Sandt Liv i Gud Nyhedsbrev 29. oktober 2014


Sandt Liv i Gud Nyhedsbrev 29. oktober 2014
Sandt Liv i Gud Nyhedsbrev
29. oktober 2014
1. SLIG holder fællesbedemøde i Odense 29.november 2014
2. SLIG bogudgivelser på vej
3. Vassula i Congo
1. SLIG holder fællesbedemøde i Odense 29. november 2014
Den 28. november er det SLIG’s 29 års fødselsdag. Foreningen Sandt Liv i Gud
fejrer det ved at holde et nationalt fællesbedemøde i Odense lørdag 29.
november 2014.
Kl. 11.00~12.00 Messe i Skt. Albani Kirke ved p. Lars Messerschmidt
Kl. 12.00~13.15 Frokost; medbragt mad eller køb mad i nærheden
Kl. 13.15~15.00 Bedemøde
Kl. 15.00~16.30 Socialt samvær med kaffe/te og kage. Mulighed for
indslag i form af vidnesbyrd eller fremvisning af billeder fra TLIG
Retreat på Rhodos.
Frokost, bedemøde og socialt samvær: Sct. Albani skole, Adelgade 5, 5000
Odense C. Indgang fra Paaskestræde, første dør om hjørnet.
Det tager ca. 10 minutter at gå fra Odense banegård til Sct. Albani Kirke.
Parkering i Albanigade eller nedenfor domkirken er der betalingspladser.
Man opfordres til at koordinere kørsel i bil fra Jylland og Sjælland til Odense.
Fra København arrangeres der opsamling på Københavns Hovedbanegård
indgang ved Vesterport med afgang kl. 9.00 ved Frank; der er plads til 4
personer. Skriv/ring til Frank på ; tlf.: 2262 1275
Andre fra Københavnsområdet som har mulighed for at køre sammen kan aftale
det i bedegrupperne i Københavnsområdet; evt. kontakt Frank
Tilmelding til fællesbedemøde
Skriv til Frank på eller ring på tlf. 2262 1275
2. SLIG bogudgivelser på vej
Foreningen SLIG er ved at lægge sidste hånd på udgivelsen af bogen SLIG
Budskaberne 1986-91 og tillige med Vassulas bog ’Heaven is Real’. Vi har
planlagt SLIG Budskaberne 1986-91 til at udkomme omkring nytåret 2014/15 og
’Heaven is Real’ lige derefter. Det vil blive annonceret i nyhedsbrev.
3. Vassula i Congo
Hermed kopi af TLIG mail fra 11. oktober om Vassulas mission i Congo (man
kan evt. oversætte teksten i Google translate):
Some videos of Vassula's meetings in the Congo last month can be seen at
these links:
The following report of the meetings is written by Vassula herself:
I just came back last evening after 24 hours journey and changing 4 planes to
final destination. We had great problems and terrible agonizing stress from the
moment we were checking in Athens for Kinshasa via Rome and Addis Ababa.
It seems we had to have a visa and none of us had one. Nor Fr. Vincent while
he was trying to check in through Geneva. We panicked and called Ange the
coordinator of Congo. They panicked in their turn, that we would be unable to
go. He then reminded me of the invitation letter of an Archbishop to use it. After
a lot of arguments at the airport while the time was wasting away and getting us
nowhere, we showed them in our iPhone that official invitation. Now it was up to
the Alitalia main official to accept that letter instead of the visa or not.
Fortunately she did. I called Fr. Vincent to show that letter too telling him that
even if this letter did not change their mind, then he should buy a new ticket for
Rome and from thereon we will see. The risk would be that he would lose the
entire ticket. He showed them the letter and in the beginning they did not accept
it in Geneva to let him go but in the end they did. Both sides said that we would
have problems in Rome anyway entering the Ethiopian Airline. In the meantime
Ange called the governor of Lubumbashi to call Ethiopian air in Rome asking
We just made it to Rome and found Fr. Vincent and while checking in, the same
thing happened and the ground hostess would not let us go. But then she called
the Ethiopian air Office and they informed her that they had orders from the
governor of Lubumbashi telling them that on our arrival the visa will be ready.
