Jubilee Fellowship WELCOME Christian Reformed Church


Jubilee Fellowship WELCOME Christian Reformed Church
Jubilee Fellowship
Christian Reformed Church
Welcome to Jubilee Fellowship Christian Reformed
Church: A special welcome to our members and
guests! We hope you experience God's presence as
you worship with us this morning. If you would like
more information about Jubilee, please ask one of
our Welcome Team members. They would be happy
to assist you. Please join us after the service for refreshments
and allow us to introduce ourselves to you. Nursery is available
downstairs for children under 3. Joy Jam & Joy Jam Junior
(Sunday School) is provided for children ages 3—Grade 5, who
will be dismissed part way through the service.
In this morning's service Pastor Woody will continue the
preaching from the book of Hebrews.
Sunday ‑ Kim Radersma
Monday ‑ Nellie Versluis, Tony VanEs
Tuesday ‑ Jan Prins; Wednesday ‑ Jane Kuntz,
Sonya Vermolen, Chace Hoogendam
Thursday ‑ Nicholas De Bruyne
Friday ‑ Joanne Langbroek
In Christ, With Each Other, To the World
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, that
person is a new creation; the old has gone,
the new has come! (2 Cor. 5:17)
November 16, 2014
Pastor Woodrow Dixon
Hebrews 7: 1—10
Elder of Service: Albert Kok
13 Wilholme Drive, R.R. 3
St. Catharines, ON L2R 6P9
Telephone: (905) 687-3372; Fax: (905) 687-8074
Pastor: W oodr ow Dixon
Administration: W endy de Jong
Children’s Ministry Coordinator:
Stacy Kok: children@jubileecrc.org
Custodian: Elaine de K leine
Technical Support Coordinator
Caleb Kuntz: tech@jubileecrc.org
Youth Ministry Coordinator
Anna Bailey: youth@jubileecrc.org
Tues. Nov. 18 Coffee Break, 9:30—11:00 am
Council, 7:00 pm
Wed. Nov. 19
Jubilee Night—6:00 Supper; 6:30 ACTS, Cadets,
Gems, Jubes; 7:00 pm Adult Ed classes
JOY JAM SCHEDULE — November 16
Story Teller—Dora Stroobosscher / Jennifer Hordijk
Melinda Regnerus
& Shannon Moore
Jennifer Hordijk
Wendy de Jong
Gail Poulsen & Dora
Grades 4/5
Steve Gillis
Grade 2
Suzan Kuipery
Grade 3/4
Sally Vlaar
Grades K/1
Jovita de Jong
Sunday: Jubilee & Back to God Ministries International: Celebrating 75 years, Back to God Ministries International is the
media mission of the CRC, sharing the Gospel in communities
worldwide using media experiences online and on the air. The
goal hasn't changed for more than 70 years: seeing people's
hearts transformed by God's grace. Rev. Steve Koster, who was
a summer intern with Jubilee in 2004, leads the English ministry
ReFrame Media which offers such programs as the Today devotional guide, ThinkChristian, Under the Radar, Family Fire,
Walk the Way, and Church Juice. Ron VandenBurg joined
BTGMI as the senior producer of KidsCorner, a website and
global radio program offering Biblical messages wrapped in
fun stories. The site also has family devotions, audio Bible stories, Bible studies and family activities. See www.kidscorner.net
Next week: Jubilee & Shalom Manor & Gardens: Shalom Manor & Gardens, located in Grimsby, is a retirement residence
and nursing home, providing excellent care and community in
a Christian environment. This home was begun and is still operated by the deacons of Classis Hamilton and Niagara.
Smithville Christian High School Membership Meeting:
The Fall Membership Meeting will be taking place on
Thursday, November 20 at Smithville Christian High
School. New families are invited to arrive at 6:45 for a
reception and orientation. There will be a time for coffee
and interaction with fellow members from 7:45 – 8:00.
Meeting highlights include election of new board members, and an update on the ‘In Motion Campaign.’ Make
sure you come out to hear how God is blessing our
school and society!
Open Door Luncheon: You are invited to
the home of Henry & Wendy de Jong, 28
Stuart Avenue, St. Catharines for a light
lunch and a time to socialize with other
Jubilee members. Maps with directions to
their home are on the Kiosk.
Installation of Niagara Falls Church Planter: You are
warmly invited to the Installation of Allen Kleine Deters as
Church Planter in Niagara Falls. Please join us Sunday,
November 23, 2014, anytime after 12:00 pm, for a light
luncheon and stand‑up reception. A time of communal
worship and the installation will begin at 1:00 PM.
Sermon Recordings: Reminder that Jubilee's services are
streamed live on our website every Sunday morning, and
we put up permanent recordings of the sermons on our
website on Mondays. However, if you require CDs made
of the services, either consistently or as a one time thing,
you can email our Tech Coordinator at
tech@jubileecrc.org in order to get a CD made and left
in your mailbox by the following Sunday. (To ensure that
you receive it on the following Sunday, please email your
request in by Wednesday. Thank you.)
Jubilee Night: This week's meal is Sweet
& Sour Sausage with Rice & Spinach Salad. The cost of the meal is $3.00 per
person; $8 for 3 persons and $10 for a
family of 4 or more. Nursery Care—
Rebekah VandenBurg, Bernice Warkentin, Linda Lensink
Care Packages for College and University Students: Today
is the final day to sign up. There will be a sign up sheet on
the table beside office. Please sign your name beside one
or more college/university student
(s). Then, by next Sunday, November 23, prepare a Christmas card
for that student and place in the
Folkerts mailbox along with $12.
We will take care of the rest. Any
questions, speak to Albert Kok or
Elza Folkerts.
Fire Drill: Following today’s service we will have a fire drill.
All public gathering places are now mandated by the fire
department to hold a fire drill. The purpose of a fire drill is
to ensure that everyone is familiar with emergency evacuation procedures, resulting in an orderly evacuation, and to
ensure that in case of a real fire the evacuation procedures
will be followed smoothly. Please take some time this week
to review the fire evacuation procedures that were emailed
to you along with the bulletin. Ushers, Nursery attendants
and Joy Jam leaders, in particular are asked to take note of
these instructions so you are aware of what actions to take
when the fire alarm is pulled.
Calling all seamstresses: Our Joy Jam Jr. ministry would
like to provide some Bible character costumes for our
younger children so that they can "dress the part" of the Bible characters that they are learning about each Sunday
morning. If you have old material that is not being used or
are willing to pull out your sewing machine and create
some fun dress‑up clothes for this ministry, please contact
Stacy Kok. Thanks.
Come and Hear the Stories: of transformation in Zambian
communities and their passion for Christian Education..
Marc and Dora Stroobosscher and Karen Gerritsma worked
alongside educational leaders and teachers in training over
the last year. This was a new program for EduDeo and it
was an eye‑opener for the students as they began to understand that God really is King over every square centimeter
of His world. We invite you to come out to this fundraising
event to hear and see how Teaching for Transformation
changes lives and communities, and enjoy some wonderful
desserts! Join us on Friday, November 21 from 7 – 9 pm.
at Jubilee.
Advent and Christmas Concert: You are invited to attend the
annual Advent and Christmas concert at the St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Chuch, 342 Simcoe Street, Niagara‑on‑the‑Lake
on Saturday, November 29, at 7:30 p.m. Participating choirs
are the St. Andrew's Church Choir, the Cantata Singers under
the direction of Dr. Gerzinus E. Hoekstra and the To the King
Male Chorus under the direction of Mendelt D. Hoekstra. The
evening includes Advent and Christmas anthems, spirituals as
well as congregational carol singing, accompanied by organ
and brass ensemble. A meaningful beginning to the Advent
and Christmas season. There is a free‑will offering and refreshments will be served after the concert.
Shalom Manor & Gardens – November Sale – Saturday, November 29th: On Saturday, November 29th, you are invited to
join us for our Annual November Sale! From 10:00am‑2:00pm,
you are invited to Shalom Manor & Gardens (12 Bartlett Avenue
in Grimsby) to take in some old and new attractions at the Sale.
Our Sale was such a success last year that we are doing it
again! Come on out to purchase some croquettes, plants and
flowers, farm‑fresh items and more. While you’re here, be sure
to take part in our lucky draw, vendor marketplace, boerenkool
lunch, pictures with Sinterklaas and our Honour Tree. Mark it on
your calendar – a day for both traditional and new enjoyment!
(Please be advised that additional parking at Mountainview CRC
with shuttle bus service will be provided.)
Sing Niagara, a local women’s a cappella chorus: , will hold
their annual Christmas Charity Concert at Jubilee on Sunday,
November 30th, 3:00 pm. No admission, but please bring
nonperishable food items for YWCA. A freewill offering to
support the chorus in its community activities will be held at
the door after the concert. Refreshments (coffee, tea, juice
and homemade goodies) will be served after the concert.
The Out of the Cold program at Knox Presbyterian Church, 53
Church St., St. Catharines begins its 18th year on November 7,
2014. From Nov. 2013 to the end of March 2014 approximately 3200 meals were served and shelter provided for 580
guests. Our main need at this time is volunteers for the setup/
serve shift 5:00 – 7:00 PM, evening 7:00 – 11:00 PM and overnight 11:00 PM – 6:00 AM. If you are available to help in this
vital ministry, please contact Jean Bradley at hbradley21@cogeco.ca or 905-682-2355. Donations of toiletries,
socks, underwear, hats, mitts, coffee mugs, blankets (not quilts
or electric) and bath towels are always appreciated. Please do
not donate clothing. To donate cupcakes contact Carolyn Robertson at carern25@hotmail.com or 905-935-0066.
Help Us Help The Homeless: … Knox Presbyterian Church at
53 Church St., St. Catharines will hold their 17th Annual
Christmas Concert ‘Oh Holy Night’ to benefit the Out of the
Cold program on Wednesday, December 3rd at 7:00 p.m..
The concert will include the Knox Presbyterian Church Choir
and the Thorold Reed Band and will be followed by a Dessert
Reception featuring delectable desserts donated by area restaurants. Tickets at $10. will be available at the door. Come
and enjoy the spirit of Christmas while supporting the less
fortunate in our community.
To the King Male Chorus,: directed by Mendelt Hoekstra and
accompanied by pianist Julie Hoff presents, "A Christmas Celebration" with special guests, Smithville High School Choir,
directed by Dawne Warkentin. Join us in the old world
acoustics for either of two intimate concerts on Friday, December 12 or Saturday, December 13 at St. Thomas' Church,
99 Ontario Street, St. Catharines. The concert begins at
7:30pm. $15/person (13 years and older). Children 12
years old and under are free (tickets must be presented for
children). Seating is limited, so these tickets will be only available online or in advance from a choir member. Visit
www.totheking.ca for more details or email tickets@totheking.ca.
Shalom Manor Long Term Care Home: a Christian long‑term
care home has urgent openings for PSW’s. Please submit your
resume to the Director of Care, 12 Bartlett Ave. Grimsby, ON
L3M 4N5; Fax: 905‑945‑1211
email: info@shalommanor.ca
FREE WEBINAR: Join us on Nov. 19 for "Listening Prayer" presented by Mary Sterenberg. In this webinar you'll learn how to
recognize the voice of God and what comprises "listening prayer" while we explore some of the many ways God speaks in
scripture and still speaks today. For more details and registration
for this free, one‑hour event visit crcna.org/webinars
Spirit of Christmas through an Advent devotional series and a
calendar with daily ideas for reflection, prayer, and giving from
World Renew and the CRC Office of Social Justice. You will receive an email a day (Nov. 30 – Dec. 25) to help you orient
your Christmas season though prayer, meditation, and
hope‑filled stories of God’s reconciling work in us, through us,
and around us. And the Advent calendar is a fun way for the
family to participate, too! Go to crcna.org/adventdevos to sign
CALVIN SYMPOSIUM ON WORSHIP : ‑ You are invited to attend the annual Calvin Symposium on Worship, January 29‑31,
2015, at Calvin College and Calvin Theological Seminary. This
year's worship theme is based on 2 Corinthians. The preachers
include M. Craig Barnes, Tim Blackmon, Denise Kingdom Grier,
Meg Jenista, and Pablo Jimenez. There are excellent rates for
students and groups from churches.