Chimes of the Trinity - Hayes Barton Baptist Church
Chimes of the Trinity - Hayes Barton Baptist Church
The Worship of God November 23, 2014 Chimes of the Trinity Preparing for Worship Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in my house, and thus put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts; see if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you an overflowing blessing. Malachi 3:10 (NRSV) Piano Prelude Carter Ramey, Acolyte Welcome To Worship Kristen Muse Introit Thanks Be to Thee.......................................................................... Handel Cantate Choir (3rd-5th grade) June Williams, Director Larita Kellison, Accompanist Invocation and Lord’s Prayer *Hymn of Praise, 7 Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee...................................... Hymn To Joy (Children come forward for the Children’s Sermon on last stanza) Children’s Sermon Gayle Justice *Hymn of Thanksgiving, 44 For the Beauty of the Earth.................................................................. Dix Stewardship Testimony Opie Versfeld Scripture and Prayer Luke 6:37-38, NRSV David Hailey Choral Proclamation Then Sings My Soul.................................................. Mary McDonald Sermon The Joy of Giving David Hailey *Hymn of Commitment, 345 Now I Belong to Jesus..................................................................... Ellsworth Offertory Prayer Kim Singleton, Noah’s Ark Sunday School Class Offertory Variation on “Now Thank We All Our God”.................................... Stanley Saxon June Burbage Presentation of Decisions *Benediction *Choral Response Lift high the cross, the love of Christ proclaim, Till all the world adore His sacred name. *Chimes of the Trinity Postlude *Those who are able may stand with minister. Weekly Opportunities Sunday, November 23 9:45 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Morning Worship 12:00 PM Newcomer’s Luncheon (Rm. 11) 3:00 PM HBBC Girls Basketball Practice (FLC-Gym) 4:30 PM Student Choir (Choir Room) 5:00 PM Men’s Discipleship Group (Rm. 212) 5:00 PM Student Ministry Vespers 6:00 PM Handbell Rehearsal (Rm. 29) Monday, November 24 6:00 AM Early Risers--Women (FLC-Gym) 9:45 AM Boot Camp (FLC-Gym) 10:00 AM HBBC Bridge Club (Rm. 124) 11:00 AM Fit Over Fifty (FLC-Gym) 1:30 PM Staff Meeting (Conference Room) 2:30 PM Ministers Meeting (Conference Room) 5:30 PM Evening Fitness Class (FLC-Gym) 6:00 PM HBBC Freshmen Basketball Practice (FLC-Gym) 6:00 PM Committee on Committees Meeting (Conference Room) 6:30 PM Cub Scout Thanksgiving Potluck (Fellowship Hall) 7:00 PM HBBC Juniors Basketball Practice (FLC-Gym) 8:00 PM HBBC Member’s Fellowship Basketball Night (FLC-Gym) Tuesday, November 25 6:00 AMEarly Risers--Men (FLC-Gym) 7:00 AM Men’s Bible Study (Conference Room) 10:00 AM Painting with Lorraine (FLC--Student Lounge) 12:00 PM Lunch Express (FLC-Gym) 12:00 PM Movers & Shakers November Luncheon (Fellowship Hall) 12:30 PM AA Meeting--Epiphany Group (FLC-Rm. 218) 5:30 PM HBBC Ladies’ Basketball (FLC-Gym) 7:00 PM Children’s Ministry Council (Conference Room) 7:00 PM Compassionate Friends Group (Rm. 224) Wednesday, November 26 6:00 AM Early Risers--Women 7:00 PM HBBC Seniors Basketball Practice (FLC-Gym) Thursday, November 27--Church office closed 10:00 AM Thanksgiving Worship Service Friday, November 28--Church office closed aturday, November 29 S 8:00 AM AA Saturday Group (FLC-209) Sunday, November 30--First Sunday of Advent 9:45 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Morning Worship and Baptism 3:00 PM HBBC Girls Basketball Practice (FLC-Gym) 4:30 PM Student Choir (Choir Room) 5:00 PM Student Ministry Vespers 6:00 PM Handbell Rehearsal (Rm. 29) WELCOME VISITORS We are honored by your presence this morning. Please record your attendance on the Friendship Pad when it is passed to you. Guests are encouraged to provide complete information for further contact. We also encourage all visitors to stop by the Visitor Welcome area in the Narthex immediately following the worship service. ENTER TO WORSHIP This is a holy hour. We invite you to enter this sanctuary with joy and reverence. We invite members and visitors to be seated near the front of the sanctuary to enhance our sense of community in worship. When you have taken your seat, spend a few moments in quiet reflection as you prepare your heart for worship. If the service has already begun, please enter quietly by one of the side aisles. Please remember to turn off all cell phones and pagers. RESOURCES FOR HEARING AND/OR VISUAL IMPAIRMENT Hearing assistance devices and large print hymnals are available for those who have such need. Please see an usher for more information. BECOME A MEMBER OF HAYES BARTON BAPTIST CHURCH Those who desire to join our church may come forward to where the pastor is standing during the Hymn of Commitment. If you would like to meet with a minister before making this decision, any of our ministers would be happy to answer your questions. FOR CHILDREN DURING WORSHIP Nursery Care: Birth-3 (Nursery Suite Area) Extended Session: Ages 4-5 (Following Sunday School, this group visits the Sanctuary briefly for the Children’s Sermon.) Children’s Church : For 1st-5th graders, 1st & 3rd Sundays. (Children leave at the designated time during worship and should be picked up in Rm.11 following worship). ABOUT SUNDAY SCHOOL On Sunday mornings at 9:45 a.m., we provide classes for all ages to enjoy Bible study and fellowship. Call the church office for more information. TODAY’S EXTENDED SESSION HELPERS Assistant: Heather Tuttle; Infants: Jeanine Roberts, Ginny Ivey, Jason Tuttle; Ones: Ryan Adams, Jessica Adams; Twos: Matt Whitfield, Reagan Whitfield; Three Year Olds: John Asebes, Heather Asebes, Ella Asebes; Four Year Olds: Mike Kinder, Meredith Kinder; Five Year Olds: Diane Willeford, Jason Willeford WORSHIP LEADERS Dr. David J. Hailey, Pastor Ms. June Burbage, Organist Rev. Gayle Justice, Minister with Children & Rev. Kristen Muse, Associate Pastor .................................... Dr. Larry Dickens, Interim Music Minister .................. Rev. David With, Minister with Students Brooke Johnston, Ministerial Carter Benge, Music Mikalah Shaw, Student ABOUT TODAY’S WORSHIP We are grateful to the Decorations Committee for preparing the Cornucopia on the Communion Table. This beautiful display symbolizes the abundance of God’s gracious provision for all of our needs. Some of the greens were harvested and given from our Hayes Barton Community Garden, where we have witnessed God providing for people in need this year through the work of willing hands. This morning we continue our worship series Living and Giving Abundantly. Jesus said, “I came that [you] may have life, and have it abundantly” (John 10:10). This abundant life that Jesus promised is not a future experience for which we wait and hope. It is available to us now. But we must reach out and take it! MINISTERIAL PRAYER CARDS Around the church today you’ll find November prayer cards. Our ministerial staff is gathering monthly to pray over the needs and requests of our congregation. Please take the time to fill out a card and hand it to a member of our staff. The requests will remain confidential unless you would like for them to be shared with the church. The ministers will take some time away TOMORROW to specifically pray over the requests that are submitted. THANKSGIVING SERVICE--NOVEMBER 27 Come worship with us this Thursday, November 27, as we thank God for the many blessings He provides for us! Worship as a family in the Sanctuary (childcare will not be provided) and invite your friends, relatives, and neighbors to this special event. HANGING OF THE GREENS Join us as we prepare the Sanctuary for the Advent Season on Sunday, December 7 at 5 pm. LIVING NATIVITY SET UP We need your help on Saturday, December 6 at 9 am as we assemble the set for the Living Nativity. Please contact Mark McClendon if you have any questions! CHRISTMAS COOKIES FOR HANGING OF THE GREEN We need your help to supply the Christmas Cookies for the reception following our Hanging of the Green on December 7. Please contact Debra Barrier (, or 919-740-9025) to sign up. Thank you! ORDER YOUR POINSETTIAS! Each Christmas we beautify our Sanctuary with poinsettias. You and your family may give one in memory or honor of a loved one or someone who is meaningful to you. Your gift helps defray the cost of the sanctuary poinsettias and of those taken to members served by the home visitation ministry. The poinsettias cost $10 each. A list of donors will be published. You can find forms in the pews, or in the Happenings publication. Please turn in your form with a check (made out to HBBC). You can also submit a form online by going to and clicking on the Poinsettia Order form. The deadline for submitting orders is Sunday, December 7. ANGEL TREE Our Angel Tree is decorated in the Family Life Center lobby. This year, the angels were created by our children in Missions class and the gifts will go to meet specific needs identified by our community partners: Partnership Elementary, Step Up Ministries, Urban Ministries and Together for Hope. Pick up an angel, and be a part of blessing our community. Please note the due dates for your gifts; they are different, depending on which ministry has made the request. HAVE YOU TURNED IN YOUR PLEDGE CARD? God is really moving in our Stewardship Emphasis this year, and we hope you’ll join the movement. Simply fill out and mail in or turn in your pledge card, or go online and fill out the online pledge card by clicking on the “Living and Giving Abundantly” banner on our website ( You can check the pledge board outside of the Fellowship Hall to see which Classes and Committees are “All In”... is yours?