STUDENT/RESEARCHER/STAFF AGREEMENT INternational Fellowship IN transdisciplinarITY INFINITY is supported by the Erasmus Mundus programme of the European Union (fill out by hand) The Sending HEI (for Target Group I) Name: Address: Contact person: The Student/Researcher/Staff Name of the student: Subject area: Academic year: Degree: The Host HEI Name: Address: Contact person: of the one part, of the other part, of the third part Planned mobility dates: from …./…../……./ until /..../...../……./, that is a total of …….. months HEREBY AGREE to the terms and conditions set forth below for the student/staff type of mobility: Chapter I: STUDENT EXCHANGE - TERMS AND CONDITIONS: §1. THE SENDING HEI UNDERTAKES TO: 1.1 Negotiate and conclude with the student and the Host HEI a Learning Agreement (programme of study abroad) containing the study programme that the student is intended to perform abroad, taking into account the knowledge, skills and competencies to be acquired during the exchange. 1.2 Support the student’s preparation for the academic and cultural life of the host country, in particular through language training. 1.3 Provide logistical support to the student concerning travel arrangements, visa, accommodation, residence permits and insurance. 1.4 Monitor the progress of the student during the exchange period and take appropriate measures if necessary. 1.5 Give full recognition to the student according to the Learning Agreement and the Transcript of Records sent by the Host HEI, once the exchange period is finished. 1.6 Evaluate with each student the personal and academic development achieved through his/her participation in the INFINITY project. §2. THE HOST HEI UNDERTAKES TO: 2.1 Negotiate and conclude with the student and the Sending HEI a Learning Agreement (programme of study abroad) containing the study programme that the student is intended to perform abroad, taking into account the knowledge, skills and competencies to be acquired during the exchange. This Learning Agreement could be changed by a new convention between the same parties. 2.2 Give assistance and support to the student regarding all the administrative proceedings related to the mobility. Besides, it will give all the necessary information to the student about accommodation possibilities in and out of the campuses, residence permits, bank account opening procedures, and sports, cultural and social events at the university. 2.3 Give the student all the academic information concerning the structure and organization of its study programmes, academic calendar, courses’ outline and evaluation procedures. 2.4 Assign a tutor to the student, in order to help him/her to get integrated in the host environment, to give him academic advice and to monitor their study/research progress. Should the student have any kind of difficulty, either academic, logistic or administrative, the tutor will give proper support to the student. 2.5 Monitor the progress of the student during the exchange period and take appropriate measures if necessary. 2.6 Send a transcript of records (only-exchange students) or a diploma supplement (exchange students seeking for a degree) to the Sending HEI and to the Coordination Office using the form approved by the INFINITY project, with all the credits and grades achieved by the student during the exchange period. These documents must be accompanied with a report describing the student’s work during the mobility period. 2.7 Never to request to the student any tuition fees, insurance costs or any other taxes or expenses made because of the mobility. 2.8 Should the student be seeking to be awarded with a master or doctorate degree by the Host HEI, he/she will be given the same administrative and academic treatment that is given to HEI’s regular students enrolled in the same degree, except for the payment of the tuition fees, insurance expenses and any other taxes derived from the degree administrative management. §3. STUDENT’S RIGHTS AND DUTIES: 3.1 Student’s duties: 3.1.1 Comply with the Learning Agreement negotiated for his/her mobility. Attend lectures, courses, tutorials, exams and other assessments, and any other activities that form part of the programme, except in case of absence for genuine medical reasons, agreed absences or other exceptional circumstances. Students who have to interrupt their studies for a certain period of time, due to justifiable reasons of health, pregnancy or family matters, must give the coordinator due notification. 3.1.2 Give complete information to the Home and Host Institutions about any problem or changes regarding his/her Learning Agreement (LA). Changes in the LA can only be made by a new agreement between the same parties that signed the original LA. The LA can only be changed within a month since the student arrives at the Host HEI except for special circumstances duly justified. 