P r eachtree oad
P r eachtree oad
Peachtree Road United Methodist Church November 16, 2014 Twenty-Third Sunday After Pentecost The Season After Pentecost, also called Ordinary Time, begins the day after Pentecost and ends the day before the First Sunday of Advent. The first Sunday after Pentecost is Trinity Sunday and the last Sunday is the Sunday of the Reign of Christ or Christ the King. The season also includes All Saints and Thanksgiving. Paraments, stoles, and banners may show a variety of color, texture, and symbols in Ordinary Time. -Adapted from the United Methodist Book of Worship, published by The United Methodist Publishing House, Nashville, Tennessee, 1992. Peachtree Road United Methodist Church 3180 Peachtree Road Northwest . Atlanta, Georgia 30305 . www . prumc . org Main / 404 . 266 . 2373 . Pastoral Care Emergency / 404 . 419 . 7591 Morning Worship November 16, 2014 . 8:45 & 11:15 am the gathering Carillon Prelude Opening Voluntary Praise and Thanksgiving Sally Westmoreland Dale Wood (1934-2003) † At the sound of the bells, please prepare your hearts and minds for worship. The Choral Introit H. Hamilton Smith (Twentieth Century) He shall rule from sea to sea and from the river to the ends of the earth. Alleluia! Psalm 71:8, 11 Daniel 7:14 Praise and Thanksgiving At the Procession* Hymn 715 Rejoice, the Lord Is King Darwall’s 148th Invocation* Adapted by Leslie Lyons Watkins From Genesis 1:12, 26-28 and Psalm 96:11-12 Minister: Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice! People: Let the sea roar, and let the field exclaim! Minister: The trees of the forest will sing for joy! People: God cares for all of God’s creation. Minister: When God began to create the heavens and the earth, the earth was without shape, and it was dark over the deep sea while God’s Spirit swept over the face of the waters. People: God created everything and called it “good.” Minister: God created humanity in God’s own image to take charge and to take care of the earth, the plants, and the animals. People: From the smallest seed to the largest tree, from the smallest atom to the largest continent, God calls upon us to care for our good world. Minister: It is our responsibility and great joy to care for our world. People: Help us, Oh God, to care for our world, to protect all animals, to secure safe drinking water for all, to reduce our energy use, and to advocate for the protection of the earth and its resources. Amen. Litany for Creation Care Sunday* Ritual of Christian Fellowship* ** † The people are seated. Sacrament of Christian Baptism (11:15 am) Response: With God’s help we will so order our lives after the example of Christ, that this child (these children,) surrounded by steadfast love, may be established in the faith and confirmed and strengthened in the way that leads to life eternal. Prayer of Dedication Hymn Tune: Stuttgart Child of blessing, child of promise, baptized with the Spirit’s sign; with this water God has sealed you unto love and grace divine. Children’s Moments with the Minister Hymn 147 All Things Bright and Beautiful (stanza one) Royal Oak All things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small, all things wise and wonderful, the Lord God made them all. Each little flower that opens, each little bird that sings, God made their glowing colors, and made their tiny wings. Refrain Concerns and Celebrations of the Congregation We welcome each of you to this service! Please register your attendance on the Ritual of Christian Fellowship. Let us know if you are new, would like to become a member, or are interested in more information about Peachtree Road. We pray that this time together will be a blessing in your life. Pastoral Prayer The Lord’s Prayer proClamation of the word At the Offertory, Hymn 92* Prayer* For the Beauty of the Earth (stanzas one, two, five, and six) Dix Anthem God that madeth earth and heaven arr. David Thorne (b. 1950) God that madest earth and heaven, darkness and light; who the day for toil hast given, for rest the night. May thine angel guards defend us, slumber sweet thy mercy send us, holy dreams and hopes attend us this livelong night. Guard us waking, guard us sleeping and, when we die, may we in thy mighty keeping all peaceful lie; when the last death call shall wake us, do not then, our God, forsake us, but to reign in glory take us with Thee on high. Reginald Heber Richard Whatley The Parish Choir (8:45 am) A Psalm folksong Edwin Penhorwood (b. 1939) The Lord’s my shepherd, I’ll not want: He makes me down to lie in pastures green; he leadeth me the quiet waters by. My soul he doth restore again; and me to walk doth make within the paths of righteousness, e’en for his own name’s sake. To