Weekly Calendar Sunday, Nov 23 Monday, Nov 24


Weekly Calendar Sunday, Nov 23 Monday, Nov 24
Weekly Calendar
Sunday, Nov 23
November 23, 2014
It’s a delight to be worshipping with you today.
May you find at Spirit of Joy a rich sense of
fellowship, caring and worship. You are warmly invited to take part in any of our upcoming
activities. We’re glad you’re here!
If you are a First Time Visitor please take a Welcome
Bag! Bags in Narthex left of sanctuary exit.
Preschoolers and little ones are welcome to join
our nursery staff Monique Farb and her volunteers! Down the
hall, first door on the left.
Communion All who are hungry for the
presence of Christ are invited to the feast.
Come via center aisle. Return via side.
Dip Bread into Wine.
Grape Juice (as an alter native) is in the cup
nearest choir chairs.
Gluten Free Alternative on table near Pastor s.
Take wafer and cup. Hold them for the server to
bless. Partake at altar rail or in seat.
Children may r eceive communion (hold out
hands) or a blessing.
Prayer Staff or Stephen Minister s will be at
the altar during communion to pray with you.
Deeper Faith
Sunday School, 9:50am! All ages Pr e-K - Adult, See map in Narthex near hallway doors.
Filled Thanksgiving Bags due
8:30 & 11:00am WORSHIP
9:50am Sunday School
1:00pm Youth Praise Band
3:00pm Youth Group Game Night
5:00pm Evening Prayer Service
Monday, Nov 24
7:30pm Stephen Ministry
Tuesday, Nov 25
Wednesday, Nov 26
8:30am Prayer Group
7:00pm Thanksgiving Eve
Thursday, Nov 27
Church office Closed
Thanksgiving Day
Adult Sunday School Classes:
Apostles’ Creed, Effective Parenting in a Defective World, Frugal Living & Coupon
Clipping, Genesis: Beginnings and Foundations, Inquirer’s Class
Friday, Nov 28
Wednesdays Together-Something for Everyone, Dinner starts 5pm, Activities 6-7:30pm
AWANA, 3 yrs-5th Gr (ENROLLMENT CLOSED FOR 2014-2015); Youth Group, 6th-12th gr;
SOJ University Classes & LifeGroups for Adults
Saturday, Nov 29
Joyful Community
Thanksgiving Bags: Filled bags due TODAY !
Reaching More
Operation Christmas Child Come be a par t of something gr eat and r epr esent Spir it of
Joy! We have 3 processing center shifts for SOJ volunteers: Nov 29, 9am-3pm; Dec 3,
6-10pm; Dec 13, 10am-4pm. Space is limited! Contact Chris Bovi, cbovi@carolina.rr.com or
704-989-9427 to sign-up or with questions. Packing a shoebox? Drop it off at SOJ in the
Narthex (by the lit wreath) anytime thru Dec 12.
Food Pantry for Members: Thank you for helping us keep our food pantr y stocked.
Items needed: Tuna Helper, soup starters, saltine soup crackers, bouillon, bags/cans of soup,
seasonings, spices, and applesauce. Freezer items: 1 lb. meats & frozen items. Items that are
always needed: laundry and dish soap.
Church office Closed
8:30am LifeGroup
7:00am LifeGroup
Sunday, Nov 30
8:30 & 11:00am WORSHIP
9:50am Sunday School
1:00pm Youth Praise Band
3:00pm Youth Group Game Night
5:00pm Evening Prayer Service
Order for Worship
Call to Worship
Jesus Christ, You are the Light
Song of Praise
Joyous Light of Heavenly Glory
Confession, Forgiveness
Prayers, Peace
Children’s Sermon
First Lesson 2 Kings 4
Second Lesson Psalm 50
Gospel Matthew 19
Offering/Gospel Song
Crown Him
Red 855, v. 1,2,3,4
Message Pastor Nate Wolcott
Commitment Time
Anthem Special M usic
Red 232
Words of Institution
The Lord’s Prayer
Communion Songs
Give Thanks
Blue 170
He Is Exalted
Blue 66
All Hail the Power Red 634, v. 1,2,4,5
Above All
Closing Hymn
How Great Is Our God/How Great
Thou Art
For Healing, Comfort, Hope
TODAY - 8:30am - Nov 23
Denise Broome (Messer), Deborah
Caufman (Schroeder), Sandra Cook,
John DeBlasio, Carole Jacobs (Schroeder),
Kathryn Ladd, Carol McGowan (Helms),
Annette Pierotti, Kathi Roberts, Georgia
Schrader (Mauney), Kenza Shoemaker,
Steve Tower & family, Gene & Fran White,
Robert Wilber, Mabel Woodside (Mauney)
Altar Guild: Pat War e, Debor ah Glasser
Comm. Asst.: J anie Owens, J im & Mar ilyn
Peterson, Kathi Roberts
Acolyte: Sophie Owens
Greeters: Paul & Lisa Kaper onis
Reader: Paul Closius
Ushers: Michael Cogar , Zachar y Glasser ,
Kim Hyland
Captain: Cr aig Bender , 704-882-7806
Sound: Chr is Kr amer
Projection: J ack Owens
Prayer Assistant: Melissa Happel
World: for Christian Martyrs; for our
nation and leaders; for our economy and
the unemployed; for Israel and peace in the
Middle East
Armed Forces: Abby Baumbarger,
Kristina Belcourt, Jesse Minick, Mark
Rhoades, Jeremy Sykora, Jay Thomas,
Matthew Tijerina
Missionaries: Paul & Grace Closius,
Bruno & Becky Keller, Eric & Mary Lynn
Kindberg, Chet & Fran Matheson, Mike &
Rebecca Navratil
Seminary Students: Conda Lashley
Stephen Ministers: and the people they
care for
Birthdays: Nov 24 - Wiley Daugherty,
General Fund
Avg. weekly need 2014: $10,717
Avg. weekly giving 2013: $8,996
Donna Stahlman
Mother of Susan Lindholm
More info at: www.spiritofjoy.us
Serving in Worship
Daniel Hindes, Christa Parker, Kerri
Sperduto, Ron Whitener; Nov 26 - Kim
Hyland, Michael Monro; Nov 27 - Marie
Claire Harder, Gianna Sedotto;
Nov 28 - Craig Bender, Rachel Burris,
Lisa Fay, Jackson Owens;
Nov 29 - Destiny Rose
TODAY - 11:00am - Nov 23
Altar Guild: Kay Koos
Comm. Asst.: Mar tha Duncan, Chr is &
Melissa Sharpe, Barbara Sims
Acolyte: Chr istian Shar pe
Greeters: David Gr aham, Emily Gr aham
Reader: Nancy Ries
Ushers: Paul Dr ehs, Doug Pier otti,
Mike & Barbara White
Captain: Doug Pier otti, 704-243-3267
Sound: Chr is Kr amer
Projection: J ack Owens
Prayer Assistant: Kr isten Sigmon
Tellers: Conda Lashley, Chris Kramer
Council Person of the Month
8:30am Paul Kaperonis
11:00am Chris Thiemann
Contact Us
Spirit of Joy Lutheran Church
8600 Potter Rd., Weddington, NC 28104
704-821-8494, www.spiritofjoy.us
Pastor Ed Thomas, 704-218-6099,
Pastor Nate Wolcott, 818-383-6575,
Anniversaries: Nov 25 - Dwayne &
Erin Helms; Nov 28 - Jacob & Marissa
Pastor Emeritus Fr an Matheson,
Hejka, Mike & Heather O’Brien,
704-843-5712, fran_matheson@wycliffe.org
Michael & Peg Rockel; Nov 29 - Cis &
Director of Faith & Counseling Kr isten Sigmon,
Harvey Morford
704-821-8494, kristen@spiritofjoy.us
Director of Music Rhonda Mauney,
704-588-3710, mauney03@aol.com
Accompanist Ian Fair es,
Visitation & Volunteers Kar en Weiner ,
Prayer requests remain in Bulletin for
704-821-8494, karen@spiritofjoy.us
2 weeks; please call the office to extend. Bookkeeping Vickie Cecil, 704-254-4726,
Email Prayer Chain: Pat Ware,
Office Mngr Tr acy Welch, 704-821-8494,
Alternate Email: desireeware5@aol.com