newsletter - Mass times and parishes
newsletter - Mass times and parishes
Newsletter Gatton Laidley Catholic Parishes 1st Sunday of Advent Parish Priest: Fr Malachy Onuoha Website: Office (Gatton/Laidley) Ph: 5465 3131 37 John Street South, Laidley Email: Parish Office Hours: Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri 9am-2pm Thursday - Closed 37A John Street Laidley Ph: 5465 1240 Fax: 5465 2505 Nathan Haley Our Lady of Good Counsel Principal: Chairperson: Jan Maltry 5465 3995 Deputy Chairperson: Michael Hagan 5462 6460 Secretary: Jill Crellin 5411 4616 Parish Schools: St Mary’s Principal: Year B CONTACT PERSONS PASTORAL COUNCIL Mob: 0488 033685 Secretary: Jenny Hatcher 30 November 2014 20 Maitland Street Gatton Susan Carpenter MASS TIMES THIS WEEK: Sunday: 30 Nov - 7am Glenore Grove 9am Gatton Tuesday: 2 Dec - 11am Funeral Liturgy for Connie Durkin (Gatton) - 6.30pm St. Mary‘s School Year 6/7 Graduation Mass (Laidley) Wednesday: 3 Dec - 8am Mass Adoration & Benediction Gatton Thursday: 4 Dec - No Mass Friday: 5 Dec - 10.30am St. Mary‘s School End of Year Mass (Laidley) Saturday: 6 Dec - 6pm Laidley Sunday: 7 Dec - 7am Glenore Grove 9am Gatton Reconciliation: Ph: 5462 2675 SCRIPTURE READINGS - Year A Readings for this weekend Isaiah 63:16-17; 64:1, 3-8 1Corinthians 1:3-9 Mark 13:33-37 Response: Lord, make us turn to you, let us see your face and we shall be saved Readings for next weekend Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11 2Peter 3:8-14 Mark 1:1-8 Saturday 29 Nov: 5.15pm - 5.45pm (Laidley) Saturday 6 Dec: 5.15pm - 5.45pm (Laidley) Brian Goodchild John & Noreen Gallagher Nathan Haley Zac MacDonald Lewis O‘Donoghue Derek & Chris Pingel Adrian & Margaret Shepley PETER’S PENCE COLLECTION This Weekend Each year parishes in the Archdiocese of Brisbane take up the Peter's Pence collection as a retiring collection. The collection will be taken up this weekend, 1st Sunday of Advent. The Peter's Pence Collection gives Catholics in Australia an opportunity to join in communion with the Catholic faithful throughout the world in support of the charitable works of the Holy See. THE ADVENT WREATH AND CANDLES STEWARDSHIP REFLECTIONS 30 November 2014 1st Sunday of Advent “Take heed, watch and pray; for you do not know when the time will come.” - Mark 13:33 We all take things for granted. In particular, we take time for granted. Our lives are so busy, many of us are planning our time - our days, weeks, months, even years in advance. Remember, our time on earth is a gift. None of us knows how long we will be here. Start today and begin thanking God for each and every day. Take time in silence, everyday, and listen to what God is saying to you. FINANCE COUNCIL MEMBERS MEETINGS COMBINED PASTORAL & FINANCE MEETING Tuesday 9th December, 7pm Community Centre, Gatton Advent wreathes are a tradition used to mark the four weeks of Advent. Its usual form is a horizontal Evergreen wreath holding four candles. Each week a candle is lit. The underlying symbolism is that the accumulation of light is an expression of the growing anticipation of the birth of Jesus Christ who is the light of the world. Three of the candles are violet coloured to symbolize faithful expectation and the one rose candle symbolizes joy and hope. Finally, the circular wreath represents God‘s eternal love which has no beginning or end.‘ PARISH NEWS and NOTICES Advent: A Period of Patient Waiting Advent season is here with us once again! We mark the beginning of a ‗New Year‘ of the Church! So, we welcome ourselves to the new cycle of the church‘s liturgical year. During this season, the Mother Church reminds us to prepare; watch and pray to welcome the Lord, the Saviour of the world. We are encouraged not only to watch and pray for Christ, but equally to watch and pray with Christ. This means that we have to fix our hearts and minds, our whole being, on the One who comes in Glory. We can achieve this by sparing a few minutes in prayer with God. Spend time with God in prayer and meditation and He will open the gateway of answers to our problems. Remember that we can pray with our Bibles, meditate with the Scripture readings of the daily Mass or make use of other books with