3.1.3 Comply with the all the rules and regulations of the Host HEI, academic and non academic. Besides the student must act with academic integrity, and not to engage in any cheating or irregularities of a similar character, for example copying, acts of plagiarism, using unfair means, acting dishonestly in any assessments, and using prohibited materials in examinations. 3.1.4 Return to the Sending HEI after the end of the mobility period. 3.1.5 Submit to the Host HEI and Home HEI following information: - Boarding passes of the travel tickets for the mobility; - Mobility report, as well as any other required supporting documents at the end of the stay. 3.1.6 Indicate in any scholarly paper, report or any other academic work, produced during the exchange period and aimed to be published that it is: "funded by INFINITY project in the framework of the EU Erasmus Mundus Action 2" (using these exact words). 3.2 Student’s rights: 3.2.1 Right to be provided by the Coordinating Office with a e-ticket to travel from the Home HEI to the Host HEI before the student’s departure from the home country. 3.2.2 Right to be covered with health care and civil liability insurance during the whole mobility period. This insurance must cover the student’s repatriation costs as well. Nevertheless, it is the student’s responsibility to look for and conclude the proper insurance contract/s to cover him/her during the whole mobility period, as well as to get this insurance extended if necessary. 3.2.3 Right to be paid the subsistence allowances established in the MoU of the INFINITY project. The student will be paid two months in advance upon his/her arrival at the International Office of the Host HEI. From the third month to the end of the stay the student will be paid on a monthly basis, within the first ten days of each month. 3.2.4 Right to receive from the Host and the Sending HEIs all the services, information and support established in the first two Titles of this Chapter. 3.3 Breach of student’s duties: 3.3.1 The student could be excluded from the Host Institution and the INFINITY project: a) If he/she is subject of disciplinary actions leading to his/her exclusion, according to the internal Host HEI rules and regulations. b) If his/her activities are subject to legal prosecutions that prevent him/her from attending the study programme. c) If the student drops out of the Host HEI voluntarily, before the ending of the study period. d) If the student does not comply gravely with any other Host HEI or INFINITY project rules. 3.3.2 Since the student gets expelled from the INFINITY project, he will not be paid any more subsistence allowances. Besides, the student will not be provided with the travel ticket to return to his/her home country, and could be obliged to reimburse the excess funding allocated to pay for his/her whole mobility period (tuition fees, insurance costs, etc.). 3.3.3 The remainder of the grant allocated to that student will be offered to a new applicant. Should no new applicant is enrolled as a replacement, the funds will be reimbursed to the Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) of the Commission of the European Communities. Chapter II: ACADEMIC STAYS OF STUDENT BELONGING TO TARGET GROUP II – TERMS AND CONDITIONS: §1. THE HOST HEI UNDERTAKES TO: 1.1. Give assistance and support to the student regarding all the administrative proceedings related to the mobility. Besides, it will give all the necessary information to the student about accommodation possibilities in and out of the campuses, residence permits, bank account opening procedures, and sports, cultural and social events at the university. 1.2. Give the student all the academic information concerning the structure and organization of its study programmes, academic calendar, courses’ outline and evaluation procedures. 1.3. Assign a tutor to the student, in order to help him/her to get integrated in the host environment, to give him academic advice and to monitor their study/research progress. Should the student have any kind of difficulty, either academic, logistic or administrative, the tutor will give proper support to the student. 1.4. Monitor the progress of the student during the exchange period and take appropriate measures if necessary. 1.5. Award the corresponding official diploma to the student in case he/she passes successfully all the subjects and academic activities established in the master/doctorate degree programme, as any other student of the Host HEI. Moreover, and even if the student fails to achieve the intended degree, he/she will be provided with a transcript of records, using the form approved by the INFINITY project, with all the credits and grades achieved by the student during the stay in the Host HEI. 1.6. Never to request to the student any tuition fees, insurance costs or any other taxes or expenses made because of the mobility. §2. STUDENT’S RIGHTS AND DUTIES: 2.2 Student’s duties: 2.2.1 Attend all the lectures, courses, tutorials, exams and other assessments, and any other activities that form part of the Master/Doctorate degree study programme, except in case of absence for genuine medical reasons, agreed absences or other exceptional circumstances. Students who have to interrupt their studies for a certain period of time, due to justifiable reasons of health, pregnancy or family matters, must give the coordinator due notification. 