This Wednesday night is our annual Operation Operation Christmas Child


This Wednesday night is our annual Operation Operation Christmas Child
Kids Care
Every Sunday we offer nursery care for infants 4 yrs old. If you would like for your child to be
cared for during the worship service, please
contact one of the Greeters for information about
the Nursery. Older children, will have the
opportunity to go to KidsView Worship for age
appropriate worship and Bible Study.
Church Wide Prayer Request
* Mark Williams - Eagles Nest Regeneration
* Stewardship Team
* Building Steering Team
The Numbers:
Sunday School
Worship Service
Wednesday Groups
Weekly Budget Need
Offering received
Lottie Moon
Operation Christmas Child
Current Balance in Building Fund
YTD Budget Need
YTD Offering
Deacon Schedule for the Month of November
October 27-Nov. 2
November 3-9
November 10-16
November 17-23
November 24-30
William Hall
Mike Heffner
Scott Hickey
Shawn Wilmoth
Bernard Bull
The Church Called to Prayer
Can we pray for you? Can we pray with you?
Join us Wednesday night at 6:00 pm as we pray for
the ministries of our church, for one another, our
community and nation. If you have a special need
and would like for the church to pray for you, plan
to be with us Wednesday at 6:00 pm.
November Birthdays
11/2 Jane Wynne O'Brien
11/5 Sandra Dickerson
11/8 Lois Forrester
11/11 Norma Short
11/13 Dorothy Kimbrough
11/22 Hobart Jenkins
11/29 Louis Dickerson, Charity Eggers,
Betty Hawkins
TBC Summit
Please pray for the Tennessee Baptist
Convention Summit that is meeting this week in
Brentwood, TN. The following people are going
as messengers from our church: George &
Cecelia Miller, Wes & Chris Adams, & Kristi
Pastor George
Pastor George will be away this week for the
TBC meeting and the following week for
vacation. If you have a ministry need, please
contact the Deacon of the Week that is listed in
the bulletin with their phone number. On
November 16th, Rev. Phillip Lyons will be
preaching. Phillip is the new church planter for
the International Fellowship that is being planted
by the Nolachucky Baptist Association in the
Lakeway area. Please come and support Phillip
and learn more about his work planting the
International Fellowship.
Children's Choir
The Children's Choir will practice Wednesday
night at 6 pm. All kids are invited.
Second Milers
Join the Second Milers on Monday night,
November 17th for a Covered Dish Meal and an
evening of fun and fellowship. The program
will be Vickie Hannah and the Sisters.
Operation Christmas Child
This Wednesday night is our annual Operation
Christmas Child Shoe Box packing party at 7 pm.
Everyone is invited to participate. Please bring
your items as soon as possible. All boxes must be
complete and turned in by next Sunday, November
16th for collection week.
Annual Thanksgiving Meal
Mark your calendar for our annual Family
Thanksgiving Meal, Sunday, November 23 at 6 pm.
Join us for a time of famly fellowship as we
celebrate with thanksgiving, the many blessings
God has poured out upon us!
Community Wide Thanksgiving Service
Community Wide Thanksgiving Service, Tuesday,
November 25th at 7 pm at the Talbott Cumberland
Presbyterian Church. Rev. Danny Hensley of
Panther Springs United Methodist Church will be
preaching this year. There will be a combined
community choir that will meet at 6:30 pm to
practice. Everyone is invited to participate.
Acts of Kindness
Each week we will offer a suggestion for a Random
Act of Kindness (RAK) that you can do. RAKs are
ways we can show the grace of God to others and
may provide opportunities to build relationships
and to share the Gospel of grace with other people.
Week #45 - Make up Operation
Christmas Child shoe boxes.
So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just
the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if
we don’t give up. Galatians 6:9 (NLT)
To Our Guests
Welcome to Magna View Baptist Church.
We are delighted that you have joined us
today and it is our desire and prayer that
you experience God through true worship.
Please complete this guest slip, tear it off
and place it in the offering plate or bring
it by the table in the vestibule to receive
information about our church.
Date: __________________
Phone: ___________________________
Mr./Mrs./Ms. ______________________
Address ____________________________
City _______________________________
State _______________ Zip____________
Children's names and ages
Please circle your age group
Age Group
Member of what church ?
How can we help you?
I would like information on:
How to become a Christian ___
How to join this church
Sunday School/Bible Study ___
I would like a personal visit ___
Today's Message on CD
I would like a copy of today's message on
Name: ___________________________
Become a Part of the Magna View Family
Want to get connected?
We're thankful when the Lord leads people to
become a part of our family of faith. If you have
an interest, or questions about becoming a
member of our church, please contact our
Pastor to set up a time to meet with him.
Today's Date: _____________________
Please place this form in the collection plate.
CD copies will be available by Wednesday. A
suggested donation of $3.00 is requested to be
made at the time the CD is picked-up.
Prayer Concerns
Want to stay connected?
Small groups are one of the best ways to stay
connected to the family of faith. We have Bible
study groups for all ages that meet every
Sunday morning at 9 am. We also have small
groups that meet on Sunday evenings and
throughout the week. Contact Pastor Miller or
the church office to find out more about Small
Connect with Magna View through technology:
Twitter: @magnaviewchurch
Follow Pastor Miller on Twitter @revglm
MVBC Connection Internet newsletter – if you
would like to receive regular updates about our
church's activities and ministries, send an email
to to be added to our
email list.
Text messages – if you would like to receive
text messages on your phone for prayer
requests and special announcements, send a
text to 865-236-4159 with “Add Me” and your
name in the message.
George Miller, Senior Pastor
Tim Upchurch Youth Director
Brittany Beltz, Worship Leader
Sunny Hall, Church Secretary
Steve Swann, Campus Maintenance
Office 865-475-5601
Church 865-262-0812
November 9, 2014
Welcome: Shawn Wilmoth
My Lighthouse
This Little Light of Mine
By His Wounds
Deacon's Pals: Scott Hickey
Message: The Power of Praise
Your Great Name
Closing Song/Benediction
Today's Volunteers
Ushers Today: *Bernard Bull, Tony Hickle,
Jim Ellis, Shawn Wilmoth,
William Hall, Keith Lawson
Greeters Today: Duane and Pat Hefty,
Jennifer Wilson
Counters Today: Kristi Hickle, Linda Eggers
Audio/Visual: David Hegel & Luke Hickle
Deacon of the Week
Scott Hickey 865-475-1074
Activities for the Week
9:00 AM - Bible Study Groups
10:15 AM – Worship
10:00 AM Ladies Prayer Group
6:30 PM Zumba
6:30 PM Praise Team Practice
6:00 PM Children's Choir
6:00 PM Quilting Small Group
6:00 PM Financial Peace University
6:00 PM Prayer Meeting
7:00 PM Operation Christmas
Child Shoe Box Packing Party
6:30 PM Zumba
Senior Adult Ministry
Send a card, make a call, pay a visit!
Our Senior Adult of the week is:
Hobart Jenkins
365 Jerry Drive
Talbott, TN 37877