February 21, 2016 Bulletin Booklet – Special


February 21, 2016 Bulletin Booklet – Special
Sunshine Spotlight: Joyce Cumiskey, 1510
Woodland Dr., Pittsburg, KS 66762
Volunteers For Today:
Coffee Fellowship: Thanks to Ron & Barbara
Rhodes for hosting Coffee Fellowship today.
Our Mission is to: love God, know
Christ, care for one another, and
joyfully share the good news of
JESUS Christ.
Today’s Message
Flowers Today Are Given to the Glory of God
In Loving Memory of my grandparents,
W. T. & Agnes Hagman,
my father and mother,
W. R. & Avys Rae Hagman and
my brother, Kenneth R. Hagman
By Richard & Sharon Hagman Redmond
A Date With The Devil
Luke 4:1-14
February 21, 2016
Service Times Sunday Morning:
Thank you so much for the beautiful reception on
February 7th plus the flowers, plaque and cards. I
have truly enjoyed my 29 years here at The Presbyterian Church and will miss everyone!
Thanks again! Debra Bevins
Worship Gathering 9:45 a.m.—10:45a.m.
10:45 a.m.-11:00 a.m.
Study Time
11:00-12:00 noon
520 N. Pine St.
Pittsburg, KS 66762
NEW OFFICE HOURS: 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Monday
through Friday. Come meet our new Church Secretary,
Laura McCormack.
Greetings in Christ,
Welcome to worship. We continue our study of the Gospel of
Luke. Our focus today is Jesus’ 40 days of fasting and tempting in
the wilderness, immediately following his baptism by John (Luke 4:
1-14). While today’s examines the temptations of Jesus, I have
chosen to share a few observations about temptations in general.
First, it is not a sin to be tempted. Jesus was tempted and yet he did
not sin (Hebrews 4:15).
Secondly, there is no such thing as a temptation that is too strong to
resists. That is just an excuse we make for ourselves. The truth is
that God has promised that no one will ever be tempted beyond
their ability to withstand (1 Corinthians 10:13). We are not left to
our own devises in times of temptations. The Holy Spirit empowers
us, if we are willing to avail ourselves to God rather than our own
desires (Philippians 2:13).
It is not difficult to be self-deceived regarding our spiritual state and
relationship with God in Christ. What we do in times of temptation
reveals to us something about our own hearts (James 1:12-16).
The bible instructs us about abundant life. It is a resource to teach,
rebuke, encourage, challenge and strengthen us if we would avail
ourselves to it (2 Timothy 3:16-17, Proverbs 3:5-6).
Temptations and tests are not the same. They have different sources
and are pointed at different aims. Studying Jesus’ date with the
Devil in the wilderness offers some insight into how we can manage
our own dates with the devil in our wilderness. May God add
God’s blessing to our time of worship together.
Let us worship God,
K.O. Noonoo
Easter Lilies: On Easter Sunday we have a tradition of displaying Easter lilies in memory of loved ones. If you would
like to purchase an Easter lily for $10.00 to be displayed in
the sanctuary on Easter Sunday, call Laura at the church office, 231-2920, email Laura at secretary@pittpres.org or
write on the Yellow Card today. Please order your lily by
Monday, March 21st.
Pitt Pres to host Community Lenten Service on Wednesday,
March 16, 11 - Noon. Need helpers to make this happen. Other
churches will bring food.
Pittsburg Ministerial Association Lenten Wednesday Weekly
Worship: “People at the Cross”
February 24th, First United Methodist Church Major Gary
Gugala, Salvation Army
March 2nd, Open Door Fellowship Church Rev. K. O.
Noonoo, The Presbyterian Church
March 9th, First Christian Church Pastor Marcee Binder,
Wesley House
March 16th, The Presbyterian Church Chaplain William
James Schafer, Via Christi Hospital & Village
March 25th, Good Friday St. Peter’s Episcopal Church Father
Bill Wolfe, St. Peter’s Episcopal Church
Stations of the Cross
A light lunch served at 11:30, then worship at 12 Noon No
lunch on Good Friday.
Parenting the Love and Logic Way will be held Thursday evenings from 6:00-8:30 p.m. on February 18, 25 and March 3, 10
& 17 at The Presbyterian Church. Cost: $10 for workbook.
Registration deadline: February 15, 2016. Register at 620-6052565.
9:00-9:30 a.m.
9:45-10:45 a.m.
10:45-12:00 p.m.
11:00-12:00 p.m.
3:30-7:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
Pillars Prayer Group
Worship Gathering
Fellowship Time in the Parlor
Study Time
Connection (grades 5-8) meets at the
Bell Choir Rehearsal
Chancel Choir Rehearsal
Deacons, Elders & PCRC:
Elders: Teaching Elder (pastor) K. O. Noonoo, Moderator;
Ruling Elders: Blake Benson, Martha Murphy, Angie
Sparks, Barbara Rhodes, Cheryl Mayo, Jeff Sandness,
Sharese Moser, Robert Foster
Deacons: Brian Pinamonti, Paul Sparks, Sarah Stuckey,
Brian Smith, Lonnie Moser, Virginia Darling, Anna
Noonoo, Marilyn Tindel
PCRC: Robert Foster (Chair), Nancy Bishop, Linda Evans,
Cyndi Moore, Darlene McLaren
Thanks to Sammy Taylor & Julie Sandness for help in
the Church Nursery last Sunday.
Chicken’s Guide to Talking Turkey with your kids
about sex: Nervous or confused about how to bring up
sensitive subjects with your child? In these three sessions
we will discuss when and how to appropriately have these
conversations with youth framed inside a biblical worldview. Classes led by Dr. Josh Brueggemann. Questions?
Contact Josh at 913-269-8805. Class Dates: February 14
@ 11 am; February 21 @ 11 am; March 6 @ 11 am (we
will meet in Sanctuary Alcove). Information will be useful for parents, grandparents, and educators targeting children ages 5-16 years of age.
Scripture: Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18; Psalm 27;
Philippians 3:17-4:1; Luke 13:31-35
Contact Information
Rev. K. O. Noonoo, Pastor: Pastor@pittpres.org
Susan Laushman, Choir Master: laush88keys@hotmail.com
Deana Thompson, Children’s Ministry:
Lori LasKares, Nursery Attendant: laskares@yahoo.com
Laura McCormack, Secretary: secretary@pittpres.org
Terry Cox, Handbell Director & Treasurer: rlcox46@yahoo.com
Brian Smith, Moderator of Deacons: silversurf_1@hotmail.com
Robert Foster, Chair, PCRC: robgwenf@earthlink.net
Elaine Huntsinger, Volunteer Coordinator:
Church Office Phone Number 620-231-2920. Please call the
church office if you need any telephone number.
*Hymn (Blue Hymnal) #420
God of Grace and God of Glory
*Invitation to Worship God
Pastor K. O. Noonoo
Welcome and Greeting
Prayer of the Day
Call to Worship
Almighty God, Your Word is Cast
Setting by Stephen P Johnson
Invitation to Acknowledge Our Failings
Mark Denton
Prayer for Forgiveness
Good News: In Turning to God, We Are Forgiven!
Gloria Patri
Invitation to the Children
Children’s Song
In My Father’s House
Time with the Children
Deana Thompson
The Lord’s Prayer
Choral Anthem
River in Judea
Arranged by John Leavitt
Invitation to Mission and Ministry
Yellow Cards
Prayer Hymn
I Need Thee Every Hour (vs. 1, 2 & 3)
Prayer of the People
Elaine Huntsinger
Invitation to Offertory
Down to the River to Pray
Arranged by Stephen P Johnson
(To Text Give, please text offering amount to 620-206-4499)
*The Doxology
Prayer For Illumination
A Date With The Devil
Pastor K. O. Noonoo
Luke 4:1-14
*Closing Hymn (Blue Hymnal) #403
What A Friend We Have In Jesus
*Charge & Blessing
Missional Song
Joyfully Share the Good News Susan Laushman
*Those who are able please stand.
Names may be added to the list by calling Debra at 231-2920. Requests
not updated after 4 weeks may be removed from the list.
Church Members & Friends With Medical &
Special Prayer Needs:
Roger Beal (serious medical problems)..Debi Jones brother
Diana Blake (lung infection )...daughter of Bob & Elma Hurt
Donna Brown (Wegener's granulomatosis)...friend of Debi Jones
Holly Christiansen (personal issues); Cayden Fondren (prayer);
Paige Pate & baby Braylon (adjustments); Bob Carpenter (my
dad) (stroke & dementia); Tysha Potter VanBecelaere (Chronic
Lymphocytic Leukemia); family & friends of Cynthia
Pam Clifton (cancer)
Jim Bob Cowan (cancer)...friend of Elaine Huntsinger
Frank Curtis (cancer)...Steve Murphy’s brother-in-law
Bill Emerson (cancer)
Rick Evans (heart attack & other health)...Linda Evans husband
Jessica Enfield (brain cancer)…Julie Bernhardt’s Step–Daughter
Chris Folster (colon cancer)...cousin of Mike Fenech
Gretchen (bone-marrow transplant)...Esther Daneke’s daughter
Kay Holsinger (brain cancer)... mother/grandmother of the Taylor
Debi Jones (health)
Greg Lovell (cancer)... brother of Jeff Lovell
Cheryl Morgan (breast cancer)...Brenda Lloyd’s sister
Rebecca (possible brain tumor)...friend of Emma Noonoo
Lori Southern (breast cancer)
Martha Tompkins (broken arm)
Used by Permission. CCLI License #2034944