walk the paths of righteousness. E’en for his own name’s sake. Yea, though I walk in death’s dark vale, yet will I fear no ill, for thou art with me, and thy rod and staff me comfort still. Yet I’ll fear no ill. Thy staff comfort me still. My table thou hast furnished in presence of my foes; my head thou dost with oil anoint, and my cup overflows. Goodness and mercy all my life shall surely follow me: and in God’s house for evermore my dwelling place shall be. based on Psalm 23 The Chancel Choir (11:15 am) At the Presentation,* Hymn 95 Tune: Old Hundredth Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise Him, all creatures here below; praise Him above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen. The Lesson Genesis 1:26-31 † following the reading Minister The Word of God for the people of God. PeopleThanks be to God! SermonWe Are Thankful…For the Beauty of the Earth Response to the word Invitation to Christian Discipleship At the Invitation,* Hymn 77 How Great Thou Art Stuart K. Hine, 1953 sending forth Benediction* Peace* Minister People The peace of the Lord be always with you. And also with you. Response* May the Lord, Mighty God, bless and keep you forever. Grant you peace; perfect peace, courage in every endeavor. Lift up your eyes and see His face and His grace forever. May the Lord, Mighty God, bless and keep you forever. Choir and Congregation Closing Voluntary Allegro, Concerto in F Major G F. Handel (1685-1759) * Stand as you are able. ** Ushers will seat all those who are waiting. Please turn off all pagers, cellular phones and similar devices while in the Sanctuary. Hearing devices and large print hymnals are available through our usher teams. Following the service, Stephen Ministers are available in the chapel for prayer and support. Please Welcome to our Church Community These Children Being Baptized Today: Hunter Reid Barge, born April 15, 2014, son of Libby and Brooks Barge; Charlotte Leigh Gilfedder, born April 27, 2014, daughter of Kimberly and Brent Gilfedder; and Whitmire Allen Jett, born June 19, 2014, son of Mallory and John Jett. The Flowers on the Altar are Given to the Glory of God In Loving Memory of: Holland Boyd Wright, Dr. Gary Morgan Wright and Tom Wright by Mildred Wright and Dr. and Mrs. Keller Carlock and Family. In Honor of: Nancy and Ben Tarbutton and Betty and Jean Mori, by Anne, John, Rankin and John Mori. In Celebration of the Wedding of: Britton Parker and Jason Ruckman. Altar Flowers: If you would like to make a donation in honor or in memory of a loved one, please contact Linda Schutte at 770.329.2075. Preaching: Rev. Bill Britt, Senior Minister Genesis 1:26-31 Liturgists: Rev. Karla Otroszko Daniel, Associate Minister, Rev. Lindsay Geist, Deacon, Rev. Leslie Lyons Watkins, Associate Minister, Rev. Julie Wright, Associate Minister Music: Scott H. Atchison, Director of Music and Organist, Nicole Marane, Associate Director of Music and Associate Organist, The Parish Choir, The Chancel Choir Holy Communion Moore Chapel, 9:00 am Rev. Darren Hensley, Deacon Jeremy McElroy, Assistant Organist New Traditions Heritage Hall, 11:15 am Rev. Thomas Martin, Associate Minister Sundays @ 5 Moore Chapel, 5:00 pm Rev. Bill Britt, Senior Minister Dakin Andone, Worship Leader For information on upcoming worship services please visit www.prumc.org. Announcements . November 16, 2014 Complete details at www.prumc.org. Join us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter. Sign up to receive our weekly E.newsletter by using the red pads in the pews. Today Harvest Sunday Christmas Missions Market! Today, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm, Fellowship Hall Join us at our international gift market today! Come shop for beautiful handcrafted items selected by our mission teams, and gourmet food items by PRUMC’s top chefs! All proceeds benefit PRUMC Christmas outreach. The Gathering of Family Next Sunday, November 23, 2014 Creation Care Earth Fair! Today, 9:30 am - 11:30 am, Fellowship Hall Enjoy delicious local food while you learn more about eco-theology and ways to care for God’s good creation. Sign up for PRUMC Creation Care projects, analyze your carbon footprint, and visit with native animals from Wildlife Wonders! Dogwood Gift Shop: Visit, Shop, Volunteer! Sun 9:30 am - 1:30 pm | Mon 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Wed 10:00 am - 6:00 pm. Beautiful holiday items now at the Dogwood! 