Customer Service Founded on the Partnership Principal


Customer Service Founded on the Partnership Principal
National Treasury Employees Union Chapter 97
Volume 1 Issue 35
October / November 2014
Customer Service Founded on the Partnership Principal
Management underestimates the importance of sharing knowledge. This is
not about sharing IRM updates, but relates
to organizational information. It is important to develop a sense of “ownership”
in our organization. Employee’s should
understand how one person’s work affects
those of other co-workers.
Our organization asks employees to participate in an annual employee survey in
hopes it will improve workgroup and organizational issues. Unfortunately, this
same survey has gone from an extensive
list of questions to roughly 15. Ultimately,
11 of the 15 questions are used each year.
The purpose of the survey was to ensure
employee’s had the opportunity to air
their concerns, problems and suggestions,
not just in the unit but on all levels. It has
been found that employees are seldom
prepared to “open up” and all too often,
the meetings are conducted without a facilitator who could serve as an impartial
leader during the meeting.
Unit managers are expected to come up
with suggestions for their unit and report them to their superiors. What has
been found is that the front line manager only elevate a few issues and is reluctant to list the others. It has also been
found that front line managers hinder
discussions regarding his or her management skills.
While some employees participate in
the survey, a great deal- do not. Comments such as “what’s the point”, “why
bother” , “it’s a waste of time” or “it
will never resolve anything anyways”
are often said by employee’s of the
agency and they are right! Very few
issues are brought forward and acted
upon or corrected.
How can employees be committed to a
successful operation if 1. they are not
“brought in” to the agency’s confidence
with shared information, 2. They are
not asked to submit suggestions as to
how to improve the operations?
AM director was asked to consider reviewing an employee council since one
did exist. His first response was amazement that at one time AM had one. He
was also unaware that employee councils exist at other campuses such as
Compliance. Information regarding
councils at Accounts Management was
summarized and presented. He determined that a council at AM wouldn't
bring management more information
than it already has and that a meeting
would just end up being a complaint
Unfortunately he completely missed the
primary objective and true purpose of
the surveys. By sharing information
with employees and making the small
changes to promote a more efficient and
friendlier workplace, it could very well
lead to employees knowing they are an
important asset to the agency which in
turn would lead to positive morale and
Jim Koch
Inside this issue:
RAIVS Conversions Finally Complete
President’s Corner/
FMLA/ Membership
Christmas Dinner
Submission Grievances
More Submission
RAIVS employees have
finally received the job security they have been waiting for since December
2009. Chapter President
Jason Sisk filed grievances
seeking conversions in
2009 and another in 2011.
Compliance Grievances
Accts Mgmt Grievances
Are you up to date?
Last pay period nearly 60
employees were able to
accept seasonal to perm
conversion offers. Strong
membership helps make our
voices heard and strong
chapter leadership who
sticks with cases until
completion benefit all of us.
The next part of the RAIVS
issue is seeing to it that the
TERMS are now allowed to
become seasonal. Many will
see their term of four years
end in January so a new announcement was open today
to try to get this done.
NTEU is upset that management did not simply offer
them seasonal conversions as
promised because NTEU’s
stance is that they meet the
Page 2
Chapter 97 President Corner
Once again our FERS retirement is under attack. This has
been a constant attack over the
last seven years.
Your Retirement Money
Darrell Issa (R-CA) and Paul
Ryan (R-OH) sent a letter to
the Congressional Budget Office asking for an “ examination of the budgetary impact of
different options for reforming
FERS.” The main interest is
increasing our contribution
share while also reducing the
defined benefit.
Of course if this passes it will
equate to a pay reduction because we will pay a higher
share while getting nothing
more out of it! I don’t know
anyone getting rich from our
retirement, do you? This also
clearly breaks the deal we were
given when we started working
and leaves us wondering if the
amount we’ve saved is sufficient to make it to the retirement goal posts now.
