Santa Rosa de Lima Catholic Church


Santa Rosa de Lima Catholic Church
Santa Rosa de Lima Catholic Church
Andice, Texas
The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Thanksgiving Day Mass
Please note that this year on Thanksgiving Day we will have
mass at 10:00 AM. There will be no mass at 6:00 PM.
CCHD (Catholic Campaign for Human Development)
The Collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development
(CCHD) provides funding for groups that make lasting change and
uplift the poor in the United States. CCHD grants improve education,
support economic development, and help communities provide
housing in low-income neighborhoods. Help us continue to defend
human dignity and aid those living on the margins of society. Please
give to the CCHD Collection.
Baptism Certificates
If you have recently baptized your child here at Santa Rosa we would
like to inform you that we are now able to generate certificates with
our new Sacramental Records program. If you would like a new
certificate for your child please call the office.
Picture Directories
The 2014 Santa Rosa de Lima picture directories can now be picked
up in the RE Building. If you would like to have picture directory or
never picked up your family’s directory please stop by the RE building
on Sunday’s during RE or during office hours during the week.
The directories are FREE of charge and are first come, first serve.
Caps of Love
Mary White and Dot Absnaider attended the Fall Deanery Meeting
for the DCCW, (Diocesan Council of Catholic Women), Thursday in
Taylor, Texas. There were seventeen women attending, from
Georgetown, Corn Hill, Taylor and Andice. We welcomed Rev. Father
Lonnie Urban back, since his stroke earlier this year. THE DCCW
Project, "Caps of Love" will continue through the end of November,
2014.We want to thank each of you for your outstanding support and
many, many collections of caps, all sizes and color…one thing has
changed, the thin white caps for "some water" are no longer needed!
Please do continue your contributions and place in the green box. For
more information, please call Dot, at 512 515 5929. God Bless you,
Sat. Nov. 15: $ 3,444.00
Sun. Nov. 16: 8:00 AM: $ 3,150.00
Sun. Nov. 16: 10:30 AM: $ 4,981.59
November 23, 2014
St. Vincent de Paul: $ 975.00
Building Fund: $ 4,410.00
Mailed in: $ 315.00
Sarah Hughes, Lt. USN Japan; Thomas Chamberas, Lt. USN, EOD, Japan;
Brandon Thaxton, USA, Afghanistan; Eric Towal, Captain, USAF Special Forces;
David Leonard, Captain, USAF, Qatar; Shane Carroll, Maj., USA, Afghanistan;
Billy Tompkins, Captain, USAF, Afghanistan; Col. Brian Hammer, USA, Iraq. Any
family member in the deployed military may be added to the prayer request
by contacting Bob Kelety, 512 864-0493 or e-mail
Charlene Cooper; Heather Smith; Joseph Russo; Cliff Foulkes-Garcia; Paul
Hamel; Darlene Davasligil; Rosemary Carlson; Lenore Rourke; Terry Moore;
Carolyn Hebert; Robert Trigg; Dennis O’Connor, Theresa Dix; Bobby Dockal;
Dale O’Connor; Richard E. Geroux; Liam; Mary Frye; Joel Rivera. Please let us
know when names can be removed from this list. Thank you.
Sat. Nov 22: 5:00 PM: † Barbara Murray; † Roland Martinez; † John Perkins
Sun. Nov 23: 8:00 AM: † Don Roland
Sun. Nov 23: 10:30 AM: † Henry & Tommy Solis; † Dora Ball;
† Kenneth Steward
Tues. Nov 25: 6:00 PM:
Wed. Nov 26: 6:00 PM:
Thu. Nov 27: 10:00 AM:
If you would like to have a mass offered for intention forms are available in
the entry of the Church. Mass cards are available at the Ladies Group counter
and in the office.
** All intentions are subject to change as circumstances arise. Due to
limitations of the number of mass intentions that can be done each week,
when you request a specific date for a mass, it may not be available. The
first available date will be used for your requested mass intention. If you
want a specific date please plan ahead three months for your
request. Thank you. **
Remember…No R.E. on the following days:
Sunday, November 23 and 30
Wednesday, November 26
Classes will resume Wednesday, December 3 and Sunday,
December 7
Sat-Sun 11/22-23: 2nd Collection: CCHD
Sat-Sun 11/22-23: SRLG Christmas Sale
Mon 11/24: SRLG Meeting – Carr Hall – 9:30 AM
Thu 11/27; Thanksgiving Day Mass – 10:00 AM
Sat-Sun 11/29-30: First Sunday of Advent
Sun 11/30: K of C BINGO – Sun City Ballroom – 5 PM
Wed 12/3: SVdP Food Pantry – Carr Hall – 9-11 AM
Thu 12/4: SVdP Meeting – Carr Hall – 6:30 PM
Fri 12/5: First Friday – Adoration/Reconciliation – 10:30 AM
– Mass – 11:30 AM
Sun 12/7: RE and RCIA Resume – RE Bldg/Carr Hall – 9 & 11:30 AM
Would you like to help our Religious Education Program but can’t
help during our class times on Sundays or Wednesdays? This may be
the ministry for you.
We recently organized a group that we our “prayer partners” that
promise to pray for our program ONE time per week. (That’s it! ☺)
If you would like to join our prayer partner email list please send
your name and email to
Church offices closed the week of Thanksgiving Nov. 24-28
Topic for this Sunday, November 23 is
"The Sacrament of the Eucharist”
Save the Date:
Altar Server Training:
Altar Server training will take place during RE on Dec. 7. Please
report to your classroom teacher FIRST then report to the RE office at
9:15 so we can all walk over together. You must have made your First
Communion to be an Altar Server.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass:
Friday, December, 12 at 7:00 PM. For more details or information
contact Gabe Hernandez at 512.825.9834
Prayer Partners
No Class next Sunday, November 30 (Thanksgiving Break)
The next class after Thanksgiving will be on December 7
The topic will be "The Sacrament of Confirmation"
Anyone wishing to join the discussion is welcome. We meet in Room
6, at 9 AM in the Religious Education building. For more information,
call Terry Walters at 512-863-8563 or e-mail him at
The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Catholic composer and recording artist, David Kauffman, who
brought us Behold, Be Still, See What You Are and the award winning
Mass Of Renewal is releasing his first film production: The One I Wrote
for You. It’s a stirring family film about the healing power of love. It will
make you laugh, shed a tear and ponder how you are living a life of
faith. The film will open in theaters across Texas December 5th, 6th
and 7th. Come see the movie and bring your friends and family.
Theaters in the Austin area will be announced soon on our website Help us spread the word about The
One I Wrote for You.
Youth Group
Thank you to the youth for baking great pies! Thank you to the parish
for supporting the youth!
Enjoy this weekend and your Thanksgiving break. Remember to be
thankful to God and those around you.
Our next events are:
Sunday, Nov. 30th:
o Before 10:30 Mass: Light the advent wreath
We will meet in the back of church at 10:15
o After Mass: Pass out donuts
Sunday, Dec. 7th: next youth group meeting
o In Carr Hall from 11:30 AM-1:30 PM
Sunday, Dec. 14th: We will go caroling.
Take care and let God lead the way :)
Santa Rosa Ladies
Ladies Group
The Ladies Group Christmas Sale!
You have waited all year for this- It is happening now in the narthex November 22 and 23. Before and after each of the Masses. Bring
cash/checks – take home Advent wreaths all shapes and sizes; Advent
candles; stocking stuffers; nativity sets – all sizes; Advent calendars for
the youngsters; gifts for Mom and Dad; ornaments; new items we
have never had before. Great prices!!!
SRLG Meeting: 9:30AM Carr Hall - Monday, November 24,
2014. This meeting is last chance to sign up for
round of Circle of
Friends & last chance to pay for Christmas Luncheon!
Join us to meet your neighbors/parishioners and to enjoy
extraordinary refreshments.
What volunteer opportunities are available in Georgetown? Our
guest speaker will fill us in on 'The Georgetown Project – The
Nest'. Find out what this incredible community service organization
accomplishes and how volunteers can make a tremendous difference!
