The Burns BulleTin


The Burns BulleTin
The Award Winning
The Burns
Burns Post 388 1920 – 2013 “Home of the Elite”
Wausau, Wisconsin
Fall 2014
2014 Bingo Bash
At the Hangar Lounge
Sunday, October 26
Doors open at Noon
BINGO starts at 2 PM
Door Prizes,
All proceeds go to:
In this Issue:
Commander - P. 2
Aux. News - P. 3
Events - P4
Hangar News - P. 5
Events - P. 6
Calendar - P. 7
Please join us at the VFW Hall on
Tuesday, November 11, 2014 at 10:00
a.m. for the Veterans Day Ceremony. In
the past, this ceremony was held at the
Bash Sponsored by: Court House but was changed to the VFW.
VFW Post 388
The ceremony will start at 10:30 a.m.
& Sam’s Club
with the various Veterans Organizations
There will be a small luncheon to follow.
Commander’s Comments
I hope you have had a wonderful summer with
family and friends and also with your VFW
family if you joined us for our summer events.
For me, it has been busy but I have enjoyed
every minute of it.
We had our Summer Picnic on Sunday, July
20 with a smaller turnout than last year, but
good times were had by all. We then went into
the Fair, July 29 through August 3 at Marathon
Park. I want to thank all of you that volunteered
your time.
After the Fair, Ladies Auxiliary, Junior Vice,
Diann Lange and I traveled to the VFW National
Home for Children in Eaton Rapids, Michigan.
We personally presented donation checks of
$500.00 from the Post and $726.00 from the
Ladies Auxiliary.
On August 7, a bus load of veterans and their
guests left Burns Post 388 for a Milwaukee
Brewer’s game, compliments of Steve and
Pam Anderson. Steve called me and asked me
to help get the word out and sign up veterans
for the trip. He said a lot of people talk about
doing something for veterans, but HE wanted
to actually DO something for our veterans. He
provided the Bus and snacks for the trip there
and back. Once there, they treated everyone to a
five course luncheon at Johnson Control Stadium
Club. Seating for the game was in the shade on
the 3rd Base side which was a welcome surprise.
I would like to thank Steve and Pam
Anderson for their great generosity on
behalf of the VFW and other veterans
that went on the trip.
The VFW sends it’s thanks to Mr. Dan
Marlenga, owner of Glass on Wheels,
for repairing the windshield on our
Post Truck. Since we are a Veterans
Organization, Dan donated his time
and services. Our thanks also go out to
Ben Chrusniak, for talking to Dan and
scheduling the repair.
I hope all of you have a wonderful
Thanksgiving, Christmas and New
Jack Pettit
Voice of Democracy
This years Voice of Democracy oral essay is
under way. We sponsor Wausau West, Wausau
East, Faith Christian Academy, and Wausau
Newman High Schools and home schoolers for
this program. We guarantee a scholarship to the
highest ranking senior at each of these schools.
This years theme is “Why Veterans are
Important to our Nation’s History and
Future”. All entries are due by November 1st
to appropriate guidance offices or to me. For
questions you may call me. Mary Jo Literski
Mary Jo Literski
Fair Report
Thanks, on behalf of the Post and Aux, for all
the volunteers who came out and helped out at
the Fair this year. A special thanks to the grand
children who came out and helped and members
of the new Jr Aux members. We had a good year,
despite the rain which cost us the dinner hour
on Tuesday.
We could have used some extra help in all
areas, but we were especially short on gate
guards. We had to ask some to swing in that were
not signed up for that job and others if they could
stay a little longer. If we can’t get volunteers in
this area we will be forced to hire guards and
that will cut into our already thin profits. If
you think you could help us out, especially if
you have past police experience, although not
required, we need your help. G i v e
me a call at 715-581- 1736.
Thanks again Roger Sydow
Please remember to report any
member who is hospitalized or
falls into the category of relief and
distress that you are aware of. Also
any member donating blood, please
report your date of donation, amount
given, time spent and mileage to and
from the facility. You may be eligible
for a VFW blood donor pin for your
lapel or VFW cap.
Your input is the only way we
become aware of these situations and is
meaningful to the recipients as well as our Post.
Thank you, Ben Chrusniak, Surgeon
Dues — Dues­— Dues
Auxiliary dues have been
changed at the National
Convention in July with the
BIG CHANGE being dues
NOT paid by December, 2014
are no longer in good standing
and would have to start their
membership over with 2015 being the first year
of membership. (THIS ENDS AN EXTENDED
Information was printed in the Summer
Newsletter about changes coming as was
receiving a paper copy of the newsletter. Ladies,
this is your newsletter with information
regarding the Auxiliary. Please DO NOT LET
IT BE TOSSED OUT as it is not just the Post
Members’ newsletter, your name is on the
address also.
