Sealy Knights of Columbus The Round Table November 2014 Meeting Reminders
Sealy Knights of Columbus The Round Table November 2014 Meeting Reminders
Charity Unity Sealy Knights of Columbus The Round Table November 2014 Fraternity Patriotism A monthly newsletter published by Knights of Columbus, Father Crann Council No. 3313, Sealy, Texas Meeting Reminders Please take note of this month’s meeting dates: Special Officers Meeting Date: Thursday, November 13, 2014 Meeting Time: 6:00 PM Place: Sealy KC Hall Regular Business Meeting Date: Thursday, November 13, 2014 Meal Time: 7:00 PM Meeting Time: 7:30 PM Place: Sealy KC Hall Regular Officers Meeting* Date: Tuesday, November 18, 2014 Meal Time: 7:00 PM Meeting Time: 7:30 PM Place: Sealy KC Hall Main Kitchen * Due to Thanksgiving being on the same day as our regularly scheduled November KC officers meeting, we are moving the date. Please mark your calendars. In Appreciation A big “Thank you” goes to the following individuals for the donation of their time and talents to our Council: October newsletter production and distribution – Steven Kutra, Willie Kutra, Larry Kuciemba, Bennie & Bernice Stolarski, and Louis & Barbara Hajdik Memorial Donations In memory of Emil Reznicek Ernest Feik Margaret Kahanek Bobby & Joannah Hagen To date, approximately $7,785 has been given to the building, scholarship, and charity funds. All donations are tax deductible. Envelopes may be picked up at any of the KC meetings. Charitable Donations Nada Knights of Columbus ................................. $100.00 Any KC member is invited and encouraged to attend any or all of these meetings. You’ll find out what’s going on in our Council and be able to take an active part by expressing your views and opinions on various issues. Attendance Prizes At the October regular meeting, James Toman and Bennie Stolarski each won a 12pack of refreshments in the attendance prize drawings. Every Brother Knight of our Council has an equal chance of winning an attendance prize. To collect it, however, you must be present at the next regular membership meeting. Sealy KC Dues Sealy KC dues for 2015 are $30.00. Please send your dues to: Sealy KC #3313 ATTN: Paul Dronka P. O. Box 1133 Sealy, Texas 77474 Council Participation Incentive During this fraternal year, our Council is awarding the official 2014-2015 caps displaying the KC emblem and “Sealy Council 3313” to certain special members. To Page 2 Sealy Knights of Columbus “The Round Table” November 2014 become eligible for one of these caps, an individual must accomplish one of the following: (1) attend at least six (6) regular Sealy KC meetings during this fraternal year (July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015); (2) propose a candidate for membership in the First Degree of our Council; or (3) become a new First Degree member in our Council. Many Thanks! Roy and Carolyn Dierschke have collectively served as our Hall Manager for the past 30+ years. They have announced their retirement from this position effective January 1, 2015. We are extremely honored to have had such a couple who has contributed a considerable amount of time and effort in making our hall available for various and numerous celebrations and events. A big thank you for all your years of service! Hall Manager Position Vacancy Due to the retirement of Roy and Carolyn Dierschke, we have a vacancy in the Hall Manager position that needs to be filled. If interested, please contact one of the trustees or Larry Kuciemba. Welcome Aboard! We welcome David Olvera to the Order and our Council. David attained the First Degree on October 9. Congratulations, David! Sealy Columbus Club Meeting We will have a special-called Sealy Columbus Club meeting after our Sealy KC meeting on November 13. Items to be discussed are building improvements, real estate, storage issues, pavilion, etc. Barbecue Chicken Fundraiser In a fundraising effort, a barbecue chicken meal will be served on Sunday, November 16 at the Sealy KC Hall. Serving will be from 10:30 AM to 1:00 PM. You may purchase barbecue chicken meals with all the trimmings OR barbecue chicken plates to go. This fundraiser will be used to help defray expenses of the Sealy KC Iron Knights softball team. The team members would like to thank all of the people who have supported their fundraising events. Sealy KC Christmas Party Our Sealy KC Christmas party