So we went in the plane. We started the journey with great difficulties... A long
sleepless trip in the plane, and finally ended in Addis early morning. From there
we waited almost 4 hrs in transit. Then we went in the plane again for
On arrival to Kinshasa we were welcomed by TV at the foot of the plane with
the news media and press asking question to which I replied. Then happily that
we made it we walked triumphantly, (we thought) with Ange and the team,
treating us as VIP. arriving in the VIP hall, one of the team asked for our
luggage tags to pick up our luggage, but when he came back he told us that one
bag had not arrived. It was mine. To top it, some police were sent to us to rush
us back to the plane again as the visa waited at that very moment was delaying
(someone responsible was sleeping on it) to send us back to Addis.
We were waiting a t the foot of the same plane we came with at least half an
hour in the heat under the sun. The police, 3 men and a woman police were
feeling bad about us and were saying between them, 'why can't they just leave
them come and the visa waited will come anyway'. After half an hour of touch
and go, someone yelled from the building that the visa had just arrived. The
police were so happy happier than us, who later said, that they were impressed
with the calm we had in these moments of anguish, and they walked us warmly
back in an office. There we filled up a form. The lady responsible for the form
and the other 2 ladies there asked me to my surprise to pray over them before I
leave, which I did. To thank them I had a small Icon (I had bought small real
icons for presents) which I gave a present to her and some rosaries for the other
two. She flew with joy saying that she had had as a girl some experience too
with our Lady and that was a sign from our Lady that She never forgot her!
We left accompanied by police force driving the opposite way sometimes. And
without my bag. In this humidity and heat I had nothing to change. The hotel
boutiques had men's clothes mostly and a few banquet style dresses for
women. I was thinking, was it that I had to pay for the success in this way?
Stripped from my belongings?
The meeting was the following day. I was wearing on the plane an old khaki pair
of trousers, with a green khaki T-shirt all the while! The ladies knowing that I had
no clothes, and nothing with me, went to buy me two dresses. They were bright
colored with print dresses, Congolese style. I wore one of them that fitted me. I
had to wear this very local dress for the meeting which was in the afternoon in a
stadium. I had a small kit with a small tube of toothpaste from the plane and it's
The stadium must have contained around 5,000 people or more. It was 2.00 pm
and real hot and humid. To my distress I was to stand there facing the sun.
There was no shade. There was a lot of song and dancing especially in the
beginning. Very successful. People were shouting with joy. Sick people came
and at the end they asked me to go forward to pray over them and bless them
which I did.
The next day, still without a suitcase, a private jet was waiting for us given by
the governor Moise of Lubumbashi to travel to Kisangani, a 2 hr trip.
Arriving in Kisangani at the foot of the plane was a whole bigger crowd again to
welcome us with dance and song. Police and priests, charismatics and different
Christian Associations, were there. They drove us to a poor hotel by the river,
but it was neighboring the big cathedral compound where my talk would be held.
The same day I desperately went to a shop to buy a normal skirt and a normal
shirt for the meeting. Could not find ! Then there was just one skirt which we
bought and a single shirt that would go with that skirt. This is all I had for 9 days
with my old khaki pair of pants and T-shirt. Till today my bag is lost....
In the Kisangani beach hotel which was like a 2 star hotel I caught bronchitis
that night and until now I'm sick. There was a thermostat that was set on 18 dg.
and there was no control. I only noticed it when everyone went to bed late, and I
did not want to go out to disturb them. There was not even a sheet to cover me
in the bed. I was freezing and I had to wear my new skirt to cover my freezing
legs. The toilet was not flushing either. The water of the shower had not a drop
of water and I had to wash with a thin drizzling coming from the tap, for 2 days.
Gethsemane and Fr. Vincent though had much better rooms where everything
functioned and had cover sheets. I was paying again....
