N E W S L E T T E R 7 November 2014 


N E W S L E T T E R 7 November 2014 
7 November 2014 NE WSLETTER
Direc ng poten al since 1863 To be appointed as a College prefect is one of the highest honours that the school can bestow upon a student. Along with that honour comes account‐
ability and responsibility. At the annual Passing of the Drum Cer‐
emony held on Wednesday morning, the College prefects of 2015 were for‐
mally inducted and were presented with their badges, a er which they delivered the Prefects’ Pledge. The senior prefects ‐ Head Prefect and four Depu es ‐ were announced, as were the 10 house captains. SENIOR PREFECTS: (Le to right) P Mathebula ‐ Deputy Head: Nathan House, L Commons ‐ Deputy Head: Clark House, B Tullis ‐ Head Prefect, C Che y ‐ Deputy Head: Day Scholars and K Bowman ‐ Deputy Head: Hudson House In 1896, Mr Thomas Thrash personally presented an old bass drum to “the Father of Maritzburg College”, Mr RD Clark, in a ceremony that took place on Mr Thrash’s farm, Melbourne, in Um‐
laas Road. Over the past 118 years – in mes of war and peace, adversity and prosperity – it has become one of the school's most venerated historical rel‐
ics. For decades, it was hung in a place of honour in the Victoria Hall, and more recently it has been displayed in the Maritzburg College museum. It was for many years a tradi on that an outgoing College head prefect would, at about this me of the year, place a wri en message of support to his successor in the old drum. We con nue this long‐established tra‐
di on with an old Maritzburg College band drum as the original, sacred drum has been restored to its place of hon‐
our in the Victoria Hall. HOUSE CAPTAINS: (back le to right) L Commons, C Halle, A Joubert, M Kriel, R Reddy. (Front le to right) D Small, M Biyela, B Cyrus, B Tullis and B Smit. A er the announcement of Bryce Tullis old drum to Tullis, in a gesture that sym‐
as Head Prefect, the outgoing Head Pre‐ bolises the passing of authority from the fect, Daryn Goodson handed over the prefects of 2014 to the prefects of 2015. FOURTH FORM ART SCULPTURES ‐ INVENTIVE AND FASCINATING This term the fourth form were given the task of crea ng a sculpture out of recycla‐
ble/everyday objects. They had to create an animal and it had to be a minimum of 50cm in length, height or width. The boys were encouraged to consider how they were going to use space, texture, line and propor on and to find materials that were suitable for their subject. It was a challenge for the art students to find appropriate means to support their structures and to finish within the ght deadline they were given. Perhaps the greatest learning outcome of this assignment was that the boys had to consider their subject from a range of different perspec ves so that it was successful as a three‐dimensional artwork. This is very different from anything they had done before. The sculptures range from majes c to hilarious and as a department, we are very proud of the achievements of our fourth form class of 2014. The sculptures were on display in the Art quad during the morning and created a great deal of interest for staff and pupils walking by. A display of some of the sculptures has been set up in the recep on area. ‐ Mrs Ghemma Quinn MARITZBURG COLLEGE VS GLENWOOD T20 CRICKET AT KINGSMEAD College travelled to Kingsmead to play in a T20 match that was Dicks joined Mahmoud and the pair put on a quick‐fire 29 runs televised. It was the first me that the boys have had the before Dicks was caught at deep mid‐wicket for 13 off 11 balls. chance to show their skills on the big screen. De Wet then came out blazing and played very well before he was caught for 17 off only 8 balls. The College opening a ack of Small and Hope started very well in the first few overs but in the last 2 overs of the 6 over Young Jiveshan Pillay walked to the crease with College need‐
power‐play, College leaked a few too many runs with bad ing 30 off 16 balls. Mahmoud and Pillay got 12 off the next over, which le College needing 20 off 6 balls to win. balls. The first wicket fell when Mahmoud had a direct hit from backward point with a superb piece of fielding. The middle overs went by without much ac on and at 10 overs the score was 61/1. Mahmoud then took a wicket and College began squeezing the Glenwood ba ers. The final 4 overs saw some indifferent bowling and the bats‐
men hit a few lusty blows against the College seam bowlers, who bowled poorly at the death. The final 3 overs went for 40 runs. Six runs were scored off the first 3 balls leaving 14 off 3 balls required. Pillay hit a huge 6 followed by a well‐run 2 and as all young cricketers dream of, le College needing a 6 to win off the final ball. Unfortunately Pillay was caught on the bounda‐
ry and College lost by 5 runs. Mahmoud finished on 59 off 58 balls. It was an absolutely brilliant day at Kingsmead. Every single College boy was disappointed at such a narrow loss, but what a wonderful experience it was for the lads. The College batsmen started off very well and had 19 off 3 Glenwood 141/4: Mahmoud 1/23 (4), Hope 1/36 (4) overs before Tullis was run out. Hope then had his first failure College 136/5: Mahmoud 59*, Getkate 20 of the season, being stumped for 4. College were 25/2 off 5 College lost by 5 runs overs. Getkate and Mahmoud played very well together but as they started pu ng their foot on the gas Getkate was caught at long‐off for 21 runs. College were 61/3 off 11 needing a fur‐
ther 80 off 9 overs. ‐ Mr Michael Smith LOUIS HATTINGH ‐ WORLD CHAMPION IN ACTION! You are invited to come and witness two World Champions, Louis Ha ngh from Maritzburg College and Jean van der Westhuyzen from Michaelhouse, going head to head in their respec ve teams. The boat over the finish line first will deter‐
mine the 2015 KZN Champion School as Michaelhouse are on even points with us going into this, the final event. The race starts at 11:00 on Saturday, 8 November at Camps Dri . The Enduro consists of ten laps for the winning boat a er which all other boats will complete the race on that lap whether or not they have completed all ten laps. A lap will take about 10 minutes and includes a portage and change over so there will be a lot of strategy and drama to come. Refreshments and wors rolls will be on sale and toilet facili es are available. Come and show your support of the RED, BLACK, WHITE and our very own Louis Ha ngh at ‘The Dri ’ on Saturday. KOK NAMED ‘BEST OF THE BEST’ BASKETBALL vs St Nicholas & Weston Team Opposi on Result Score 1st 2nd u16A u15C u14A u14C St Nicholas Weston 1st St Nicholas Weston 2nd St Nicholas Weston u15A won won won won lost won 68 ‐ 47 68 ‐ 19 38 ‐ 24 17 ‐ 16 20 ‐ 25 19 ‐ 17 WATERPOLO vs DHS Team Result Score 1st lost 7 ‐ 23 2nd lost 5 ‐ 14 u15B won 9 ‐ 7 u14A lost 3 ‐ 12 Tevin Kok nominated for and won the September Mr Price Sports/ SA School Sports Player of the Month Award. Tevin is pictured above with Mr Luman, who presented him with his prize from Mr Price. Congratula ons, Tevin! A very well‐deserved reward for your outstanding hockey performance. We will no doubt hear of your further successes in the near future. Let’s run cancer outa town! AGAIN!