It is not realistic or fair to try
and continually reduce the
budget deficit on our backs
simply because we are federal
employees. That is not a shared
Those who started their careers
only this year are already made
to pay a higher share than the
rest of us but we are trying to
get that repealed. That is doubtful now though given the current
political climate. Stop at our
event tables to see what you can
do to make a difference. This is
only the start of a long ride.
FMLA– What To Do and What Not To Do
Each year, thousands of employees file
and turn in FMLA applications for their
chronic medical conditions or for the
chronic medical conditions of family
members. To ensure the paperwork is
completed timely and accurately, NTEU
Chapter 97 has come up with 10 reminders to aid employees in the FMLA process.
2.Bring completed forms to a FMLA Coordinator (Dawn Horton, Jill Guzman,
Dawn Donovan or Martina Subia).
3. Never give FMLA paperwork to management and never fax straight to FOH.
4. Always keep a copy for your records.
Top 10 things to know when applying
for FMLA:
5. Email your NTEU FMLA Coordinator
when you receive your approval or denial
1 There are two types of FMLA applications. WH-380-E (for employee) and
WH-380-F (for family member).
6. Frontline managers are responsible for
keeping track of employee’s FMLA
7. Provisional is not just for first time
applicants. Instances may apply when
provisional is appropriate on subsequent applications.
8. FMLA time codes are: 990 59521 for
FMLA Annual, 990 59522 for FMLA
Sick, 990 59812 for FLMA LWOP and
990 59813 for OWCP/FMLA.
9. As a general rule, employees are not
required to complete a medical release.
10. Remember to resubmit FMLA paperwork 30 days prior to expiration.
Members Receive Discounts at Local Restaurants
The owner of Sunnyside Diner located
on Kings Canyon and Peach has offered
the members of NTEU a discount at his
restaurant on Monday’s only.
Depending on the participation, the discount may be extended throughout the
week and additional specials may be offered in the future. With the purchase of a
meal, the member will receive a free drink
or a free side with the purchase of a sandwich. The sides consists of potato salad,
fruit salad or fries. Soup will be offered as
a side starting in November.
In order to receive the discount, members must show their badge at the time of
ordering. Informing them that you are of
a member o NTEU at the IRS may make
a difference on future discounts.
Members can still get free drink with the
purchase of a combo meal weekly at
Grill Masters located on Clovis and
Gettysburg or a free drink with the purchase of a sandwich at the Deli Delicious
on “N” and Fresno St. It pays to be a
member, Deli Delicious on Kings Can-
yon and Clovis still honors a free bag of
chips and a drink to the members of
NTEU (only) with the purchase of a
small, medium or large sandwich. No
substitutions and fries not included in
the special. In order to receive the discount, members must show their NTEU
membership card. IRS employees receive a 15% discount only with badge.
A “to go” order can be placed up to
7:45pm Mon-Saturday or up to 3:45pm
on Sunday. These specials are at the
listed locations only!
Volume 1 Issue 35
Page 3
Upcoming Event
It’s Time to RSVP for the 2014
NTEU Annual Christmas Dinner
All members of Chapter 97 and their immediate household
are invited (6 Maximum).
Place: Fresno Fairgrounds – Junior Exhibit Hall
Date: Saturday December 6th, 2014
Time: 5:30pm-9:30pm (Dinner will be served at 6:30pm).
When reserving your spot, please indicate how many adults (ages 11
and over and how many children (ages 3-10) will be in attendance.
Everyone must be on the RSVP list the day of the event
and the entire party must arrive together!
RSVP to Marcella Gutierrez via email:
Page 4
Submission Processing Grievances
Code and Edit Swing shift employee
contacted NTEU after learning he was
charged AWOL for not reporting to
work. Research showed management
failed to make the two attempts by telephone as called for in Article 14 Section
2c and failed to provide him with timely
notification. Swing shift Chief Steward
Marcella Gutierrez immediately contacted the DM and provided a copy of the
letter to show it was postmarked the
same day he was to return to duty and
requested administrative time since management did not properly or timely notify him to RTD. As a result, management
agreed and removed the AWOL and paid
him 8 hours of administrative leave. $
DCO day shift employee contacted
NTEU after becoming aware that she
was not returned to duty timely. Research showed management provided an
unofficial form to indicate they called
the grievant. Day Shift Chief Steward
Terrie Laney-Brown filed a grievance
based on the Article 14 violation and did
a formal information request to ask for
the real phone records from the agency.
