The City of Los Angeles


The City of Los Angeles
Dianabel Gonzalez, Chair • Tony Wilkinson, VCh
Martin Geisler, Treas • Pamela Gibberman, Sec
Manuel Bernal, VP • Jacqueline Campos
Susan M. Herrell • Chelsea Hopson
Michelle Klein-Hass • Saul Mejia, VP
Viviano Montes, VP • Emily Roberts
William Rooney • Angela Sichler
Karo Terossian • Jack Waizenegger, VP
Gregory L. Wilkinson
Vacant seats: North Renter, Southeast Renter
Southwest Homeowner, Southwest Renter
Youth Representatives: Douglas Bernal,
Danilo Guerra
14500 Roscoe Boulevard, Suite 400
Panorama City, CA 91402
Alt1 Olvia Diaz • Alt2 Deborah Kenton
Alt3 Marisol Lopez • Alt4 Severiana Pablo
Alt5 (vacant)
Thursday, November 20, 2014, 6:30 PM
Mission Community Hospital, Medical Office Building, 2nd Floor, Room 208
14860 Roscoe Boulevard, Panorama City, CA 91402
The quorum is 11 Board members or Alternates. Public comments on agenda items will be heard when
the item is considered. Public comments on other matters within the council's jurisdiction may be made
during the Public Comment period. Public comments are usually limited to two minutes per speaker, at the
discretion of the Chair. Action may be taken on any agenda item except Public Comment and
announcements. Actions may be reconsidered only if a motion for reconsideration is adopted at the same
meeting where the action was taken. You may request a copy of printed materials that are distributed at
the meeting. You may record the meeting by audio, video or photographic means as long as it is not
disruptive. Meeting notices and agendas are posted at the Plaza Del Valle Community Room and at other
locations (see notes below). If you need translation, or accommodation for a disability, please call the city
Department of Neighborhood Empowerment at least three business days in advance (213-978-1551, or
toll-free 3-1-1). The city is a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you
believe the council is not following the law or its own rules you may file a grievance in writing with copies
to both the Chair and the Secretary. Please be respectful of others, even when you differ with them. Times
shown in the agenda are only estimates. The actual schedule may be changed at the meeting.
1. Call to Order and Opening Remarks (Chair Dianabel Gonzalez). [2m]
2. Self-Introductions of Participants and Guests (Please sign the sign-in sheet!) [3m]
3. Roll Call of Board of Directors and Alternates (the quorum for Board meetings is 11). [2m]
4. Adoption and correction of minutes. [5m]
5. Public Comment and Announcements (Please limit to two minutes per speaker.) Public
comment on agenda items will be heard at the time the item is considered. See also #16. [10m]
(Please fill out a Public Speaker Card for the Chair so that we may identify your input.
A Public Speaker Card is not required in order to make a public comment.)
6. Reports from the Los Angeles Police Department. Senior Lead Officer Edwin Ayala
(818-838-9854, mobile 818-634-0718, covers Panorama City's CenterWest area. Senior Lead Officer Sean Smith (818-838-9842, mobile 818-442-3183, covers Panorama City's North and Center-East districts. Senior Lead
Officer Cesar Larios serves Panorama City south of Roscoe (818-838-9847, mobile
818-637-2082, Emergency: 911. Front desk: 818-838-9800.
Non-emergency: 877-ASK-LAPD (877-275-5273). [16m]
7. California Congressional District 29, State Senate District 20, State Assembly District 46,
Los Angeles County Supervisorial District 3, Los Angeles Mayor, Los Angeles City
Council District 6, and other elected officials' field staff reports. [7]
Councilwoman Nury Martinez is represented in Panorama City by Area Director Edwardo
Martinez (818-771-0236, Mr. Martinez works out of the Sun
Valley Field Office, 9300 Laurel Canyon Boulevard, 2nd Floor, Sun Valley, CA 91331. The
Councilwoman's Chief of Staff is Jim Dantona (213-473-7006,, and
her Legislative Deputy is Ackley Padilla (213-473-7006,
Mayor Eric Garcetti is represented in the East Valley by Field Deputy Aura Garcia
(818-778-4990, The Mayor's San Fernando Valley office is located in
the Van Nuys City Hall, 14410 Sylvan Street, Van Nuys, CA 91401.
Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky is represented locally by Deputy Lori Wheeler of the
Supervisor's Van Nuys District Office (, 818-901-3831). Newly
elected Supervisor Sheila Kuehl will take office on December 1. The District 3 field office is
temporarily located at the county Registrar-Recorder's office in the Van Nuys Civic Center,
14340 Sylvan Street, Suite A, Van Nuys, CA 91401. A new county administration building is
being constructed at the southwest corner of Van Nuys Boulevard and Saticoy Street, just
South of Panorama City. It is scheduled for completion in 2015.
