_____________________] [_____________________ THE CARILLON Monthly Newsletter November 2014 First Presbyterian Church P. O. Box 1519 Rev. Dr. Nancy Jo Dederer, Pastor Homewood, Illinois Vol. 49 No. 9 708-798-0490 Web Site: E-mail: THANKSGIVING DINNER BASKETS If you are able to purchase the whole list, SUPER! If you are able to purchase only one can of cream of mushroom soup, FINE! Just remember to bring the new food items to church. Leave the items in the Narthex in the “Thanksgiving Box,” [not the Jones Center Box] or in the baskets in the Cloister by November 20th. First Presbyterian Church hopes to deliver TEN Thanks giving Dinner Baskets to families who live locally. The families will be chosen for our church by our pastor and other mission partners. Food on the “shopping list” has been dribbling in, but the congregation has a ways to go in order to feed 10 families. [At press time, only one basket was complete, but one donor will fill another.] We decided to be a “missional” church, so…let’s do it! If you are unable to shop, please consider a cash or check donation. Make checks payable to First Presbyterian Church of Homewood with “Thanksgiving Basket” on the memo line. Missing items will be purchased with the money. More funding this year comes with the FISH BANKS! Fish Banks are now available on the table in the Narthex. Step 1 – Take one home and place it in the center of your most used table. Step 2 – Each time you dine, place a few coins in the box. Step 3 – Bring the fish bank to worship before Nov. 20. This way, you essentially are preparing to help take someone to dinner, as the Fish Banks will help fund the baskets and turkeys! Here is the Shopping List once again: Canned green beans, fried onion rings, cream of mushroom soup Canned cranberry sauce Canned sweet potatoes Canned corn / creamed corn Canned fruit / applesauce Jar of chicken or turkey gravy Small canister of coffee Box of hot chocolate—made with water Box of instant mashed potatoes Box of instant stuffing mix Box of brownie mix—no eggs needed! Box of flavored jello Small bottle of liquid dish detergent Disposable foil roasting pan One turkey Contact Jack Day if you want to help deliver the baskets. Let’s get to work and see if we can take care of more than ten families. As Jack says, “Presbyterians are known for either praying, paying, or breaking bread together; now we can help others have a great meal.” 1 COMMUNION SCHEDULE November 2 November 30 10:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. Notification was received on the death of Active Member Deacon Sue Hall on Monday, September 15, 2014. Rev. Dederer officiated her memorial service on Friday, September 19, 2014. Her remains were cremated. Other deaths include: former member Josephine Fish, who passed away on Saturday, September 27, 2014; and Violet Lantz, age 99½, mother of Active Member Heather Miller, on Sunday, September 21, 2014. All Saints’ Celebration First Sunday of Advent Are you a homebound member who would like a Communion visit? Let the church office know by calling 798-0490 or emailing at . Rev. Dederer officiated the marriage of David Andrew Louis Conover II and Jean S. Bonthron at the church on Saturday, September 20, 2014. ALL SAINTS’ SUNDAY On All Saints’ Sunday, November 2, we remember those saints who have died in the past year since last November 1st. A vase of white roses will be placed in the sanctuary in their memory, and following the service, family members are invited to take one of the roses home with them. Please continue to keep the families in prayer as they grieve the loss of their loved ones and yet live in hope in Jesus’ promise of life eternal. In life and in death, we belong to God. Amen. Roll Call 2014 Margaret Reid George Reister Robert Hiemstra Avis Ruklic Anthony Pulec (brother-in-law of Norinne) Willis Dillman, Sr. (uncle of Laura and Phil) Laura Wolford (sister of Sally) Liliane Galt Paul Malum (father of Susan Cwayna) Jack Bechtal Lida Sigg Alice Anker (mother of Earl) Ethel Koves JoAnne Bartolomei Shirley Rippe William Steiner Ruth MacKenzie Bernard O’Hanlon (uncle of Kathleen) Sue Hall Josephine Fish Jean McNair Russell (sister of Eleanor Steiner) Violet Lantz (grandmother of Heather Miller) Linda Waddle-Bradford (daughter of Carol Burch) Amy Ulrich Rev. Dederer led a baby dedication in worship on Sunday, September 28, 2014, for Nala Navaeh Cook, granddaughter of Active Member Linda Cantway and greatgranddaughter of Active Member Mary Cantway, to coincide with the 100th birthday celebration for Mary Cantway. The Sacrament of Baptism is an important element in our Christian lives. Session discussed the