Municipality Harry Gwala Str. 6, Private Bag X1008, Modimolle 0510 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER INTERNAL/EXTERNAL VACANCY Applications are invited from suitably qualified experienced persons for appointment in the under mentioned vacancy: POST : SECTION : DEPARTMENT : ARTISAN PUBLIC WORKS TECHNICAL SERVICES POST LEVEL SALARY : : 5 R229,843.43- R251,598.86 per annum QUALIFICATIONS & EXPERIENCE: · S4 Civil Engineering or equivalent qualifications. · 3 years experience in road building and storm water drain construction and maintenance · 2 years experience in a supervisory capacity will be an added advantage. · Good communication (verbal and written) skills. · Good interpersonal relations. · Valid Code 10 drivers license and Public Drivers Permit (PDP) DUTIES: · Supervision of the workforce. · Allocating work according to received work plan. · Inspect machinery ,equipment and tools ensure that is in clean and good working order · Ensure that all relevant equipment and tools are available for the task at hand. · Keeping of time and log sheets. · Providing of monthly work reports and any other relevant administrative functions. · Obtaining quotations, ordering and purchasing of equipment, tools and materials in accordance with financial regulations. · Communication with personnel and report to the supervisor · Transport of, machinery, equipment, materials and people to workplace. · Check vehicle‘s water and oil level, etc. according to check list. GENERAL: Applications should be submitted on Modimolle Local Municipality application form obtainable from the Municipality or at and must be completed in full, certified copies of your identity document, and qualifications as well as a CV must be attached. A valid driver’s license will be an added advantage. The specific reference number for the post must be quoted. Failure to submit the required documents will automatically disqualify applications. Applications should be submitted to: The Municipal Manager; Modimolle Local Municipality; Private Bag x 1008 MODIMOLLE; 0510 OR delivered personally at 01 Harry Gwala Street; O.R. Tambo Square; MODIMOLLE; 0510. Shortlisted applicants may be subjected to competency assessment before or at the interview. All General enquiries should be directed to Human Resource Manager Phala AOT at (014) 718 2037 or HR Officer Makhubele SH at (014) 718 2068 during office hours from 07:30 to 16:15. NB: FAXED OR E-MAILED APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. Note : Contents of a detailed advert will be posted on the following website Closing date : 21 November 2014 Communication will only be limited to shortlisted candidates and if you do not receive any response from us within three (3) months after the closing date, you may regard your application as unsuccessful. MUNICIPAL MANAGER: N S BAMBO Female Receptionist required for Kingfisher Nest Guesthouse VAKATURE- NABOOMSPRUIT POSTE BESKIKBAAR VIR VERKOOPSPERSONEEL VERSENDINGS KONTROLEEDER (DISPATCH CONTROLLER) • Fluent in English & Afrikaans • Computer literate • Stay in at guesthouse • Hardeware ondervinding ’n vereiste Stuur verkorte CV max 3 bl na Fax: 014 743 3641 Of email: Send CV to (Before interview confirmed) GESOEK AFLOS VERPLEEGSTER NABOOMSPRUIT NYLSTROOM Vakature beskikbaar by Algemene Praktisyns in Naboomspruit ‘N GEKWALIFISEERDE AUTOMOTIVE MOTORMASJINIS OF VAKLEERLING gesoek vir motoringenieurs-firma Kontak Kobus 014 717 3171 / 072 239 4157 Kontak: 014 743 2191 Epos: Assistent Rekenmeester HOËRSKOOL HANS STRIJDOM Waltkon – Naboomspruit ‘n Vakature bestaan vir ‘n dinamiese persoon vir bogemelde pos in Naboomspruit Vereistes: - Minstens 5 jaar ondervinding as boekhouer - Goeie kennis van Pastel - Kennis van VIP/Pastel Payroll - Menseverhoudings belangrik - Moet so gou moontlik kan begin Skakel Sandra by 014 743 3797 vir ‘n afspraak VOORWINKEL ASSISTENT / KASSIERE VAKATURE BEHEERLIGGAAMPOS WISKUNDE GR 8 – 12 Dokumentasie nodig vir aansoek: 1. Gewaarmerkte afskrifte van: 1.1 ID Dokument 1.2 Matrieksertifikaat 1.3 SACE-registrasie 1.4 Kwalifikasies 1.5 Volledige CV Sluitingsdatum vir aansoeke: 21 November 2014 Begindatum: 12 Januarie 2015 Navrae: Mnr G Klopper Tel: 014-7432151 Sel: 0845142269 E-pos: WARMBAD Salaris onderhandelbaar ‘n Gevestigde Apteekgroep het ‘n pos beskikbaar vir voorwinkel assistent / kassiere. Die geskikte kandidaat sal beskik oor vorige ondervinding in Apteek of ‘n verkope-omgewing. Minimum kwalifikasie: Sluit in matriek. Goeie kommunikasievaardighede en menseverhoudinge word vereis. Epos: Fax: 086 619 0849 NG Gemeente Warmbad beskik oor ‘n vakature vir ‘n Administr atie we Beampte Administra tiew in die kerkkantoor. • KROKODILPLAAS TUSSEN NABOOM EN ROETAN. Persoon met uitgebreide Elektriesen meganieseondervinding. - Salaris onderhandelbaar. Stuur CV aan: of kontak op cel 082 291 