13 International Berlin Open Kyorugi / Sparring
13 International Berlin Open Kyorugi / Sparring
th 13 International Berlin Open Kyorugi / Sparring Saturday - 9th May 2015 DTU Ranking Tournament With Daedo electronic body protectors Promoter: Organizer: Tournament manager: Judge coordinators: Contact Telephone: Berliner Taekwondo Verband ASV Berlin, Abt. Taekwondo Gültekin Özcifci, President of BTV Thekla Oetjens-Breitenfeld +49 176 31 6106 50 Participation requirement: Members of DTU, ETU, WTF with valid membership or identification cards. Written consent of the parent or the legal guardian is required for the minor contestants. th Schedule: Venue: Erika Hess Eisstadion Müllerstraße 185 13353 BERLIN Categories: Group 1 (LK1): From 4th Kup (Ranking Championship in Germany) Maximum 400 Participants are accepted in Group 1 (LK1) Group 2 (LK2): 8th – 5th Kup Maximum 250 Participants are accepted in Group 2 (LK2) Age Categories: The age category is determined by the year of birth (NOT the date of birth): Seniors: 18 years and over (1997 and before) Juniors A: born 1998 – 2000 (15-17 years) Juniors B: born 2001 – 2003 (12-14 years) Juniors C: born 2004 – 2006 (09-11 years) Juniors D: born 2007 – 2008 (07-08 years) Weight Categories: Senior Male: Senior Female: Junior A Male: Junior B Male: Junior A Female: Junior B Female: Junior C m/f: Junior D m/f: Friday, 08 of May 2015 16:00 – 20:30 Registration & Weigh-in -54, -58, -63, -68, -74, -80, -87, +87kg -46, -49, -53, -57, -62, -67, -73, +73 kg -45, -48, -51, -55, -59, -63, -68, -73, -78, +78 kg -33, -37, -41, -45, -49, -53, -57, -61, -65, +65 kg -42, -44, -46, -49, -52, -55, -59, -63, -68, +68 kg -29, -33, -37, -41, -44, -47, -51, -55, -59, +59 kg -27, -29, -32, -35, -39, -43, -47, -52, -57, +57 kg -22, -24, -26, -29, -32, -35, -38, -41, -45, +45 kg Fighting time: According to DTU / EU / WTF Rules (Alterations reserved without notice) Competition rules: All athletes must bring their own full equipment acc. to DTU/WTF competition rules. Daedo electronic body protectors and Adidas body protectors will be provided by the OC. All athletes must bring their own Daedo sensor socks. The sensor socks will also be for sale at the Sport Hall. Single elimination tournament / KO - System Group 1 & 2 /LK1 & LK2 (except Junior C&D) with Daedo electronic body Protectors Junior C&D for both Group 1&2 (LK1 & LK2): all athletes of these categories must bring their own full equipment including body protectors (NOT PSS). th Saturday, 9 of May 2015 07:30 Doors Open 09:00 - Start of the competitions Registration fee: Group 1 (LK1): € 40.00 (Euro) & Group 2 (LK2): € 35.00 for each contestant Bank account: Participation fees must be paid on the following account in advance. To the registration a copy of the transfer has to be attached. Registrations without evidence of the transfer are considered as not delivered. If a participant does not start, the start fee will expire. Bank: Postbank Berlin Account number: IBAN: BIC: Recipient: ASV Berlin DE67100100100480060106 PBNKDEFF An administration fee of € 15 will be charged for all th modifications after the stated deadline (until Friday, 8 of May 2015, 8:30 p. m.). This must be paid in cash at the registration. st Deadline: 1 of May 2015 th (Registrations after the stated deadline until 8 of May are accepted with double entry fee). Registration address: Online Registration at: www.tpss.eu Protest fee: st € 100.00 (Euro) nd rd Awards: 1 , 2 , 3 Place st th 1 – 5 Place Medals in each category Overall team trophies (Team Ranking) Scoring: Places 1-3 will be scored for classification of clubs and countries. The formula 6-3-1 will be used. Liability: All competitors participate at their own risk. With the registration each contestant or her /his guardian agrees explicitly to the exclusion of liability. Promoter and organizer do not accept responsibility for any damage to persons or property! Contact person: Mr. Gültekin Özcifci Antonienstraße 21, 13403 Berlin Mobile: 0049 - 176 31 61 06 50 Fax: 0049 - 030 60950789 Email: berlinopen@gmx.de th 13 International Berlin Open Kyorugi / Sparring Saturday - 9th May 2015 DTU Ranking Tournament With Daedo electronic body protectors Einverständniserklärung eines Erziehungsberechtigten für minderjährige Teilnehmer Mein vollständiger Name lautet ____________________________, ich wohne in ____________________ Ich bin Erziehungsberechtigter von __________________________, wohnhaft in : ___________________ Ich erkläre mich hiermit einverstanden, dass __________________________________________________________ an der Berlin Open Meisterschaften 09.05.2015 in Berlin als Wettkämpfer/in teilnimmt. Mir sind die Wettkampfbedingungen nach dem Regelwerk der DTU bekannt. Mir ist die Ausschreibung für diese Meisterschaft in allen Punkten bekannt. Ich erkenne alle Punkte der Ausschreibung ausdrücklich an. Insbesondere erkenne ich den Haftungsausschluss des Veranstalters und des Ausrichters uneingeschränkt an. _____________________ Ort - Datum ______________________________________________ Unterschrift des Erziehungsberechtigten ...................................................................................... .......................... ............................................... Einverständniserklärung eines Erziehungsberechtigten für minderjährige Teilnehmer Mein vollständiger Name lautet ____________________________, ich wohne in ____________________ Ich bin Erziehungsberechtigter von __________________________, wohnhaft in : ___________________ Ich erkläre mich hiermit einverstanden, dass __________________________________________________________ an der Berlin Open Meisterschaften 09.05.2015 in Berlin als Wettkämpfer/in teilnimmt. Mir sind die Wettkampfbedingungen nach dem Regelwerk der DTU bekannt. Mir ist die Ausschreibung für diese Meisterschaft in allen Punkten bekannt. Ich erkenne alle Punkte der Ausschreibung ausdrücklich an. Insbesondere erkenne ich den Haftungsausschluss des Veranstalters und des Ausrichters uneingeschränkt an. _____________________ Ort - Datum ______________________________________________ Unterschrift des Erziehungsberechtigten