2.2.2 Comply with the all the rules and regulations of the Host HEI, academic and non academic. Besides the student must act with academic integrity, and not to engage in any cheating or irregularities of a similar character, for example copying, acts of plagiarism, using unfair means, acting dishonestly in any assessments, and using prohibited materials in examinations. 2.2.3 Return to his/her home country after the end of the mobility period. 2.2.4 Submit to the Host HEI following information: - Mobility report, as well as any other required supporting documents at the end of the stay. - Boarding passes of the travel tickets for the mobility; 2.2.5 Indicate in any scholarly paper, report or any other academic work, produced during the study period abroad and aimed to be published that it is: "funded by INFINITY project in the framework of the EU Erasmus Mundus Action 2" (using these exact words). 2.3 Student’s rights: 2.3.1 Right to be provided by the Coordinating Office with a e-ticket to travel from the Home country to the Host HEI before the student’s departure. 2.3.2 Right to be covered with health care and civil liability insurance during the whole mobility period. This insurance must cover the student’s repatriation costs as well. Nevertheless, it is the student’s responsibility to look for and conclude the proper insurance contract/s to cover him/her during the whole mobility period, as well as to get this insurance extended if necessary. 2.3.3 Right to be paid the subsistence allowances established in the MoU of the INFINITY project. The student will be paid two months in advance upon his/her arrival at the International Office of the Host HEI. From the third month to the end of the stay the student will be paid on a monthly basis, within the first ten days of each month. 2.3.4 Right to receive from the Host HEI all the services, information and support established in the first Title of this Chapter. 2.4 Breach of student’s duties: 2.4.1 The student could be excluded from the Host Institution and the INFINITY project: a) If he/she is subject of disciplinary actions leading to his/her exclusion, according to the internal Host HEI rules and regulations. b) If his/her activities are subject to legal prosecutions that prevent him/her from attending the study programme. c) If the student drops out of the Host HEI voluntarily, before the ending of the study period. d) If the student does not comply gravely with any other Host HEI or INFINITY project rules. 2.4.2 Since the student gets expelled from the INFINITY project, he will not be paid any more subsistence allowances. Besides, the student will not be provided with the travel ticket to return to his/her home country, and could be obliged to reimburse the excess funding allocated to pay for his/her whole mobility period (tuition fees, insurance costs, etc.). 2.4.3 The remainder of the grant allocated to that student will be offered to a new applicant. Should no new applicant is enrolled as a replacement, the funds will be reimbursed to the Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) of the Commission of the European Communities. Chapter III: STAFF/RESEARCHER MOBILITY – TERMS AND CONDITIONS: §1. THE SENDING HEI UNDERTAKE TO: 1.1 Negotiate a Research/Teaching/Training agreement with the researcher/staff member and the Host HEI, according to the pre-admission document approved during the application procedure. 1.2 Allow the researcher/staff member to travel to and stay at the Host HEI during the period agreed for mobility in the Research/Teaching/Training Agreement. 1.3 Exonerate the Host Institution from any civil liability for damages suffered by him or his researcher/staff as a result of this agreement’s performance, provided such damages are not the result of serious and deliberate misconduct on the part of the other party or his researcher/staff. 1.4 Evaluate with the researcher/staff member, at the end of mobility, the possible academic and/or research consequences of the mobility, trying to find possible ways for cooperation between the partner HEIs that go beyond the INFINITY project. §2. THE HOST HEI UNDERTAKES TO: 2.1 Negotiate a Research/Teaching/Training agreement with the researcher/staff member and the Sending HEI, according to the pre-admission document approved during the application procedure. 2.2 Give the researcher/staff member the necessary assistance and support to develop and perform the Research/Teaching/Training agreement, including a place to work at the Host Institution, and access to the university general services available to the Host HEI own staff. 