Once the information was received, the
information request revealed that no
outgoing calls were made to the grievant
to return to duty. As a result, Management agreed to back pay the grievant
nine days of back pay. $$
DPO Entity swing shift employee contacted NTEU after receiving a letter proposing a 15 day suspension. Research
showed the employee was being accused
of bringing a concealed weapon into the
work place and lying to TIGTA agents
regarding a permit to carry the weapon.
Vice president, Michelle Gardea requested the oral reply on behalf of the
employee and was able to prove there
was no evidence of the weapon and that
the employee was falsely accused.
Michelle was also able to show that it
was TIGTA who provided the agency
with false information. As a result, the
employee was exonerated of the proposed suspension. $$
ERS day shift employee contacted
NTEU after receiving an annual appraisal that was not indicative of her overall
performance. Research showed management lowered CJE V to a “3” from a “5”.
Chief Steward, Terrie Laney-Brown
filed a grievance based on the Article 12
violation and met with management prior
to the meeting to review the employee’s
rates (IPSR) and drop file. Terrie successfully pointed out that there was no
counseling informing the employee that
she was no longer performing at an outstanding level in CJE V. As a result,
management changed CJE V from a “3”
back to at “5”. $
ICO day shift employee contacted
NTEU after being denied 12 hours of
overtime. Research showed management
denied the 12 hours of offered overtime
due to her OWCP restrictions. Chief
Steward Terrie Laney-Brown filed a
grievance based on the Article 24 violation and was able to show the employee
had the skill to work the overtime. Terrie
also addressed in the grievance meeting
that the employee was able to do regular
work, 2 hours on and 2 hours off and the
same restrictions should have been applied during overtime hours. It was also
argued that the employee’s CA-17 did
not say that the employee could not work
any overtime. As a result, management
agreed to compensate the employee with
6 hours of overtime. $
DCO swing shift employee contacted
NTEU after receiving an annual appraisal that was not indicative of her performance. Research showed the employee
received a copy and paste evaluation for
several years in a row reflecting a 3.6
rating and that management has consistently failed to provide her with a mid
year. Swing Chief Steward Marcella
Gutierrez filed the grievance based on
the Article 12 violation and asked management to consider her current duties as
well as her self assessment. As a result,
several of her CJE’s were raised for an
overall rating of 4.2. $$
Code & Edit day shift employee contacted NTEU after receiving a letter
proposing a 5 day suspension. Research showed management proposed
the penalty based on alleged false and
misleading information and AWOL
charges. Day Shift Chief Steward,
Terrie Laney-Brown requested an
Oral Reply on behalf of the employee.
During the meeting, Terrie was able to
provide mitigating circumstances
showing the employee was experiencing several life events that affected her
judgment. After management heard
all the Douglas factors and considered
the mitigating circumstances, the decision was reduced down to a 1 day suspension. $
RCO swing shift employee contacted
NTEU after receiving a Letter of Admonishment for allegedly showing
unprofessional behavior towards a
manager of another unit. Research
showed there was no evidence in the
employee’s file to back up management’s accusations. Swing Shift Chief
Steward Marcella Gutierrez immediately filed the grievance based on the
Article 38 and IRM 6.751.1.16 violations and was able to show there were
no witness statements provided or
front line management involvement.
Marcella was also able to show the
manager lied in a matter of official
interest and had years of unprofessional behavior towards employees. As a
result, management agreed to remove
the letter entirely from the employee’s
RCO swing shift employee came to
NTEU after being denied her temporary promotion after performing higher
graded duties as requested by management. Research showed that the employee performed lead duties for a full
pay period without pay. Submission
Steward Monica Clark filed a grievance based on the article 13 violation.