Religious Articles Cabinet
Quick - pick up your copy now of Fr. Larry's recommended book,
"Daily Prayer 2015". One entire year of daily scriptural readings
beginning with the 1st Sunday of Advent, November 30, 2014
Cabinet Questions? Call…
• Judy Drummond at 512.869.8999 or
• Marilyn Kelly at 512.868.9201
Knights of Columbus
Knights of Columbus Bingo
The next bingo will be on Sunday, November
doors open 5:00
pm; games start at 6:00 pm in the Sun City Ballroom. Cash prizes,
snacks and drinks available for purchase, or bring your own. Please, no
children under 7 years old. All parishioners and friends are welcome.
For information contact: Robbie Licandro at 512-864-3678
Knights of Columbus Meals
There will be no meals served in December due to the holidays. The
next meal will be a breakfast on Sunday, January 18th.
Santa Rosa's Knights of Columbus Council 12522 meets on the
second Tuesday of each month. Knights are encouraged to attend the
6:00 PM daily mass. There is a pre-meeting meal starting at 6:30 PM.
The business meeting starts at 7:00 PM. If you are a K of C member,
please remember to bring your membership card and join us.
If you are interested in joining the Knights, please contact:
• Robbie Licandro at 512.864.3678
• Carl Zimmerman at 512.966.8599
• Jay Livaudais at 512.868.0301
Saint Vincent’s Corner
It's that time of year once again. Advent will start next week; but,
already your Vincentians are busy planning our big project of the
season, The Angel Tree, an ecumenical effort by the Florence/Andice
area churches.
This weekend you will find our tree up and decorated with more tags
than ever before as so many of our neighbors and friends struggle to
make ends meet. While the role of SVdP is typically to provide relief
with bills, at this time of year we strive to put smiles on the faces of
the children in our community who without your help might not
receive a present for Christmas.
Please take a tag or two from our tree and purchase the requested
gifts. Please do not wrap the present. We are asking that you place
the unwrapped gifts under the tree no later than December 7th.
Donations of tissue paper and gift bags are most welcome. We
appreciate your continued generosity as we serve the community.
Our Annual Wrap and Lunch Party is scheduled for Thursday,
December 11th in Carr Hall beginning at 9:00 AM. What a great way
to get into the giving spirit of Christmas! Mark your calendars now and
bring a friend. All are welcome. Lunch will be provided.
The Caring Place
The following items are currently in short supply: Canned Pinto
Beans; Canned Black Beans; Pork'n Beans; Canned Corn & Green
Beans, Pasta, Canned Fruit and Toiletry items.
~Brenda Tyrrell, Santa Rosa's Member Representative; The Caring Place
Advisory Council
Interested in volunteering during the holiday season?
The Caring Place is preparing for our annual Coats for Kids and
Holiday Meal Assistance. We are looking for volunteers who would
like to donate their time from November 3rd to November 26th and
help us spread the holiday spirit. Volunteer shifts will be from 10:00
AM – 3:00 PM. Instead of letting a child go through the winter
without a coat, Coats for Kids allows for children to choose a new coat
that matches their own personal style. Along with Walmart gift cards
for a coat, families receive a gift card to HEB to help them with holiday
meal costs. Please contact Nella Buffmire at 512-943-0726, or by
email at, for further information.
Want to help keep a child warm this winter?
Last year The Caring Place gave new coats to 1416 children in need.
We are expecting our numbers to be higher this year. We need your
help. A donation of $20 will purchase a new coat for a child.
You can make a donation online at or send
checks to: The Caring Place, PO Box 1215, Georgetown, Texas 78626.