challenges of the congregation in keeping vows that we make to support the Christian growth and education of children when the children are not in regular contact. There were ideas presented and discussed for supporting the parents and other family members when their baptized children are absent. The Community Dinners in Westminster Hall on Monday nights in October have been successful. Session approved a request from Sally Wolford to continue the Community Dinners through next May, and she will continue to serve as the leader. Session approved a budget allocation of $500 per month from the Missional Activities overall budget amount. Ruling Elder Paul Gerrish presented an orientation demonstration of the AED machine. It is simple to operate when the machine speaks clear directions to the operator, trained or not. SESSION REPORT Session continued discussion on the subject of the recommended purchase of the new 2013 Presbyterian hymnal. Discounted prices are available for orders made prior to December 31, 2014. Session voted to proceed with the purchase, which will be funded by contributions for numbers of copies ordered by our members. Memorial dedications are welcomed. If additional funds are needed to complete the purchase of the needed number of hymnals for the pews, they will come from the invested endowment funds for church ministry. Congregational Meeting, October 5 Kathie Darman and Emily Rozak were nominated and elected to the office of Commissioned Deacon for a oneyear term through September 2015. Special Session Meeting, October 19 The meeting was for informational purposes only. Director of Music/Organist Tim Van Nasdale and Student Pastor Nathan Schulz introduced the new 2013 Presbyterian hymnal. Content and theological intent were discussed. No decisions were made. Regular Session Meeting, October 20 The Nominating Committee has an additional member for nomination to the office of Commissioned Deacon 2 and full slates of nominees for the Session Class of 2017, the Trustees Class of 2017, and a Youth Elder for the Session Class of 2015. three things daily. You may want to start in the morning and offer a prayer for one thing, add one at midday, and then reflect on the day at bedtime with one more prayer of thanksgiving. Surely, as we remember to thank God, our lives will be filled with joy. Session has called a Special Congregational Meeting on Sunday, November 30, 2014, immediately after worship for the purpose of hearing a report from the Nominating Committee regarding the nomination of persons as Commissioned Deacon, Ruling Elder, and Trustee, and the election of church officers for 2015 and through 2017. One BIG thing I am thankful for is our Session. These eleven leaders have led us well over the year. We made some significant changes in the past eleven months, one of which, of course, was the change in Bylaws to decrease the number of Session members (approved by the congregation in 2013). This has worked well, for the most part, but it has also meant that we have let go of some things we’ve done in the past in order to not overtax the ruling Elders as well as to try some new ideas. While we still have two active ministry teams (Congregational Life and Stewardship & Finance), other Elders have been responsible for ministry areas, such as worship, personnel, and Christian education. One of the positive impacts of these changes has resulted in fewer meetings! (Can I get an Amen?) And while Session meetings are still full, we are discussing “bigger picture” things and not the nitty-gritty of ministry team reports. We are looking more for where we experience the movement of the Holy Spirit and what our calling is in this community. Respectfully submitted, Edward C. Wahl, Clerk of Session ADULT DAY RETREAT On Saturday, November 1, come on out to Irons Oaks Learning Center, 20000 Western Avenue, Olympia Fields, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. for an adult day retreat. The topic of the day is Thirsting for God: Everyday Spiritual Practices, led by Diane Stephens. As humans, we naturally thirst for God. Together we will draw from the well of spirituality to satisfy our thirst. Silence, friendship, and simplicity are a few of the most time-honored spiritual practices that speak to the modern mind and hurried spirit. Perhaps you long for your first sip—or buckets-full. Come, taste, and see what you have been thirsting for. Diane Stephens is a certified Spiritual Director and an author of The Thoughtful Christian curriculum on Spirituality 101 and Spiritual Practices used by the Tuesday Bible Study at Panera Bread. She is an experienced retreat leader and active