Metal Additive Manufacturing - manufuture-at


Metal Additive Manufacturing - manufuture-at
Metal Additive Manufacturing
Meet the future of industrial manufacturing now!
20 - 21 November 2014
Metal Additive Manufacturing Conference
Wirtschaftskammer Wien
Wiedner Hauptstraße 63
1045 Vienna, Austria
Location: Julius Raab Saal
Conference Location
Wednesday 19th November
Thursday 20th November
Friday 21st November
Prof. Aziz Huskic
Dr. Bernd Müller
Prof. Ralf Kolleck
DI Reinhard Pötzl
Prof. Jürgen Stampfl
Dipl.-Ing. Franz Rotter
Dr. Mustafa Megahed
Dr. Wilhelm Meiners
Dr. Reinhard Schlitt
Prof. Bruno Buchmayr
Dr. Gerhard Posch
Bjorn-Olof Bengtsson
Dr. Karl-Heinz Dusel
Maria Averyanova, Ph.D.
Mauro Varetti
Thorsten Herbert
Dr. Johannes Gumpinger
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) David Schäfer
Metal Additive Manufacturing Conference
Wednesday, 19th November 2014 - Excursion to FOTEC
Meeting Point: Wirtschaftskammer Wien, Wiedner Hauptstraße 63, Main Entrance
© FH Wiener Neustadt
After the transfer to FOTEC GmbH in Wiener
Neustadt, participants will be welcomed with
drinks, snacks and an introduction to FOTEC
and its activities in the field of Metal Additive
Manufacturing. After answering questions of
the visitors, FOTEC will guide through their
laboratory showing an EOS M280 Metal
Additive Manufacturing machine, where the
manufacturing process can be seen live and
will be thoroughly explained. Furthermore,
some recently carried out projects with respect
to Metal Additive Manufacturing are introduced.
Metal Additive Manufacturing Conference
Thursday, 20th November 2014
09:45 - 10:00
Dipl. Ing. Franz Rotter
voestalpine Edelstahl GmbH
10:00 - 10:30
Selective Laser Melting on the way to
production: Recent research topics at
Fraunhofer ILT
Dr. Wilhelm Meiners
ILT Aachen
10:30 - 10:55
Selective Laser Melting - a metallurigcal
and materials related view
Prof. Bruno Buchmayr
Montanuniversität Leoben
10:55 - 11:20
There’s Powder, and then
there’s Quality Powder
Bjorn-Olof Bengtsson
Carpenter Powder Technology
11:20 - 11:50
coffee break
11:50 - 12:15
The advances of 3D SYSTEMS
Direct Metal Printing
for industrial parts manufacturing
Maria Averyanova, Ph.D.
Phenix Systems,
3D Systems
12:15 - 12:40
LaserCUSING®- Current Applications
and Practical Examples
Thorsten Herbert
Concept Laser GmbH
12:40 - 14:00
lunch break
14:00 - 14:25
Melt pool monitoring and applications
of Metal Additive Manufacturing
Dr. Johannes Gumpinger
FOTEC Forschungs- und
Technologietransfer GmbH
14:25 - 14:50
Successful Joint Research and Development
Projects in Additive Manufactoring
Dipl. Ing. (FH) David Schäfer
FIT Production (Fruth
Innovative Technologien)
14:50 - 15:15
Additive Manufacturing at University
of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
Prof. Aziz Huskic
FH Wels
15:15 - 15:40
coffee break
15:40 - 16:10
Metal Additive Manufacturing for tooling
applications – Laser Beam Melting
technology increases efficiency
of dies and molds
Dr. Bernd Müller
Fraunhofer IWU Dresden
16:10 - 16:35
Evaluation and optimization
of forming tool coatings processed
by laser metal deposition
Prof. Ralf Kolleck
TU Graz
16:35 - 17:00
Laser metal deposition: A solution for
wear protection, challenging repair and
dimensional change
DI Reinhard Pötzl
Eifeler Lasertechnik GmbH
departure to dinner restaurant
Metal Additive Manufacturing Conference
Friday, 21st November 2014
09:00 - 09:25
Additive Manufacturing
of high-performance ceramics
Prof. Jürgen Stampfl
TU Wien
09:25 - 09:50
Modelling & Validation
of Blown Powder Additive
Manufacturing Processes
Dr. Mustafa Megahed
ESI Group
09:50 - 10:15
Additive Manufacturing
for Space Application
Dr. Reinhard Schlitt
OHB System AG
10:15 - 10:45
coffee break
10:45 - 11:10
Manufacturing of turbine blades
by shape giving CMT-welding
Dr. Gerhard Posch
11:10 - 11:35
The Additive Manufacturing Process
Chain for Jet-Engine Applications
Dr. Karl-Heinz Dusel
MTU Aero Engines
11:35 - 12:00
The EBM Technology
at AvioAero the dark side of the Moon
Mauro Varetti
Avio Aero a GE
Aviation Business
12:00 - 12:15
Afterwards: lunch
Metal Additive Manufacturing Conference
An introduction to
additive manufacturing
and its impact on
the metal industry
Dipl.-Ing. Franz Rotter
voestalpine Edelstahl GmbH
Selective Laser
Melting on the way to
production: Recent
research topics at
Fraunhofer ILT
Dr. Wilhelm Meiners
ILT Aachen
Additive manufacturing, a highly emerging
technology, makes just the step from
prototyping to serial production.