Assemblymember Adrin Nazarian represents us in a district that runs from North Hills and
Panorama City south to Studio City and the Hollywood Hills. His field office is located in the
State Office Building at 6150 Van Nuys Boulevard, Suite 300, Van Nuys, CA 91401. His Field
Representative for Panorama City, Van Nuys, and North Hills is Dora Esparza (818-376-4246,
District 20 State Senator Alex Padilla maintains a field office in the State Office Building at
6150 Van Nuys Boulevard, Suite 400, Van Nuys, CA 91401. His Field Deputy for Panorama
City is Gemma Jimenez (818-901-5588, District 18 State
Senator Bob Hertzberg takes office on December 1. Redistricting moved Panorama City into
this new state Senate district.
Congressman Tony Cardenas' District Office is located at 9300 Laurel Canyon Boulevard,
Second Floor, Arleta, CA 91331 (818-504-0090). He has three field deputies:
Brian Gavidia (818-538-9941,
Gabriela Marquez (818-724-7169,
Tania Oronoz (818-962-0129,
Washington D.C. Office phone: 202-225-6131
8. Notation and possible correction (through documentation) of the list of Board members
who may not vote on financial matters because they have not completed the required
training. Department certification is required for two classes: (1) the Ethics and Open
Government course required by state law for all public officials in California within two years of
their election or appointment and every two years thereafter, and (2) basic funding training for
neighborhood council Board members (35 minutes). Both of these requirements can be met
with online courses available at [2m]
-Chelsea Hopson, Deborah Kenton, Marisol Lopez, Severiana Pablo, William Rooney
(elected March 8):
Ethics & Funding
9. Consider the financial statements prepared by Treasurer Martin Geisler (818-769-3420, in order to approve them as official council records. Neighborhood
councils are required to review and approve financial statements each month, including the
bank statement and a monthly expenditure report, to assure that the Board has access to timely
financial information. Approval of the records also acknowledges prior Board approval for
reported expenditures under $200 that are covered by the Board's policy on budgeted operating
and outreach expenses.
The discussion and possible action will include any needed adjustments in prior reports or
budget items.
All votes on financial matters must identify each Board member's individual vote. As of
September 1, 2013 Board members who have not taken the required Ethics and Funding
training sessions may not vote on financial matters. (Their presence will still count for the
meeting quorum.) The council's bylaws provide that voting decisions will be made by a majority
of those present and voting. [5m]
7:22 10. Consideration and possible action regarding a proposed project at 7880 and 7888 N. Van
Nuys Blvd, Panorama City, CA 91402. The proposal is to add 665 and 329 square feet,
respectively, and remodel the façades of existing buildings at 7880 & 7888 Van Nuys Blvd.
These buildings are located within “The Plant” food court yard and will be made ready for two
new retailers, G-Stage and PetSmart. Together these two retailers may hire 20 to 25 new
employees. The Land Use Committee unanimously recommends that the Board support this
project, if the development fully complies with the Panorama City Community Design Overlay
(LA City Ordinance 175550). Project representatives will attend to present the project and
answer questions. Reference LA City Planning Department Case Nos. DIR-2014-3844-CDO,
ENV-2014-3843-CE, DIR-2014-3840-CDO, and ENV-2014-3839-CE. [8m]
7:30 11. Consideration and possible action regarding improvements to the Van Nuys Metrolink
Station at 7720 Van Nuys Blvd, Van Nuys, CA 91405. Metro is working to improve the train
station in Van Nuys. The project includes an expanded center platform with safe pedestrian
access to meet increasing rail traffic demands. Other improvements include new shade
canopies, ticketing machines, and informational signage. After the station enhancements are
completed, Amtrak and Metrolink passengers will experience improved operational reliability,
greater on-time performance and better travel times. The Mobility Committee unanimously
recommends that the Board support this project, if the station name is changed from the Van
Nuys Station to include Panorama City (for example, Panorama City / Van Nuys Station). Metro
staff will present the project details, including architectural renderings and site plans, and will
answer questions. [10m]
7:40 12. Consideration and possible action on the recommendation of the Public Safety
committee that the Board support the Los Angeles Police Department's "Truth About
Domestic Violence" program by working to help LAPD find a meeting location for 40 to
50 people, and by allocating up to $150 in outreach funds for beverages and light
refreshments for the public at this event. The committee discussed the importance of a flyer
that promotes attendance at this event by service providers and by members of the community
who have an interest in helping to address this challenge. This will make it safer for someone
who personally faces a domestic violence challenge to attend. (No one will know why a person
is attending the event.) Tony moved Samuel seconded the proposal. Votes were 4 yes, 0 no.
7:50 13. Consideration and possible action on the recommendation of the Public Safety
committee that the Board support the American Red Cross effort to bring emergency
preparedness training to the local community through a series of workshops in January
and February, and by allocating up to $300.00 for light food and refreshments for the
public at these multiple events. The training sessions and workshop materials are available
in both English and Spanish. Red Cross Americorps worker Sara Jayne Brewer (661-2023417, presented the program to the committee, along with Red
Cross Disaster Program Specialist Helen Lemich (818-593-3508,
The committee voted 4 yes, 0 no to recommentd support of this program. [10m]
8:00 14. Consideration and possible action on the recommendation of the Finance chair that the
Board support the Valley Alliance of Neighborhood Councils Planning Forum at CBS
Studios on Thursday, December 11, from 5:30 to 9:30 pm, and allocate $250 in outreach
funds to purchase light food and refreshments from Carla's Cafe for the event. The VANC
Planning Forum is held every two years. It is a free workshop intended to help Neighborhood
Council Board members and participants understand how to effectively evaluate land use
cases. This year the workshop will include a provocative discussion on the role of a Land Use
committee. Because of security at the CBS Studios gate, it is essential that reservations be
made, with the name and affiliation of each person attending (to VANC Chair Jill Banks Barad, [5m]
8:05 15. Consideration and possible action on the recommendation of committee chairs for
permanent members of their committees. Public Safety Chair Jaqueline Campos has
nominated Mr. Samuel Ramirez and Mr. Ricardo Rios as members of her committee. She
states that they have been going to every meeting, they have helped her in the community on
daily basis, and they would like to be part of Public Safety committee. Committee chairs may
make additional nominations at the time this agenda item is considered. [8m]
8:13 16. Committee reports (Please keep to a brief announcement of next meeting if possible). [9m]
People who are interested in serving on a committee may apply at this meeting. All
Standing, Special and Purpose committees welcome public members. Committee
members are selected by the committee chair with the consent of the Board.
All committee meetings are open to everyone. They provide a much more informal and
conversational opportunity to address local issues. Most Board actions start in
committees. They are the best way to participate directly in the work of the council.
STANDING COMMITTEES (Chair and Vice President)
Commerce ......................... Saul Mejia
Finance .............................. Tony Wilkinson
Land Use ........................... Jack Waizenegger
Outreach ............................ Viviano Montes
Rules ................................. Susan Herrell
SPECIAL COMMITTEES (Chair, and Vice President if a Board member)
City Life.............................. Danilo Guerra
Education........................... Emily Roberts
Mobility ............................... Michelle Klein-Hass
Public Safety ...................... Jacqueline Campos
Consejo de Madres ............ Olvia Diaz
Health and Safety Fair ....... Jose Sandoval
Van Nuys Blvd GM Mural
Jan Brown
8:22 17. Public Comment and Announcements. (Please limit to two minutes per speaker.) [3m]
8:25 18. Adjournment
Council Process: The council gained its official city role upon certification by the Board of Neighborhood
Commissioners on March 15, 2007. Everyone who lives, works or owns real property within the
boundaries of the Panorama City Neighborhood Council, or who declares a Community Interest in the
area and the basis for it, is a "stakeholder". All stakeholders are members of the Council. Stakeholders
elect a Board of Directors to represent them. This Board is recognized as the decision-making entity by
the City of Los Angeles. The current Board was elected on March 8, 2014. While the Board is the official
decision-making entity, meetings are conducted as much as possible in a town hall spirit. Committees are
open to anyone with an interest in Panorama City. Panorama City's neighborhood council is much more
than its Board, and it depends on public participation for its success.
Posting Sites: California's open meetings law, the Ralph M. Brown Act, requires that meeting notices be
physically posted at a regular location 72 hours in advance for regular meetings and 24 hours in advance
for special meetings. The location must be accessible to the public seven days a week, 24 hours a day.
That location is the outside steel doors of the Plaza Del Valle Community Room, Building G, 8700 Van
Nuys Boulevard, Panorama City, CA 91402. This council is also required to follow the City of Los Angeles
posting policy for Neighborhood Councils. That policy additionally requires that councils post agendas
through the city's Early Notification System (ENS), post the agendas on the council's website (if one
exists), and make an effort to send agendas by electronic mail (if such a list exists). This council posts
agendas on its website, This council uses the city's ENS mailing list as its agenda
email list. You may sign up for the ENS agenda system at:
In addition to the Plaza Del Valle posting location, this council MAY post agendas at other locations within
Panorama City. These may include: (1) Panorama City Branch Library, 14345 Roscoe Boulevard; (2)
Panorama Recreation Center, 8600 Hazeltine Avenue; (3) Sepulveda Recreation Center, 8801 Kester
Avenue; and (4) Casa Esperanza, 14705 Blythe Street.
In addition to the ENS agenda list, this council MAY include agendas in its occasional informational
emails. You can subscribe to the council's informational email list by sending your request to
''. You can also sign up on the council's website. In order to respect our
stakeholders' inboxes, messages to the informational email list will be sent at most once or twice a month.
The only way to assure that you will receive emailed agendas is through the ENS list.
Agenda-related written materials: The council may occasionally prepare supplementary information to
the agenda ("agenda packets"). When this is done, the agenda packets are normally made available both
to Board or committee members and to the general public at the start of the posted meeting. In
compliance with Government Code section 54957.5, non-exempt writings that are distributed to a majority
or all of the Board or committee in advance of a meeting may be viewed by appointment at the Panorama
City Neighborhood Council office, 14500 Roscoe Boulevard, Suite 400, Panorama City, CA 91401,
(818-714-2133) during normal business hours, or at the scheduled meeting. In addition, if you would like a
copy of any record related to an item on the agenda, please contact Pamela Gibberman, Secretary,
14500 Roscoe Boulevard, Suite 400, Panorama City, CA 91402 (818-893-2020,