Season of Pentecost During the Service August 3, 2014


Season of Pentecost During the Service August 3, 2014
To create opportunities for people to meet Jesus,
grow through the Spirit, and share God’s love.
During the Service
Season of Pentecost
August 3, 2014
9:30 a.m.
Worship Packets for children are available on the end of the Bible carts
by the south doors of the Family Life Center.
9:30 - 10:40 a.m.: New Buds (ages Infant - 2) Room 139
Little Jammers (ages 2 - 3) Room 137
Children’s Summer Worship
*Call to Worship
Leader: The Lord searches every heart and understands every motive.
People: We come humbly, seeking to worship Him in spirit and truth.
Leader: We approach with desire to honor Him with wholehearted
People: We bring offerings of prayer and song and praise.
Leader: It is right to put the Lord before all else.
All: Let us worship Him.
“10,000 Reasons”
“Jesus, Lover of My Soul”
“Before the Throne of God Above”
Prayer of Confession (in unison)
Forgive us, Heavenly Father, when we fail to devote ourselves to you,
when we put our concerns and desires above Yours, when we live for
ourselves instead of You. Have mercy on us, and put us on the right path.
Words of Assurance
Kids (age 4 years - 3rd grade) will meet in the Gathering Room
upstairs (room 216) after they are dismissed from worship.
After the Service
Coffee and Fellowship in the Lobby.
Christ Community Church's Prayer Team is a confidential and compassionate
group of individuals available to pray with you in Room 104
(in the office corridor across from the restrooms).
Tours of the CCC facility are offered each Sunday beginning at the
Welcome Desk located near the front entrance.
(The children ages 4 years - 3rd grade are dismissed to attend
Children’s Summer Worship in the Gathering Room upstairs.)
Sunday Offering
$11,585 was collected last Sunday.
Each man should give what he has
decided in his heart to give, not
reluctantly or under compulsion,
for God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians 9:7
Prayer List Update
If you haven’t signed up for our prayer
list and would like to, please email the
office at
Feed My Starving Children
Saturday, August 9 from 11:30 a.m.
to 1:30 p.m., we will go to Feed My
Starving Children in Schaumburg to
help pack meals. Please sign up in
the lobby or contact Candace
Lindgren at 708-307-3169 for more
“Let It Be Said of Us”
Children’s Moment
Elim Hope Packs
Elim is collecting school supplies for
children overseas. Collection dates
are August 10 - 17. Packets can be
picked up after worship at the info
table. Contact Sharon Rohder at or
708-301-5983 for more information.
What is YOUR Rabbit
Matthew 6:19-24
Rev. Chip Dykema
“My Jesus, I Love Thee”
*All who are able, please stand.
Shoes for the Homeless
There will be a garage sale at 10659 S.
Moody in Chicago Ridge on Saturday,
August 16. This is a benefit for PADS
Homeless Shelter. Our goal is to raise
enough money to supply those in need
with new shoes. We are asking that
you prayerfully consider recycling any
items that could be sold to raise
money. For more info, to volunteer
and/or donation drop, off contact
Candace Lindgren at 708-307-3169
or or Chris
Bartholmey at 312-543-7922.
Tuesdays with the Pastor
Join pastor Chad De Jager for coffee
and conversation on Tuesdays in
August from 10-11 a.m. throughout the
area. Please RSVP to the office.
August 5 Bootsma Bookstore Café, P.H.
August 12 Muffins, Lemont
August 19 Blueberry Hill, Homer Glen
August 26 Humme’s House, Mokena
Consistory Members
Jim Allen
Alex Berzins
Hal Brown, Vice President
Pam DeYoung, Clerk
Larryl Humme, Worship
Dan Applegate, Missions
Bruce Bere, Finance
Pete Bolt, Building
Derek DeGroot, Outreach
Congratualtions To:
Granparents Jim & Dalelyn Allen on the birth of their granddaughter,
Taryn Allen, on Monday, July 28.
We Extend Our Sympathy To:
The family of Don Jager who passed away Monday, July 28.
Please Extend Prayers of Healing and Comfort To:
Timothy Frieling, son of Don & Jan Frieling,
will have surgery on August 15 to remove a tumor on his kidney.
Nancy Zalane is recovering from knee replacement surgery.
Prayer Request
August 3, 2014
Welcome to Christ Community Church. We are glad you are here. Our hope,
whether this is your first time with us or your 100th, is that you find a gracious
welcome. We intend to be a community of hospitality and a space to explore the
Christian faith.
You can stop by the information desk to gather more information, complete a
visitor card, receive special assistance or get a facility introduction. Additional
info can be found at
Today we gladly welcome Chip Dykema to lead our teaching time in
worship. Chip serves as chaplain for Southwest Chicago Christian Schools. He
is an ordained minister in the Evangelical Church Alliance and will be teaching
on Matthew 6. He is the Bible Dept. chair and teacher at Chicago Christian and
is married with four boys and loves being with family, teaching, preaching and
(Please place in the Offering Basket or in the Prayer Box)
□ Public (Bulletin)
□ Private (Prayer Team)
Please pray for: ______________________________(last name optional)
For Bulletin, relation of: ___________________________________________
If you would like someone to contact you,
please leave your phone number or email address:
Copyrighted materials reprinted under licenses CCLI #341263 & A-707172
Chad De Jager Pastor 
Teresa Kinnear Music Ministries Director 
Lisa Applegate Children’s Ministry Coordinator 
Liane Fazio Office Manager 
13400 Bell Road • Lemont, IL 60439
630-257-7770 • fax 630-257-7771
Email • •
Office hours are Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm