COCir eHeAltH summit Brussels 18


COCir eHeAltH summit Brussels 18
O n s i t e
G u i d e
First Annual
COCIR eHealth Summit Brussels
18-19 November 2014
Diamant Conference & Business Centre
How eHealth Can Drive Clinical and Financial Outcomes COCIR
European Coordination Committee of the Radiological, Electromedical and Healthcare IT Industry
Welcome to Brussels
General and Practical Information
Programme at a Glance
Pre-Summit Workshop
eHealth Summit
Floor Plans
COCIR Would Like to Thank
General and Practical Information
Top Places to Visit in Brussels
Coffee and Lunch Breaks
Coffee will be available in the Newton AB meeting If you are in Brussels for one or two days, the city
offers a selection of the 10 most visited monuments,
room on Tuesday.
museums and attractions in the capital of Europe. For
Coffee and lunch will be available in the Edison &
more information, please visit:
Marconi rooms on Wednesday.
WIFI Internet Access
Erected in 1928 by the architect and master of
Complimentary WIFI is available throughout the
Art Nouveau, Victor Horta, it is a centre of cultural
Diamant Brussels Conference and Business Centre
and artistic life.
for all delegates.
2. Atomium
Details for internet access are displayed in the
The Atomium is today the most popular attraction
meeting rooms.
in the Capital of Europe.
If you experience any problems, please seek help
3.Magritte Museum
with the Diamant reception staff at the building
This museum stands right in the centre of
Brussels, on Place Royale, and exhibits for public
Speaker Presentations
viewing the surrealist artist’s creations belonging
Speaker Presentations will be available at
to Belgium’s Royal Museums of Fine Arts.
4.Natural Sciences Museum
Please note some presentations may not be posted
No visitor can ignore the museum’s showpieces:
until the week following the conference.
the Iguanodons of Bernissart.
Speaker Room | Galilei
All speakers should pick up their badge at the
Located at the foot of the Atomium, Mini-Europe
registration area, then check in at the Speaker
is the only park where you can have a whistlestop
Room Galilei with their final slide presentations.
tour of Europe in a few short hours.
The Speaker Room hours are:
Wednesday, 19 November 08:00 - 18:00
6.Comic Strip Museum
Located in the heart of Brussels, in a majestic
Art Nouveau building, created by Victor Horta in
1906, the Belgian Comic Strip Center opened its
During the summit there will be an exhibition on
doors to the public on October 6th 1989.
European projects and National Trade Associations.
Discover the fascinating world of the European
Parliament at the newly-opened Parlamentarium,
Europe’s largest parliamentary visitor centre.
This is the capital’s water funpark, open all year
round, with all the excitement of high-speed
slides, the charm of jacuzzis, saunas, solariums
and wavepools.
Programme at a Glance
Tuesday 18 November l Pre-Summit Workshop l Room Newton AB
Hospital IT Investments and EPR Deployment: What reality and Which Future?
In partnership with
with the participation of the
The workshop will build awareness on health ICTs potential to improve the quality of care and connect hospitals to the wider health
community for more efficient healthcare systems. You will also gain insights on existing solutions to tomorrow’s challenges, from the
sharing of information, to decision support at the point of care through advanced analytics.
13:30 - 14:00
Registration and Coffee
14:00 - 14:05
Welcome and Introduction
Hans Vandewyngaerde, COCIR Board Member & Vice President EMEA Agfa Health Care
14:05 - 14:20
Keynote Speech
Data and Intelligence from EHRs for Efficiency, Performance and Innovation
Jillian Oderkirk, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
14:20 - 15:40
EPR Deployment: Dream or Reality?
• EPR Deployment and IT Investments in European Hospitals: The Reality Today
John P. Hoyt, Executive Vice President, HIMSS Analytics, USA
• Hospital IT Strategy & Deployment: How to Accelerate the Deployment of Advanced Clinical Systems and
Prepare Hospitals to Connect to the Wider Care Community?
Hospital CIO perspective - Prof. Philippe Kolh, Strategic Director Medical Information Services, University Hospital Liège,
Industry perspective - Jérome Galbrun, COCIR BIC eHealth and Senior Marketing Director Healthcare IT, Philips
• User Reality and Challenges: How to Move from Availability of IT Systems to Clinical Adoption and Usage in
Daily Clinical Routine Practice? Claus Duedal Pedersen, Head of Unit, Centre for Clinical Innovation, Odense University Hospital, Denmark
• Hospital’s Budget and Investment for IT: What Is the Required Level of Investment to Achieve Healthcare
15:40 - 16:00
Coffee Break
16:00 - 17:00
Hospital IT Investment: Which Future?