As a result management agreed to
compensate the employee with 2
weeks back pay at the lead grade. $
Volume 1 Issue 35
Page 5
…..Submission Processing Continued
ERS day shift employee contacted NTEU
after receiving an annual appraisal that
was not indicative of her overall performance. Research showed the employee
submitted a self assessment and management did not consider it. Day Shift Chief
Steward, Terrie Laney-Brown filed the
grievance based on the Article 12 violation and went over the self assessment
successfully pointing out the work details
that were not considered in the narratives.
As a result, management agreed to raise
DCO swing shift employee contacted
NTEU after receiving a letter proposing to
remove her from the service due to the
agency’s assertion she willfully understated her federal tax liability. Swing Shift
Chief Steward Marcella Gutierrez filed
the oral reply on behalf of the employee
and found (during research) that she did
not willfully understate her taxes. Marcella addressed the Douglas Factors as well
as the mitigating circumstances and was
successful at getting the removal reduced
to a 14 day suspension. $$
ERS swing shift employee contacted
NTEU after receiving an annual appraisal
that was not indicative of his performance. Research showed management
lowered CJE 3 and 5 without counseling.
Submission steward Elena Crane met
with management prior to filing the grievance and showed how the Article 12 Section 4 was violated. As a result, the appraisal and release recall number was corrected. $
Entity/1040X swing shift employee contacted NTEU after being removed from
her lead duties. Research showed management pulled the employee from her
temp promote based on incomplete and
inaccurate information. Swing Chief
Steward Marcella Gutierrez filed the
grievance based on the Article 4,12,13,
and 16 violations and was able to show
how management continued to utilize her
for the higher graded duties. As a result,
management agreed to compensate her
with 4 pay periods of back pay at the lead
grade and step. $
DCO day shift employee contacted
NTEU after receiving an annual appraisal that was not indicative of her
overall performance. Day Shift Chief
Steward Terrie Laney-Brown filed a
grievance based on the Article 12 violations. Research showed the employee
did not receive counseling informing
her that she was no longer performing
at a fully successful level. Terrie informed management of the Article 12
Section 4L requirement and advised
them of the steps that should have been
taken when an employee falls below a
fully successful level. NTEU also discussed that the employee was given an
action plan but then furloughed which
prevented the employee the opportunity
to improve. As a result, management
agreed to roll over the employee's annual appraisal. $
ERS swing shift employees contacted
NTEU after learning they were not
called back to work in release/recall
order. Research showed that some seasonals were called back before others
who had lower r/r numbers. Submission steward Tiffannie Mays contacted
management regarding the Article 14
violation. As a result management
agreed to compensate the 8 employees
with 16 days of back pay. $$
DCO day shift employee contacted
NTEU after being furloughed under
false pretense. Research showed the
employee volunteered to furlough since
the furlough was to be one day only.
Upon arriving at work the next day, she
was informed that the furlough was no
longer voluntary but was changed to
mandatory for the remainder of the season. Day Shift Chief Steward Terrie
Laney-Brown immediately met with
management and informed them that
the front line manager never called the
employee to inform her of the change in
furlough and that they must pay her for
at least two hours due to FLSA laws.
As a result, management agreed to pay
the employee as well as all other affected employees two hours of administrative time. $
Entity/1040x swing shift employee
contacted NTEU after receiving a letter
proposing a 7 day suspension based on
managements assertion her state taxes
were not timely paid. Research showed
the employee had already made arrangements to pay and had mitigating
circumstances for paying late. Chapter
President Jason Sisk requested the oral
reply on behalf of the member and was
able to show there was no willful neglect on the employee’s part. As a result, the 7 day suspension was rescinded and replaced with a written counseling. $
1040x/Entity swing shift employee
contacted NTEU after receiving an annual appraisal that was not indicative of
her performance. Research showed
management did not consider valuable
information from her self assessment
and deliberately removed key verbiage
to keep her from exceeding in several
aspects. Swing Chief Steward Marcella
Gutierrez filed the grievance based on
the Article 12 violation and provided
examples of how management failed to
provide her a mid year and how it failed
to properly rate her. As a result, the
evaluation was revised from a 3.8 to a
4.4 overall rating. $$
ERS swing shift employee contacted
NTEU after being denied a TOD
change. Research showed that there
was an opening on dayshift. Submission Processing steward Tiffannie
Mays contacted management regarding
the Article 23 violation. As a result
management agreed to allow the employee to switch to dayshift.