100% of the proceeds go towards PRUMC’s mission work. To help during the holidays, contact wmattson@me.com. Faith, Business and the Environment Forum Today, 10:00 am, C106 Industry pro and consultant Jim Hartzfeld shares an inspirational message on Creation Care Sunday. Thanksgiving Turkey Drive Help provide a low income family with Thanksgiving Dinner this year. $10 provides a turkey and $20 provides an entire meal! Use the card in today’s bulletin or donate online at www.prumc.org. UMKF - Movie Night! Today, 5:00-6:30 pm, Meet in Heritage Hall 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders enjoy faith, food and fun with your church friends! $10 includes pizza dinner. Register at www.prumc.org. Help Us Reach Our Pledge Goal Thank you to all those who have made your pledge to the church’s 2015 Operating Budget. Pledging helps us create, grow and maintain our ministries – from worship to outreach, from children to older adults, from prayer to song. Pledging also keeps the air, heat, lights and water on. For questions or to discuss your pledge, please contact Louisa Mouchet at 404.240.8233 or louisam@prumc.org. 2015 Operating Budget Goal $5,719,798 Pledges Received Thus Far $3,504,302 Amount Remaining $2,215,496 Harvest Sunday Festival Worship 8:45 & 11:15 am, Sanctuary Join us as we come together as a church family to give thanks for our many blessings. We will hold festival worship in the Sanctuary with a special message and music. We will also welcome new members into our church family on this day. For information on joining the church, contact Mimi Brunson at 404.240.8221 or mimib@prumc.org. The Blessing of Grace Hall 10:00 am, (formerly) Fellowship Hall On this morning, we will meet for a special blessing of our foremost gathering space. Please plan to be a part of rededicating our fellowship hall to that of “Grace” in memory of Grace Crum Rollins, and in honor of her family. Harvest Sunday Congregational Luncheon 11:00 am - 1:00 pm, Grace Hall Celebrate a wonderful day in the life of our church – it’s Thanksgiving at Peachtree Road! Our menu features turkey and gravy, dressing, sweet potato casserole, cranberry sauce, Joy’s special brussel sprouts, dessert. $9/$5/$25. Music & Arts The Great Tree Lighting Sunday, November 30, 5:30 pm, Sanctuary Children and Youth choirs kick off the season with music, the lighting of the Chrismon Tree, then cookies, cocoa and live jazz in the Fellowship Hall! Carols by Candlelight Sunday, December 7, 5:30 pm, Sanctuary Experience the Christmas Story told through music and narration at a joyful sing-a-long for all ages, combining English and Australian traditions. The Many Moods of Christmas Sunday, December 14, 5:30 pm, Sanctuary The Chancel Choir, Georgia Boy Choir and Festival Orchestra help celebrate the 25th year of our Christmas classic! Tickets available November 23. Christmas with The Georgia Boy Choir December 19 & 20, 7:00 pm, Sanctuary For tickets, visit www.georgiaboychoir.org. Local Outreach / Volunteer Students & Confirmation Christmas Kindness December Outreach Christmas Kindness offers a dignified way for Atlantans in need to share the joy of Christmas. We make available toys, coats, hats, gloves, household items and bath products. Volunteers needed December 6-10 to assist our clients and help wrap gifts. Volunteer at www.prumc.org or visit our table today outside the Sanctuary. Wreath & Garland Delivery and Pick-up Sunday, December 7, 3 Shifts Available Help get wreath and garland orders to the congregation. Sign up in the Youth Lounge. Our 43rd Habitat for Humanity Build Saturdays through December 6, 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Help us finish building a home for a deserving family through Atlanta Habitat! Details and registration at www.prumc.org. Student Christmas Outreach Project Sunday, December 7, 5:00 pm, Youth Lounge Help stuff stockings for the UM Children’s Home. Global Missions Dogwood Shop Volunteers Needed Friendly folks needed to help for the holiday season! Contact Wendy at wmattson@me.com. Upcoming Global Mission Trips & Events For more information contact Anne French at 404.240.8205 or annef@prumc.org. Dec 28 Family Mission to Nicaragua Feb 1 Georgia Meeting, 10:00 am Feb 26 Kenya Mission Trip Apr 11 Nicaragua Mission Trip May 22 Georgia Mission (2 week) May 29 Georgia Mission (1 week) The Great Tree Lighting Sunday, November 30, Meet at 5:00 pm in the Café Snacks, music and Chrismon tree lighting! Student Christmas Party Friday, December 12, 7:00-8:30 pm, Youth Lounge Wear your tackiest sweater and bring a gag gift! Ski Trip Registration & Deposits Due Don’t miss this great weekend in Snowshoe, WV! Deposits are due now. Forms in the Youth Lounge and at www.prumc.org. Save the date for our Ski Trip Meeting – Sunday, January 11, 9:00 am in the Youth Lounge. Young Adults SPM Christmas Brunch Sunday, December 14, 10:00-11:00 am Celebrate Christmas with your PRUMC friends. Brunch, fellowship and special guest speaker, Rev. Jasmine Smothers. RSVP