Round Table Discussion
Hans Vandewyngaerde, COCIR Board Member
John P. Hoyt, Executive Vice President, HIMSS Analytics, USA
Jillian Oderkirk, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Jérome Galbrun, COCIR BIC eHealth and Senior Marketing Director Healthcare IT, Philips
Prof. Philippe Kolh, Strategic Director Medical Information Services, University Hospital Liège, Belgium
Claus Duedal Pedersen, Head of Unit, Centre for Clinical Innovation, Odense University Hospital, Denmark
17:00 - 17:30
Concluding Remarks
Hans Vandewyngaerde, COCIR Board Member
17:30 - 18:00
Networking Cocktail | Vesalius
18:00 - 19:30
eHealth Networking and Speed Dating Event | Newton C
Welcoming Speech by Kevin Haydon, COCIR President
20:00 - 22:00
Working Dinner on Integrated Care (by invitation only) | Restaurant Savarin
• Chronic Disease and Integrated Care
Petra Wilson, CEO International Diabetes Federation
• How the healthcare system needs to transform to address the increasing needs and requirements of an ever
ageing population (e.g. increased prevalence of chronic diseases) putting additional pressures on scarce
resources. How technology can support? Mark Steedman, Global Health Programme Manager, Imperial College London, UK
• Why Hospitals Still Matter and Why Wide-adoption of EPR Is Becoming Even More Critical in this Transformation
Hans Nielsen Hauge, Regional Health Authority for SE, Norway
Wednesday 19 November l eHealth Summit l Room Archimedes
How eHealth Can Drive Clinical and Financial Outcomes
This Summit will bring speakers from industry, local and regional healthcare providers around Europe and authorities to share their
experience. The upcoming era of Integrated Care will see hospitals and other care providers to collaborate and share patient data,
knowledge and insights from day-to-day operations, with focus on continuous care, disease prevention and disease management. This
journey of transformation is however just at the beginning. The focus of this day will be based on 4 selected themes which are driving
dynamic changes in healthcare delivery and contributing to sustainability of healthcare systems.
08:30 - 09:00
Registration and Coffee
09:00 - 09:30
Keynote Speech: How to Measure Outcome in Healthcare and How Health ICT Contributes
Stefan Larsson, Senior Partner and Managing Director at BCG and Hospital & Health Care Consultant
09:30 - 10:45
Session 1: Digital Hospitals
In almost every country there is more demand for healthcare than can be met in a timely and effective manner. Hospitals are under
extreme pressure to care for more patients in less time without adding to their cost structure. A digital hospital enables improvement in
quality of patient care and productivity of the medical staff. But it has to fit in the larger picture. How can it also contribute to the wider
health community and empower the patient.
Pascal Garel, CEO, HOPE
Industry Perspective - Olivier Croly, COCIR BIC eHealth Member and VP & GM GE Healthcare IT EMEA
User Perspective - Prof. Philippe Kolh, Strategic Director Medical Information Services, University Hospital Liège, Belgium
National/Regional Authority Perspective - Hans Nielsen Hauge, Regional Health Authority for SE, Norway
10:45 - 11:15
Coffee Break | Edison & Marconi
11:15 - 12:30
Session 2: Regional and National Electronic Health Records
As healthcare is moving towards a multidisciplinary collaboration from primary care over general hospital care to specialized care, regional
and national electronic records are being implemented. These longitudinal medical records allow a more productive healthcare system by
bringing new opportunities but also new challenges They are an important element in a healthcare system in transformation. What are the
critical success factors? What are the crucial factors that drive adoption of these systems by clinicians, patients and health ICT industry?
Laurent Treluyer, Chargé de mission ARS, France
Industry Perspective - Hans Vandewyngaerde, COCIR Board Member and Vice President EMEA Agfa Health Care
User Perspective - Mathilde Demory, Responsable Stratégique du Pôle Innovation Prospective en Santé Publique de la ville de
Nice, France
National/regional authority Perspective - Juan Carlos Contel, Coordinator, en Institut Catala Salut, Spain
12:30 - 13:45
Lunch | Edison & Marconi
14:00 - 15:15
Session 3: Big Data
Big Data can help us capitalize on patient data to enable healthcare innovation, support medical research, improve therapies and inform
public health policies to reach a more effective and cost-efficient healthcare. Policy and legal environments will need to evolve to find the
right balance between fundamental values: the need to protect personal data, the need for open access for research purposes and the
need to create a competitive and vibrant industry in Europe. How can we turn the fascinating promises of big data into reality?
Duane Schulthess, Managing Director Vital Transformation, Belgium
Industry Perspective - John Crawford, COCIR BIC eHealth Member & EMEA Healthcare Solutions Leader, IBM
User Perspective - Monica Jones, Cancer Research, UK
National/Regional Authority Perspective - John Parkinson, CPRD, UK
15:15 - 16:30
Session 4: mHealth
In recent years mobile health has emerged as an additional path for continuous interaction between healthcare professionals and
patients or even healthy subjects. The proliferation of smartphones and tablets, the increasing number of connections to the internet on
the mobile platform and the wealth of mHealth apps available on a global market increasingly attract the attention of patients, healthcare
professionals, the business community, policy makers and regulators. How can the anywhere/anytime availability of live information
enabled by the mobile platform increase the efficiency and quality of healthcare delivery?
Luc Nicolas, Expert ICT for Health, Public Federal Service Public Health, Belgium
Industry Perspective - Béatrice Falise-Mirat, Directeur Affaires Publiques et Reglementaires Orange Healthcare
User Perspective - Kyle Rose, Diabetic Patient and founder of Delta PM Diabetes USA
National/Regional Authority Perspective - Ms Anne Kallio, Head of Development, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health,
Department for Social and Health Services
Closing Remarks
Nicole Denjoy, Secretary General, COCIR
Floor Plans
Ground floor
Tuesday, 18 November
Pre-Summit Workshop
1 Newton A and B
Networking Cocktail
2 Vesalius
Speed Dating
3 Newton C
Working Dinner
4 Restaurant Savarin
Wednesday, 19 November
eHealth Summit
5 Archimedes
Speakers Room
6 Galilei
Summit Coffee Breaks
and Lunch
7 Edison and
8 Marconi
Ground floor
COCIR would like to Thank
Pre-Summit Workshop in Partnership with
With the participation of
Event organized with the kind support of COCIR Board Companies
and of
Partnering Organisations
Media Partners
Opening Markets
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COntaCt COCir.
Diamant Building, Boulevard A. Reyers 80
1030 Brussels, Belgium
t: +32 (0)2 706 8960
f: +32 (0)2 706 8969