This will challenge the existing supply
chain as new business models and value
chains have to be developed.
Furthermore this technology requires
intense research for new materials
to satisfy customer needs.
The additive manufacturing technology
Selective Laser Melting offers a great
potential to produce near-net-shaped
parts directly from CAD data.
The Fraunhofer-Institute for Laser
Technology, as the inventor of the SLM
technology, is conducting research in this
field since 16 years. The research focus
on the whole process chain of the SLM
process, starting with the SLM tailored
design of parts, the process development,
SLM machine and system engineering and
the investigation of the resulting material
properties. The aim is to pave the way for
the additive manufacturing technology
SLM in series production.
Metal Additive Manufacturing Conference
Selective Laser Melting
- a metallurgical and
materials related view
Prof. Bruno Buchmayr
Gerhard Panzl
Chair for Metal Forming
Montanuniversität Leoben
Necessary steps from a design idea to
a final product, description of the SLM
technology, available metallic powders
for SLM and their characteristics,
economically prefered applications;
surface characteristics and microstructural
features, influencing parameters and their
effect on microstructure and mechanical
properties, parameter optimzation and
future developments.
There’s Powder,
and Then there’s
Quality Powder
There is often a mistaken impression that any
powder with the correct alloy composition will
perform satisfactorily when producing Additive
Manufacturing (AM) components.
Or a specific particle size determination (PSD)
will be needed depending on whether the
manufacturing equipment uses an electron
beam or laser power source. The metallic
powder used is often an afterthought with
most consideration being given to the type
of AM machine being used, type of power
and wattage, scan speed, spacing, dwell
time and the effect of these parameters
on part structure and quality.
Bjorn-Olof Bengtsson
Lou Lherbier
Carpenter Powder Technology
In reality, the powder used for AM
manufacturing needs to be customized for
the process and specific equipment being
used if a quality component is the end
goal. While alloy composition and PSD are
critical for AM manufacturing, other factors,
depending on the AM process being used,
can be critical to the overall manufacturing
cycle. Powder flowability and residual fine
powder particles can affect equipment
performance. Other powder attributes such
as shape, cohesiveness and moisture content
can seriously affect the manufacturing of
components. Metallic powders are complex
in nature and need to be thoroughly
characterized for most AM applications.
The purpose of this presentation is to
discuss how powder attributes other
than chemistry and PSD can affect the
manufacturing of AM components.
Metal Additive Manufacturing Conference
The advances of 3D
SYSTEMS Direct Metal
Printing for industrial
parts manufacturing
Maria Averyanova, Ph.D
Phenix Systems
3D Systems
Continual improvements of 3D SYSTEMS
Metal Printing equipment in terms of
software and hardware development,
machine development and materials
development make possible to suggest
innovative solutions for different
areas of industrial application. One of our
latest advances is the development of
a machine with manufacturing chamber
volume of 500mm3 that will make possible
to manufacture the big parts by keeping
the productivity and the parts quality.
More complex materials for more
applications will be also applied.
Introduction of Concept Laser and
Hofmann Innovation Group
• LaserCUSING® - the technology
• LaserCUSING® - for optimization
of die-casting processes with application examples
• LaserCUSING® - for reducing the cycle times in tool making with application examples Why do Cusing inserts lower
the cycle times?
LaserCUSING®Current Applications
and Practical Examples
Thorsten Herbert
Concept Laser GmbH
What is LaserCUSING®
• Materials in use in mould
and tool making
• Increasing requirements regarding product quality of plastic and
die-cast parts
• Shorter Cycle times for high quality tools
• Competitiveness only by technology
Metal Additive Manufacturing Conference
Melt pool monitoring
and applications
of Metal Additive
Dr. Johannes Gumpinger
Rene Gangl, BSc
Christoph Ackerl, BSc
FOTEC Forschungs- und
Technologietransfer GmbH
DI Wolfgang Wöber
FH Wiener Neustadt
DI Dr. Thomas Grünberger
plasmo Industrietechnik GmbH
Joint Research
and Development
Projects in Additive
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) David Schäfer
FIT Production
Fruth Innovative Technologien
Although the market for Metal Additive
Manufacturing is still limited, lots of
growth potential is predicted.
