Cashier News


Cashier News
O c t o b e r 2 0 1 2 I s s u e 4 2 P u b l i s h e d b y T h e N e v a d a S t a t e H e a l t h ' L Y L V L R Q ¶ V : , & 3 U R J U D P Cashier News Table of Contents Mandatory Vendor Training Nevada WIC Logo
Canned Beans Are WIC Approved
Vendor Materials
WIC Food Updates
WIC Authorized Foods Vendor Violations and Sanctions
Contact Us
Formula Change Effective October 1, 2012 the WIC Approved Soy Infant
Formula changed to Enfamil ProSobee.
What formula changed? Only the soy based formulas changed. Similac Soy Isomil and Similac Go & Grow Soy are no longer contract formulas as of October 1st, 2012. The new soy based formulas are Enfamil Prosobee and Enfagrow Soy Toddler. All milk based formulas have stayed the same. These include Similac Advance Early Shield, Similac Sensitive, Similac Sensitive for Spit-­up and Similac Go and Grow. P APAG
G EE 22 C A S H I E R N E W S REMINDER ORGANIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ARE ALLOWED FOR PURCHASE :,7+7+(3$57,&,3$17¶6&$6+9$/8(%(1(),7 Mandatory Vendor Trainings We would like to thank all of you that attended the Mandatory Vendor Trainings. If you have a store location that was unable to attend the mandatory trainings you are required to complete an on-­site Vendor WIC Training at the location indicated by your training staff. Information will be sent to your corporate contacts from the State WIC Program. If you know your store location did not attend any of the scheduled meetings and you have not received any correspondence with regards to training please contact our office at 775-­684-­5942. To view the training materials, updated information, the 2012 Mandatory Training PowerPoint presentation and the UPC database please visit our webpage at: Nevada WIC Logo The State of Nevada WIC Program has updated its logo. You will begin to see our new logo on all of our updated publications. This newsletter is designed for your CASHIER TRAINING EFFORTS & will also serve as a handy reference guide.
P A G E 3 C A S H I E R N E W S P A G E 4 C A S H I E R N E W S Vendor Materials Effective October 1, 2012 Cashier Cards Are Blue Per the WIC Vendor Agreement, each Vendor shall distribute Cashier Cards for availability at each checkout stand for use by cashiers. Cashier Cards are required at all registers equipped with a JP Morgan WIC EBT POS machine or all registers that have been integrated, to accept WIC EBT Card transactions. Always be sure that you have a current Authorized WIC Foods card available at your check stand. The reverse side of the Blue Cashier Card provides valuable information to stores as well as the WIC EBT processing instructions for stores currently equipped with the JP Morgan stand beside equipment. If your store is integrated we are unable to provide any specific training assistance due to the differences in every system. Please contact your corporate office or the individual your store has designated to assist you. New Vendor Materials All Updated Vendor Manuals, Colored Food Brochures, and Blue Cashier Cards for 2012 have been mailed to the vendor corporate contacts. If you have not received your materials, please contact your corporate offices. Vendors can also access a listing of all WIC approved foods and their UPC codes along with many other useful materials online at: P A G E 5 C A S H I E R N E W S WIC Food Updates NEW CHOICES WIC Approved Food Items Effective October 1, 2012 8th Continent Soymilk-­Vanilla Flavored 64 ounce Container Langers 64 Ounce Bottle Juices x Cranberry Fuji x Ruby Red Grapefruit Malt-­O-­Meal 12 ounces or larger Blueberry Mini Spooners :HOFK¶V5HG*UDSH 64 Ounce Bottled Juice Canned Beans (14-­16 ounce cans) Any Brand Black Beans Red Beans Kidney Beans Pinto Beans Navy Beans Blackeyed Peas Regular or Low Sodium NO: added fats, oils, or meats, baked or pork and beans, soup mixes, organic, green or wax beans, frozen green peas, Cajun style, BBQ Ranch-­
Style, chili beans, snap beans, orange beans, flavored beans or added sugars General Mills 12 ounces or larger Berry Berry Kix Better Oats *RRGµQKHDUW\ 11.8 ounces or larger Classic, Maple and Brown Sugar, or Apples and Cinnamon C A S H I E R N E W S P A G E 6 WIC Authorized Foods The types and quantities of foods authorized for the WIC Program are specified in federal regulations. 7KHVHIRRGVKDYHEHHQFKRVHQEHFDXVHWKH\DUHKLJKLQQXWULHQWVWKDWPHHWWKH:,&3URJUDP¶VVSHFLILF
nutrient requirements. They include cereals, fruit juices, milk, eggs, cheeses, beans, peas or lentils, peanut butter, canned fish, fruits and vegetables, whole grains, tofu, soy beverages, infant formulas, jarred baby foods and infant cereals. Each state develops a list of the specific types of foods and/or brands approved for its WIC Program. Additional factors that states may consider when designating approved foods include: regional preferences, availability throughout the state, package sizes and competitive pricing. Nevada WIC and Inter-­Tribal Council of Nevada (ITCN) WIC keep a list of approved foods and a complete UPC database list on our website A list is also available in the Vendor Manuals provided to each vendor location and on the blue Cashier Cards located at each registered equipped for WIC transactions. Vendor Violations and Sanctions The state WIC agency may sanction Vendors that violate program regulations and policies by imposing monetary claims, civil money penalties, suspensions, terminations or disqualification from the WIC program. Vendor violations may be intentional or unintentional, both are subject to sanctions. The state agency may report Vendors who commit fraud and/or abuse of the WIC program to federal, state, or local authorities for prosecution under applicable statutes. In addition, any Vendor disqualified from the USDA Food Stamp Program/Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) will also be automatically disqualified as a WIC Vendor. Vendors are subject to penalty points, disqualifications and/or terminations for any combination of violations listed on the Penalty Point and Sanction Schedule. )RUVDQFWLRQSXUSRVHVDOOYLRODWLRQVZLOOUHPDLQRQWKH9HQGRU¶VUHFRUGGXULQJWKHWKUHH\HDUFRQWUDFW
period, currently October 1, 2012 to September 30, 2015. The state WIC Program will determine the specific sanction to be applied and action to be taken, and will notify the Vendor in writing of the action taken and of the right to appeal. A copy of the Vendor Sanction Schedule can be found in your Vendor Manual Updated October 1, 2012 or on the State of Nevada WIC Vendor website at: P A G E 7 C A S H I E R N E W S We want to hear from you! Send your questions to: Nevada State WIC Program 4126 Technology Way #102 Carson City, NV 89706 Or e-­mail Kirsten Hevener: Janice Hadlock-­Burnett Vendor Coordinator State of Nevada WIC 4126 Technology Way #102 Carson City, NV 89706 T (775) 684-­5942 F (775) 684-­4246 Dawn Halona-­Brown Vendor Coordinator Inter-­Tribal Council of Nevada, WIC 680 Greenbrae Dr. Ste 230 Sparks, NV 89431 T (775) 355-­0600 EXT 151 F (775) 355-­5217 In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this Institution is prohibited from discriminating on the
basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Adjudication and Compliance, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or
(202) 720-6382 (TTY). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.