Advent reflections. We can download these materials online. We can also participate in the advent programmes and activities lined up in our parishes. Be assured, my dear friends, that those who wait in patient hope will not be disappointed. Peace Be With You All! Fada Malachy PRAYER FOR RAIN: Loving Father, protector and provider of everything created, we thank you for your blessings. We pray for rain for the this arid land especially where people are struggling for water. We make this prayer through Jesus our Lord. Amen. LAIDLEY CATHOLIC LADIES CHRISTMAS BREAK UP The Laidley Catholic Ladies are holding their annual Christmas break up on Wednesday 3rd December 2014 at 12 noon. It will be held at the Qld National Hotel, Laidley. Members of the Gatton-Laidley parishes are welcome to attend. Please bring a $10 gift to exchange. Meal to be purchased off the menu board. RSVP: Aileen 5466 4224 or Mary 5466 4327 Please note: The next Catholic Ladies meeting will be held on the 1st Friday in February 2015. ADVENT FAMILY PRAYER As the Advent season is upon us, we are invited to utilize our talents and what we have as we prepare for the coming of the Saviour. Your talent could be to make a cup of tea to someone who would like to come to your house this Advent season to share the word of GOD. We are therefore invited, on every Saturday of Advent, starting from 6th of December, to share the word of God together during this period of expectation. The aim is to reflect on the scriptures, share the Sunday readings and prepare ourselves for the coming of Christ. Remember to come along with your Sunday Missal, if you have one. Thanks to some of us who have volunteered to help with this. Venue: 99 Davey Road, Gatton. (John and Daphne Ryan‘s house) Time: 9:00 to 10:30am All Welcome!!! CHRISTMAS CARDS AND COLUMBIAN CALENDARS For sale at the Piety stall in Laidley Christmas cards pkt 8 for $2.75 Columbian calendars $9 each with $1 from each sale going to the Columbian missions. ST MARY’S LAIDLEY ST VINCENT De PAUL CHRISTMAS APPEAL At this time of the year there are many families in our local community who need our help to get through the Christmas festivities. We would like to collect donations of non perishable food and new toys or books to give to these families so they too can experience the joy of Christmas. In the foyer of the school there will a Christmas Tree with baskets under it. Anyone who would like to donate goods to this appeal can put their donations in these baskets. Any donations will be very gratefully accepted. A presentation will be made to St Vincent de Paul Society in the last week of school. MEALS ON WHEELS If there is anyone who would like to volunteer for this most valued service to deliver meals to the sick and house-bound on the third Tuesday or Wednesday of each month, please contact Pat Ziebarth (07 5462 3646 or 0407 623660) or Shirley De Berg (5452 2711). Training is provided. THE BIBLE STUDY GROUP Both meetings will be held in the Parish Community Centre:Wednesday from 7.00 pm to 8.30 pm. Thursday from 9.30 am to 12 noon. ALL ARE WELCOME Scriptures for the week:- Jesus speaking :St John chapter 8 verses 31/32. " If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." Verse 51. " I tell you the truth, if anyone keeps my word, he will never see death. " Verse 58. " I tell you the truth," Jesus answered, " before Abraham was born, I am!" It is recommended that you read the whole of this chapter. ST VINCENT DE PAUL - GATTON Columban calendars $8 Christmas cards (8 pack) $2.50 Available from the Gatton Church and Vinnies in Railway St. GAME OF CARDS (BRIDGE) Bridge players gather each Tuesday at 9am for a game of cards in the Parish Community Centre, Gatton. New players welcome. FRIENDSHIP CLUB You are invited to come along on the 3rd Monday of each month at 9am in the Parish Community Centre, Gatton for friendship, fun and card games. Morning tea will be provided. CENTACARE OLGC Outside School Hours Care is located in the Daniel Walsh Building. Before School Care operates from 6:30 am - 8:30am while After School Care operates from 3:00pm – 6:00pm. Commencing on the 8th December, Vacation Care will be available operating from 7:00am – 6:00pm. Please contact Tania on 0487 001 722 or email OLGC Kindergarten is currently accepting enrolments for 2015. For further details please contact Stephen Lynch on 54624810 or email HUGE GARAGE SALE at St Augustine‘s College, St Augustine‘s Drive, Augustine Heights on Saturday 29 November and Sunday 30 November 2014 between 7.00 am and 3.00 pm. Items for sale include Household Items, Books, Food items and Bric a Brac. Come along for a great bargain. Cash only sales. Details: Lady of the Southern Cross Parish ‘STEWARDSHIP—‘Once one chooses to become a disciple of Jesus Christ, stewardship is not an option.’ ‘United States Bishops Pastoral letter on Stewardship.’ As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace. (1 Peter 4:10) “ST. GERARD MAJELLA CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL” Is now on every night from 7.00pm to 10.00pm and will continue till Tuesday 23 December. Massive Lights display, free entertainment at 7.30pm, Barbecue, Café, Ice Creams and Drinks, fabulous Gift Shop and Christmas Market Stalls. Free Admission. Enquiries phone Kate on 3359 0239. “ADD YOUR VOICE” to the Archdiocesan Youth Ministry Conversation And go in the draw to win a GoPro Hero3 White Young people (aged 13-30), as well as the wider Catholic Community, are invited to add your voice to the conversation around youth ministry in the Archdiocese of Brisbane. The Archdiocese has taken 2014 as a year for listening within the area of youth ministry. To have your say, please go to AUSTRALIAN CHRISTIAN MEDITATION COMMUNITY QLD invites you to an evening with Fr Laurence Freeman OSB Director of The World Community for Christian Meditation ―The Sacred Language of Christianity‖ Tuesday 2nd December 2014, 7.30pm - 9.30pm at the Marymac Community Centre, 616 Ipswich Road, Annerley For any queries or to book, please contact Gabby: (H) 3711 4227, (M) 0488 592770 or Email: MARRIAGE Couples intending to marry in the Parishes of Gatton, Laidley are required to take the following recommended steps to help them prepare for their marriage. STEP 1: Invest in a FOCCUS marriage preparation. There are trained facilitators within our parishes. Please contact the Parish Office for more information and to register. Phone 54653131 or email: STEP 2: Complete Parish Application to Marry Form—nominating Church, preferred date and time. STEP 3: Time and date will be confirmed by priest or parish office staff. STEP 4: Plan and book wedding reception, etc. STEP 5: Priest will contact couple to arrange a suitable date and time to prepare paperwork and liturgy for the ceremony. STEP 6: Wedding Day—Congratulations and may God continue to guide and bless you as you journey through your life together. CARING FOR THE SPIRITUAL NEEDS OF THE HOUSE BOUND & SICK IN GATTON AND LAIDLEY A person who is ill or house bound wishes to receive a visit from a member of the Catholic Community in the Gatton and Laidley Parishes. FABER ADVENT RETREAT Date: 5-13 December 2014 Venue: Santa Teresa Spirituality Centre, Ormiston Details: Directed by Fr John Reilly sj WE PLACE OUR TRUST IN GOD Sometimes simpler said than done! A weekend for women – for reflection, silence and deep connection with God. Facilitated by Grace Harwood from Dragonfly Ministries. Friday 12 December (6pm) – Sunday 14 December (5pm) Santa Teresa Spirituality Centre, Ormiston Cost: $300 ($270 pensioners and full-time students) - ($10 extra per day for special diets) Individual, ensuited rooms. All linen and meals supplied. Numbers are limited. Contact Grace on 0409 524 283 or to register. IGNITE SUMMER CAMP 2015 - ONE HOPE Each year, two hundred teenagers and youth leaders come together for four huge days of inspiring speakers, huge outdoor games, loads of time making new friends and heaps of time to connect with Jesus, and discover more about their faith and explore what it all means. Perhaps you know someone in your family who needs something just like this to kick of their year! For high schoolers in 2015 (Including QLD year 7) When: January 15-18, 2015 Where: QCCC Tamborine - 255 Beacon Rd, North Tamborine Early bird pricing finishes this week - all details, registration and a video of the experience can be found online