Document 6609985


Document 6609985
PO Box 749
Office open Mon – Fri (9.00 am - 12.30 pm)
Our Aim: “To know Christ and to make Him known”
Phone: (02) 6772 2269
Fax: (02) 6772 0188
Sunday, 23rd November, 2014
Sunday Next Before Advent/
Christ the King/Ordinary Sunday 34
‘From Behind Closed Doors: Going to the Father’
1 John 1: 1 – 10 (pg 989 ‒ NRSV) John 14: 1 – 14 (pg 877 ‒ NRSV)
7.30 am Cathedral – Holy Communion – Preach: Bishop Rick Lewers
Lead: Rev Simon Reeve
9.30 am Cathedral – Holy Communion – Preach: Bishop Rick Lewers
(with Crèche & Kidschurch) Lead: John Hansen
1 John 1: 1 – 10 (pg 862 ‒ NIV) John 14: 1 – 14 (pg 763 ‒ NIV)
6.00 pm Parish Centre – Evening Service – Preach: Bishop Rick Lewers
Lead: Aidan Williams
8.00 am St Mary’s, West Armidale – Holy Communion – Rev Graham Farley
10.00 am All Saints’, Thalgarrah – Rev Graham Farley
~ Message
from The Bishop ~
Welcome to church this Sunday. Let me assure you of my prayers. If you
are a regular at church please keep your eye out for visitors and make
them welcome. If you are a visitor I look forward to meeting you.
In your prayers please pray for one another that we would know the love
of God in Christ and put our trust in Him more fully.
Consider this:
What makes a person so proud they can never say sorry?
What makes a person so arrogant that they never see the need to say thank
What makes a person so egotistical that they can boast openly of their
What makes a person so superior in attitude that others are belittled in
their presence?
What makes a person so powerful they can never admit their weaknesses?
What blinding darkness overcomes a person such that they can never see
their true self?
Pride, arrogance, egotism, superiority, and blindness are life destroyers.
The very things we sometimes cherish become the very things that destroy
The answer is to recognise who you are before a holy God. Knowing God
and knowing your sinfulness and need brings humility, teaches us a
gracious courtesy, makes us self-effacing, offers a correct sense of our own
inferiority, and leads to an acknowledgement that we are not the centre of
the universe, helping us to have regard for service and the vision to see
human need for the grace of God that only Jesus Christ can give.
And what does the grace of Christ bring?
Rick Lewers
Notices & Requests ~
Courthouse Coffee: Monday, 24th November – David & Janet Hobbs
Monday Manna:
ALL Bible Study Leaders to meet on
Monday, 24th November from 5.30 – 6.30 pm in MR1.
Armidale Young Life deputation: this week we are pleased to
welcome Young Life to all of our Cathedral services.
The Grounds Roster teams need more helpers. If you are fit, and able to
help with mowing and trimming once a month, please contact Pamela in
the Office on 6772 2269 or via email: A
very regular roster is maintained, so you know well in advance when
your commitment falls due. It is a wonderful act of service to the Lord.
Effective Parenting Seminar: This is an open invitation to all parents.
Come along and be inspired and encouraged, discuss practical parenting
tips and share in the fellowship. This seminar will equip parents, give
insightful ideas, help build strong foundation and provide tips on how to deal
with the challenges that children face today. Date: Tuesday 25th November;
Time: 7:30pm; Location: Newling Primary School Hall. Contact: Les Moreman
0428 111 985.
YOUTH SURGE, for all school-age youth, will be held on Friday,
28th November at the Dorothy Knox Centre, PLC at 7.00 pm. Contact
Rev Simon Reeve or Rev Jonathan Peart for more information.
Commemorative Public Lecture in Honour of the late Bryan Pape: A public
lecture will be presented by Professor George Williams AO, University of New
South Wales – ‘Bryan Pape and his Legacy to the Law’. This lecture will be held
at 12 noon on Tuesday, 25th November, 2014 in LT1 - JP Belshaw Lecture
Theatre, EBL - Economics, Business and Law Building, Wing 40 (W040), The
Short Run, off Trevenna Road, UNE. For more information, contact Belinda
Eastgate on 02 6773 2091.
The St Peter’s Garden Committee
would like say
thank you to all the
Bus Drivers
Stall Holders
Young Life and Youth Group Members
International Students
Gate Sitters
All those who volunteered their assistance by baking,
sandwich making or in any other way;
All these people helped to make the St Peter’s Garden Weekend
a wonderful success.
We give thanks to you all and to our Great God
for His provision of good weather and wonderful helpers.
~ Summary of Important Events ~
(please put them in your diary and pray for them)
Monday, 24 November
5.30 – 6.30 pm: All Bible Study Leaders to meet in MR1.
12 noon: Commemorative Public Lecture in Honour of the late
Tuesday, 25th November
Bryan Pape – see notice above.
Friday, 28th November
Sunday, 30th November
Sunday, 7th December
Sunday, 14th December
Monday, 26th January
Saturday, 21st February
7.00 pm: Youth Surge – PLC.
9.30 am: HMAS Armidale Service.
5.00 pm: Advent Evensong.
6.00 pm: Carol Service.
Australia Day Service – Parish Centre.
Ordination Service.
St Peter’s Offerings by Internet Banking
Direct Credit Banking Details
Church Offering
Westpac Bank Armidale
Westpac Bank Armidale
BSB: 032 607
BSB: 032 607
Account: 810 284
Account: 810 145
Account Name: St Peter’s General A/c Account Name: St Peter’s Mission A/c
Electronic transfers are most welcome. Please note on transfer “Offertory”
or other description, and with Missions, the Mission supported.
St Mary’s News ~
Today (Christ the King) during the 8.00 am service there will be a short
service of dedication for all involved in various ministries at St Mary’s.
Afterwards, light refreshments will be served to mark the end of the present
Church year and to welcome in the new Church year.
There will be a Quiet Morning at St Mary’s next Saturday (29 th November) in
preparation for Advent. Dr Mark Shepheard will conduct the Quiet Morning
which will commence with Morning Prayer at 9.45 am. Please see insert for
the full programme.
Next Sunday (30th November – Advent Sunday) the age-old custom of the
Advent Wreath and Candles will commence with the lighting of the first
candle – the Candle of Hope.
St Mary’s Summer Taizé Service will be held at 5.00 pm next Sunday. All
Next Sunday, too, St Mary’s Christmas Tree will be set up in the entrance
waiting to be decorated by members of the congregation using tinsel and
baubles in nearby boxes. Also, members of the congregation are asked to
bring gifts to place round the tree. These will be given to K-Mart’s Wishing
Tree on Monday, 22nd December. K-Mart’s Wishing Tree gift-tags will be
available so you can indicate the age-group.
The Australian Anglican Church Calendar is still on sale at St Mary’s at $12.
Please ring Gwenda Shannon on 6772 6437 if you would like one kept for
Mission News ~
ABM Christmas cards are available at the Parish Office (week mornings
only) and at St Mary’s on Sundays after the 8.00 am Service. There are two
designs in packets of ten and sell for $10 per packet.
In the Sunday Sign, you will find one of ABM’s 2014 Advent and Christmas
Appeal envelopes. Please prayerfully consider giving a little extra to ABM to
support its Christian Education program for children in Kenya to help them
discover the essentials of faith and facilitate their own self-discovery. The
envelopes can then be placed on the collection plate on any Sunday leading
up to Christmas.
Prayers ~
“Worthy is the Lamb who was slain
to receive power and wealth and wisdom
and might and honour and glory and blessing.
To him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. (Revelation 5: 12; 1: 6)
Christ the King
God our Father, whose will is to bring all things to order and unity in our Lord Jesus
Christ; grant that the peoples of the world, now divided and torn apart by sin, may be
brought together in his kingdom of love; through Jesus Christ our Lord.. Amen.
Thank God for the Good News of God’s grace in the Lord Jesus.
