

We have many opportunities available for you and your
family to get involved and connected within our church
community: Boys & Girls Midweek Clubs, CHAOS (Gr.
5&6), JOLT Youth (Gr.7-12), College/Young Adults, Small
Groups, Men’s & Ladies Ministries, Senior’s Bible Studies,
and working along-side local missions & support groups.
Please joins us and get involved in the LIFE of River of Life!
For all the details (locations, dates & times), please
check outwww.rolgreendale.ca or call the church office
604-823-4411 Tuesday – Friday 9am-12noon.
Small Groups….
Monday – 7pm Pete & Deb Froese leading.
- 7:30pm Josh Ens & Karl Krahn leading College/Young Adults.
Tuesday – 7pm Kathy Krahn & Jen Frose leading.
- 7:30pm Carrie Dyck & Debbie J Frose leading.
Wednesday – 10:30am Pastor Steven leading.
Student Ministries
Monday, Nov. 17th: 6:45am Diggin In at Little Beetle
JOLT Nite – Thursday / Nov. 20th – 7-9pm
CHAOS Nite – Friday / Nov. 21st / 7-8:30pm
Asante Children’s Choir – will be presenting their “Sound of
Hope Tour” here on Saturday / Dec. 6th / 7pm. A Love Offering will
be taken to help support their work to eliminate poverty in East
Africa through education, social programs, and vocational training.
~ Thank you to those who have offered their homes to billet these
children & their chaperones.
Senior’s Small Group at Emerald Court.
- 7pm Claus & Tanya Spenst leading.
Thursday – 8pm Bernie & Doris Thiessen leading.
Friday – 9am Heather Roseboom leading.
“LIFE in the Morning” Women’s Bible Study at church.
“LIFE in the Morning” Women’s Bible Study is in need of child care
for every other week from 9:30-11am. Please contact Heather
Roseboom if you can help.
LIFE Kids Ministry
Leaders for TODAY: Jessica / Mayra / Rachel / Deb E / Braxton / Deb J / Karen
Leaders for Nov. 23rd: Marg / Josie / Maddy / Tanya / Kathy
Sunday, Nov. 23rd Service:
Speaker - Josh Ens
Worship Team – Lorne & Co.
P.A. – Art / P.P. – Carrie
Greeters – Doris & Co
Offering – BL & JT
ROL Coffee Shop is NOW OPEN!
We hope that you are enjoying our ROL Coffee Shop! Thank you for
supporting our “Families in Need” Fund! We want to make it easier
for you to purchase your beverages by offering a $20 Loyalty Punch
Card (1 punch = $1). The Punch Cards are available at the Coffee
Offering: Nov. 9th, 2014
Budget $2,640.00
Sound System $25.00
Ruth & Naomi’s $200.00
“SEND” Mission - $100.00
42369 South Sumas Rd. / Chilliwack / BC / V2R 4W3
Phone: 604-823-4411 / Email: riveroflife@shaw.ca
Website: www.rolgreendale.ca
Lead Pastor: Steven Martinolich / StevenROL@shaw.ca
Student & Assoc. Pastor: Darren Derhousoff / dderhousoff@telus.net
FREE WIFI in the Sanctuary:
Sermon Notes
November 16th, 2014
Pastor Darren will be preaching this morning.
“Life can be hard, draw close.”
James 1:1-8
Church Membership ~ Michael Friesen & Curtis Ewert
After the worship service, there is time to come forward for
sharing & prayer if needed, by the front stage. There is also
coffee available downstairs for fellowship after the service.
Saturday, Nov.
7pm Women of Worth
“What can we learn from Mary, Jesus’ mother, as we head
into the Christmas Season?” Come out for an evening of
reflection, discussion & worship. We ask, if you can, bring
a plate of appy’s/dessert to share.
Tuesday, Nov. 25th: 7pm Come out & help decorate the church for
the Christmas Season! All are welcome!
Wednesday, Nov. 26th: 9:30am Loving Deeds Cookie Bake at
church for Sardis Doorway.
Saturday, Nov. 29th: 7-9am Men’s Connect Fellowship Breakfast at
Jimmy J’s Grill.
Sunday, Nov. 30th: 6:30pm Converge Worship Night
Friday, Dec. 5th: 6:30pm Community Christmas Dinner!
Cost: $8 (13yrs & older); $5 (5-12 yrs); Free under 5 yrs.
Invite your family & friends to a delicious meal & warm
fellowship around the tables!
LIFE Kids Sunday School (2yrs-gr.6) dismissed partway through the service.
JOLT Sunday School for Gr. 7&8 is on the 1st & 3rd Sunday of the month.