at summercamp or call Scott on 3217 5199 IGNITE SCHOOL OF MUSIC 2015 Are you a musician involved in the parish youth mass, or perhaps want to start a parish youth mass? Ignite School of Music inspires, equips and raises up emerging song writers, worship leaders, vocalists and musicians for the Catholic Church. This experience is all about giving you the tools to bring the absolute best out of your talent to enhance the experience of music for everyone in your parish. For musicians of all instruments and skill levels When: January 8-12, 2015 Where: Australian Catholic University Banyo Campus Registration and further details available at schoolofmusic or call Scott on 3217 5199. A person who is ill or house bound wishes to receive Holy Communion on a Sunday or another suitable day of the week, that person or a close relative needs to contact the office on 5465 3131 or email: so the arrangements can be made for this ministry to take place. BAPTISMS For future reference the Sacrament of Baptism will take place at the following times:Gatton - 1st Sunday of the Month after 9am Mass Laidley - 4th Sunday of the Month after 9am Mass To arrange baptisms please phone 5465 3131 or Email to book in for a Baptismal preparation EVENING. Next meeting: Gatton Parish: 7pm Monday 15 December, 2014 St. Mary‘s Church Community Centre, Cnr Maitland & Spencer St, Gatton. Laidley Parish: Anyone wanting to book in for the Preparation Meeting in December will be referred to the Gatton meeting. New to our Parish Changing address Need Planned Giving Envelopes Need Direct Debit Forms Please complete details below and place on collection plate at Mass Name ……………………………………………………. Address …………………………………………………… ……………………………………Postcode …………… Phone ………………. Email ………………………………. Parish: Gatton / Laidley (Please circle home parish.) ROSTER FOR WEEKEND MASSES Gatton: Sunday 30 November at 9am Ministers of Communion: Kathy Philp, Pauline Brennan, Rachel Pingel, Pat Ziebarth, Dorrie Van Ansem Readers: Tony FitzGerald, Margaret O‘Brien, Judy McGlade Sunday 7 December at 9am Ministers of Communion: Daphne Ryan, Margaret Brandon, Maria Bauer, Nellie Schimming, Margaret Turvey Readers: Pat Ziebarth, Margaret Grant, Steve Harper Altar Servers: 30 Nov: Bridget Harper, Jessica Bamberry; 7 Dec: Sophia Driver, Abbey Scotney Liturgy of the Word for Children: 7 Dec: Beatrice Webster Altar Society: 30 Nov: Mary Bauer, Chris Freeman; 7 Dec: Jenny Stephens, Wilma Hyde, Kathy Robinson Cleaning : 23 Nov - 6 Dec: Kevin Smith, Elaine Kluck, Kathy Thomas Counters : 30 Nov: Kevin Smith, Glen Kluck 7 Dec: Chris Freeman, Tina Van Ansem, Mary Bauer, Wilma Hyde Morning Tea: 7 Dec: Chris Freeman, Wilma Hyde; 21 Dec: Jacoba Stevens, Tina Van Ansem Glenore Grove: Sunday 30 November at 7am Ministers of Communion: Pat Heenan, Deon Herpich, Sandra Herpich Readers: Mary Heenan, Michael Sippel, Anne Sippel Laidley: Saturday 29 November at 6pm Welcomers: Elizabeth Maltry, Mike Nowlan Ministers of Communion: Mollie Haley, Rita Ilka, Aileen Seng, Col Seng, Nathan Haley Readers: Mike Nowlan, Helen Haley, Bev Reid Cleaners: Margaret Shepley / Tom Madigan Saturday 6 December at 6pm Welcomers: Margaret Shepley, Jan Maltry Ministers of Communion: Adrian Shepley, Lorraine Meiklejohn, Jan Maltry, Helen Haley, Gerry Ryan Readers: Margaret Shepley, Bernadette Pinchin, Gwen Hughes Cleaners: Gail Boland & Family LIFE BEQUESTS - Make a gift that lives on: A gift to the Laidley or Gatton Parishes in your Will is a simple yet powerful way to impact future generations. Forest Hill: Sunday 14 December at 7am Ministers of Communion: Needed Readers: Needed PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK: Steve Thelander, Ron Carroll, Carolynne Curry, Brian Cliffe, Sherie Van Muyen, Alfonso Vidal, Darius Arnold Vidal, Mary Van Ansem, Larry Gould, Sarah McNeish, Elisabeth Maltry, Trevor Hawley, Norma Hall, Elma Portman, Gordon Browne, Louisa Longland, (Carolynn Curry‘s sister), Sherry MacKinnon, Tim Fairchild, Iris Ewing, Kelly Roberts, Margaret Brown, Janene Cornelius, Brenda Flint, Anne Hobbs, George Farquason, Des Trebbin, Sean Martin, Patricia McMorrow, Rhonda Harding, Colin Webb, Kath Goodwin, Katy Maltry, Timothy Maltry, Margaret Vaux, Catherine and Michael Kimmings, Lil Warland, Fr Vince Reilly, Michael Smith, Marianne Kellett, Ben Beling, Carmel Porter, Lucy Kimmings (12), Judy Ryan, Peter O‘Shea, Michael Woodfield, Val Hughes, Pat Manstone, Kelly Roberts, Cate Mumford, Sienna McDonald, Kevin Trebin, Allison Corcoran, Michelle Reuben, Rachelle Panzram, Peta Linnan, Gwen Cassimatis, Suemantha Tyler, Les Long, Helen Colley, Betty Schulz, James McDade, Raymond Hearn, Ken Volk, Esmay Volk, Mary Kavanagh, Margaret Stephenson, John Williams, Amy Haines, Anna Baessler, Patrick Mkyles, WE PRAY FOR THOSE WHO HAVE DIED: Athol Romer, Connie Durkin, Quinton James Diete, Helena King, Tony Tromp, Doreen Agnes Portley, Bernardine Cleary, Paula LeBrocq, Peter Van Ansem, Daniel Joseph Phillips, Frances & Bob Menzies, Evelyn DeHare, Owen Cusack, Kathleen Pomerenke, Yvonne Conroy, Julie Mary Simmons, Mervyn Knight, Thomas Cornelius O’Brien, Trevor Lyons, Catherine Mary McLeary, Michael Luck, Florence Quade, Thomas Kenneth Taylor, Marjorie Glennie, John Brennan, Dale Maree Bachman, Stan Nawratzki, Cecilia Luck, Cecilia Crowley, Harry Osborne, Hazel June Litfin. CATHEDRAL OF ST STEPHEN SUNDAY MASS WEBCAST ONLINE: Our own Archdiocese has a weekly webcast of the Sunday Mass 10am at the Cathedral. Words of Wisdom St John Damascus on charity, love and peace ―Think of the Father as a spring of life begetting the Son like a river and the Holy Ghost like a sea, for the spring and the river and sea are all one nature. Think of the Father as a root, and of the Son as a branch, and the Spirit as a fruit, for the substance in these three is one. The Father is a sun with the Son as rays and the Holy Ghost as heat.‖ PARISHES WEEKEND MASS TIMES 2014 1st, 3rd & 5th Sunday of Month—Mass Saturday: 6:00pm Laidley Sunday: 7:00 am Glenore Grove 9:00 am Gatton 2nd & 4th Sunday of Month—Mass Saturday: 6:00 pm Gatton Sunday: 7:00 am Forest Hill 9:00am Laidley PARISHES WEEKDAY MASS TIMES 2014 (Subject to change at short notice due to unforseen circumstances) Mondays Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays Fridays: 5pm: 8am: 1.30pm 9am 10am 10am No Mass 1st, 3rd & 5th week Laidley; 2nd & 4th week Forest Hill Gatton 3rd week Regis Nursing Home 1st & 2nd Laidley 3rd week Tabeel 4th week Karinya MASS SCHEDULE 2014 - JULY TO DECEMBER Gatton—Laidley Catholic Parishes Date Mass Date Mass July 5 6 Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am Oct 4 5 Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am July 12 13 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am Oct 11 12 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley July 19 20 Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am Oct 18 19 Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am July 26 27 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am Oct 25 26 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley Aug 2 3 Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am Nov 1 2 Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am Aug 9 10 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am Nov 8 9 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley Aug 16 17 Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am Nov 15 16 Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am Aug 23 24 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley Nov 22 23 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley Aug 30 31 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am FIFTH SUNDAY Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am Nov 29 30 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am FIFTH SUNDAY Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am Sep 6 7 Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am Dec 6 Dec 7 Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am Sep13 14 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am Dec 13 14 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley Sep 20 21 Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am Dec 20 21 Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am Sep 27 28 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley Dec 27 28 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am