RAIVS swing shift employee contacted
NTEU after being denied AWS based
on being less than fully successful. Research showed management failed to
issue a mid year and failed to give the
employee credit for improvement.
Swing Chief Steward Marcella
Gutierrez met with the DM and requested the mid year. As a result, the
mid year was issued reflecting fully
successful and AWS was offered.
Page 6
More Issues and Resolutions on Broadway
AUR swing shift employee contacted
NTEU after being charged with 440
hours of AWOL. Research showed the
employee requested a Leave of Absence
and an extended Leave of Absence due
to the passing of a family member.
Swing Shift Chief Steward Marcella
Gutierrez filed the grievance based on
the Article 32, 34, and 35 violations.
Marcella was able to show that management did not timely approve her request,
failed to issue a series of AWOL’s timely, and how management erroneously
forced the employee to go see a doctor
for a note. As a result, all 440 hours of
AWOL were removed and changed to
ACSS day shift employee contacted
NTEU after receiving a total of 533
hours of AWOL. Research showed the
employee provided medical notes as well
as CA-17’s to excuse him for months at
a time due to disability but management
deemed the notes unacceptable. Swing
Shift Chief Steward Marcella Gutierrez
filed the grievance based on the Article
27, 32, 34 and 41 violations and was
able to show the medical notes were
within the requirements of Article 34
and the per the Department of Labor
requirements, the employee should have
been approved for LWOP. As a result,
management agreed to remove all 533
hours of AWOL and replace with
Collections day shift employee contacted NTEU after being charged 160 hours
of unwarranted AWOL. Research
showed management immediately placed
the employee on a Sick Leave Restriction Letter based on AWOL being
charged to her for exceeding her FMLA
limit. Compliance Steward Monica
Gutierrez met with management and was
able to show that employee provided a
note to cover the days she was absent.
Monica also argued management’s violations of Article33, Article 34 and IRM
6.630.1.11. As a result, the Sick Leave
Restriction was removed from the file
and the AWOL was replaced with
Exam dayshift employee contacted
NTEU after receiving a letter proposing
removal from the service. Research
showed management alleged the employee committed UNAX. President
Jason Sisk immediately filed the oral
reply and provided information as well
as applying the Douglas Factors. As a
result, the proposed removal was mitigated down to a 15 day suspension
which allowed the employee to keep
their job. $$
ACSS day shift employee contacted
NTEU after being denied the opportunity
to work 4 hours of overtime. Compliance Steward Monica Gutierrez met
with management prior to filing the
grievance and was able to show the employee qualified to work the overtime as
outlined in Article 24. As a result, the
employee was able to make up the 4
hours the following pay period.
Exam day shift employee contacted
NTEU after learning he was bypassed
for a detail. Research showed there was
an opening in the MITS department
which would entitle those interested, a
new experience, another job series and
ultimately, more money. Chapter President Jason Sisk filed the grievance
based on the Article 13 and 16 violations
and was able to show the grievant’s
qualifications and how he was bypassed.
As a result, the grievant was assigned to
the MITS department for a 120 detail.
CSCO Mid-shift employee contacted
NTEU after receiving an evaluation that
was not indicative of her performance.