Presbyterian in the Chicago Presbytery. The registration deadline has passed, but speak with Pastor Nancy if you are finally interested. At October’s meeting we engaged in conversation about children and youth in our church and how we can continue to support them even if they aren’t present on Sunday mornings. We are concerned about fulfilling our part of the baptismal covenant, to nurture them in the faith. That led to a review of things we have been doing as well as thoughts about future possibilities. For example, what about outreach to grandparents? How can we support and/or learn from grandparents in our congregation as they share their faith with the younger generations? Hmmmmmm…. Of huge significance at our October meeting was the unanimous decision to commit to our Monday Night Community Dinners through May 2015. We see differences already in the relationships that are building through these meals. What might God be doing with us? How might a full year transform us? We heard concerns about the work load, and yet we also know that sacrifice is part of vital ministry. We do believe that what we are doing on Mondays is relevant and connecting us to our community in ways we haven’t experienced in the past. FROM THE PASTOR Dear Friends, Last month I was invited by a friend on Facebook to do the “Thanksgiving Challenge.” Each day for a week, I posted three things I was thankful for: family, friends, Andrew’s jazz ensemble that practices Sunday afternoons in our living room and fills the house with music, meaningful ministry…. I would say the challenge was in narrowing down my list! November is a season that emphasizes Thanksgiving and invites us to consider our blessings and give thanks to God. I encourage you each day to pray a prayer of thanks-giving, lifting up We do want to see more church ownership on this project. Sally Wolford and others will be working on enlisting more volunteer support. If we can rotate leadership, there is less chance of burnout. Start asking your3 self how you can get involved—even if you can’t physically be there on Monday evenings, how might you support this Missional Venture that is drawn directly from our New Beginnings congregational comments? Could you send over some prepared food? Do you have ideas for activities after the meal? Would you commit to setting up tables and chairs or being a greeter at the meals? Will you sit with people you don’t know and share a meal with them? Will you pray for the one looking for work or the couple who just had to put down their pet? Will you hang signs in the community to invite others to supper? Would you set up a craft or offer a food or decorating demonstration or play games with the children? Speak with Sally, Laurel Hamilton or me to learn how to engage in this venture. Submarine Packing Plans: Packing plans for the crew of the USS Chicago (SSN 721) sub-marine are being finalized for the day after Thanksgiving (Friday, November 28), happening in Westminster Hall starting at 9 a.m. The “ditty bags” are here, other gift are arriving, address labels are being made ready, helpers are being lined up. This year, the CO of GRTLKS NTS, better known as the Command-ing Officer of Great Lakes Naval Training Station, will be present to join the working party. This will be the 28th year First Presbyterian of Homewood has con-tributed to this project of gifts for 160 crew members, which rates a Bravo Zulu (Well Done) to all hands! Jack Day Advent: Sunday, November 30, is the First Sunday of Advent. Worship with us that morning as we step into this season with a Hanging of the Greens service with Communion at 10:30 a.m. Christmas Cantata: Sunday, December 7, is Cantata Sunday. Put it on the calendar now and invite friends and family as the combined choirs of First Presbyterian Church and Zion Lutheran Church lead us in worship. Still Night Service: This service has become a tradition of First Presbyterian Church. The holidays can be a difficult time for people, particularly if they have lost a loved one, suffered a serious illness, or are going through a major life transition. This quiet prayer service of candlelight and Communion and, for those who so choose, anointing and individual prayer by the Pastor is designed to offer time for reflection, comfort, and healing as we lift our hearts to the One who brings us Light when it seems it is still night. This might be the year for you to reach out to a neighbor or co-worker who is going through a particularly tough time and invite someone to worship with you on Wednesday, December 17, at 7 p.m. Give thanks to God for this time in our church’s life that is filled with energy, intelligence, imagination, and love. Grace and Peace, Nancy Jo Dederer [NOTE: Pastor Nancy will be on vacation the weekend of November 7-9. Chris and she are leading a Hymn Festival to introduce the new hymnal at First Presbyterian Church of Goldsboro, NC, (Jayson Keeton’s new congregation). Please keep them in prayer as they travel. Our student pastor, Nathan Schulz, will preach that Sunday. Pastor Nancy will be on Study Leave the weekend of November 22-23. Laurel Hamilton will be on call for pastoral emergencies. Rev. Amy Snedeker will preach that Sunday.] COMMISSIONED DEACONS On October 5th, we elected Kathie Darman and Emily Rozak as Deacons. Shortly after the meeting, Evelyn Dixon indicated willingness to serve. There is still room for others as we shape this new ministry. No Deacon is responsible for the whole list of possible duties! Two or three are plenty. Let Pastor Nancy or a member of the Nominating Committee (chaired by Dan Hamilton) know if you sense this call to caring ministries within the church. MUSIC MINISTRY Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to thee, how ___ ___ ___ Here I am, Lord. Is it I Lord? I have heard you LOOKING AHEAD Interfaith Thanksgiving Service: The Community Interfaith Thanksgiving Service will be held Wednesday evening, November 26, at 7:30 p.m. The location was not available at press time, but keep an eye on the Sunday bulletin for an update. This long-standing tradition is led by local clergy and the Homewood-Flossmoor Viking Choir. Join our neighbors and friends as we give thanks to God. calling ___ ___ ___ You have come up to the __ Can you remember a time when these hymns were NOT sung in our congregation? A few years back, these three, plus Great Is Thy Faithfulness and Amazing Grace, were our overall top five most treasured hymns. Can you 4 believe that out of the top five, three had not been in any Presbyterian hymnal prior to 1990? Why? Well, the first one hadn’t traveled from another country to the United States until the second half of the 20th century, and the other two had not been written until the late ’70s and early ’80s. ever), such as Standing on the Promises, It Is Well with My Soul, and Rock of Ages. The new Large Print version includes the music and not just the words. We have already been using it!! Eight songs in our October worship services have come directly from the new hymnal. It will cut down the number of music inserts in the bulletin. The purchase of the new hymnal demonstrates our readiness to grow and welcome newness. It shows we are alive and growing spiritually. And it connects our congregation more deeply to the broader church. About every twenty years, denominations publish new hymnals. The hymnal is a “little theology book” containing songs that declare our faith. As the church is Reformed and Always Reforming, so does our music change and grow to reflect our understanding of the Triune God and our calling as brothers and sisters in Christ in this day and age. In 2006, the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA) took steps to initiate a new hymnal. The diverse Committee on Congregational Song met over 3½ years and considered thousands of hymns and songs. They worshiped, laughed, ate, prayed, and sang together. Each hymn was sung and discussed thoroughly, and when the committee was ready to vote, the hymn needed two-thirds majority approval to move forward in the process. The new hymnal Glory to God was published in 2013 and has met with enthusiastic approval by congregations across the country. We believe this new hymnal, Glory to God, will strike a good balance for our congregation’s music and worship ministry, and we are excited to move forward with it. Financially, it is a good time as there is a significant discount for congregations that order before the years’s end The pew edition of the hymnal is $17.50. A large-print version is $25. As of Session’s approval, there were already over 60 hymnals promised! That’s exciting, isn’t it? We invite the congregation to purchase one or more hymnals, much in the same way people order poinsettias at Christmas time—in honor or memory of a loved one or to the glory of God. Look for an order form on the Welcome Center in the Narthex. (Hint: A hymnal could make a nice alternative Christmas gift!) Once we receive the hymnals, bookplates recognizing the donors will be placed in the cover of the hymnals. At the October Session meeting, Session approved the purchase of the new hmnal for our congregation. Our Director of Music Tim VanNasdale and our Student Pastor Nathan Schulz spoke with Session after worship on October 19th, sharing why they are