will be Saturday, December 13 from 4:30 PM to 8:00 PM. A complimentary catered dinner with all the trimmings will be served. We will be exchanging men’s and ladies’ Christmas gifts. Adult Christmas gifts should be NEW gifts (valued at $10). If you do not bring a gift to exchange, please do not expect to receive a gift. Mark your calendar for this annual event. Please RSVP to Willie Kutra by Monday, December 8, at (979) 885-3465 or KC Sports Fest Our 16th Annual Sports Fest will be held on Saturday, January 10, 2015. Leon Konvicka, Kyle Novicke, Bobby Hagen, Ward Hagen, Mark Faldyn, Larry Kana, Ike Wozniak, Pete Berckenhoff, Ernest Feik, Cecil Trichel, Arnold Stastny, and Larry Kuciemba will be responsible for ticket distribution. Only 1,800 tickets will be sold at $25 each with 60 guns being raffled (average retail gun cost is $420). Stew will be served and a Casino Night will take place. Casino raffle prizes will be awarded to lucky casino winners, and a silent auction will be held. Sealy Knights of Columbus #3313 1310 Highway 90 West th 16 Annual Sports Fest & Casino Night Saturday, January 10, 2015 Doors open at 6:00 PM. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 – Remington 700 SPS 7 MM-08 – Rossi Circuit Judge 45LC/410 Gauge – Henry Varmint 17 – Remington 700 270 Rifle – Browning BPS 12 Gauge – Rossi Rio Grande 30-30 Lever Action – Remington 887 Nitro Mag 12 Gauge – Ruger LCP Black 380 – Remington 700 243 Rifle – Parker Bushwacker Crossbow Package – Savage Axis XP Combo 243 – Henry Lever Action 22 - Benelli Nova Pump Synthetic 12 Gauge – Mossberg 100 ATR Scope Package 270 Rifle – Rossi Rio Grande 45-70 GOVT – Remington 870 Super Mag 12 Gauge Rifle – Ruger American 30-06 Rifle – Savage Axis 308 – Henry H001M 22 Mag – Remington 870 Express 20 Gauge – Mossberg Flex 500 12 Gauge – Remington 870 Express 12 Gauge Rifle – Savage 93R17 17 Page 3 Sealy Knights of Columbus “The Round Table” November 2014 – Remington 700 SPS 7MM-08 – Rossi Circuit Judge 45LC/410 Gauge – Henry Lever Action 22 – Mossberg 100 ATR Scope Package 30-06 – Remington 870 Youth 20 Gauge – Savage Axis Scope Package 270 – Remington 870 Synthetic 12 Gauge – Savage Axis XP Combo 270 – Remington 700 270 Rifle – Remington 870 Express 12 Gauge Rifle – Rossi Rio Grande 30-30 Lever Action – Remington 700 SPS 7MM-08 – Rossi Circuit Judge 45LC/410 Gauge – Savage Axis 308 – Ruger American 30-06 Rifle – Remington 870 Express 20 Gauge – Remington 870 Youth 20 Gauge – Henry Lever Action 22 – Remington 700 243 Rifle – Henry H001M 22 Mag – Remington 887 Nitro Mag 12 Gauge – Mossberg 100 ATR Scope Package 270 Rifle – Remington 870 Super Mag 12 Gauge Rifle – Mossberg Flex 500 12 Gauge – Savage Axis Scope Package 270 – Savage Axis 308 – Henry Youth Lever Action 22 – Stoeger P350 12 Gauge Shotgun – Parker Bushwacker Crossbow Package – Rossi Circuit Judge 45LC/410 Gauge – Marlin 336-W 30-30 Lever Action – Ruger LCP Black 380 – Barnett Quad 400 Crossbow Package – Henry Lever Action 22 – Remington 870 Express 12 Gauge Rifle – Mossberg 100 ATR Scope Package 30-06 – Remington 700 SPS 7MM-08 This year we will be serving stew as our meal. Donations will be accepted. Persons possessing a gun raffle ticket stub will be given $25,000 of play money for each raffle ticket. If someone only wants to eat (say, your spouse), a wristband will be sold for $10.00. This only entitles the person to eat. If this person decides later that he or she would like to take part in the casino games, they can purchase a gun raffle ticket (while supplies last) and receive (a) a 1-in-30 chance of winning a gun, (b) $25,000 of play money, and (c) a stew meal. Yes, the gun raffle ticket is a better deal but not required for entry into the hall. If persons do not want the gun raffle ticket, they can purchase the wristband for the same price ($25.00) as the gun raffle ticket and receive $25,000 of play money. Everyone who wants to play casino games will have to pay the initial $25.00 either by purchasing a gun raffle ticket or just simply paying the door entry fee. Casino play will be from 7:00 PM to 11:00 PM. What do we do with the play money? We will have special items for a casino raffle. A ticket for the casino raffle will be exchanged for each $12,500 increment of play money. The more play money you have, the more tickets and chances to win a casino prize. Since play money is used, minors can also play the casino games. In addition, there will be a cash bar for refreshments and bingo pull tabs. Stew meal served. (Donations will be accepted.) Need not be present to win $25.00 per ticket – only 1,800 tickets sold Guns not collected after 60 days of event become the property of Sealy Knights of Columbus #3313. Prize winners accept responsibility for all applicable taxes. We are currently trying to implement credit card payment of Sports Fest raffle tickets via our website and PayPal. More information to come in the near future. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Be sure you inform the people who pre-purchase the raffle tickets that they will need them to exchange for play money. We hope this will answer most of your questions. If you have any further questions, contact Bobby Hagen, Mark Faldyn, or Larry Kuciemba. Thanks! Sports Fest Committee Guns purchased through Academy Sports & Outdoors. For tickets, please call (713) 296-9387 or e-mail CASINO NIGHT We hope the following will answer some common questions about the Casino Night we will be hosting along with our annual Sports Fest. This is to inform all of our ticket salespeople so you can all answer any question given by ticket buyers. Sealy KC Ladies Night & Awards Banquet The Sealy KC Ladies Night & Awards Banquet will be held on Saturday, February 21, 2015, at the Sealy KC Hall. Sealy KC Website Have you seen our website lately? Please check it out at If you would like to receive your KC Page 4 Sealy Knights of Columbus “The Round Table” November 2014 newsletter via email, please email or contact Steven Kutra with your email address. We are currently sending out three or more emails weekly with information updates. Electronic Sign Ads All Sealy KC members’ birthdays have been input into our electronic sign so that, on your special day, you will have your name up in lights. If you would like to buy an ad for your wife’s birthday or your anniversary, you may purchase ads for the following prices: Daily.....................................................$20 Weekly ...............................................$100 Monthly..............................................$300 6 months ..........................................$1,500 Yearly..............................................$2,750 If you are interested in purchasing an ad for yourself or your company, please call Larry at (713) 296-9387. Newsletter Articles Deadline The deadline to submit articles for the December issue of the newsletter is Sunday, November 30, 2014, by 6:00 PM. All articles must be in writing and submitted either by hard copy to Newsletter Editor Steven Kutra or by E-mail to LTC Is an Important Piece of the Puzzle There are many financial consultants and retirement authorities who emphasize the need for a long-term care (LTC) product for estate preservation and family protection. While many commercial life insurance companies have gotten out of the long-term care business, the Knights of Columbus considers LTC a very important piece of the family protection puzzle. The Order has been actively offering our members this product for nearly 15 years without a premium increase on current policyholders. Members who wisely purchased an LTC plan from the Knights in 2000 are still paying the same premiums today. Even better, our LTC coverage is backed by the full strength of the Order, which remains rooted in our strong Catholic values. Talk about stability when it counts. If we have not spoken about your need for LTC coverage in your family portfolio, please take some time out of your schedule to meet with me. Remember, long-term care policies are underwritten based on your health, and you most likely will never be any healthier than you are today. Mark Boenisch, FICF, Field Agent Knights of Columbus Agency Department Business Phone: (800) 460-2706 Cell Phone: (979) 758-4039 E-mail: Sealy Knights of Columbus Events Calendar November 09, 2014 - December 20, 2014 Sunday Nov 9 Leroy Zapalac's 75th Birthday Monday Tuesday Wednes day Nov 10 Nov 11 Nov 12 6:15 PM Steven Kutra & Larry Kuciemba's Bingo Team (Kitchen: Theresa & Malford Williamson) Kenny Callender's 62nd Birthday Veterans Day Thursday Friday Nov 13 Nov 14 Nov 16 Dwayne Schroeder's 47th Birthday Willie Kutra's 81st Birthday Nov 23 Feast of Christ the King Nov 17 6:15 PM Daniel Cano's Bingo Team (Kitchen: JoAnn Hagen) Nov 18 7:30 PM