Middle Sandy Evangelical Presbyterian Church Thanksgiving is one of my favorite
Middle Sandy Evangelical Presbyterian Church Thanksgiving is one of my favorite
Middle Sandy Evangelical Presbyterian Church November Worship Schedule 9:00 am Sunday School 10:30 am Worship Service Child Care available during the Worship Service for ages infant through 5 years. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. The food, the football, the parades, and being with my family are what make it such a special time for me. As grateful as I am for all God provides for me, there is also a bittersweet-ness that strikes my heart as well. I think of those who are homeless and/or those who cannot be with their families or have no family to be with. I hope one day to be courageous enough to give up my own personal time of celebrating Thanksgiving with my family to go out and serve those who are truly in need. I have witnessed many churches and organizations that serve Thanksgiving dinner to their communities' homeless and needy and have always been humbled by such selfless service. Along with my prayers of thanksgiving this season, I will ask God to grant me a heart such as this. Will you join me in that prayer? Pastor Tracy The annual Thank Offering worship service, led by the Presbyterian Women, will be observed on November 9. The speaker will be Barbara Turkeltaub, In her message she will share about her childhood as a survivor of the Holocaust. She is a member of a Jewish temple in Canton. Her favorite charity is a Jewish Children's Orphanage in Israel. The Thank Offering will be given to the speaker to help support her charity. Envelopes for your offering will be distributed on Nov. 2. The worship service will be followed with a casserole meal. Those attending are asked to bring a casserole, salad or dessert. Beverages and table service will be provided for all. In Our Thoughts and Prayers… We encourage you to send a card or letter to one or two each month. Addresses are available in the church directory or in the church office. Continuing health needs: Darlene Brooks (Dorothy Burbick’s sister) (ALS) Ashton DiMuzio (Pellet gun injury to the brain) Tim Hume (healing from blood disease) Dick Humphrey (stomach issues) Pat Humphrey (general health concerns) Colleen Lewis (healing from surgery) Carol Lowe (Anna Mapes’ sister) (brain cancer) Don Mathey (pray for healing) Donna Moats (Hodgkins Lymphoma) Michelle Slingerland (recovery from surgery) Ken Smith (on-going cancer treatment) Military Service: Brian Burbick (Dorothy’s son, Navy Nuclear Engrg.at Stateside base) Corey Geltz (Socotch’s son-in-law, Colorado Springs, CO) Eric W. Hampe (Ohio Army National Guard, Stow, OH) Samuel Metzger (Charleston, SC) Jason Snyder (Sharon & Dean Mathey’s son, Army recruiter in Chicago) Our Missionaries - for Holy Spirit protection and great perseverance in their work. Jeff & Natasha B. (EPC missionaries in Asia) Abe & Diane Bible (Ukraine – beginning a new tract ministry) (pray for Ukrainian Christians that they would have a peaceful influence on the Ukrainian situation) Lucy Lincoln (Bible translation – changing to a new sponsoring organization) Lisa Smith (Campus Crusade in IN – training short-term student missionaries) Dave & Diane Spurdle (Church planting in Japan) Willie Swift (UMU student, summer intern with CRU in NJ) Paul & Reinhild Sydnor (ministry to refugees in Lille, France and Malta) (also Luke and Tessa Sydnor both on summer mission trips) In Nursing Homes or Home-bound: Linda Bandy (Crandall Medical Center) Shirley Burdick (Great Trails Rehab Center, Minerva) Dick Humphrey (McCrae Manor) Pauline Martin (Crandall Medical Center) Lowell Smith (at home) OPEN STATED SESSION MEETING October 13, 2104 During the month the Pastor made 3 nursing home visits, 10 home visits, and 3 hospital visits. Other activities through the month were also shared. Finance: Income was $13,859.07 with expenses at $21,815.71. Bills totaling $3,192.00 were approved for payment. Memorial: After discussion, by approved motion, $200 was approved for the purchase of a new refrigerator for the parlor and $500 was approved for the purchase of a new computer tower for the office. Mission: Funds in the amount of $300-$400 are being set aside to pay for the postage of shoeboxes that are due back on November 2. The Bibles are requesting prayer for funds that have come missing to be found (they were not stolen). They are having trouble getting checks cashed. Discussed other ways to inform the congregation about the missionaries we support. Pastoral Concerns: Discussed the role of this committee with Pastor Tracy. Cards to be sent to shut-ins and thinking of you cards. Property: The downstairs ladies restroom repairs have been made. A cover for the soak tub is being made, and the shelf will be taken down for the room to be repainted. The entire parking lot has been sealed and re-striped plus new handicap signs. Andy Wagner is working on plumbing projects around the church. Coon Restoration will be contacted about the painting to be done to the cupola to see if it will be done this year. Worship: Head Usher still needs replaced. The organist’s evaluation has been completed and given to the Personnel Committee. Discussion was held on possibly scheduling casserole lunches on alternating months. November 9th is the Thank Offering Service. The Worship Committee will coordinate a casserole lunch and provide the drinks. The Children’s Church program has not been started this year. Lindsey Rice and Shayna Sands have provided impromptu activities. The committee will consider providing materials if they are interested in continuing. A nursery worker is still needed. Advent candles will be purchased for the first Sunday of Advent on November 30. The Trim-A-Tree Dinner and program is planned for December 7th to avoid conflicts with family Thanksgiving holiday plans. The committee is considering scheduling it with a lunch following the worship service. Old Business: The new office computer has been purchased. New Business: By approved