excited about the new hymnal: There is a wider variety of hymns and songs representing different cultures from six different continents and music styles, including all major historical and contemporary sacred genres. There are many more hymns reflecting scripture lessons, including musical settings of almost every Sunday lectionary psalm. The indexes are extremely helpful for worship planning. The new hymnal, while the same size as our current one, contains over 200 more songs, plus worship orders for meetings, retreats, and daily prayer! Approximately 50% of included hymns will be from our current 1990 hymnal. The other remaining pieces will come from former Presbyterian hymnals, other denominational songbooks, and individual authors and composers. Not only are there newer hymns and songs that weren’t considered for the current hymnal, like Will You Come and Follow Me, Gather Us In, and Eagle’s Wings, but this new hymnal has revisited and included old standard hymns that haven’t been in recent Presbyterian hymnals (if What will happen with the current hymnals? That’s a great question. When the time comes to retire the hymnals, we will offer them to the congregation first and then look for other churches that might be able to use them. Of course, we will keep some on hand in the Chapel for small group use. We hope you will take time to look at the hymnal samples in the Narthex and will support this action so that we can continue to lift our voices in song, singing Glory to God in th highest! Peace, Pastor Nancy, Tim VanNasdale, and Nathan Schulz WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION Kathie Hazlett will provide food and program at the November Women’s Association meeting on Thursday, November 20, at 12:30 p.m. in Westminster Hall. We will learn how to make a stir fry soup and then enjoy eating the soup with homemade bread. We will then learn how to make this easy bread! Rebecca Circle will furnish dessert and drinks. As always, men are welcome. Reservations are appreciated. Please contact Eve Rossman at 798-8625 by Monday, November 17. 5 The cost is $5. Darlene Giesbrecht scarves, and socks. Volunteers are needed to help with sorting, packing, and distribution. COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS LUNCH – Friday, December 19, 11-12 the adult festivities conclude with this lunch. Donations of dessert, holiday plates, napkins, cups are needed. AFTER SCHOOL PARTY – Friday, December 19, 3 p.m. the after school participants have a party. Donations include cookies, cupcakes, napkins, cups, and small gifts. Volunteers can help with this group of excited, sugarfilled kids. Contact Cheryl Roop at or at 757-5395 if you can help. CIRCLE MEETINGS LYDIA – Thursday, November 13, 1 p.m. at the home of Jonna James, 17313 Forestway Dr., East Hazel Crest. The lesson is on Corinthians. MARY – Mary Circle has blended with Lydia Circle. REBECCA – Wednesday, November 12, 7:30 p.m. in the Parlor, hosted by Laura Dillman. The co-hostess is Kathie Ogden. The lesson is Ch. 5 of Space for God by Don Postema, led by ???? PADS TRUSTEE REPORT First Presbyterian Church of Homewood will be serving PADS on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, Nov. 26th. Please remember that this is an all church mission. We are serving women and children this year rather than the men we have served for years and years. This will be different! Watch the bulletin for what is needed besides, of course, workers. Charlene Hansen At the October meeting of the Trustees, Buildings and Grounds Committee reported on the boiler installation work and the “high up” painting and other minor tasks contracted out to be paid from contingency funds. Marv Austin donated a 28 foot ladder that will be cut down to 16 ft. Grounds Beautification Committee reported that Paul Gerrish and Laura Dillman have been weeding the triangle and trimming bushes. Carol Bruggeman has re-planted the front urns for the Thanksgiving season. Jan Wahl is feeding the driveway bushes in hopes of some recovery. Insurance Committee reported that renewals are coming in November. Do we try switching carriers? The Trustees took a field trip during the meeting to see the new boilers and how small they are. A list of tasks for the All Church Work Day on October 25 was com-piled. The Disaster Readiness Committee reported on the need for fire or tornado drills for emptying the sanc-tuary. The Trustees worked on the 2015 budget. THANKS! to the Work Day Volunteers: Ed & Janet Wahl, Rod Dunlap, Jay Ruklic, Dan & Laurel Hamilton, Eleanor Steiner, Carmon & Kathleen Mest, Paul Gerrish, Laura Dillman, Merle Sluis, Craig & Cameron Miller, Phil