BULLETIN INFORMATION: Articles for the Sunday, November 30th
bulletin are due Monday, November 24th by 12:00 PM; noon. Please limit
your articles to no more than 200 words. Articles for the bulletin should be
sent to:
Please note: Due to the Thanksgiving holiday we ask that
any articles you wish to have published submitted by
Monday, November 24th. Thank you. ☺
The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
5:00 PM: Bill Hagen; Paul Mack; Sherry Martinez; Joe Mullen;
Paul Pratt
8:00 AM: Eddie Girvan; Joey Girvan George Nabb;
Dennis Pribbernow
10:30 AM: Vic Figurelli; Ron Peck; Dennis Siple
Sat. Nov. 22: David and Jeanette Case
Sun. Nov. 23: 8:00 AM: John and Marthe Jones
Sun. Nov. 23: 10:30 AM: Pam and Jerry Kelly
Sat. Nov. 29: Norma Correa and Pat Blankenship
Sun. Nov. 30: 8:00 AM: Connie and Sam Ramirez
Sun. Nov. 30: 10:30 AM: Bev Hoffman and Gina Baldwin
Scheduler: Pam Kelly
Sat. Nov. 22: Terry Mack(L); Mary Manis(L); Anne Marshall(L); Julie
Roberts; Ann Sang; Kay Sandgren; Fran Wolfe
Sun. Nov. 23: 8:00 AM: Nancy Osuna; Jean Plentl(L); Jan Saenz; Cindy
Smith(L); Patty Magee(L); Dom Dobias, Mary Ann Dobias
Sun. Nov. 23: 10:30 AM: Jerry Kelly(L); Pam Kelly(L); Mona
Parrish(L); Joyce Pond; Deanna Ramirez; Earnest Ramirez;
Cheryl Tatro
Thu. Nov. 27: 10:00 AM: Volunteers
Sat. Nov. 29: Dot Absnaider(L); Louis Absnaider(L); Ann Barry, Paul
Barry; Nell Ficken(L); Bill Freitag; Kathryn Hart
Sun. Nov. 30: 8:00 AM: Angela Gimbert(L); Patty Magee; Nancy
Osuna; Jean Plentl(L); Jan Saenz; Cindy Smith(L); Mary Ann
Sun. Nov. 30: 10:30 AM: Tony Theriot; Betty Calcote(L); Byron
Calcote(L); Marnie Finan(L); Gloria Johnson; Mark Johnson;
Elsie Parrish
Scheduler: Elsie Parrish
Sat. Nov. 22: Terry Mack; Michael Baker
Sun. Nov. 23: 8:00 AM: David Burkley; Joe Kish
Sun. Nov. 23: 10:30 AM: Vic Figurrelli; Kurt Kurtin
Thu. Nov. 27: 10:00 AM: Volunteers
Sat. Nov. 29: Brenda Tyrell; Tony Theriot
Sun. Nov. 30: 8:00 AM: Linda Reinhart and Jane Mick
Sun. Nov. 30: 10:30 AM: Sharon McEntee; Lynn Parrish
Scheduler: Bea Burrell
Dolores Ascona, 512.863.3108;
Mary Manis, 512.864.7246;
Sharon McEntee, 512.868.9575;
Substitutes: Martin Ramirez: 512.508.0467;
Terry Walters: 512.863.8563
Gospel Meditation
This reading from Matthew gives us a to do list on how to care
for the poor. How do you care for the poor? Is there more you
can do?
Esta lectura del Evangelio de San Mateo nos da una lista de
cosas por hacer para cuidar de los pobres ¿Cómo cuida usted de
los pobres? ¿Existe algo más que usted pueda hacer?
Catholic Social Teaching Corner
This passage from Matthew might be considered a list of
essential duties for a follower of Christ. The Gospel points out
that Jesus speaks about the “nations” who gather, so we can see
this as both an individual and communal response to God. As
individuals and as a community, are we able to see Christ in the
needy, the least, the poorest and the forgotten? Our yes, to
accepting the Kingdom depends on our willingness to see and
respond to them as we would to Christ.
Este pasaje del Evangelio de San Mateo puede ser
considerado como una lista de deberes esenciales para un
seguidor de Cristo. El Evangelio señala que Jesús habló sobre las
“naciones” que se reúnen, así que podemos ver esto de ambas
maneras, como una respuesta individual o grupal a Dios. Como
individuos y como una comunidad ¿vemos a Cristo en los
necesitados, los más pobres y los olvidados? Nuestro Sí para
aceptar el reino depende de nuestra disposición de ver y
responder a estos hermanos nuestros, tanto como
responderíamos a Cristo.
Sat. Nov. 22: Daniel Ortiz; Tristen Brunson; John Harrison; Matthew
Sun. Nov. 23: 8:00 AM: Heather Smith; Joseph Brousseau; William
Sun. Nov. 23: 10:30 AM: Lauren Clawson; Daniela Sandoval; Jerry
Kurtin; Lauryn Ramirez
Sat. Nov. 29: Daniel Ortiz; John Harrison; Matthew Harrison
Sun. Nov. 30: 8:00 AM: Dominic Morelli; Joseph Brousseau; William
Sun. Nov. 30: 10:30 AM: Lauren Clawson; Lauryn Ramirez; Daniela
Sandoval; Ella Barto
Scheduler: David Burrell
Santa Rosa Councils
Finance: David Burrell; George Frederick; Matt Manis(chair); Tom
Meyers; Jean Plentl; Marjorie Strickland; Cheryl Tatro
Pastoral: Louis Brousseau; Bea Burrell; Byron Calcote; John Day;
Kathryn Hart; Terry Mack; Ed Pastor (chair); Deanna Ramirez; Sergio
Ramirez; Betty Jean Steinke; Sophia Torres; Carl Zimmerman
Prayer for Preparing for Visitors to My Home
Although this prayer is for the rapidly approaching Advent season
this prayer serves as a reminder to keep everything in perspective this
Thanksgiving holiday.
Let us remember to give thanks for the many blessing that the Lord
has granted us. May we remember embrace the many blessings that
we have been granted. Focus on the time spent with loved ones and
remind ourselves not to get bogged down by the hustle and bustle of
the holidays.
Give thanks for the smallest things in life, from the air we breathe to
the sun in the sky. The birds singing in the trees, or even the noisy
neighbors/kids next door.
They are coming! Oh, dear Lord, like the Wisemen
wandering toward the stable, visitors are heading to my
house. I am so excited about this visit. But I can get so sidetracked about how my house looks, or the food that I serve. I
can only keep this prayerful with your help.
Help me to stay humble this Advent and Christmas
season. You invite us into the humility of the stable where you
were born. Help me to remember that humble-ness and the
simple joy of your birth. Let me stay focused on my guests, not
on myself and my worries about my house. Guide me in
rejoicing in who these people are and in loving them freely.
Santa Rosa de Lima Catholic Church
2014 Advent and Christmas Calendar
Our time to watch and wait begins with the First Sunday of Advent on November 30
Wednesday, December 3:
Reconciliation – 6:30 PM
Friday, December 5:
First Friday – 10:30 AM
Monday, December 8:
Feast of the Immaculate Conception – 6:00 PM
Wednesday, December 10:
Communion Service; No Reconciliation (Diocesan Priest Gathering)
Friday, December 12:
Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass – 7:00 PM
Wednesday, December 17:
Advent Reconciliation – 6:30 PM
Christmas Eve; Wednesday, December 24:
Children’s Mass – 5:00 PM
Christmas Vigil Mass – 8:00 PM
Christmas Day; Thursday, December 25:
Mass – 10:30 AM
Wednesday, December 31:
Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God – 5:00 PM
Thursday, January 1:
No Mass
Friday, January 2:
First Friday – Adoration/Reconciliation – 10:30 AM
– Mass – 11:30 AM
Tuesday, January 6:
Feast of the Epiphany – 6 PM
All other masses scheduled as usual unless noted differently above
Santa Rosa Events
11/22-23 SRLG Christmas Sale
11/30 K of C BINGO
12/11 SVdP Annual Wrap and Lunch Party
1: Hope (Purple);
(Purple); 2: Love (Purple);
3: Joy (Pink);
(Pink); 4: Peace (Purple)
12/13 Father Carr’s Birthday Dinner
12/14 Youth Group Christmas Caroling
There will be no Wellspring Mass the week of Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years
Parish offices will be closed December 24, 2014 through January 2, 2015
Updated: 11/19/14