So now, as of July 1 your 2015 dues of $21 is
NOW DUE!! If you are a Life Member, your
Cancer Insurance of $ 4.95 is NOW DUE in order
to be eligible for a Cancer Grant - If necessary,
and we hope it is not.
Checks should be made out to: Burns Post
388 Ladies Auxiliary, not to the Treasurer. Call
me at 715-845-5763. Let’s get them paid ASAP
before your membership lapses for 2015.
Thank You, Ladies!!
to attend. We have the workers party, craft
show, bingo bash also coming in Oct. Watch
your calendars for the dates and we hope to see
all of you at these events for the great fellowship
that we share at these events.
I want to thank everyone for their support
and guidance that you all have provided since
I took office, this is all pretty new to me and I
am learning a lot. I expect I will make mistakes
along my journey as President but I am always
open to suggestion and guidance.
If you have any suggestions on fund raising
ideas, please let’s talk about them. We always
need new ideas to raise money for the auxiliary.
Doreene Partridge, President
Margarete Dahlke
President Doreene
Wow, here we are heading into fall after what
seems like a very short summer. We had a
very busy summer and I want to offer a BIG
thanks to everyone who helped out for the VFW
picnic, and the tireless efforts everyone made
for the fair. We had the pleasure of having the
National President in Tomahawk where all who
attended had a great time. We had a good time
at our Membership potluck and have several
ladies who will be joining us our Auxiliary, and
of course we had several young ladies who will
be joining our ranks as Jr. Girls.
We have a busy fall and winter coming up as
well, don’t forget District meeting coming on
Sun. Oct 5th and I hope a lot of you are planning(3)
The Burns Bulletin is published quarterly by
VFW Post 388
Jim Maas – Editor
Post Officers
Sr. Vice Commander
Jr. Vice Commander
Judge Advocate
Trustee 1 year
Trustee 2 year
Trustee 3 year
Sr. Vice President
Jr. Vice President
Hangar Manager
Jack Pettit
Dave Mandli
Dan Southworth
Frank Biesel
Roger Sydow
Bernie Gauerke
Henry Meverden
Ben Chrusniak
Dave Marquardt
Leon VanDerLeest
Mary Jo Literski
Auxiliary Officers
Doreene Partridge
Deb Spatz
Diann Lange
Margarete Dahlke
Bea Doede
Lou Mueller
Barb Bricko
Sean Dean
Children’s Christmas Party
Saturday, December 20 starting at 3:00 P.M.
Bring your children (or grandchildren, etc.)
The Ladies Auxiliary is sponsoring a Craft
downstairs at the VFW Hangar to have a really Show/Bake Sale at the VFW Hangar Lounge
great time participating in our Children’s on Saturday, October 25. Please come on down
Christmas Party!! Lots of decorations, games, and support this event. Please bring something
“munchies” and gifts to be given out. Don’t miss
a chance to take a picture with Santa Claus!!
We welcome anyone
that would like to help
us with seeing that
these children have
the comradeship that
our VFW has to offer.
Contact Dee Dennis,
Potluck Xmas
for the Bake Sale and/or sign-up to volunteer
Tuesday, December 9, to help us. Proceeds from the Craft Show will
2014 starting at 6 P.M. go to the Lounge to replace broken dishes, etc.
Come on down to the annual VFW & Ladies Proceeds from the Bake Sale will go to the Ladies
Auxiliary Christmas Potluck/Party. Purchase Auxiliary. To reserve a spot to sell your crafts
your raffle tickets from Lou Ann Wood or any of or for more information, contact: Deb Spatz at
the Ladies Auxiliary members for your chance 715-432-1216.
to win a prize. Proceeds from the raffle are
The Treasure Sale will be on Saturday,
donated to the Cancer Aid & Research Program.
Participate in the potluck by bringing a dish of October 25 and Sunday, October 26 during the
your liking. A short Business Meeting will be Bingo Bash. Proceeds from the Treasure Sale
held after the Potluck and Bingo will be enjoyed will go to the Post to help with reimbursing
by all. If we have enough people attending, funds that were spent for the remodeling project
might even be able to get a few games of cards!! in the Main Hall.
Starting October 1 you can store your items at
Great Time To Be Had By All!!!
the VFW Garage for the Treasure Sale. Contact
Bernie Gauereke at 715-359-4789 or the VFW
Voice of Democracy
at 715-842-0388 to schedule a time.
This years Voice of Democracy oral essay is
Members and/or friends, relatives are asked
under way. We sponsor Wausau West, Wausau
to donate usable items (in nice condition,
East and Wausau Newman High Schools and
something you would use yourself) for the
home schoolers for this program. We guarantee
Treasure Sale. Items leftover from the sale
a scholarship to the highest ranking senior at
will be donated to needy Veterans. So, we are
each of these schools.
looking for donated items, baked goods, rented
This years theme is “Why Veterans are
craft spaces and help sell items.
Important to our Nation’s History and
We need support from both the Post & Ladies
Future”. All entries are due by November 1st
Auxiliary to make this a huge event that we
to appropriate guidance offices or to me. For
might be able to pursue in future years.
questions you may call me. Mary Jo Literski
Food, Friends, Fun
Drink Specials
Lunch Buffet $5
Not a bad seat in
the house!
Come on down!
Lounge Specials
Happy Hour 4 – 6
Friday drink specials
Hangar Lounge Hours
Tuesday – Saturday open at 4
Chicken wings Thursday
75¢ ea. or AYCE
Find out what is
happening online.
check Facebook: Hangar Lounge
Coming Attraction
at the Hangar
Games, Pool, Bar Darts, Munchies
Schedule your parties at the Hangar Lounge &
Banquet Halls.
Adult Halloween Party
Friday, October 31
Music with Malibu & Russ
Costume Contest
BINGO every
Wednesday w/
Kitchen 4–7.
Fish Fry every Friday.
District 7
Post #388 will be hosting the 7th District
meeting in Wausau on Sunday, October 5. Join
us for lunch and/or for the meeting. For more
information call the Post (715-842-0388) or
New members since last issue:
Bernie (715-359-4789).
Joseph Nowak WWII
James Franklin Korea
Events at the Burns Post
Robert Kamke Vietnam
Air Force
We will again be having a Magic Show at the
clubhouse on November 9, 2014. The promoters
will be soliciting the area in the next few weeks.
For those of you who haven’t been to your club
From the Quartermaster
lately, stop on down and see how nice the place
looks. We sure could use more support from
Annual Members------ I’ve heard a rumor that
our membership. Volunteers welcome on Steak
annual membership is going to change from
Night, Monday Morning Maintenance duty,
January until December each year to your sign
Bingo, etc.
up date from year to year. I still need to confirm
The Navy Club will again have a Pearl Harbor
the rumor. In the meantime, please get your
Memorial Service at our clubhouse on Sunday,
2015 dues in as soon as possible.
December 7, 2014
We still have the $25.00 rebate in effect for
Past Commanders---- Our annual Dinner will
annual members going life. Contact your QM
be held on December 13, 2014. We moved it to
(715-359-4789) if you have an interest in going
the second Saturday in December due to club
Life. There are payment programs available.
bookings. Plan to attend.
All members are requested to let the Post know
of any address changes. If you sent the changes
to National or Department we often times don’t
VA Dental
get the information.
A new benefit provided by the VA system:
The post will again be having a rummage
Delta Dental Insurance Company can now sale on October 25 & 26. If you have items
underwrite a dental insurance policy for for the sale, you can start bringing them to
veterans. This Policy offers three separate plans the post on October 1st. The sale will be held
for veterans to choose from if they are currently in conjunction with a craft sale and a food
enrolled in the VA healthcare system.
sale at the post on the 25th, and the Bingo
The approved in-network providers are many Bash on the 26th.The Navy Club will again
in our area. More info at the County Veterans have a Pearl Harbor Memorial Service at our
Service Officer or link to: clubhouse on Sunday, December 7.
Address change request
Name: __________________________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________
Our mail will be forwarded from _______________________ to ___________________________
Send to VFW Post 388; PO Box 388; Wausau, WI 54402
Calendar of
1 Post Bingo
5 District 7 Meeting,
No Packers
6 Honor Flight
7 Steak Night
8 Auxiliary Bingo
14 Post & Auxiliary
Meeting, 7:30
15Post Bingo
17, 18 Big 10 Conf
22 Auxiliary Bingo
23Workers Party
25 Arts & Crafts Sale, Bake Sale, Upper Hall
25, 26 Treasure Sale, Lower Hall
26 Bingo Bash
29 Honor Guard Bingo
31 Adult Halloween Party
1 Last Man’s Banquet
LAVFW Council of Administration
2 Daylight Saving ends
4 Steak Night
5 Post Bingo
9 Magic Show
11 Veterans Day Ceremony
11Post & Auxiliary Meeting, 7:30
12 Auxiliary Bingo
19 Post Bingo
26 Auxiliary Bingo
27 Thanksgiving, Hangar closed
2 Steak Nite
3 Post Bingo
7 Pearl Harbor Day
9 Post & Auxiliary Potluck & Xmas Party 6:00
Meeting, 7:30
10 Auxiliary Bingo
13 Past Commanders Dinner
17 Post Bingo
20 Children’s Xmas Party, lower hall, 3 pm
24 No Bingo
25 Christmas, Hangar closed
31 No Bingo
Calendars for Sale at Hangar
The Department of Wisconsin will be
conducting a calendar raffle in order to raise
some needed funds for the Department and its
Service Office.
Why buy a 2015 calendar @ $20 instead of
getting a free one at Fleet Farm? Because FF
isn’t having weekly drawings and giving away
thousands of $$$ in prizes! Great way to
support the Department’s Service Office and
our veterans.
The form below is for your use. Give it to an eligible vet and sign them up.