Dillman, Marge Errant, Shirley Armistead, Charlene Hansen, Earl Anker. JONES CENTER MISSIONS Jones Memorial Center is gearing up for the holiday season. Donated goods and volunteer workers are much needed! PENNY & DIME STORE – Saturday, December 6, 9-11 a.m. for kids only the Penny & Dime Store allows youth to buy gifts for friends and family. No child is turned away due to lack of funds. Their purchases are gift wrapped by awesome volunteers. The Center needs donations of gently used toys and small adult gift items (frames, jewelry, candles, mugs…), wrapping paper, ribbon and bows, gift bags and tags. Volunteer are needed to help with shopping, crowd control, gift wrapping, and clean up Saturday from 8-1 and for set-up at 9 a.m. Friday. BREAKFAST WITH SANTA – Saturday, December 13, 9-11 a.m. at the annual Breakfast with Santa, kids eat a tasty breakfast and visit with Santa with a photo op. Kids 12 and under receive a stocking stuffed with goodies. They need stockings, candy, Hot Wheels or Matchbox cars, playing cards, pencils & erasers, other small items. Volunteers set up at 8 a.m. and then the fun begins as volunteers cook, serve, clean, direct traffic, entertain, and clean up. HOLIDAY SHARE – Thursday, December 18, 9-5 holiday food baskets and gift bags will be given out to hopefully 200 families, so get your donations in early. Food donations include hams, green beans, corn, canned fruit, brown sugar, canned yams, boxed scalloped potatoes, corn bread mix, cake mix and frosting. Gift donations include new toys, $15 gift cards, hats, gloves, mittens, STEWARDSHIP/FINANCE MINISTRY TEAM From other reports in The Carillon we know that the cost of the sanctuary building boiler replacement project in October 2014 had a total cost of $36,000. As of the date this article was written, our members have donated over $22,500 of the cost, with additional donations continuing to come in. This is an amazing response from a simple announcement that donations were needed. Thank you to all who have made generous donations so far and to those who are preparing to contribute their 6 donations in the coming weeks. God truly works in great ways! The remaining difference was paid from one of the church’s investment accounts. Thanksgiving Special Offering The Pastor’s Discretionary Fund is a special fund outside of our operating budget that is used to help congregation members and folks in our community in times of deep need. We have used these funds to pay for utilities, mortgages, medical treatment, counseling, educational needs, and food. These financial gifts become a sign of hope for people who feel their back is against a wall or whose financial savings are depleted, who have nowhere left to turn, whose circumstances have changed dramatically. The gifts meet both physical and spiritual needs, reminding people that they are not alone and that nothing can separate them from God’s love in Christ. The Thanksgiving Special Offering is one way you can help support the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund. In your stewardship envelope box is an envelope for Thanksgiving. You don’t have to wait that long if you’d like to help now, or use a pew envelope, or just send a gift to the church. Your check should be made out to First Presbyterian Church with “Pastor’s Discretionary Fund” on the memo line. These (identified) gifts are tax deductible and will be included on the year-end statement. Give thanks to God for your many blessings, and please consider how you might support the ministry of Jesus Christ to your church family and our community and contribute to this fund. Thank you! Pastor Nancy Initial Offering 209 Loose 684 Per Capita 4,914 Required Min. Dist. 0 Other 26,915 Housing Invest. Transf. 18,000 Designated Funds 22,060 Total Income $193,459 300 1,000 5,700 0 15,000 24,000 15,000 $241,000 EXPENSES Missional Ventures $1,976 Faith Formation 1,860 Shared Mission 3,000 Facilities 34,705 Staff 125,607 Admin. Support 3,152 General Expenses 1,039 Transfer to Invest. 