Hot bodies - Bikram Yoga Manchester


Hot bodies - Bikram Yoga Manchester
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Hot bodies
Bikramyogawill makeyousweat
cr .:efore opening said.
Bikram Yogain ConBikram can also nelp'adevnte symptomsof
cord in September.
different conditions,suchas chronic backpair!
The first half of the DeAngelissaid.
class is made up of
Bikram Manchester specializes in workstetching andbalanc- ing with new students,since the studio is only
ing standingpostures, fow years old" Campbell said. Only a handflrl
andthe secondis pos- havesaid it wasn't for them, but thereare other
hres on the floor, ways to incorporateyoga into your life, CampDeAngelissaid.
bell said.
The first reason
Campbellsaidsherecommendsgoing to class
the studio is kept at "as often aspossible,"which for somepeopleis
105 degreesis safety, onceper week.Sherecommendsthreetimesper
Campbell said. "It's week for new students,becauseof the leaming
a lot safer and more curve.
effective to stretch
While somepeoplepracticedaily, Campbell
when the body is recommendsgiving yourself one day of rest
warmed up," Camp- betweensessions.Bilaam Manchesteroffers 29
bell said.
classesper week,with seveninstructors.
The second is "it
DeAngelissaid shecarneto Bikram as a runHeatherDeAngelis,
ownerof BikramYogain Concord.
forces us to sweat. ner.Whiletraining for amarathon,shestartedto
We believe, ih the notice kneeand hip problems.Shewas running
Bikramyogaconrmu- 30 to 40 milesper week,but "my body felt
nity, that therearea lot of benefitsto sweating," py," shesaid.
Campbell said.There are some argumentsthat
Sheliked the ideaofyoga but didn't havethe
Wantheat?Try yoga.
there is no detoxification from sweating,but patienceto practice it until a friend introduced
"Bikram is, in short, a beginner yoga class Campbell points out that many cultures over her to Bilaam. It is a way for her to blend relaxthat is challenging," said Pubali Campbell, history haveseenit asbeneficial.
ation and intensif in a workout, shesaid-After
directorof Bikram YogaManchester.
The heat has other physiological effects, college,sheworked in business,marketingand
The 9O-minute class always involves the including helping to bum fat faster,DeAngelis advertising,but alwayswantedajob where she
same26 yoga postures.and two breathingexer- said.
could help people, which is how she started
cises.The big difference is that the studio is
Thirdly, the heat poses a mental challenge, teachingBilaam.
Campbell said. "I can't do whatever I want,
The class hasn't changedin more than 40 wheneverI want too"is a conceptBikram pracyears, Campbell said. This way practitioners titioners want to develop. "We believethat by
can continually work on related aspects,such leamingto keepthe mind andbody stronginthe ,,Here are a few placesthar offer Bikranl
as developingrangeof motion, and mental and faceof stress,"peoplecanbe happier,Campbell . YOgaj :' '.
Voga ConcorO,8 McGuire St.:,
www.bilcamyogacon. "It's a very introspectivepractice,"Campbell
Carnpbellsaidthe I 05-degreething doeskeep ,
somepeople away,but she tries to explain it's ,r. Bikrym Yoga Nashuq 5 Pine St. ExtenBenefitscomenot from perfectingposes,but not aproblem when you expectit and arepropr iion. #6 Uilt Souttu Nashua"SaOVOCa,
from the effort put in, Campbellsaid.
erly hydrated."That'snot to saytherewon't be .
The main difference is heat, but also, class times when the heat will be too much, but we
. Bikram YogaManchester,195McGregor
structurecan vary in other types of yoga. With are training our bodiesto toleratemore stress,o?, Sti, MiU lVest
this,'!ou knowwhat you're getting,that'swhere shesaid.
, :
meditationcomesirq" HeatherDeAngelis said.
On the whole, it's fine, and peoplewho were , . Bikram Yoga Portsmouth, 801 lslingtqn
She'staught Bikram for about three and a half panickedbefore they first went into the studio
St., Portsmouth,$A-6222, bi,bamyogaporyears, working in Portsmouth and Manches- saythey wish they had fried it earlier,Campbell .r$moumcfl m,':.
. :.
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