St John the Evangelist, Redhill November 2014


St John the Evangelist, Redhill November 2014
Dates for your diary: services & events
2 November
All Saints
8 am Holy Communion
10.30 am Holy Communion
5.30 pm Evensong
St John the Evangelist, Redhill
Gift Day – Sunday November 30
9 November
Gift Day offers an opportunity for each of us Remembrance
to make our own contribution to the Building 8 am Holy Communion
10.30 am Family Service
for the Future campaign. We have timed it 5.30 pm Holy Communion
to coincide with the beginning of Advent, as
the new hall will provide a new beginning,
and herald a new era, not just for us but for
the local community too.
At each of the three services you can either
make a one-off donation or choose to
commit to regular, monthly contributions
over a time period of your choice. Full details
are available in leaflets at the services, and
in announcements about how the day will
Nativity performance, 4 January 2015
We are delighted to announce that Gatton
Community Theatre will be performing a
staged dramatic reading of its nativity play at
St John’s Church on Sunday 4 January,
2015 at 6.30pm. The original performance of
“Nativity” was described as “Brilliant” on
Radio 4. It was written by John Dumin
especially for Gatton Community Theatre,
and first performed at Gatton Park in 2001.
In recent years during Advent and Epiphany
it has been performed at various local
churches, bringing this powerful yet sensitive
presentation of the nativity story to a wider
audience. Although aimed at adults, it is
suitable for children from eight years old.
Tickets at £8 for adults and £5 for under 16s
will be on sale in church in December.
16 November
2nd Sunday before Advent
8am Holy Communion
10.30am Holy Communion
5.30pm Evensong
23 November
Christ the King
8am Holy Communion
10.30am Holy Communion
5.30pm Evensong
24 November
6 pm Prayers for new hall
30 November
Advent Sunday
8am Holy Communion
10.30am Holy Communion
7.00pm Advent Carol Service
7 December
Advent 2
8am Holy Communion
10.30am Holy Communion
5.30 Evensong
From the registers
27 October
Mary Dawn Farrow, aged 89
25 October
Next magazine: 7 December. Please email Jo Josh
Ryan Peter Nicholas Hancock and
on or call her on 01737 270220
with contributions. Copy date: 30 November latest. Rebecca Ann Clegg
Registered charity no 1135368
Church wardens: Janet Scott 01737 769336, email at and Mike Genge 01737
770891, email
St John’s Parish Safeguarding Officers: Margaret
Bradshaw, 01737 778760 and David Loft, 01737 242308.
See website for Parish Policy and Guidelines for children
and adults at
Goodbye to the Calvers - picture shows: Judith opening a variety of
presents ranging from a golf club to cup cakes, including a cake slice and
plate, cheese and chutney, beer and wine, commemorative plaques, 30
Amazing Adventures and a rose called “Blessings.”
On Sunday 26 October a very special evening service marked the end of
17 years with St John’s for Nick and Judith Calver. They also received a
“This is your life” book and card, featuring photos from their time here, as
well as friendship garlands and pictures presented by the Junior Church in
the morning service. A colourful cake thanked both for their kindness and
humour, recording many of the church activities.
Pam Dallman shared the moment when, as a church warden at the time,
she met a younger Nick and Judith and “knew” they were right for the job.
She echoed the words Nick’s first congregation in Forest Hill used at his
ordination at St John’s in saying: “We cherish you and thank you.”
In the morning service Nick told us to: “Be kind and be yourself,”
explaining this actually meant the same thing, through the link between
“kind” and “kin.” In the evening service he looked to the stars for
inspiration, saying that, although it seems that the stars are travelling
across the sky, it is we and the world that are turning. He said: “Where
there is time there is a circle” and “the world turns, we will meet again.”
News in brief
BBC Songs of Praise Big Sing
Advent Quiet Day
BBC Songs of Praise Big Sing: in September
Lucy, Sophie and Sam went with Ginette, Peter
and David to record in The Royal Albert Hall for
the BBC1 Songs of Praise Big Sing programmes.
The first was broadcast on 26 October (watch it
on BBC i-player) and the next on 21 December.