at www.prumc.org. Children & Parents Advent Workshop is NEXT Sunday! Sunday, November 23, 4:00-6:00 pm, FH Fellowship, food, fun and crafts galore to kick off the Advent season! We’ll make gingerbread houses, Advent wreaths, pompom Christmas trees, and button wreaths! Register at www.prumc. org, and bring children’s hats, gloves and scarves for outreach. $20 per family, (plus $6 per person for Willy’s food truck – optional.) For questions or to volunteer, contact Martha Christopher at 404.240.8243 or marthac@prumc.org. Christmas Eve Nativity Pageant Rehearsals: December 14, 9:45 am & 12:15 pm Angels, shepherds, sheep, manger animals, innkeeper and wisemen are needed! Ages 4 (as of 09/01/14) through 5th grade may participate in our Christmas pageant. Contact Martha Christopher at 404.240.8243 or marthac@prumc.org. PRUMC Boy Scout Meetings Tuesdays, 7:30 pm, 3905 Powers Ferry Road Troop 467 is temporarily meeting at the American Legion Post on Powers Ferry Road. 50 Plus Holiday Lights at the Atlanta Botanical Garden Tuesday, November 18, Depart 5:30 pm, $30 Spectacular lights at our beautiful in-town gardens! RSVP to 404.240.8332 or julieg@prumc.org. Thanksgiving Luncheon Wednesday, November 19, 12:00 pm, FH Hosted by Kauffman Tire for all those over 50. Entertainment by our very own Pops Choir! RSVP by calling 404.266.2373, ext. 344. Outer Banks NC Tour: Legends, Lights and Lore Deposit Due Monday, December 15, 2014 Tours include famous lighthouses, wild horses, Wright Brothers, Lost Colony, gardens and aquarium. For complete details and cost, contact Julie Wright at 404.240.8203 or juliew@prumc.org. Ruth’s Chris House & Centennial Park Lights Tuesday, December 2, 5:00 pm departure, $55 Enjoy our annual dinner then stroll the park to enjoy the lights and Sky Wheel (optional.) Welcome! Welcome to Peachtree Road United Methodist Thank you for worshiping with us today! We are grateful for your presence and invite you to participate in our worship, program and service life here at Peachtree Road. Our hope is to make a warm, caring community that you can call home. To keep up with PRUMC events, services and more we invite you to visit us at www.prumc.org, find us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter. You may also sign up to receive our weekly E.newsletter by using the red pads in the pews. Calendar Come Worship Today 9:00 am 9:00 am 10:00 am 5:00 pm Christmas Missions Market Creation Care Earth Fair Environment Forum UMKF Movie Night Nov 18 5:30 pm 50+ Botanical Garden Lights Nov 19 12:00 pm 50+ Holiday Luncheon Nov 23 8:45 & 11:15 am 10:00 am 11:00 am 4:30 pm Harvest Sunday Worship Worship in Sanctuary (only) Blessing of Grace Hall Thanksgiving Luncheon Advent Workshop Nov 26 Church Closes at 2:00 pm Nov 27-28 Thanksgiving - Closed Education for all ages is held at 10:00 am each Sunday. Please ask an ambassador for more information. Nov 30 5:30 pm Great Tree Lighting (No Sundays @ 5) Information and registration for events, programs, services and small groups can be found online at www.prumc.org. Dec 6-10 Christmas Kindness Shop Open Dec 7 5:30 pm Dec 12 5:00 pm Wreath and Garland pick-up Carols by Candlelight (No Sundays @5) Student Christmas Party Dec 14 9:45 am 10:00 am 12:15 pm 5:30 pm Nativity Rehearsal (for 4pm svc) SPM Christmas Brunch Nativity Rehearsal (for 6pm svc) Many Moods of Christmas Reception to follow. (No Sundays @5) Dec 19/20 7:00 pm Georgia Boy Choir Christmas Dec 24 12:00 pm 4:00 pm 6:00 pm 8:00 pm 10:30 pm Christmas Eve First Communion Family Candlelight & Pageant Family Candlelight & Pageant Lessons & Carols Lessons & Carols, Communion Try one of our many worship offerings! The hour you spend here will help you refocus and refresh your faith, which will carry you through the week! 8:45 am Traditional Worship 9:00 am Holy Communion 11:15 am Traditional Worship 11:15 am New Traditions 11:15 am Worship & Praise 5:00 pm Sundays @ 5 If You Are New Childcare is available in our nursery for children ages 6 weeks to 2 years each Sunday. The Choir always welcomes new members! Contact Scott Atchison at scott@prumc.org. Visitor and New Member Orientation classes offer information on the church, small group opportunities, Methodism and more. To learn more, please contact Mimi Brunson at 404.240.8221 or mimib@prumc.org. Special Membership Day Harvest Sunday | November 23, 2014 Have you been visiting Peachtree Road? If so, we invite you to become a member with others joining on this Special Membership Day! You may: • • • Transfer from another Methodist church Transfer from another denomination Join for the first time on Confession of Faith For more information please contact Mimi Brunson at 404.240.8221 or mimib@prumc.org.