7,628 Designated Funds 10,125 Total Expenses $189,092 $5,000 5,000 3,800 50,500 167,100 7,600 5,900 0 10,000 $254,900 Total Active Members—September 30, 2014 Average June 2014 Sunday Attendance Average July 2014 Sunday Attendance Average August 2014 Sunday Attendance Average September 2014 Sunday attendance 158 50 55 53 61 Summary through September 2014 (9/12 of Budget): Income Over/(Under) 2014 Budget $12,709 Expenses Over/(Under) 2014 Budget (2,083) Total Net Income (Loss) to Date 14,792 The amount of receipts and disbursements for the First Presbyterian Church of Homewood for the month ending September 30, 2014, is in the following chart: We need an average income of $4,200 each week to fund our mission and operate the church. This is inclu-sive of pledges and identified giving as well as other income sources. So, how are we doing? Weekly average for January (4) $4,600 Weekly average for February (4) $3,514 Weekly average for March (5) $5,794 Weekly average for April (4) $4,204 Weekly average for May (4) $3,550 Weekly average for June (5) $3,443 Weekly average for July (4) $3,204 Weekly average for August (5) $2,764 Weekly Average for September (4) $4,261 Weekly average for 2014 (39) $3,933 WORSHIP MINISTRY TEAM In preparation for the celebration of Christ’s birth and as a way to share the joy of Jesus, the Worship Ministry Team is offering three options again this year to make gifts in memory of, in honor of, or in celebration of a person or event. Choose poinsettias ($9), mumsettias ($19), or donation to Respond Now ($10). The Christmas Eve bulletin will acknowledge these gifts. Order forms will be available in the Sunday bulletins and maybe on a full page at the end of this Carillon. Please make checks payable to First Presbyterian Church of Homewood and write poinsettia or Respond Now on the memo line and use a separate check from your weekly offering. Turn order forms with the check in to the church office or mail to P.O. Box 1519, Homewood, IL, 60430. The deadline for orders and checks is Monday, December 8, 2014. Flowers may be picked up after Christmas Eve service and through January 4. THROUGH SEPTEMBER 2014 BUDGET INCOME Identified Giving $120,677 $180,000 OUTREACH MINISTRY TEAM 7 As the weather turns colder, let us remember our friends of all ages at the Jones Memorial Center who are in need of warm mittens/ gloves, hats, scarves, socks. The Mitten Tree will be in the cloister from October through November. Thanks for your generous donations! NURSING HOMES PRAYER AND SHARE Church sympathy is extended to the families of Josephine Fish, Linda Waddle-Bradford (daughter of Carol Burch), and Connie Bonner. Joyce Shropshire, Arden Court, Hazel Crest. SYMPATHY Prayer is an important part of our faith life and transformation. Prayer builds community and helps us to discern God’s will for our own lives, our church, and our world. Kathie Darman and Laurie Ulrich will host Evening Prayer and Share on Tuesdays through Nov. 18, 7 p.m., at their home at 1945 Pine, just around the corner from the church. All are welcome. I am the Resurrection and the Life saith the Lord: he that believeth in me though he were dead, yet shall he live: and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. GIFTS AND MEMORIALS KNITTERS AND CROCHETERS The following have been recorded in the Memorial Book in the Narthex: Linda Waddle-Bradford, Sue Hall, Connie Bonner. I would like to get a group of people together to knit or crochet projects that can be used to show God’s love to people in need. I see this as an outgrowth of the Prayer Shawl Ministry and know of some additional outlets for our handiwork. If you like to knit or crochet and are interested in making some worthwhile projects with a group OR at home, please meet me after worship in the Narthex on Sunday, November 30. Con-tact me at 207-2813 anytime to let me know you are interested. Kathie Darman CONGRATULATIONS James Ruklic traveled on the Honor Flight for World War II veterans from Midway Airport on October 29. Besides festivities in Washington, D.C., a large group was at Midway for the “Welcome Home.” He also received many notes for Mail Call. Congratulations! HOSPITALIZED Cameron Miller became an Eagle Scout on October 26. What a wonderful achievement. He will join the Marines in February. In the hospital during the past month were John Anker, Donna Miller Decker (mother of Bruce and Craig), Bruce Boersma, Evelyn Van Horn, Jan Hamilton (sister of Dan). THANK YOU BIRTHS Thank you to everyone for the help and support of the Fall Fantasy Dinner and Fashion Show. A net profit of $1200 was realized and has been given to the Boiler Fund. Co-chairs: Carol Burch, Laura Dillman, Charlene Hansen Nala Nevaeh Cook was born April 17, 2014. The mother is Mary Cook. The grandparents are Linda Cantway and Bob Cook. The great-grandmother is Mary Cantway. Thanks to Jack Day for his leadership in bringing the Holy Cowgirls quartet from Purdue University to worship on October 26. What a gift! Pastor Nancy James Michael Hamilton was born September 27, 2014. The parents are Natalie Hamilton and James Calderone. The grandparents are Kim and Tim Hamilton. DON’T FORGET Nia Maya Campbell was born October 8, 2014. The mother is Lauren Campbell. The grandmother is Debra Campbell. Remember that Daylight Saving Time ends early in the morning on November 2nd. Turn the clocks back one hour when you go to bed Saturday night. This will give you an extra hour of sleep. Paxton Tate Smith was born October 22, 2014. The parents are Adam and Lindsay Smith. The grandmother is Barbara Smith and the uncle is Andy Smith. DECEMBER CARILON See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God and so we are. The deadline for having articles placed in the December Carillon is Thursday, November 20th. Thanks to November reporters. 