Guest stars included the Swingle Singers, Aled
Jones, Nell Brydon, Katherine Jenkins, Jermain
Jackman (winner of The Voice 2014) and Lucy
Kay (finalist in Britain’s got Talent.)
Advent Quiet Day
On Saturday 6 December between 11.00 hrs and
13.00 hrs Frances Wood will be leading a quiet
day when people will have the opportunity to to
reflect on the season of Advent using words,
music and silence.
Ringing out the changes: picture shows
jubilant St John’s bell ringers, having
completed the first Quarter Peal since 2009
with entirely local ringers. The Peal was on 26
October to mark Nick’s departure. After 1260
Plain Bob Doubles (the technical term) the
team had every reason to smile. They are
Emma Booth, Anne Rueff, Suki EdgePartington, Megan Marlow, Gail Terry and
Stephanie Rueff.
Appointment to Diocesan Board of Finance
It is easy to get caught up with the pre Christmas
planning and not allow time to step back and think
about the true meaning of Advent. The word
Advent comes from the Latin word “adventus”
which means “coming” or “arrival” and it is a time
of waiting and preparation.
See Psalm 130, verses 5 and 6:
“I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word
I put my hope
“My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen
wait for the morning.“
All are welcome: there is a sign up sheet at the
back of the church.
Debut at The Royal Albert Hall: Sam, Sophie and
Lucy on stage for BBC Songs of Praise Big Sing.
Two programmes were recorded, with the second due
to go out on 21 December as a Christmas special.
Congratulations to Peter Siggs who has been
elected as Reigate Deanery's representative
on the Southwark Diocesan Board of Finance.
RSC Summer School: The Royal School of
Church Music runs a fun week of singing for
children aged 8 to 18. In August this year, Lucy
Genge and I took on the challenge of spending a
week at Kingswood Senior School in Bath.
Having sung many amazing pieces with great
people, our final service was held in Bath Abbey.
To my delight, many people came to the service
and took a LOT of pictures of us! In the end I had
learnt so much. My favourite anthem was “Lord
make me an instrument“ by Jonathan Willcocks.
Even though the amazing sounds have changed
my life forever, I was looking forward to singing
again in our choir at St John’s.
Sophie Marlow.
Harvest Ploughman’s Supper and Quiz
Remembrance Sunday
A packed church of young and old alike
enjoyed a quiz and food at the Harvest Supper
and Quiz on Saturday 11 October. An
estimated £1,000 was raised from the evening,
and donations over the weekend, which will go
to the Send a Cow Harvest Appeal.
9 November 2014
As the centenary of the start of the First World
War approaches, parishes and chaplaincies
across the Diocese are commemorating the
War in many different ways.
Coffee morning & Craft Sale, 22 November :
10 am until 12 noon(ish), for cakes, cards,
craft items and presents galore - from A
Good Yarn, proceeds towards new hall.
For example, at Southwark Cathedral, daily
prayers will commemorate by name all those
from this Diocese who died serving in the First
World War.
And finally a cake to remember ...
Picture shows: Poppies at Cabaret-Rouge cemetery,
near Souchez, France, where Philippa Moyle’s great
uncle is buried.
Church cleaning rota: volunteer needed during
the week immediately before the second Sunday
of each month. All materials provided: contact
church wardens (contact details on back page.)
Preparation of bread and wine: third person
needed for 10.30 am service. Cover is needed
on the third Sunday of each month, plus people
to cover for the fifth Sunday and holidays/
sickness. Margaret Davis or Janet Watson would
work alongside you until you are happy to work
independently: contact church wardens.
St John’s will be holding a special service of
Remembrance on Sunday 9 November when
we will remember, by name, those who died
from this parish.
Car lift service: we need new members to join
the rota of people providing transport for those
who would otherwise miss services or events.
Contact Frances Wood on 01737 233644 or
We will be reporting on this and other activities
to mark Remembrance Sunday in the next
issue of this magazine. Please contact the
editor if you have any special family memories
or other contributions.
Teas and coffees: cover needed for every fifth
Sunday to work with Jo Josh. Contact Jo on
01737 270 220 or email