7075 Indien applikant nie binne 3 weke deur ons gekontak is nie, moet sodanige applikant aanvaar dat hy/sy nie suksesvol was nie. LOS JOU MERK! ADVERTEER • • • • • • • • • Aansoekers moet aan die volgende vereistes voldoen: ‘n Meelewende lidmaat van die NG Kerk wees (Voorkeur sal gegee word aan lidmate van NG gemeente Warmbad) Graad 12 Rekenaarvaardig - spesifiek in MS Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint) Toepaslike administratiewe vaardighede Moet kan organiseer Goeie skryf- en taalvaardigheid in Afrikaans Goeie menseverhoudinge en kommunikasie Moet onafhanklik kan werk Basiese rekenkundige vaardigheid en kennis van Pastel sal ‘n aanbeveling wees. Vergoeding is onderhandelbaar. Vir verdere inligting kontak die kerkkantoor (014) 736 2788 E-pos CV aan of handig dit by die kerkkantoor in. Meld asb vergoeding verlang. Aansoeke sal sluit om 13:00 op 28 November 2014. Die reg word voorbehou om nie ‘n aanstelling te maak nie. Aansoekers wat teen 31 Desember 2014 nog niks gehoor het nie, kan aanvaar dat hul aansoek onsuksesvol was. Cleaning Services Administration Supervisor NABOOMSPRUIT ONDERDELE TOONBANKKLERK We invite applications for the above position. • VORIGE ONDERVINDING ‘N VEREISTE We offer a fantastic opportunity for a candidate with knowledge and experience in the above position. SLUITINGSDATUM: 22 November 2014 Preference will be given to applicants with proven track record and 5 years of experience in a related field. HANDIG CV’S IN BY MIDAS NABOOMSPRUIT OF E-MAIL: KANTOORKOP TRANSPORT 1) Gekwalifiseerde Rekenmeester • Klerkskap voltooi met minstens 1 jaar ondervinding • Salaris gebaseer op ondervinding • Pastel & Excel vaardig 2) Fleet Controller • Must have experience in transport, managing, utilizing, co-ordination and monitoring trucks. • Must be admin orientated, crossborder experience advantage. Must be bilingual and able to start in January 2015. • Salary based on experience Essential requirements: • Extensive experience in all aspects of an administration/ personnel/financial department • Knowledge of Stock Management & Control system is essential • Good verbal communication, preferably in English & Afrikaans • Computer Literacy (essential) ie, Excel spreadsheets & Word, AccPac will be an advantage. • Good Interpersonal and Leadership skills (need to be able to work with people in all different walks of life) • Must be analytical and have the ability to work independently • Must be able to work under pressure • Qualification in stock management will be an added advantage • Valid drivers’ license • Need to work some weekends Closing date for application 18 November 2014. If no response 2 days after the closing date, consider your application unsuccessful. e-pos verkorte CV met onlangse verwysings na: CONTACTABLE REFERENCES AND ID BOOK ESSENTIAL AT INTERVIEW FAX APPLICATION AND CV TO: 086 660 5528 AGRICO NYLSTROOM DRYWER/SPILPUNTOPRIGTER • Minimum Graad 12 • Moet bereid wees om oor te slaap • Moet Afrikaans-magtig wees • Geldige kode C en/of EC rybewys • Publieke lisensie Ons bied: • Markverwante salaris, medies & pensioen • Oortydbetaling • Kos- en uitslaapgelde • Aangename werksomgewing e-pos CV na voor 18 November 2014. Indien u nie gekontak word teen 25 November nie, aanvaar dat u aansoek onsuksesvol was. Geen verpligte aanstelling sal gedoen word indien die regte kandidaat nie gevind word nie AGRICO NYLSTROOM SPILPUNTOPRIGTER • Minimum Graad 12 • Moet bereid wees om oor te slaap • Moet Afrikaans-magtig wees Ons bied: • Markverwante salaris, medies & pensioen • Oortydbetaling • Kos- en uitslaapgelde • Aangename werksomgewing e-pos CV na voor 18 November 2014. Indien u nie gekontak word teen 25 November nie, aanvaar dat u aansoek onsuksesvol was. Geen verpligte aanstelling sal gedoen word indien die regte kandidaat nie gevind word nie SETTLERS AGRICULTURAL HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATOR STAFF VACANCIES DEPARTMENTAL POST SGB POST CS1 English Home Language Grade 8 to 12 CS1 English Home Language Grade 8 to 12 Ref No 01/11/2014 Ref No 02/11/2014 Applications are invited for suitably qualified and experienced individuals in the above mentioned vacancies starting 12 January 2015. Qualifications (please supply the following) - CV - 2 recent testimonials - Certified ID copy - Tertiary qualifications plus academic transcripts - Grade 12 certificates - SACE certificate Closing date: 28 November 2014 Telephone enquiries to: Acting Principal 014 001 7022/3/4 or e-mail: or fax: 086 515 8462 or application in writing to: Settlers Agricultural High School Private Bag x422 Settlers 0430 Limpopo VERKOOPSKONSULTANTE DRINGEND BENODIG Verdien ‘n bogemiddelde kommissie inkomste. Geen kontant uitleg vir aansluiting. ‘n Kans in ‘n leeftyd om u eie besigheid te begin. Jy bepaal jou werksure en inkomste. Kontak Babsie 072 444 3455