Praise Him that He has become “righteousness” for all who believe.
Pray for Christ’s people in Iraq and Syria, as well as all those who are
under threat from the terrorist group, IS. Pray that God may uphold
and strengthen them as they hold firm to the gospel of our Lord
during the difficult time.
Continue to pray for Lyn Ryan, Isaac Bioletti, and Samuel Bioletti as
they confirm the Baptismal promises made on their behalf as
children. May God continue to grow them in their knowledge and
love for Jesus Christ our Saviour.
Continue to pray for our Parish nominators as they select a new
Dean for the Cathedral.
Pray for members and friends of our parish serving God elsewhere:
 Secure Workers with CMS
 Malcolm and Charissa Forrest (CMS in Amman)
 David and Alisan Greeff (CMS in Namibia)
 Keith and Mary Lou Doe (CMS in Nepal)
 Gillian Law (CMS in Italy)
 Nick and Caroline Stone (Curacy in Inverell, January 2015)
 Glen and Annette Simpkins (Scripture Union in the Northern Territory)
 Carissa Hutchinson (India) (
 Brent and Elizabeth Weightman (Bingara)
 Peter Curtis (Chaplain, Gunnedah High School)
 Chris Campbell (in training at SMBC)
Please pray for those who are ill and those who care for them:
Kylie Alcorn
Lola Baker
Betty Chiswell
Helen Dangar
Dick Franklin
Joyce Gow
Allan Hatte
Enid Isaacs
Annie Lamble
Ann Munday
John Sinden
Creena Waters
Stan Williams
Please pray for those who are grieving, remembering especially the family
and friends of:
Don Roberts
Katie Mitchell
Lola Taylor
Cal Birtles
Kevin Creagan
Jean Stewart
Priscilla Mamer’s brother
Jean Peatfield
Mona Ward
Allan Edmunds
Reynold Mullen
Ann Lemcke
Bruce Goldsmith
Neil Lomas
Peter Chiswell
Betty Jenkins
Barbara (Babs) Field
Bryan Pape
Karen Bannon
Dal Fayle
June Jackson
Edgar Bradley
(It is our custom to keep names in this section for a year following their deaths, unless otherwise requested by family members.)
Wed 26th Nov
10.00 am – Cathedral – Holy Communion & Mission Intercessions – Rev Simon Reeve
11.00 am – Wollemi – Rev Simon Reeve
Sat 29th Nov
9.45 am – St Mary’s, WA – Quiet Morning
Sun 30th Nov Advent Sunday (V) – ‘From Behind Closed Doors: Great Bequests’
7.30 am – Cathedral – Holy Communion – Bishop Rick Lewers
8.00 am – St Mary’s, WA – Holy Communion – Rev Charles Hebblewhite
9.30 am – Cathedral – Morning Prayer – Bishop Rick Lewers
5.00 pm – St Mary’s – Summer Taizé Service
6.00 pm – Parish Centre – Evening Service – Bishop Rick Lewers
BIBLE READINGS for the Cathedral – Sunday, 30th November, 2014.
Morning Services:
1 John 2
John 14: 15 – 31
7.30 am
F Newling
P Hutchinson
9.30 am
J Hansen
M Kigotho
Evening Service: 6.00 pm
Rev J Peart
D Brunckhorst
Grounds Roster for w/e 29th Nov: A Harper, W Towner.
All notices for the SUNDAY SIGN (in writing or via e-mail) to be in the Parish Office
no later than 12.30 pm, Tuesday. Thank you.
that each week the Sunday Sign is placed on St Peter’s website
( on Thursday afternoon; and that last
week’s Sunday Sign is also there, under “Notices”.
APOLOGIES (again): Our main phone line has been disconnected for most of the
past 2 weeks. A temporary solution has been found, for the time being. However,
if your phone won’t ring through to ours, and you have an urgent need for a
minister, please contact Rev Simon Reeve on 6772 8783 or Rev Jonathan Peart on
6772 5521.