Best of luck to all our brave College men and boys who are par cipa ng in the BallDuhDash run/walk at College today in support of awareness of prostate and tes cular cancer. Last year we set a record with the DareDevil run and this year we hope to set another! Registra on from 3pm and the race starts at 4:30pm R100 entry fee. The arrival of a life‐size rhino at the Forder Oval on Tuesday created quite a buzz. The delivery of the rhino and his temporary home here at College is in order to raise awareness of the plight of these amazing African creatures. The fundraiser “Simply Irresis ble” being hosted at College on Friday the 14th is one of the many projects being undertaken by the Jonny Lowe Memorial Trust in support of conserva on. There are a few tables s ll available for the evening which promises to be extremely entertaining! Email: marke ng@mcollege.co.za to book. The cket price of R250pp includes the show, a delicious dinner and a comple‐
mentary glass or two of wine. PRESENTS
“Simply Irresistible”
Pig ‘n Whistle Productions - Meryl Kurz
FRIDAY 14 NOVEMBER 2014 | 6:30pm for 7:00pm R250pp or table of 8 for R2000 | B.Y.O.B Olivier Cultural Centre MARITZBURG COLLEGE
BOOKINGS: marke ng@mcollege.co.za Join us for a wonderful dinner (with complimentary wine) R
and a live show presented by Meryl Kurz. All funds raised will benefit the Jonny Lowe Memorial Trust, which exists to promote wildlife conserva on. INDIVIDUAL OR BUSINESS DONATIONS /BOOKINGS OVER R1000 QUALIFY FOR TAX EXEMPTION nificance of this year’s Remembrance Day, which falls 100 years a er the bloody stalemate on the Western Front in We would like to give the opportunity to current College boys World War I. to recognise and honour the contribu ons made in the past by Kindly note that a endance at the school’s Remembrance their fathers, grandfathers, great‐grandfathers etc. who (1) Day on Tuesday the 11th of November is open to all parents, a ended College and (2) fought in ANY of the many ba les Old Boys and supporters of the school. and wars in which Old Collegians have been involved since Remembrance Day 2014: 1873. They are encouraged to, if possible, wear their rela ves’ med‐
als, and would be en tled to lay a wreath on Remembrance Day, along with the Headmaster, President of the MCOBA, representa ves of the Natal Carbineers, Umvo Mounted Ri‐
fles, MOTHS, SA Legion etc. If you would like your son to take part as a wreath‐layer, please email Mr Marwick on marwickm@mcollege.co.za and provide the following details: (1) the name and school‐leaving date of the OC/s con‐
cerned, (2) his family link, (3) his record/summary of military service. We encourage parents whose forebears were ba le‐scarred Old Collegians to embrace this offer, especially given the sig‐
THANK YOU TO THE LADIES OF THE 2014 PCC At a delicious luncheon that took place in the Kent Pavilion, the outgoing Parent Contact Commi ee ladies were thanked for all their hard work during the year. Outgoing Chair Mrs Lisa Fourie was presented with a gi from the school as she stepped down from her posi on a er a busy and successful 3 Wall of Remembrance: Many of you would have admired the school’s Wall of Re‐
membrance, facing Clark House, atop the Terraces. The Wall enables the College family to recognise, remember and honour ANY person who has enjoyed a link to College – whether as an Old Collegian, staff member, parent or simply loyal friend of the school. Each plaque follows a strict layout, but provides enough space for a personal message and the opportunity for a family to in perpetuity remember a loved one. Plaques cost R1 000 each, and monies accrue to Museum‐
related ini a ves. If you are interested in se ng up a plaque, please contact Ma hew Marwick at: marwickm@mcollege.co.za for more details. years. Mrs Fourie thanked her commi ee of helpers and wished incoming Chair Mrs Penny Marshall well for 2015. It is thanks to the reless work of our PCC ladies that Maritz‐
burg College has such a good reputa on for the excellent hos ng of its guests. Our grateful thanks to all of them for their dedica on during their various terms of service.