In order to apply this manufacturing
process for sensitive branches, it is
essential to thoroughly understand
material-related properties as well as
to apply suitable monitoring systems.
Therefore, Metal Additive Manufacturing
systems, with closed loop control are
highly demanded. Within the project
Powder Additive Manufacturing at
FOTEC, a melt pool monitoring system
is developed, which will allow closed
loop control in the future.
FIT Group has specialized in maxing out
the advantages of Additive Manufacturing,
focussing on complex lattice structures
(Selective Space Structures).
Nature has created an immense variety of
structures with highly complex properties
from a very limited material pool.
FIT is adapting this concept for additive
manufacturing to achieve new products
showing extreme lightweight or highly
efficient internal cooling technology.
Experience our innovative approach and
see how individual product requirements
and specific clients’ designs are
transferred to series production
in Additive Manufacturing.
Metal Additive Manufacturing Conference
Additive Manufacturing
at University
of Applied Sciences
Upper Austria
Prof. Aziz Huskic
FH Wels
Metal Additive
Manufacturing for
tooling applications –
Laser Beam Melting
technology increases
efficiency of
dies and molds
Dr. Bernd Müller
Fraunhofer IWU Dresden
Additive manufacturing has been studied
at the University of Applied Sciences
Upper Austria for more than 8 years.
In the Department Production Engineering
at the College of Engineering in Wels a
special machine is used for direct metal
laser melting.
This has enabled the metal laser melting
process to be even further developed,
making possible the development and
processing of new metal alloys. Using
mixtures of steel-ceramic powder, it is
now possible to produce an alloy with
a hardness of over 65 HRC.
Furthermore, it is also possible to process
alloys, such as 1.2344 and HTCS150.
These will be used for the manufacture of
forming tools and injection moulds. The
results of research work will be presented.
One of the key application fields of
metal additive manufacturing (AM) is
tooling, with a number of dies and molds
incorporating metal AM features already
in series production today. Functionality
and efficiency of series production tooling
can be significantly improved by using
metal AM for manufacturing specific
tooling components, e.g. die or mold
inserts made by laser beam melting (LBM).
Conformal cooling is the key driver and
main success story, but other functional
integration in tooling can be realized
through laser beam melting as well,
e.g. venting or sensor integration.
The presentation will show a wide scope
of LBM tooling applications, including
case studies, for many different fields of
application and manufacturing routes,
such as plastic injection molding, light
metal diecasting, die forging and hot
sheet metal forming, also showing
how these processes can be run more
efficiently by the use of LBM tooling
features – saving time, cost and resources.
Metal Additive Manufacturing Conference
Evaluation and
optimization of
forming tool coatings
processed by
laser metal deposition
Prof. Ralf Kolleck
Dipl.-Ing. Robert Vollmer
Tools & Forming
University of Technology Graz
Stamping of ultra high strength sheet
metals increases the demands for the
tooling systems sgnificantly. This creates
a need for an optimized tribological
tool surface characteristic, a short
manufacturing time and possibilities for
design changes, while at the same time
keeping production costs as low as
possible. One possible solution is the laser
metal deposition process to create thick
film coatings on forming tool surfaces.
This paper shows a method of a full
development cycle for a specific coating /
substrate material combination to find
the optimum process parameters by
using destructive and nondestructive
testing methods. The results are taken to
improve the coating quality by optimizing
the LMD parameters in a very timesaving
development process.
Laser metal deposition offers unique
opportunities to apply precise wear
protection and functional layers.
Furthermore, you can use this
technology for repair work of damaged
parts or to create three dimensional
structures and even parts. Challenging
characteristics of this process are the
accuracy of the material application,
exact control of the welding process
and minor thermal and mechanical load.
Selected applications based on metal
powders made of steel, copper or nickel
and the versatile capabilities processing
these materials will be presented.
Laser metal
deposition: A solution
for wear protection,
challenging repair and
dimensional change
DI Reinhard Pötzl
Eifeler Lasertechnik GmbH
Metal Additive Manufacturing Conference
Additive Manufacturing
of high-performance
Prof. Jürgen Stampfl
University of Technology Wien
Lithography-based Additive Manufacturing
Technology is a layered manufacturing
approach where liquid photopolymerizable
resins are solidified with ultraviolet, visible
or infrared light. Using a system based
on digital mirror devices, photopolymers
can be exposed selectively in order to
build parts with defined geometries.
