HRC L n a M
HRC L n a M
HRC Launches New Asset Management Department PROVIDES KEY SERVICES FOR ASSESSMENT AND PLANNING FOR SUSTAINABLE INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMS Hubbell, Roth & Clark, Inc. (HRC) announces the creation of a new Asset Management Department to better serve our clients’ evolving needs. This Department will provide services to assist clients in managing their infrastructure in a sustainable way, and will also assist with administration of key requirements for the Stormwater, Asset Management, and Wastewater (SAW) Grant Programs awarded to our clients. HRC Asset Management personnel are experienced in the coordination of complex grant objectives. They will ensure that the asset inventory, condition assessment, risk and criticality analysis, future Operations & Maintenance (O&M) and budgeting needs, and capital improvement planning are completed in accordance with the State guidelines, and within the required time frames. These efforts will help communities determine their future funding needs and financial requirements so that appropriate rate structures can be developed to ensure successful operation of their infrastructure systems into the future. In addition to the SAW Program, this Department will assist our clients with developing and maintaining Asset Management Plans for water systems, roadways, plants and facilities, and other utilities. We anticipate that Asset Management will continue to be a requirement for future permits, grant funding and budgeting. HRC’s new Asset Management Department will be led by Roland Alix, P.E., vice president, as Principal-in-Charge. Karyn Stickel, P.E., will serve as Department Head, and Sally Duffy, P.E., will play a key role as Senior Project Engineer. HRC is excited be a part of planning for sustainable infrastructure systems through our Asset Management Department. For more information, contact: Roland Alix, P.E., Vice President, at (248) 454-6300 or H U B B E L L , R O T H & C L A R K , I N C O R P O R A T E D (248) 454-6300 555 Hulet Drive, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48303-0360 P.O. Box 824, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48303-0824
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