2.3 Give assistance and support to the researcher/staff member regarding all the administrative proceedings related to the mobility. Besides, the researcher/staff member will be given all the necessary information about accommodation possibilities in and out of the campuses, residence permits, bank account opening procedures, and sports, cultural and social events at the university. 2.4 Award the researcher/staff member proper certification of the research/teaching/training activities developed during the stay. 2.5 Study with the visiting researcher/staff member possible ways for cooperation between the partner HEIs that go beyond the INFINITY project. 2.6 Never to request any fees, insurance costs or any other taxes or expenses made because of the mobility. §3. VISITOR’S RIGHTS AND DUTIES: 3.1 Researcher/Staff member’s duties: 3.1.1 Comply with the Research/Teaching/Training Agreement negotiated for his/her mobility, according to the highest standard of professional quality. 3.1.2 Give complete information to the Home and Host Institutions about any problem or changes regarding his/her Agreement. 3.1.3 Comply with the all the rules and regulations of the Host HEI, academic and non academic. 3.1.4 Return to the Sending HEI after the end of the mobility period. 3.1.5 Submit to the Host HEI following information: - Mobility report, as well as any other required supporting documents at the end of the stay; - Boarding passes of the travel tickets for the mobility. 3.1.6 Indicate in any scholarly paper, report or any other academic work, produced during the exchange period and aimed to be published that it is: "funded by INFINITY project in the framework of the EU Erasmus Mundus Action 2" (using these exact words). 3.2 Research/Staff member’s rights: 3.2.1 Right to be provided by the Coordinating Office with a e-ticket to travel from the Home to the Host HEI before his/her departure from the home country. 3.2.2 Right to be covered with health care and civil liability insurance during the whole mobility period. This insurance must cover repatriation costs as well. Nevertheless, it is the researcher/staff member’s responsibility to look for and conclude the proper insurance contract/s to cover him/her during the whole mobility period, as well as to get this insurance extended if necessary. 3.2.3 Right to be paid the subsistence allowances established in the MoU of the INFINITY project. The researcher/staff member will be paid on a monthly basis, within the first ten days of each month. 3.2.4 Right to receive from the Host and the Sending HEIs all the services, information and support established in the first two Titles of this Chapter. 3.3 Breach of visitor’s duties: 3.3.1 The researcher/staff could be excluded from the Host Institution and the INFINITY project: a) If he/she is subject of disciplinary actions leading to his/her exclusion, according to the internal Host HEI rules and regulations. b) If his/her activities are subject to legal prosecutions that prevent him/her from performing the Research/Teaching/Training agreement. c) If the staff member leaves the Host HEI voluntarily, before the ending of mobility. d) If the staff member does not comply gravely with any other Host HEI or INFINITY project rules. 3.3.2 Since the researcher/staff member gets expelled from the INFINITY project, he will not be paid any more subsistence allowances. Besides, he/she will not be provided with the travel ticket to return to his/her home country, and could be obliged to reimburse the excess funding allocated to pay for his/her whole mobility period (insurance costs, etc.). 3.3.3 The remainder of the grant allocated to that researcher/staff member will be offered to a new applicant. Should no new applicant is enrolled as a replacement, the funds will be reimbursed to the Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) of the Commission of the European Communities. The Sending HEI: Please, fill out the following form only if this contract is related to a student mobility exchange: The mobility is part of the curricula: Yes No Yes No On satisfactory completion of the learning programme the institution will • Award ECTS credits: Pleased indicate number of ECTS credits: ………… • Record the study period in the student's Transcript of Records: Yes No • In addition , the mobility period will be documented in the Europass Mobility Document: Yes No All the parties hereby signing this document declare to have taken note of and accepted the terms and conditions set out in the present contract, applicable to the specific mobility involved. Any amendment or supplement to the contract shall be done in writing. The Student/Researcher/Staff member: The Sending HEI: The Host HEI: Signature: Coordinator’s name and function: Coordinator’s name and function: Date: Coordinator’s signature: Coordinator’s signature: Date: Date: Stamp: Stamp: