Document 6604358
Document 6604358
The FAIRView Connecting People to People, and People to Christ November 16, 2014 The youth will be helping serve at GAP on Greene on Sunday, November 16th ---this will take the place of our regular youth group that night. Please be in the ECC parking lot at 6 pm; we will return around 8. Join us as we fellowship with and serve others! Reminder: Deposits for ALL trips (ski trip, Disciple Now, Great Escape, Mission Trip, Fun In the Son) are due Sunday, November 23. Please see Leigh if you have any questions! There will be NO YOUTH on Sunday, November 30... enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday with your family! Calvin’s Cove - Fairview Lake Property. With the onset of cooler temperatures, Calvin's Cove has been winterized. The locks have been changed on the bath house doors and the pump house to prevent entry into these buildings. You may still use the facility, as the locks on the access road gates will remain unchanged, just be aware that there will be no water or electricity available. IT'S ‘SOUP KITCHEN TIME’ on Tuesday, November 18th from 8:30 am until 12:30 pm when we serve food to the homeless people. This is an outreach ministry of Fairview. Please call or email Sarah Lawson to let her know you can join us: 803-278-0651 Thank you and God bless all the volunteers who assisted us at the September soup kitchen: Linda Cleary, Duane and Holly Perry, Debbie Woods, Jean Clegg, Suzanne and Wyatt Friend, and Marilyn Bendorf. Looking For an Easy Way To Help the Church? Have you been looking for an easy opportunity to serve at church? We need one more person to help out by joining an usher team. It's an easy way to get involved and help serve on Sundays. If you'd like to help fill a need, please contact Patrick Rodgers at JOIN US, PLEASE!! Fairview and Fairview Youth are preparing and serving at GAP on GREENE this Sunday. Wonderful Praise & Worship music beginning at 6:00 pm. Food & Fellowship at 7:00 pm. It's an excellent opportunity to share worship and a meal with others, who are deeply in need of encouragement. So thankful for this opportunity to serve Him. Hope to see you there!! “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." (Matthew 25:40) Decorating for Advent and Christmas! We need volunteers to help assemble and decorate trees and decorate the sanctuary and fellowship hall on Saturday, November 29th at 9:00 am. We will meet in the sanctuary. Come join us for this festive occasion! Fairview Pictures We will be putting together a church history that includes lots of pictures of events throughout the history of Fairview. If you have pictures you would like to share, please bring them to the church office and we will scan them and return to you immediately. We are also looking for old pictures of North Augusta. FAIRVIEW FELLOWSHIP will be going to lunch at Sconyer's Bar-b-que on Thursday, November 20th. We will meet at the church at 11:15 and carpool. Let Kate (279-9759) or Helen (279-4078) know if you are planning to come so we will know about how many to plan for. CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR PRESBYTERIAN HOME - Each year we take Christmas gifts to Clinton Presbyterian Home for the residents to receive at their annual Christmas party. The items suggested are: postage stamps, post-it-notes, scratch pads, stationery, large print word search puzzles, 2015 calendars, picture frames, large print paperback books, pens, pencils, small umbrellas, men's handkerchiefs, shower caps, rain caps, hair brushes, combs, lipstick, nail polish, nail clippers, mesh laundry bags, small hand towels, soap, flashlights, all occasion cards, lotion, Kleenex, batteries, toothbrushes, toothpaste, socks, hose (ankle length or knee high), and mouthwash. Please note: medium size bottles of items are best. These items may be brought to church and placed in the box outside the office marked "Presbyterian Home Gifts". Join us for the Fourth Annual WINTER CAMP at Camp Fellowship! This lock-in style retreat for 1st through 12th graders is a great opportunity to relive those summer memories and give moms and dads a chance to do some last minute holiday preparations! Please contact John and Margaret Shearouse at 706830-6836 for more information or to sign up. Friday, December 5th (4 pm) – Saturday, December 6th (2:30 pm) Fee: $45 before November 21, 2014 (add $10 after November 21, 2014) BONUS: Winter Camp Participants will receive a $25 discount on summer camp registrations when pre-registering by January 15, 2015!! The Food Pantry at Community Ministry is in dire need of the following: laundry detergent, dish detergent, miscellaneous cleaning supplies, deodorant, shampoo/conditioner, and toothpaste. Please communicate this to your parishioners. Your help is greatly appreciated. CALENDAR Friday, November 14 10:30 am Bible Study – John Tuesday, November 18 11:00 am Christian Classics Class Sunday, November 16 9:00 am Morning Watch Contemporary Service 10:00 am Sunday School 11:00 am Traditional Worship Service 6:00 pm Youth Group 6:00 pm GAP on Greene Wednesday, November 19 6:00 pm Wednesday Supper – Turkey, dressing, sweet potatoes, English peas, salad, dessert 6:30 pm - Children’s Program - Special Presentation by Allison and Ernie Sizemore 7:30 pm Chancel Choir Monday, November 17 7:00 pm Session Meet THOSE SERVING THIS WEEK SS Coffee: Gary Clark, Duane and Holly Perry MW Coffee: Kevin Toole Counters: Paul Miskelly, Coyle Harmon Children’s Church: Margaret and John Shearouse Greeters (9 am): Jennifer and Trey Morris, Janet Waters, Elane and Donnie Casteen Greeter (11 am): Tina Melton, Shawn Kendinger Hospital Visitation: Paul Manci, Trey Morris Friday, November 21 10:30 am Bible Study – John Mary’s Helpers: Jean Jones, Beverly Thurmond Nursery: Charisse Chiba Ushers: David Keller, Andrew Nelson, Monty Hyde, Matt Melton, Ralph Robinson Wednesday Supper: Hank McKenney, Helen McKenney, Bob Clark, Carol Clark, Joel Ozburn, Lynda Ozburn, Verlon McDowell, Chris McDowell OUR PRAYER REQUESTS Doctors: Mac McKnight, Elaine Ropelewski, University: Barbara Lord (Janet Waters’s mother) Home: CJ Bigger, Lori Hart, Mildred Beams, Twyla Kneece, Peggy Seigler, Patti Andrews, Wanda Zippler, Holly Perry, Paul Gesche, Betty Goodwin, Randall McClain, Martha Rogers, Laura Purtz, Rod Scherr, Skip Jones, Bill Campbell, Hank McKenney, Hazel Crosby, Terry Skidmore, Jonathan Rivers (Steve Bigg’s nephew), Nathan Schmitz (Poore family friend), Ginny Lopez (Carl Rapp’s sister), Betty and Clarence Smith (Sarah Lawson’s parents), Nancy Watson (friend of Marian Royster), Sara Snell (Sara Oliver’s mother), Lois Brant (Pat Cavenaugh’s sister), Lou Ellington (Marian Royster’s mother), Matt Stover (friend of Bob Fuller), Fred Hyatt (Laura Purtz’s son-in-law), Jenny Matzdorff (Stephani Crews’s cousin), Genee Duncan (Stan and Emma Williamson’s daughter-in-law), Billy Lord (Janet Waters’s brother), Terry Maltby, Floyd Quattlebaum (Josh Quattlebaum’s father), James Green (Pat Johnson’s friend), Opal McDowell (Verlon McDowell), LTJG Matt Jones NSW/NSO., McCall friend NHC: Mary Ann Culp, Amy Taylor (Robert Lance’s mother) Sterling House: Ann Goforth, Clara Johnson, Louise Beck, Edith Carlson Select Specialty: Alfred Dukes (Kenny Dukes’s father) Hammond House: Barbara Dennis, Elizabeth Patrick, Mary Collins (Linda Minyard’s mother) Florida: Mary Jennings (Henry Livingston’s sister), Lexington: Margaret Houser (Nancy Duncan’s mother) The World Race, Asia: Grace Manci The Christian sympathy of pastors and congregation is extended to Fran Evans in the death of her dear friend, Grady Thompson, November 7, 2014. Poinsettia Time... Orders are being received for poinsettias to be placed in the sanctuary for Christmas. Please place your order by completing this form and placing in the offering plate with payment of $11.00 (must be prepaid) or mail to the church office. Make check payable to Fairview. Use ONE form for each poinsettia. Deadline: November 23rd. From: Please reserve a poinsettia for me and list in the church bulletin: _____in Memory of* *Name _____In Honor of* _____to the Glory of God