Research showed the employee was lowered from a 4.8 to a 4.6 without substantiation. Compliance Swing Shift Steward Leticia Saldana met with management informally to discuss the Article 12
violation and asked that a statement
found in the employee’s file be destroyed as it was not appropriate or substantiated. As a result, the evaluation of
4.6 was raised to a 4.8 and the statement
was removed informally. $
CSCO dayshift employee contacted
NTEU after receiving an annual appraisal that was not indicative of her
performance. Research showed management did not recognize the improvement made after the Mid-Year
Review and failed to timely issue a
Quarterly Review. Compliance Assistant Chief Steward Adelena Garza,
met with the DM informally based on
the Article 12 and IRM 6.430 violations. As a result, CJE 4B-Access and
Use and CJE 5C-Compliance Issues
and Contacts were raised to Exceeds.
ACS day shift employee contacted
NTEU after being denied LWOP and
charged 16 hours of unwarranted
AWOL. Research showed the employee was charged AWOL for the days
she was absent due to the frequency
and patterns of her absences. Compliance Steward Monica Gutierrez met
with management prior to filing the
grievance and was able to show the
absences were substantiated by doctor’s notes and that management was
in violation of IRM 6.630.1.11. As a
result, the AWOL was removed from
the file and replaced with LWOP.
ACS day shift employee contacted
NTEU after being denied her request
for Advanced Sick leave for her
FMLA condition. Research showed
the employee met the requirements
and qualifications outlined in Article
34. NTEU Steward Lori Bohanna
filed a grievance citing Article 33 and
34, 5CFR 630.1201, 5CFR630.1203,
5CFR630.1205, 5CFR630.1207 violations. As a result, the grievant was
granted 32 hours of Advanced FMLA
Sick leave. $
Page 7
Volume 1 Issue 35
Accounts Management –Still in Violation
AM day shift employee contacted NTEU
after receiving a letter proposing a 15 day
suspension. Research showed that management was charging the employee with falsifying medical documentation. AM steward
Liz Fina-Jump requested the oral reply on
behalf of the employee and was able to
show that the document was destroyed and
was reissued with a typo. Liz also presented
the Douglas Factors and information showing a 15 day suspension was not warranted.
As a result, management agreed to reduce
the suspension to 5 days. $
AM swing shift employee contacted NTEU
after being charged LWOP without requesting it. Research showed the employee was
involved in a car accident on the way to
work and called in to request leave. Upon
arrival, the employee requested 2 hours of
annual and informed his manager that the
additional .5 would be his lunch. Management charged him .5 of LWOP instead.
Swing Chief Steward Marcella Gutierrez
immediately contacted his front line manager and informed her she could not charge
him with LWOP without him requesting it
per his unit expectations. As a result, the
employee was not charged the LWOP.
AM day shift employees contacted NTEU
after being constantly harassed by their
front line manager. Research showed the
employees were frequently targeted, mistreated and disrespected. Day shift Assistant
Jack Miller immediately set up a meeting
with the Department Manager and Operations Manager to discuss the Article 5 violation. As a result, all 3 employees were
moved to new units.
Oakland walk-in site employee contacted
the Fresno Accounts Management office to
assist with a hardship transfer from Oakland
to Fresno. Research showed there was an
opening at that time, in which the employee
immediately submitted the paperwork. AM
steward Ilene Lee followed up with management to ensure they had all the required
paperwork and that the transfer went
through. As a result, the employee was offered a position in Fresno and will begin
training on Nov 13th. Article 15
AM day shift employee/steward contacted NTEU after being placed on an
unwarranted Sick Leave Restriction
Letter. Research showed the employee
had been harassed by her manager,
charged AWOL and immediately
placed on a Sick Leave Restriction Letter. Day shift Assistant Jack Miller
immediately contacted the Department
Manager to discuss the Article 32 and
34 violations and requested the employee be removed from the hostile work
environment her manager created. As a
result the DM agreed the AWOL and
SLRL was not warranted and agreed to
remove it. The employee was also
moved to a new unit.