motion, communion will be observed every month instead of the special times that were set aside for it. November Birthdays Dale Tuel Samantha Rinehart Ron Wagner Carey Montler Pete Kuhlmann Linda Wallace Amy Lorentz Matthew McCain Jane Stoffer Barbara Bansbert-Schied Michael Horvath Jacob Rice Linda McQuilkin Pat Tuel Tom Sawyer Rachael Emmons Sharon Mathey Leonard Mapes William Nilges 3 3 5 7 8 10 11 11 11 13 15 19 22 22 24 26 27 27 29 Youth Group will start Sunday, November 2nd with pizza and fellowship from 6:00-7:30pm. We want to discuss future events, meeting times, and what the youth want to do. All kids from grades 8-12 are invited to attend. Cindy Edwards will be leading the group and Pastor Tracy will hang out with them too!! November Anniversaries Terry & Carolyn Slingerland Gene & Jane Stoffer Phil & Linda McQuilkin Donald & Bonnie Riddle 8 10 14 22 Prayer group has moved to Wednesday evenings after choir practice (7:00 pm) Please turn in your articles for the December Sandpiper to Debbie Socotch by November 23 or e-mail to debbie.socotch@lgfcs.com Pastor Tracy's office hours will be Monday 10-noon & Tue, Thu, Fri from 9-noon MISSION TRIPPERS TURKEY AND BISCUIT DINNER AND AUCTION SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8 4:30 – 7:00 PM Adults - $7.00 Kids - $4.00 Under 2 - Free Enjoy a delicious turkey and biscuit dinner while helping to support the Mission Trippers upcoming trip to Marion, Virginia in June 2015! There will also be some AWESOME auction items offered in a Chinese Auction format. Please support this worthy cause!! Sand through the Many Hourglass…. November days are here once more With harvests gathered and safe in store. What matters if the skies are gray, November brings Thanksgiving Day! And so, each grain of sand in our hourglass this November holds an offering of thanks. Much gratitude is offered to the Edwards family for their friendly, generous hospitality that was extended to the Middle Sandy family during their open house. Pastor Tracy, wife Cindy, and daughter Grace welcomed us with tours, visiting, and the delicious food that Cindy had prepared. It was a pleasure to have been invited to their Hazelview home. Thanks to all who participated in the fundraiser for Colleen Lewis at Frank’s Family Restaurant. At times it was a pleasantly crowded eatery. Both Connie Stoudt and Shelia Williamson were gratefully surprised to learn that each was a recipient of a large raffle prize basket. The Messengers, a newly formed quartette of Middle Sandy girls, sang during a worship service in October. The four young vocalists are Grace Edwards, Mary and Elizabeth Mason, and Chelsea Tharp. Much thanks and praise is given to them for using their talents to praise our Lord. Since several of us were in the kitchen preparing the day’s soup lunch, we request that they soon sing again. Speaking of soup lunch, a special thanks goes out to our “Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich” lady, Pat Humphrey. Before every soup lunch Pat goes into the kitchen carrying bags containing peanut butter, jelly, and both white and wheat bread. The results are yummy sandwiches, one of which will have no jelly. Yes, Elizabeth, we have learned how you like your sandwich! Pastor Tracy offered the prayer before the West Branch football team’s win over Alliance. We surely all share with Shayna Sands who, during a recent worship service, expresses her gratitude to our local school districts that continue to permit prayers to be offered before sports’ events and during the “around the flagpole” annual celebration. Congratulations to both Sydney Rice and Cheyenne DeLuca who were chosen to be on the WBHS homecoming court. Cheyenne, who lives with the Sands family and worships at MS, was chosen queen. The grass has quit growing for this year. Sincere gratitude goes to Joe Freshley who has kept the church lawn and the playground so well mowed. The final great big thank you from Presbyterian Women goes to all who prepared, cooked, cut, bagged, and cleaned up for the annual hardtack candy making project. Some 84 batches were made, which will result in approximately 200 pound bags to be sold. Thanks to Ron and Elaine Wagner who make sure all of the necessary ingredients are on hand, and were in the kitchen early and through clean-up time at all three sessions Appreciation is extended to those who purchase the sweets for $5.00 a pound. There is still some for sale. The profits help PW support two mission projects, as well as purchasing products for the kitchen. The last grains are ones that remind us that all 365 days of the year are days of Thanksgiving. Prayerfully each of us will open God’s Word to Psalm 100 every day in November. Read it. Meditate on it. Memorize it. Give thanks to God for everything. DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME BEGINS NOVEMBER 2! November MSPC CALENDAR OF EVENTS Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 2 3 4 5 6 7 Turn in Shoeboxes! Worship Committee Missions Committee 8:30 am Pastoral Concerns Sat 1 8 Mission Trippers Chicken & Biscuit Dinner and Auction 4:30 – 7:00 pm 6:00 pm Choir 7:00 pm Prayer Group Daylight Savings Time Ends 9 Soup Lunch 16 Finance Meeting 10 11 630 pm Session 17 12 13 14 15 20 21 22 27 28 29 6:00 pm Choir 7:00 pm Prayer Group 18 6:30 pm Lions Dinner 19 12:00 Noon Knox Senior Citizens Meal 6:00 pm Choir 7:00 pm Prayer Group 23 24 25 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm Blood Drive 26 6:00 pm Choir 7:00 pm Prayer Group Thanksgiving Day 30 Communion 2014 Middle Sandy Evangelical Presbyterian Church Pastor Tracy Edwards P.O. Box 153, 4306 Homeworth Rd. Homeworth, OH 44634 330-525-7840 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Non-Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT #1 Homeworth, Ohio 44634 NOVEMBER 2014 The mission of Middle Sandy Evangelical Presbyterian Church is to know Jesus Christ and to make Him known through the worship of God and the teaching, preaching and living of His infallible word by the power of the Holy Spirit.