Interferenze Contemporanee Festival la Versiliana


Interferenze Contemporanee Festival la Versiliana
Interferenze Contemporanee
Festival la Versiliana
Marina di Pietrasanta (Lu) Italia
Interferenze Contemporanee è una mostra collettiva ideata e curata da Enrico Mattei con lo scopo
di creare un progetto site-specific globale affidato a quattro giovani artisti: Andrea Borghi,
HR-Stamenov, Massimiliano Pelletti e Projema Series. Un’interferenza positiva che produce lo
stesso tipo di segnale della specie che si ricerca: una ricerca di progetti d’arte contemporanea che
grazie al Festival La Versiliana trova un terreno fertile su cui agire in modo interdisciplinare, abbattendo i confini residui che inutilmente cercano di creare settori separati tra le arti e in particolare
vedono la loro realizzazione per interagire con gli spettatori. Interferire senza recare alcun danno,
intromissione che vuole essere un sovrapporsi d’idee, interessi, competenze e tutto ciò che possa
portare arricchimento culturale grazie all’arte contemporanea. Tutti i progetti sono stati realizzati
grazie all’uso diretto e indiretto della corrente elettrica.
Curated by Enrico Mattei
Interferenze Contemporanee is a site specific project entrusted to four young artists: Andrea
Borghi, HR-Stamenov, Massimiliano Pelletti e Projema Series. A positive interference that produces the same type of sign of the species that search: a contemporary art project that thanks
to the Festival La Versiliana finds the right way to make its concept and to interact with the
The exhibition interferes without to bring some damage, interference that it wants to be to
overlap itself of ideas, interests, competences and of all this that can carry cultural enrichment
thanks to the contemporary art.
The realization of the site-specific project is centralized on the use of the electrical current,
some installation will take advantage of it from the lights of the park and the space of the Green
House, others will directly use it for the operation of video projector, software, etc.
The distance that will to form will offer the spectator a vision of contemporary art centralized
on the “electrical interference”€, to adapt itself to that it is found interacting with interesting
proposals at best and in particular planned for the place in which they will be used.
Vehicle Projects | management of contemporary art
via Ferrucci 44/b
55042 Forte dei Marmi . Italy
t. +39 0584 283397
f. +39 0584 874089
Entertainment is dedicated to the memory of the american writer David Foster Fallace (who
commited suicide on september 12, 2008) and to his masterpiece Infinite Jest (2006). The
book tells a story about a movie that produces a real physical pleasure that after a few minutes the people watching forget everything that is around them.
Vehicle Projects |
management of contemporary art
presenta dal 1 al 7 Luglio 2009
Interferenze Contemporanee
a cura di Enrico Mattei
“Interference Between Light and Matter”
Il progetto site-specific di HR-Stamenov gioca sulla concretizzazione della materia attraverso una
fonte di luce, l’artista interviene nello spazio applicando stampe adesive raffiguranti graduali passaggi di luce direttamente sulle lampade e a terra, cerchi di gesso di bianco e zucchero cristallizzato
nero violaceo. L’operazione consiste nell’uso indiretto della corrente elettrica delle lampade per
sviluppare la teoria del teletrasporto quantistico, la quantita’ di materia aumenta grazie al progressivo passaggio di luce.
Intervento specifico sul sito : stampe plotter adesive, lampade basso consumo, gesso e cristalli di zucchero collato.
Site specific installation: photo print on duraclear, low consumption lamps, chalk and sugar crystals
The site-specific art project plays on the production of the matter through a light source, the
artist takes part in the space applying adhesive prints representing gradual passages of light
on the lamps, to earth it design circles of white chalk with crystallized black sugar. The operation consists in the indirect use of the electrical current of the lamps in order to develop the
theory of the quantum teleportation, the matter amount increases thanks to the progressive
passage of light.
First atoms of antimatter produced at CERN
In September 1995, Prof. Walter Oelert and an international
team from Jülich IKP-KFA, Erlangen-Nuernberg University,
GSI Darmstadt and Genoa University succeeded for the first
time in synthesising atoms of antimatter from their constituent antiparticles. Nine of these atoms were produced
in collisions between antiprotons and xenon atoms over a
period of three weeks. Each one remained in existence for
about forty billionths of a second, travelled at nearly the
speed of light over a path of ten metres and then annihilated with ordinary matter. The annihilation produced the
signal which showed that the anti-atoms had been created.
Ordinary atoms consist of a number of electrons in orbit around an atomic nucleus. The hydrogen atom is the
simplest atom of all; its nucleus consists of a proton, around which a single electron circulates. The recipe for
anti-hydrogen is very simple - take one antiproton, bring up one anti-electron, and put the latter into orbit
around the former - but it is very difficult to carry out as antiparticles do not naturally exist on earth.