KC Officers Meeting Abraham Carrillo, Gil Mendoza, Raul Rosas, Misael Dominguez (Bar Workers) 7:30 PM KC Regular Meeting Hall Booking - Rodriquez Quinceanera James Wright's 49th Birthday Bennie Stolarski's Cooking Team Nov 19 Mark Nastoupil's Clean-up Team Nov 20 Johnny Compian's 61st Birthday Michael Gregory's 40th Birthday Nov 21 Eric Bukowski's 25th Birthday 6:15 PM Mark Nastoupil's Bingo Team (Kitchen: Merle Pacher) Nov 22 Abraham Carrillo, Gil Mendoza, Raul Rosas, Misael Dominguez (Bar Workers) Bobby Hagen's Clean-up Team Jonathan Kuciemba's 22nd Birthday Nov 24 Nov 15 6:00 PM Special KC Officers Meeting Meeting room set-up: Mark Faldyn 10:30 AM -1:00 PM Sealy KC Barbecue Chicken Fundraiser (Drive-thru Only) Saturday George Fuller's 72nd Birthday Hall Booking - Rosas Quinceanera Nov 25 Nov 26 Nov 27 Nov 28 Don Howard's 46th Birthday Craig Kutra's 53rd Birthday Nov 29 Ron Fitch's Bar Team Juan Bueno's 41st Birthday Melvin Cerny's 60th Birthday Thanksgiving Tom Nichols' 78th Birthday Nov 30 6:00 PM Deadline to Submit Articles for Next Issue of Sealy KC Newsletter Feast of Saint Andrew, Apostle First Sunday of Advent Dec 1 Dec 2 6:15 PM Pete Berckenhoff's Bingo Team (Kitchen: Mr. & Mrs. Abraham Carrillo) Dec 3 Dec 4 Dec 5 Ken Bukowski & Ken Janitz's Bar Team Mike Gajewski's 47th Birthday John Dirba's 49th Birthday Dec 7 Dec 8 August Henke's 72nd Birthday 6:15 PM Charles Hinze's Bingo Team (Kitchen: Frances Hinze) Hall Booking Sealy KC Fourth Degree Christmas Party Ryan Svoboda's 37th Birthday Dec 9 David Aguinaga's 34th Birthday Benito Ybarra's 45th Birthday Dec 10 Daniel Kulow's 68th Birthday Gildardo Mendoza's 52nd Birthday Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary Dec 14 Dec 15 Hall Booking Immaculate Conception Church 125th Anniversary Celebration 6:15 PM Joe Marusik's Bingo Team (Kitchen: Lorene Berckenhoff) Mark Faldyn's 56th Birthday Dec 6 Edmund Novicke's 85th Birthday Deacon Frank Laredo's 80th Birthday Dec 11 7:30 PM KC Regular Meeting Dec 12 Our Lady of Guadalupe Abraham Carrillo and Isidro Lara's Cooking Team Meeting Room Set-up: Roy Dierschke Dec 13 4:30 PM -8:00 PM Sealy KC Christmas Party at KC Hall Willie Kutra & Bobby Hartmann's Bar Team Patrick Frnka's 39th Birthday Dec 16 Dec 17 Chad Novicke's 41st Birthday Dec 18 Dec 19 Ike Wozniak's 80th Birthday Donnie Strieder's 55th Birthday Kyle Novicke's 40th Birthday Mark Pulos' 57th Birthday Dec 20 Ward Hagen's Bar Team Sealy Knights of Columbus Father Crann Council No. 3313 P. O. Box 1133 Sealy, TX 77474-1133 Non-Profit Org. BULK RATE Permit No. 99 Sealy, Texas Return Service Requested Join our E-mail list! If you have a smartphone or mobile device, scan the QR code to the left. Otherwise, text SEALYKOFC to 22828. COUNCIL/CONTACT INFORMATION COUNCIL OFFICERS Term of Office: July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015 Physical Address .....................1310 Highway 90 West Sealy, Texas 77474 Mailing Address ......................P. O. Box 1133 Sealy, Texas 77474-1133 Grand Knight.................................Larry Kuciemba Deputy Grand Knight ....................Charles Hinze Chaplain ........................................Fr. Eric J. Pitre E-mail Address Chancellor .....................................Benjamin Stolarski Council Web Financial Secretary........................Paul Dronka Sealy KC Hall Telephone ........(979) 885-6370 Regular Business Meetings......2nd Thursday of the month @ 7:30 PM Sealy KC Hall Recorder ........................................Doug Konesheck Warden ..........................................James Toman Treasurer .......................................Joseph Schmidt Regular Officers Meetings.......4th Thursday of the month @ 7:30 PM Sealy KC Hall main kitchen Lecturer .........................................Ward Hagen District Deputy, District #69....Larry Kana Trustee for 2 years.........................Daniel Cano Trustee for 1 year ..........................Jim Grigar Trustee for 3 years.........................Mark Nastoupil KC Insurance Agent ................Mark Boenisch, FICF, Field Agent (800) 460-2706 Newsletter Editor.....................Steven W. Kutra Advocate .......................................Berk Ehret Inside Guard ..................................Roy Dierschke Outside Guard ...............................Mark Faldyn Outside Guard ...............................Cecil Trichel