Document 6608266


Document 6608266
Physical benefits
Increases energy, stamina
and flexibility.
Strengthens the spine
Builds body strength by lengthening
and strengthening muscles
Boosts bone density
bikram yoga derry
Welcome to the first and only
Bikram Studio in the North West…
Sabrina Friel has been practicing Bikram Yoga
since 2007. She took her first Bikram class in
Dublin and was so overwhelmed by the benefits
that she decided to train professionally in Los
Angeles under the guidance of Bikram Choudhury,
the founder of Bikram Yoga.
As a certified Bikram Yoga instructor, Sabrina has
taught full-time in studios in Dublin, Belfast and
France. She recently relocated to Derry so she
could share with others the benefits which Bikram
has brought to her – both physically and mentally.
Meditative benefits
You are much more likely to enjoy
unbroken sleep and less likely
to suffer from anxiety, stress
and depression
Improves patience and concentration
Because your mind is ‘unloaded’,
it can give you incredible clarity
of thought
The positive mental and physical
effects of Bikram stay with you long
after the class has ended.
Yoga Loft has separate shower
and changing facilities for men
and women.
Mats are provided.
Classes are taken in a spacious
purpose-built studio with free,
near-hand parking outside.
Sabrina Friel and Bronagh Gallagher
ikram yoga, also known as
the original hot yoga, is the
fastest growing yoga in the
world. Famous advocates of the
Bikram Yoga series include celebrities
such as Jennifer Aniston, Madonna,
local actress and singer Bronagh
Gallagher and professional sports stars
of all disciplines.
Bikram yoga is a 90 minute therapeutic
class with a sequence of 26 postures and
two breathing exercises. It is practiced in
a studio heated to 40 degrees with 40%
humidity as the heat facilitates a safer and
deeper practice.
The practice builds strength, balance
and flexibility by gently stretching and
massaging the spine, muscles, tendons,
joints and all internal organs of the
body. Breathing exercises increases
lung capacity, leading to greater vitality.
The series is completed in a specific
order, designed for our modern cultural
problems of stress, overeating, bad
posture and aggressive lifestyles.
Bikram Yoga puts a lot of emphasis on breathing, mental focus and posture.
As a beginner, achieving and holding the 26 postures can be uncomfortable
and frustrating.
But you perform the same postures in
every session and in time you will soon
become familiar with them and can focus
on mastering concentration, perseverance,
determination and patience.
Bikram Yoga reduces stress while the
heat and circulatory stimulation helps
the body heal old injuries or weaknesses
and provides protection against potential
future injuries.
A clinical study is currently underway at
Harvard University investigating the effect
of Bikram on depression as a direct result
of the number of people in the US who
have reported relief of symptoms.
Unit 2, 18 Balliniska Road, Springtown Industrial Estate, Derry, BT48 OLY
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Monday to
90-minute class,
step by step
The class is challenging and like most
stressful situations we take quick,
shallow breaths and don’t make use of
our diaphragm so we begin by learning
how to breathe more effectively. We
always start with a breathing exercise
to maximize our lung capacity by
getting into a rhythm of slow, deep
inhalation and exhalation.
That’s a technique you can use in challenging situations inside the class
– and outside.
What if I’m not fit or flexible enough?
You do NOT need to be fit or flexible to start
Bikram Yoga. Bikram yoga is a beginner’s
level class with clear instructions which guide
you safely through your practice. Remember
that everyone’s body is different – we all have
our own challenges. It does not matter what
you can or cannot do. Yoga is a journey. If
you try the right way you will receive 100% of
the benefits.
How often do I need to practice to
enjoy the benefits?
To enjoy great rewards, mentally and
physically, a regular practice of three classes
a week is necessary. But like most therapies
– the more you give, the more you get back.
What if I’m not good with heat?
You will get used to the heat. As a beginner it
can take anything from five to ten classes to
get used to it and understand the postures.
Will I sweat?
It is not unusual to feel nauseous or dizzy
Yes you will sweat. Get ready to sweat like
during your first class. Usually the problem is
never before! The heated environment warms that we do not drink enough water for daily
up muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints,
living, let alone for exercising in a heated
which allow for a safer and deeper practice.
room. Hydrate well before class and it is best
A warm body is also less prone to injury. Heat not to eat for 2/3 hours prior to class.
expands your blood vessels which promotes
blood circulation and increases energy. Lastly, What should I wear?
sweating is the quickest way to remove toxins Since the room is hot you will want to wear
from your body. It’s good for you.
something you are comfortable sweating in.
Women should wear shorts or thin cotton
Can I lose weight?
leggings, sports bra or a vest.
Weight loss can be one of the results of a
regular Bikram Yoga practice. Your digestive
Who goes?
system and metabolism will improve, helping
Men and women from all walks of life; busy
to normalise your appetite. Your cardiovascular mums, young women in their teens to those
system will be worked and strengthened.
who are in their seventies-plus. Anyone who
Bikram yoga is known for burning anywhere
need a stress-busting exercise can be found
from 500 to 1000 calories a session.
at a Bikram class.
Class Schedule
Introductory Offer
available the first time you come to Yoga Loft Derry
•No classes on NI Bank Holidays
•Schedule subject to change. Please call or check online to verify.
•All classes are open to beginners, first time students, please
arrive 15 minutes early to register, come to class hydrated and
on an empty stomach, bring two towels, water and a yoga mat.
•Please feel free to email
£45 for 1 month unlimited
Drop In Class
10 Class Card (valid 2 months)
20 Class Card (valid 3 months)
1 Month Unlimited
Monthly Standing Order
*Early Bird Package (Tuesday &Friday)
2 morning classes a week for 4 weeks
Gift vouchers available in the studio
The way we put it is…what you learn
on the mat – you can take with you off
the mat!
The next few poses work every muscle,
ligament and joint in the fingers, arms,
shoulders, neck and upper spine. Then
the spine is stretched in four directions
to realign hunched shoulders, tight
chests, and backs.
We follow with the balancing postures
that combine skills of concentration,
patience, determination and selfcontrol. The series continues to work
systematically through the body moving
on to the floor series which builds
strength in the spine and its supporting
We end every session with another
breathing exercise, this time practicing
rapid breathing to exhale toxins.
Results you can see and feel
Because you’re repeating the 26
postures at every class, it’s easy to see
and appreciate your progress and how
your body is changing.
The Bikram yoga classes at the Yoga
Loft are easily the most challenging and
rewarding I have ever completed. Sabrina
is an excellent instructor who knows
exactly how to get the best out of everyone
in the room. Each 90 minute class allows
me time to relax, focus and concentrate on
myself while pushing myself to new limits.
I have noticed an increase in flexibility
and in my core strength and would highly
recommend these classes to anyone who
takes part in other sports such as running
and cycling as it helps to enhance overall
muscular development and reduces the
risk of injury.
Kathryn McBrearty
075 3217 0711 or +353 83 162 8937 •
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