With bronchitis the next day and feeling weak and unwell with a bad cough they
led me at 2.00 pm to the big function that had already started as early as 10.00
am. A crowd of perhaps 30 - 40,000 was already there. The podium just outside
the door of the great cathedral that was high up overlooking the crowd and the
river, sat many priests and VIP people. The choir was wonderful and was
singing solemn hymns while I crossed inside the great cathedral to go thru its
front door to the podium. In the Cathedral the Blessed Sacrament was exposed
and 6 people were in adoration around the presence of the Holy Sacrament all
the while during my talk. It was solemn. The crowd went into hysterics when I
showed myself at the podium. Such a welcome was never seen anytime during
all these years of my mission! That was because ALL the churches and all the
government was open to the messages and to me!
The talk was translated into their local language simultaneously. It ended up
very nicely with dancing and local music. It was very hot and humid, and barely
had the function ended, a storm with rain came, but everyone already was gone!
The organizer Ange said that he noticed that during my 2 hr. talk not once did I
The following day we left again escorted by police with private jet to
Lubumbashi. There at the foot of the plane on arrival again was even a greater
welcome! While going through the crowd that were a lot of religious even a local
Greek Orthodox priest, the only one from the Greek Orthodox side, all were
enthusiastic smiling and yelling: welcome! We went in a big minibus bullet proof
given for us to use at anytime by the governor Moise Katumbi. We were driven
straight to his office. A young man that has mixed blood even some from
Greeks in Rhodes. His sister married to a Greek! His nephew speaking Greek!
He was very open and very Christian. He asked me before leaving to bless him
with my cross which I did and added some 'escarchas' glitter from Heaven, that I
had with me, on his forehead. He had told us how he was elected governor
even when he was refusing that position. After leaving him we went to meet the
honorable Kyungu Kumwanza Gabriel president of the commission of
Lubumbashi. Very warm greeting. Then when they all left he wanted a private
talk with me. I had this talk and quoted some words of Jesus to him as counsel.
In Lubumbashi we were placed in a very nice hotel overlooking a lake. That
same evening just outside near the pool I had a media press conference with
TV and with questions and answers from me. Actually in every place I went
there was a media press conference. Then the following day we were driven to
the big football stadium. It was close to full! And was still filling. The capacity
takes around 50,000 people... the mayor for 2 days was announcing on TV and
radio that everyone should attend. There were choirs singing local song with
drums and most government people came to attend in the meetings, the
governor with his wife and the president of assemblies, with the police force, all
Christian faiths, Christian Associations and all the charismatics too, playing
drums, music and dancing... I was accompanied by security police while driving
opening the way in the streets with that special bullet proof car. The Governor
and his young wife Carine, were there to greet me. She hugged me saying she
was in awe with the messages. She was reading the One Book in french. I
heard that she and her husband payed our tickets, hotels, private jet, and
everything and brought boxes of the One Book distributing it by the hundreds
freely. My talk was translated in Swahili by a priest. At the end, we left to go and
rest. Great, great success for Jesus!
After my talk, the personnel in the hotel, the people I stumbled on all recognized
me and were coming to me to bless them. The following day, Sunday we went
to a cathedral. The priest announced my presence. Then later in the afternoon
we were invited by the governor and his wife Carine to watch a football match in
the football stadium that he owned who played the Algerians against his own
That evening after the match we were invited by them for dinner at his house.
He had around 10 people eating dinner and during our dinner our talk was on
my mission and my experiences with Jesus. Moise the governor shared with us
at table an experience during my talk. He said that he saw a very bright light
right on top and behind my head. He took away his sunglasses and looked
again. It was still there, then he said that he looked elsewhere for a while
deliberately then turned his eyes on me again, and the sparkling light was still
there. Immediately Ange's wife who was sitting near me at table said that she
saw that light as well but was embarrassed to talk about it. The dinner ended up
again that they all wanted me to bless them with my cross and the glitter too.
We left the following day. My bag to this day has not been seen still and they
are trying still to trace it down. Otherwise the mission in the 3 cities was the
most successful and the biggest ever through those 29 years. Football stadiums
were filled up and this has never happened ever before.
In Christ,
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© Copyright Vassula Rydén, 2014