Jubilee Fellowship Christian Reformed Church


Jubilee Fellowship Christian Reformed Church
Jubilee Fellowship
Christian Reformed Church
In Christ, With Each Other, To the World
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, that
person is a new creation; the old has gone,
the new has come! (2 Cor. 5:17)
October 26, 2014
Welcome to Jubilee Fellowship Christian Reformed Church: A special welcome to our
members and guests! We hope you experience God's presence as you worship with us
this morning. If you would like more information about Jubilee, please ask one of our Welcome
Team members. They would be happy to assist
you. Please join us after the service for refreshments and
allow us to introduce ourselves to you. Nursery is available downstairs for children under 3. Joy Jam & Joy Jam
Junior (Sunday School) is provided for children ages 3—
Grade 5, who will be dismissed part way through the
service. In this morning's service Pastor Woody will continue the preaching from the book of Hebrews.
Reformation Day Service: Everyone is invited to attend
the combined Reformation Service for Classis Niagara
held at Mountainview CRC in Grimsby today at 5:00
pm. Pastor Allen Kleine Deters of the new Niagara Falls
church plant will be delivering the message. Everyone is
invited to a coffee social following the service. If you are
able, please bring a plate of goodies to share.
Pastor Woodrow Dixon
Hebrews 4: 1-13
Elder of Service: Alissa Vernon
13 Wilholme Drive, R.R. 3
St. Catharines, ON L2R 6P9
Telephone: (905) 687-3372; Fax: (905) 687-8074
Pastor: W oodr ow Dixon
Administration: W endy de Jong
Children’s Ministry Coordinator:
Stacy Kok: children@jubileecrc.org
Custodian: Elaine de K leine
Technical Support Coordinator
Caleb Kuntz: tech@jubileecrc.org
Youth Ministry Coordinator
Anna Bailey: youth@jubileecrc.org
Tues. Oct. 28
Coffee Break, 9:30—11:00 am
Wed. Oct. 29
Jubilee Night—6:00 Supper; 6:30 ACTS, Cadets,
Gems, Jubes; 7:00 pm Adult Ed classes
Sunday ‑ Kees Verhoef, Emma Vanden Burg
Monday ‑ Joanne Tenyenhuis, Aron Hoff
Tuesday ‑ Melinda Regnerus, Isaac Moore
Wednesday ‑ Andrew (AJ) Regnerus, Rebekah
VandenBurg; Saturday ‑ Yvonne Veldboom
Sunday: Jubilee & Home Missions: Today, on Reformation Sunday, we celebrate creative Christ‑following, meeting the challenges of God's mission with bold hope. Together with Christian Reformed Home Missions and our ministry partners across North
America, prayerfully consider how your church can share the
good news. Thank you for supporting Home Missions with the
special offering taken today. Learn about the ministries they support at crhm.org.
Next week: Jubilee & World Renew ‑ World Hunger Sunday:
Hunger and malnutrition are the number one risk to health worldwide and investing in farmers is one of the best ways we can
combat it. Through next week's World Hunger offering you are
helping to fight global hunger and give small‑scale farmers the
training they need to produce more diverse crops and larger harvests. A devotional booklet "Farm to Table" for this coming week
is in your mailbox today.
This past Tuesday Council invited Terry Veldboom,
Treasurer, to attend part of the meeting for an in‑depth discussion about Ministry Share contributions. At last December’s Congregational Meeting Council was asked to give
consideration to the recommendation from some members
that we budget for 100% contributions. Terry shared some
statistics and thoughts with Council for a very worthwhile
discussion. Council appreciates the time and effort that
goes into preparing a manageable budget for Jubilee each
year. In the end Council affirmed the recommendation from
the Financial Administration Board that we continue in the
same vein as past years, but to work toward nominal increases each year, rather than a jump from 65% to 100% in
one year. The past several years we have been able to contribute 100% because we were able to make up the difference from lower than anticipated costs, particularly in the
area of staffing, but since we are currently at a full staffing
compliment this may not be possible in future years. Our
budget is predicated on what has historically been shown to
be the level of giving that can be expected. This will be explained in more detail at the time of presenting the 2015
budget, which is currently being developed. Some other financial matters, such as the Shalem CAP system, the possibility of having a Calvin Theological Seminary intern work
here next summer, and the Capital Expenditures budget
were also discussed. Next month Council will review the proposed budget. A congregational meeting date has not been
set yet, but will likely take place toward the end of November or early December.
Council members spent some time reviewing a list of
persons who are no longer actively worshipping at Jubilee.
Some of these persons will remain on an Inactive list and
will receive a card signed by Council members letting them
know that they are missed and we hope they will worship
with us again. Council agreed to lapse the memberships of
Dennis & Emily Johnston, Rob & Tanya Sicoli, Charles
Koole, Engelina Kersten & Gwen de Bruyne, who have
found new faith communities to be involved with or who
have moved and will not be returning to this area. A lapsed
membership is a non‑disciplinary method used by our denomination to indicate these persons no longer worship with
us, but have not requested a membership transfer. We pray
that God will bless them as they move on from being part of
the Jubilee faith family.
Classis Niagara meets on Wednesday, November 12th.
Jubilee’s delegates are Pastor Woody and elder Eb Quist.
Alternate delegates are Alissa Vernon and Sjoukje Buisman.
A number of correspondence items and minutes were also
reviewed. We noted with thanks that Alan Ikponmwosa has
a hearing in January regarding the immigration application
for his wife Faith, who remains in Nigeria. Please pray that
this hearing will go favourably on Alan & Faith’s behalf.
Young Adults Luncheon Today: Please join us after church today
for lunch at the home of Albert Kok, 9 Nello Street. There will be
good food and great company! If you need a ride or directions,
speak to Albert Kok or Elza Folkerts. Hope to see you there!
Afternoon Hike: Come on out today, Sunday, Oct.
26th for a nice stroll along the canal! We will meet at
the Shipshape yard (off of Lakeshore Road) at 3:00.
It's a stroller‑friendly path... everyone of all ages is
welcome! Maps are available on the back table. The
Congregational Life Team
Knitters of Jubilee! Thank you so much for the 13
pairs of slippers received so far. They are wonderful, and will certainly be appreciated by the recipients. About 15‑20 more pairs would be great,
and can be placed in the Youth Ministry office. 7
pairs of mens slippers and 6 pairs of womens slippers is the count
right now. If you need a pattern, please contact Anna
(youth@jubileecrc.org) and a couple options will be emailed to
Operation Christmas Child: Please take home a box after church
today. They are available on the back table near the colouring
boxes. For more Information about Operation Christmas Child
speak to Andrew Botbyl or go to www.Samaritianspurse.ca and
click tab Operation Christmas child. Collection week is Nov
17‑23. Further instruction to come.
Change of Address: Ted & Marge Van Geest, #18‑88 Lakeport
Road, St.C., L2N 4P8; same phone number ‑ new email: temar@cogeco.ca
New email for Dora Stroobosscher ‑ dorastroo6@gmail.com
Beacon Christian Schools phone drive: Through
dedicated volunteers, we will be reaching out to you
on the evenings of November 4, 5 and 6 to ask for
your support in Beacon's annual fundraising phone
drive that supports our general operating budget.
Please consider how you can help this year. Every
prayer, gift and sacrifice, whether small or large, is
vitally important. Thank you!
Love your city: The theme of this year's denominational Day of
Encouragement was "love your city." One way Jubilee members
can love their city is by joining the Garden City Food Co-op. An
investment in the co-op is an investment in the sustainable development of our community. It is also an investment in the daily lives
of downtown residents, providing an option for fresh, locally produced and fairly priced food, sourced from local farms. To apply
for membership or to find out more, talk to Marlene Bergsma or
visit www.gardencityfoodcoop.ca.
Jubilee Night: This week's meal is Hash Brown &
Ham Casserole with Mandarin Orange Salad.
The cost of the meal is $3.00 per person; $8 for
3 persons and $10 for a family of 4 or more.
Nursery Care— Anita Doppenberg, Bernice
Warkentin, Paul de Vries
The Out of the Cold program at Knox Presbyterian Church, 53
Church St., St. Catharines begins its 18th year on November 7,
2014. From Nov. 2013 to the end of March 2014 approximately 3200 meals were served and shelter provided for 580
guests. Our main need at this time is volunteers for the setup/
serve shift 5:00 – 7:00 PM, evening 7:00 – 11:00 PM and overnight 11:00 PM – 6:00 AM. If you are available to help in this
vital ministry, please contact Jean Bradley at hbradley21@cogeco.ca or 905-682-2355. Donations of toiletries,
socks, underwear, hats, mitts, coffee mugs, blankets (not quilts
or electric) and bath towels are always appreciated. Please do
not donate clothing. To donate cupcakes contact Carolyn Robertson at carern25@hotmail.com or 905-935-0066.
Room for Rent: Leslie Vandermaas has a room for rent for a non
-smoker, on Louisa St. between Lake and Catharine. Call 905246-4401 for more information.
Prayer & Healing Ministry: Equipping & Training Opportunity:
Would you like to learn how to help people receive healing of
past hurts and inner wounds through prayer? Pastor Erick
Schuringa will be leading us in two days of training, which will
begin with Session One on Saturday Jan 31, 2015 and Session
Two on Saturday Feb 21, 2015. These event days will be hosted
by Smithville Christian Reformed Church, with location and registration details forthcoming. If you, or others you may know,
are interested in attending these event days, we'd like to hear
from you, as it will assist us in our planning. Please contact office@smithvillecrc.ca
Couples Retreat: "Hold Me Tight" is a couples retreat based on
the wisdom of Emotionally Focused therapy (EFT) and the work
of Dr. Sue Johnson. There is a good deal of evidence to support
that EFT is one of the most effective ways to work with couples to
restore loving connection, regardless of the place that they are at
when they begin therapy.
The workshops will be led by Wendy Bulthuis and Sabrina
Fruci. See poster on the bulletin boards.
The retreat is appropriate for anyone in a loving, committed relationship. Couples who are at very difficult and painful places
have benefited as well as couples who are looking to deepen
their existing connection. The retreat does not require that anyone share anything in a large group setting as the “work” is
done by each couple with privacy. Participants are welcome to
share insights in the larger group during video and teaching
presentations, but it is not required. Jubilee members may call
Shalem to request that most of the registration fee be covered
through the Congregational Assistance Program we have arranged with them.
CALVIN SYMPOSIUM ON WORSHIP: You are invited to attend
the annual Calvin Symposium on Worship, January 29‑31,
2015, at Calvin College and Calvin Theological Seminary. This
year's worship theme is based on 2 Corinthians. The preachers
include M. Craig Barnes, Tim Blackmon, Denise Kingdom Grier,
Meg Jenista, and Pablo Jimenez. There are excellent rates for
students and groups from churches.
Story Teller—Karen Gerritsma
Jodi & Kristen
Grade 2
Steve Tenyenhuis
Elly Hoff &
Alissa Vernon
Grade 3/4
Karina Gillis
Alison Bootsma
Grade 4/5
Alice Witvoet
Karen Gerritsma
Grades K/1
Marge Van Geest
Ministry to Seafarers Christmas Parcels: Each year, M2S runs
a Christmas Parcel Drive in the hope of giving each seafarer
who visits the Port of Montreal during the month of December
a small gift as a token of the love of God, and a means of
celebrating with them God's great gift, Jesus Christ.
Parcels usually consist of a shoebox (or similar‑sized gift
bag) wrapped in festive paper, filled with both practical items
(eg. hand cream, soap, warm gloves and hats) and treats (eg.
chocolate, candy, cards). Including a card with a personal
note, although optional, is always the most hoped‑for and
most appreciated by all seafarers.
These parcels are delivered to every ship in port, one for
each crew member, along with Bibles in the language of the
majority of seafarers on board. We here at M2S attach a
card, translated into the language of each recipient, which
explains the reason we celebrate Christmas.
We also suggest that, on Christmas Eve or Christmas
Day, the ship’s captain read the Christmas story (Luke chapter
2) from the Bible with his crew and then distribute the parcels.
To ensure that parcels are of similar value, we ask that
you follow the following guidelines as closely as possible:
1. Fill a box (perhaps a small shoe box) completely. It is
better to have a small full box than a half empty big box.
2. Enclose a Christmas card with a personal note and
your name and address (if you’re comfortable doing so).
Many of those who receive these gifts like to acknowledge
3. Parcel contents: Enclose one or more of the following:
scarf, toque, gloves, socks. writing pad and envelopes, address book, ballpoint pens, scissors, scotch tape, calendar.
Other suggestions: packaged candy, aftershave lotion, handkerchief, face cloth, playing cards, soap, nail clipper, a small
souvenir of Canada etc.
4. Please note the approximate value of the gift on the
top right‑hand corner (postage stamp area) of each parcel as
Value: Mark your gift:
B $15 ‑ $20
C $20 ‑ $25
We ask you to do this so that we can give the “richer”
gifts to the less fortunate seafarers.