Various power-filled formulations were
developed for fabricating customized
ceramic parts made of alumina, zirconia,
tricalcium phosphate or bioactive glasses,
respectively. Target application include
high-performance engineering ceramics
and ceramics for digital dentistry.
For alumina > 99 % of theoretical density
was achieved, for zirconia >99.8%.
The biaxial bending strength of alumina
parts exceeds 500 MPa.
This presentation discusses the
modeling challenges related to additive
manufacturing and describes a seamless
coupling of length scales allowing
detailed analysis of the melt pool,
laser track, material deposition and
resulting residual stresses.
solidification and calculating residual
stress and distortion of the final part.
The comparison of the numerical
predictions with experimental
measurements and observations
shows good agreement for
all model scales considered.
Modelling & Validation
of Blown Powder
Additive Manufacturing
Dr. Mustafa Megahed
N. N’Dri, H.W. Mindt
H.-Z. Duan, Y. Vincent
O. Köser
ESI Group
Blanka Szost, Sofiane Terzi
David John Jarvis
Ludovic Kounde
Irepa Laser
The complete process is accounted for in
the models, starting from the simulation
of powder particles, powder melting and
Metal Additive Manufacturing Conference
Additive Manufacturing
for Space Application
Dr. Reinhard Schlitt
OHB System AG
AM technologies have been welcomed
in the space industry because of the
possibility to manufacture lighter structures
to reduce weight, which is the common
goal of spacecraft designers.
OHB System AG sees high potential of
additive manufacturing to reduce in addition
manufacture cost and lead time compared
to conventional produced parts. However,
several space-specific implementation
barriers oppose the benefits of this
technology. Before load-carrying parts find
its way into real spacecraft applications,
these barriers must be overcome.
Benefits and implementation barriers
from a space applications viewpoint will
be outlined and adequate solutions to
overcome them are discussed.
of turbine blades
by shape giving
Turbine blades are often individual, complex
shaped components made of demanding
materials. In this study it is investigated, if
such components can be made of special
steels like Duplex or Superduplex steels
by a precise build-up of single weld seams
produced with a new innovative welding
process called “CMT”. Although shape
giving welding is well known in industrial
manufacturing its application was limited due
to restrictions by the welding process itself: in
case of low energy welding, which is needed
for manufacturing of thinner 3D components,
the welding process got instable and much
more spatter formation occurred. The driving
force in developing of “CMT” (Cold Metal
Transfer) was to create a highly automatable
welding process which runs extremely stable
and almost spatter-free already at very low
welding energies. As this development is
based on the standard Gas Metal Arc Welding
(GMAW) process, almost all available filler
metals from unalloyed, mid- and highalloyed
steels but also nickel- and cobalt base can be
used and can be combined, if metallurgical
possible, to gradient structured parts. The
outstanding characteristic feature of CMT is
the absolute precise, periodic detachment of
single droplets from the filler wire in a size of
approx. 1mm diameter. In combination with
an accurate movement of the CMT welding
torch, done for example by a robot, very thin
geometric shapes but also undercuts can be
established. In contrast thicker shapes can
easily be done only by increasing the welding
energy and in further consequence the
deposition rate.
Dr. Gerhard Posch
Heinz Hackl
Ferdinand Kalchgruber
Harald Chladil
Andritz AG
Metal Additive Manufacturing Conference
The Additive
Manufacturing Process
Chain for Jet-Engine
Dr. Karl-Heinz Dusel
MTU Aero Engines
Additive manufacturing technologies are
offering new opportunities in aero engine
manufacturing. These are short lead times
for plastic prototypes and toolings, but
today also new design possibilities and
cost effectiveness.
MTU Aero Engines is using those
technologies from their beginnings.
Today metal AM technologies are used
for toolings, development, but also first
production parts. Furthermore there is
a big potential for future applications.
The next important step will be to bring
the technology from the actual prototype
status to real production readiness.
Additive Manufacturing (AM), also known
as 3D printing, embraces different
technologies with a combination of
method of deposition, method of
consolidation, power sources, materials.
A review of the recent achievements
in the Powder Bed Fusion (PBF) using
alloys of interest will be shown and future
perspective discussed.
The EBM Technology
at AvioAero - the dark
side of the Moon
Mauro Varetti
Avio Aero a GE
Aviation Business
Despite the most diffused technology
is in the polymer/plastic market, we
experience a strong increase in the metal
sector especially in medical and aerospace
Metal Additive Manufacturing Conference
Austrian Society for Metallurgy and Materials
Franz-Josef-Str. 18, 8700 Leoben, Austria
Phone: +43 3842 402 2290
Metal Additive Manufacturing Conference