AM day shift employee contacted
NTEU after receiving an annual appraisal that was not indicative of their
performance. Research showed the
manager issued narratives that did not
include accurate annual percentages or
the roll up reviews. Day Shift Steward
Ilene Lee met with the Department
Manager, presented the narratives issued by management, shared the data
that was not originally considered, discussed the Article 12 violation and
asked that the employee be given her
award. As a result, the narratives were
corrected and the annual appraisal was
raised from a 3.2 to a 4.6. $$
AM swing shift employee contacted
NTEU after being charged AWOL.
Research showed the employee was
charged AWOL for arriving 10 minutes
late and was denied his leave request
when following leave procedures. AM
Steward Catalina "
Kat"Florez filed the
grievance based on the Article 32, the
Customer Service Agreement, the Accounts Management Leave Policy and
IRM 6.630.1.3(4) violations. As a result, the AWOL was removed and
changed to a more appropriate leave.
Pictured above: Stephanie Uribe
(Left), Laura Shoffner
AM Swing shift employee Laura
Shoffner contacted NTEU after being denied a job swap to day shift.
Research showed the employee
clearly qualified for the job swap
and met all the requirements according to Article 15 Section 7. AM
Steward Stephanie Uribe filed a
grievance at the operations level and
successfully presented all the valid
points on the case. As a result, full
relief was granted and the employee
was able to move to days.
AM day shift contacted NTEU after
receiving an annual appraisal that
was not indicative of his performance. Research showed the employee was lowered in CJE 2 and
CJE 5 without counseling, in addition to not receiving his mid year
until a month before the end of his
rating period. AM Steward Shannyn King Sr. filed a grievance based
on the Article 12 violations. As a
result, the annual appraisal rating
was raised from a 4.2 to a 4.8. $$
National Treasury
Employees Union Chapter 97
4974 N. Fresno Street Ste 193
Fresno CA 93726
Phone: 559-454-6626
Fax: 559-251-4021
(after 5:00 pm - $20.00 VALUE)
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Private Party Admission w/All-You-Can-Eat Buffet
$41.99 per person OR
WWW. NTEU- 9 7 . ORG
Private Party Admission $29.99 per person
(Ticket valid all day: park opens at 10:30 am )
Enter Promo Code: NOV01
Are You Up To Date With Information That Impacts You?
In 2014 NTEU Chapter 97 started a campaign to ensure all Chapter 97 members
receive information as it happens. Aside
from the chapter’s local newsletter and
local website, Chapter 97 has added a
“members only” facebook page and a
“members only” email announcement
list. The goal is to ensure all members
receive news as it happens.
During Labor Recognition Week, NTEU
stewards actively spoke to members at
all campuses and encouraged them to
provide their home email address. This
would ensure that each enrolled member
would receive an electronic copy of the
newsletter and important information
with one click of a button.
Members can locate Chapter 97 on the
web by visiting www.
Have questions?
Getting them answered is easy!
Just click on “contact us” and an answer
will be provided in 24-48 hours.
The web page has direct links to the
NTEU National website and other important sites. Ticket prices and newsletters
can also be viewed on the local website.
To view the National Website, visit and register. Once registered, you will be able to read what is happening at a national level, view discounts
(including hotel and car rentals), send direct letters to your senators and congressmen, find information that impacts you as
a Federal employee and much more!
Are you fan of Facebook?
NTEU Chapter 97 has you
covered there as well. The page
is loaded with new discounts,
upcoming events, membership information, chapter pictures, videos, reminders, phone numbers, etc. Never miss out
on information again!
To locate chapter 97 look for us at
NTEU Chapter 97 and add us today!
Members who have not yet provided a
home email address, are encouraged
to send them to
All members who send to this email
address, will receive a confirmation.
With the recent switch to Cisco IP
Phones, most union offices have
changed phone numbers.
To contact Accounts Management in
Room 601, please call 488-7709.
To contact the Compliance Building
in Room 134, please call 459-6697.
The Butler steward office phone number has not changed.
The stewards can
still be reached