8 CHRISTMAS FLOWERS & RESPOND NOW DONATIONS Giver’s Name: ______________________________________________________ (Please list name/s as you would like it printed in the Christmas bulletin.) Number of ___Poinsettias at $9.00 each ___red ___white Total____ ___pink ___marbled Number of ___Mumsettias (white mum with red poinsettia center) at $19.00 each Total____ Number of ___Respond Now donations at $10.00 each Total____ (Respond Now gifts will go toward fresh fruit and meat distribution for Christmas meals. Respond Now donations are tax deductible.) GRAND TOTAL $_____ Please remember to return this form with your check to the church office by Monday, December 8th. If writing a check, please use a separate check from your weekly offering. Make check payable to First Presbyterian Church with “Flowers/Respond Now” written on the memo line. Flowers may be picked up after Christmas Eve Service through January 4th. For the Christmas bulletin, please specify how you would like name/s listed: ___ In Memory of ________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ ___ In Honor of __________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _ ___ In Celebration of ______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _ 9 ___ I would like my plant delivered to a shut-in. GLORY TO GOD HYMNAL ORDER FORM Giver’s Name: _____________________________________________________ (Please list name/s as you would like it printed in the bulletin and on the bookplate.) ______ # of Glory to God hymnal/s at $17.50 each = $________ ______ # of LARGE PRINT Glory to God hymnal/s at $25.00 each = $________ _______ Total Order of Hymnals = $________ GRAND TOTAL Please remember to return this form with your payment to the church office by Monday, December 8th. If writing a check, please use a separate check from your weekly offering. Make check payable to First Presbyterian Church with “Hymnals” written on the memo line. For the dedication, please specify how you would like name/s listed: (Use additional paper if you have multiple orders.) ___ In Memory of _______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ___ In Honor of _________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ___ To the Glory of God. 10 Birthday greetings to our church family: November 1 Ken Bednarcik 4 Todd Wagge 5 Kathie Ogden 7 Darlene Giesbrecht 8 Michael O’Donnell 9 Kim Hamilton 11 Paul Gerrish Laurie Ulrich 15 16 18 20 23 24 29 November Randy Tufts Jim Foster III Susan Guzinski Derek Morales Brian Tufts Corey Oswalt Elizabeth Goeltzer Palumbo Deborah Maxwell May God grant birthday blessings on you all this coming year. 11 NOVEMBER 2014 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 Day Retreat at Irons Oaks 9-4 2 9:30 Sunday Schoo 10:30 Worship All Saints’ Sunday Communion Heavenly Perks Daylight Savings Ends 3 5:30 Community Dinner 4 Tuesday Bible Study 5 11 5:30 Community Dinner 7:00 Stewardship Team 10:30 Tuesday Bible Study Panera Bread Veterans Day 7:00 Trustees 7:00 Prayer and Share 7:30 Rebecca Circle 16 17 18 19 23 9:30 Sunday School 10:30 Worship Christ the King Sunday Preacher Rev Snedeker Heavenly Perks --------------------------------- 12 6:30 Handbell Choir 7:40 Chancel Choir -------- Pastor’s ------------- ---- Vacation Nov 7-9 ----- 13 14 15 21 22 1:00 Lydia Circle 6:30 Handbell Choir 7:40 Chancel Choir 20 10:30 Tuesday Bible Study Panera Bread 24 8 7:00 Congreg Life Team 7:00 Prayer and Share 10 5:30 Community Dinner 7:00 Session 7 9:30 Women’s Board 9 9:30 Sunday School 10:30 Worship Preacher Nathan Schulz Fish Bank Deadline Heavenly Perks -------------------------------- 9:30 Sunday School 10:30 Worship Heavenly Perks 6 10:30 at Panera Bread Election Day 12:30 Women’s Lunch Carillon Deadline Food Basket Deadlne 6:30 Handbell Choir 7:40 Chancel Choir 7:00 Prayer and Share 25 --Pastor’s Study Leave---- 26 28 4:00 PADS Volunteers 9-12 721 Submarine Packing 10:30 Tuesday Bible Study Panera Bread 5:30 Community Dinner 7:30 Interfaith Service 30 9:30 Sunday School 10:30 Worship Communion Advent Hanging of the Greens 11:45 Congregation Meeting 12:00 Knitters/Crocheters 12 29 13