They can only be created in the laboratory. The experimenters whirled previously created antiprotons around
the CERN* Low Energy Antiproton Ring (LEAR), passing them through a xenon gas jet each time they went
around - about 3 million times each second. (see scheme of the experiment) Very occasionally, an antiproton converted a small part of its own energy into an electron and an anti-electron, usually called a positron,
while passing through a xenon atom. In even rarer cases, the positron’s velocity was sufficiently close to the
velocity of the antiproton for the two particles to join - creating an atom of anti-hydrogen (seediagram of
the principle) Three quarters of our universe is hydrogen and much of what we have learned about it has
been found by studying ordinary hydrogen. If the behaviour of anti-hydrogen differed even in the tiniest
detail from that of ordinary hydrogen, physicists would have to rethink or abandon many of the established
ideas on the symmetry between matter and antimatter. Newton’s historic work on gravity was supposedly
prompted by watching an apple fall to earth, but would an “anti-apple” fall in the same way? It is believed
that antimatter “works” under gravity in the same way as matter, but if nature has chosen otherwise, we must
find out how and why.
The next step is to check whether anti hydrogen does indeed “work” just as well as ordinary hydrogen. Comparisons can be made with tremendous accuracy, as high as one part in a million trillion, and even an asymmetry on this tiny scale would have enormous consequences for our understanding of the universe. To check
for such an asymmetry would mean holding the anti-atoms still, for seconds, minutes, days or weeks.
The techniques needed to store antimatter are under intense development at CERN. New experiments are
currently being planned, to capture antimatter in electrical and magnetic bottles or traps allowing for high
precision analysis.
The first ever creation of atoms of antimatter at CERN has opened the door to the systematic exploration of
the anti world.
a, Calibration of the teleportation feedback gain.
Verifying pulse canonical variable ycver versus the
input pulse canonical variable Q for 10,000 teleportation runs. All dimensionless canonical variables are
normalized so that their variance for a vacuum state
is 1/2. The coherent input state used in the plot has
a mean photon number of 500, and is slowly modulated in phase during this measurement. The straight
line fit is used for calibration of the feedback gain (see
comments in the text). b, An example of data from
which the atomic state variances after the teleportation are determined. Two canonical variables of the
verifying pulse, ycver and ysver, are plotted for an input state with = 5 and a fixed phase. The dashed lines
indicate twice the standard deviation intervals which
are used to determine the atomic state variances.
Canonical variables plotted on horizontal axes are normalized so that their variance for a vacuum state is 1/2.
Installation view at “Green House”
“Interference Between Light and Matter”
Installation view
Stage N # 01
Stage N # 02
Stage N # 03
Stage N # 10
100% opening
Stage N # 10
100% appearance
Stage N # 04
The site-specific art project is divided in two intense activities: the installation on the parklamp with the skeleton of a cat and the installation of the electrical grill hanging on the tree.
The first artwork reflects the incompatibility of the objects produced from the human being
with the animal world, a not-respect form that comes playfully expressed from the cat skeleton
that once it’s got up on the lamp it doesn’t know how to come down.
The second artwork consists in the deceit which had from an luminous source, from the advertising standards like consumer factor for the man and from the light that they emanate for the
animals, insects, etc. Common data is the attraction that these lights provoke in the human and
animal interest, in the artist’s installation the bugs are attracted by the light and clearly not by
the word that means the end.
Once again another deep personal analysis.
He has reduced his work down to the minimum, he made the patchwork dissapear when actually it’s nothing but a connection to integral part of the total work in progress, Haldol - Cipralex - Rivotril could very well be inserted in any other former projema’s works…
Haldol - Cipralex - Rivotril is an evanescent hope, a fake substitute to empty feeling you have
inside, but first it’s the failure, to give up completly to one of the life huge’s contrasts, the constant fear of death.
The thruth is somewhere else, so close yet so far away, just apparently hide.
Once more as usual a deep analysis under a personal decidedly profile .
It’s evident a cleanly reduced to the essential , disappear the patchwork but actually it’s not nothing else that a connection to an integral part about a total work in progress , HALDOL – CIPRALEX-RIVOTRIL could be very well insert in any other former projema’s works…
HALDOL – CIPRALEX-RIVOTRIL is an evanescent hope , a fake sostitute to the unfillable empty ,
but first at all it’s the failure , to give up and the total surrender to the huge life’s contrasts , the
continues fear to death .
The thruth is somewhere else , far , and yet so close , just apparently hide .