedicated to helping families in the Portland area and surrounding communities. They help fill the needs of these families, providing clothing, infant care products, diapers, formula and many of the other necessities parents need for their children. This organization functions "as a collection and distribution center, collecting resources for needy children and distributing the goods to local care providers who meet directly with and prescreen the children." It is 100% volunteer-run, so all donations go straight to the families who need them. HPC is collecting gently used coats, hats, gloves, sweaters, shoes, socks, pants and long sleeve tops, and warm pjs for infants to teens. We will have an orange collection box in Fellowship Hall starting October 19th and ending November 30th. If you prefer, you can take your donated items to the Westside Church of Christ collection site at 1800 NE 25th Ave, Suite 13. They will give you a receipt for your tax deductible donations. NW Children's Outreach is open Monday evenings from 7:00-8:30 and Thursday mornings from 9:00 to 11:00. Page 12 3 tables to help with Christmas Joy: 1. We are asking you to bring sacks of FOOD, various food items,items,Fresh and/or canned – for the food bank; 2. TOYS for Toy & Joy, to go to the fire department and / or 3. MONEY, which will be divided, some to go to the food bank for Members--In In--Need Fund. their needs, and some to go to our HPC Members Birthdays Jamie Floch Marlene Dunlap Allein Dehaan Bob Mewhinney Gladys Kauppila Ivan Camacho Shelton Jones Linsey Schmidt John Wallace Irene Johansen Jeff Priester David Wisdom Craig Kellogg Jared Stroeve Liz Williams Anniversaries 1 2 3 3 5 6 6 6 7 8 12 12 13 13 15 Dennis Baker Adam Friberg Simone Friberg Alicia Gay Elroy Schindler Dave Van Schepen Linda Southall Kyler Fritz Bob Moyers Garrett Kuest Nathaniel Smith Martha Williams Margaret Flaherty 16 16 16 16 21 23 23 24 24 26 28 28 30 Dennis & Elaine Baker Kevin & Liz Williams 11 21 Page 13 HPC Calendar—2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 4pm Susie Mellema Father B-day Party 2 3 4 5 6 7 9am Adult SS 7pm Men’s Bible Stdy 6:30pm Praise 10am Women’s 6:30pm Thursday 10am Worship w/Comm 7pm “The Group” Team/Band Bible Study Care Group (child SS) HPC Group 7pm Youth Co-Miss 6:30pm JH YG 8pm AA 11:15am Fellowship 8pm AA 6:45pm Choir 11:15am Pictures 11:30am All-Church Gathering 6:30pm SH YG 9 10 11 12 13 9am Men’s Group Work Party 14 9am Adult SS 7pm Men’s Bible Stdy 10am Worship (child SS) 8pm AA 1pm Mission Co-Mis 11:15am Fellowship 6:30pm Praise 11:15am Blood Pressure Team/Band 11:30am Co-Mission Mtg 7pm Tuesdays Treas 11:30am Deacons 10am Women’s 6:30pm Thursday 7pm Pinochle Bible Study Care Group 12:30pm QWO 8pm AA B-ball 6:30pm JH YG 6:45pm Choir 16 19 17 18 20 8 21 15 22 9am Adult SS 7pm Men’s Bible Stdy 6:30pm Praise 10am Women’s 6:30pm Thursday 5:30pm Ladies Night 5:30pm Harvest 10am Worship (child SS) 7pm “The Group” Team/Band Bible Study Care Group Out Game Festival/ 11:15am Fellowship HPC Group 7pm Bunko 6:30pm JH YG 8pm AA Potluck 11:30am Pie Auction 8pm AA 6:45pm Choir 11:30am Book Club 6:30pm SH YG 23 24 25 26 9am Adult SS 7pm Men’s Bible Stdy 6:30pm Praise 10am Women’s 10am Worship (child SS) 8pm AA Team/Band Bible Study 11:15am Fellowship 7pm Session 6:45pm Choir 30 9am Adult SS 10am Worship (child SS) 11:15am Fellowship 11:30am Groups Brunch 27 8pm AA 28 29 HILLSBORO PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Phone: 503-648-5660 Website: www.hillsboropres.com Interim Pastor Youth Pastor Children’s Ministry Director Parish Nurse Church Secretary FAX: 503-648-7623 E-mail: info@hillsboropres.com Office hours: Tues.-Fri.; 9:30am-1pm Rev. David C. Lee Carly Powne Jennifer McLin NJ Smith Debbi Like Session: Property Elder Worship Elder Missions Elder Education Elder Stewardship Elder Service (Operations) Elder Events Elder Groups Elder Fellowship Elder Steve Dever John Stroeve Mike Kilgore Susie Carlstrand Bill Hill Gary Jones Tom Jacquemin Dennis Baker Marie Chambers Worship: Sunday, 10am Deacons: NE (a-l) NE (m-z) SE (a-l) SE (m-z) Other West Rhonda Baggarley Joanie Loepp Liz Williams Bonnie Jacquemin Norma VanValkenburg Bert Schroder Hillsboro Presbyterian Church 172 NE 32nd Ave Hillsboro, OR 97124 (if you do not wish to receive this newsletter, please call the Church Office, 503-648-5660) Ministers: The Members “God is able..” Ephesians 3:20