Dear Sponsor/Exhibitor, The Massachusetts Elementary


Dear Sponsor/Exhibitor, The Massachusetts Elementary
Dear Sponsor/Exhibitor,
The Massachusetts Elementary School Principals’ Association will hold its 2015 Spring Conference on May 27, 28,
and 29, 2015 at The Resort and Conference Center in Hyannis, Massachusetts.
During these challenging economic times, the MESPA/MESPEF Board of Directors hopes that you will provide
continued support at our exhibition and that our sponsors will continue to support this outstanding conference.
Although we are accepting event sponsorships through April, only those received by February 8th will receive
exposure in the early promotional conference mailing. Sponsoring an event provides added exposure at the
conference. Attribution will be given in the following ways:
Promotional materials sent to over 3,000 principals and administrators
Web site exposure from March 1 – June 30, 2015
At the conference:
Company listed in conference program for each attendee
Announced recognition at general sessions
Signs prominently displayed
Please review the exhibit and sponsorship information. Make the most of your presence at this year’s conference
and return the sponsorship form prior to the conference mailing in February.
For more information, please contact Doreen Stuart, Exhibit Coordinator, at (508) 624-0500 or
Nadya Aswad Higgins
MESPA Executive Director
Exhibit Hall Schedule
Thursday – May 28, 2015
Tentative Schedule
7:30 AM - 11:00 AM
12:00 PM - 2:30 PM
12:00 PM - 12:30 PM
12:30 PM - 2:30 PM
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM
4:00 PM - 4:45 PM
4:15 PM - 4:45 PM
4:45 PM
Registration and Set-up
Exhibits Open
Exhibit viewing only
Exhibit viewing and luncheon in exhibit hall
Exhibits Open – Concurrent Sessions
Exhibits Open – No Workshop Sessions Scheduled
Reception for exhibitors and participants
All Raffles and Grand Prize Bingo Drawings
Exhibits Close / Breakdown Begins
Exhibitors will have the opportunity to raffle item(s) at their individual booths. Raffle guidelines will be sent with
your Exhibitor Confirmation. The Grand Prize Bingo drawings will be held at 4:30 PM. Attendance is required for
attendees to win any prize.
Special Note:
Dining tables for the attendees will be located in the exhibit hall in order to provide maximum exposure for
Exhibitors during the Exhibit/Luncheon time block. At the afternoon reception, participants have another
opportunity to network throughout the Grand Ballroom with beverages and snacks strategically located.
Exhibitors are asked not begin to dismantle their booths until 4:45 PM.
MESPA recognizes that our exhibitors expend both time and monies to participate in the MESPA Spring
Conference. With this in mind, MESPA will provide exhibitors with additional exposure to our membership in the
following ways:
Times for exclusive exhibit viewing are available
Presence on the MESPA Web site for one month prior to and one month after the Conference
Recognition in the Principal View, the official quarterly newsletter of the Association, reaching over 1000
educators statewide and nationally
One Exhibitor luncheon is included in the registration fee
Participation in the afternoon reception in the exhibit hall
Listing in an Exhibitor Booklet that is provided to all participants
Exhibitor Registration will be located in the foyer of the Grand Ballroom at The Resort and Conference Center in
Hyannis. Registration and set-up is scheduled from 7:30AM to 11:00AM.
All booths include one 6’ skirted table, 3’ side pole and drape, 8’ back pole and drape, two chairs, and a
wastebasket. Additional tables may be ordered with the enclosed order form. Orders for additional tables must be
pre-paid and received at MESPA no later than April 25, 2015. There will be no additional tables available at the
time of show. Exhibit hall colors are plum and cream. Exhibitors may give three (3) choices for booth location
preference. The earlier you send in your choices, the better your chances of getting one of the booths you want.
Exhibitor guest rooms are available at The Resort and Conference Center at Hyannis after April 15, 2015. The
form is enclosed and can be mailed or faxed to the reservations department.
The Engineering Department of The Resort and Conference Center at Hyannis is able to set up outside phone lines
and electricity at your booth. Arrangements can be made by filling out the Exhibitor Electrical Order Form. Order
forms must be received no later than April 19, 2015. For orders received after April 19, 2015 a $50 late fee will
automatically be applied. If you have any questions, please contact Dina Maligno, the Conference Planner at the
Resort and Conference Center at Hyannis at 508.862.6923. Completed forms can be faxed to Dina Maligno at
The Resort and Conference Center at Hyannis cannot accept any exhibitor goods or equipment requiring storage
prior to Thursday, May 28, 2015. For complete shipping instructions, please contact Doreen Stuart, MESPA Exhibit
Coordinator at or by calling 508.624.0500.
NOTE: If your display is larger than the standard 8’ x 6’ booth space, an additional booth must be
purchased. A discounted rate is offered for early bird registrations. Booth fees are as follows:
Cancellation Deadline
for Full Refund
Early Bird
Deadline: March 30, 2015
March 30, 2015
March 30, 2015
Booth Registration
After March 30, 2015
Booths will be reserved and a booth number assigned only upon receipt of full payment.
Location of Exhibits
Exhibit booths will be located in the Grand Ballroom and in the adjacent Grand Ballroom Foyer of The Resort and Conference Center at Hyannis. MESPA
reserves the right at all times to modify the floor plan to meet the needs of the exhibit and the exhibitors.
Booth Equipment and Service Information
A standard booth package includes: 8’ high back wall and 3’ high side drape, one (1) 6’ skirted table (uniform in color), two (2) folding chairs, one (1)
wastebasket and one (1) 7” x 44” (one-line) ID sign with booth number. SER Exposition Services, 35B New Street, Worcester, MA 01605, is the official exhibit
service contractor in cooperation with MESPA. SER will provide advanced and outbound shipping services to exhibitors. Please contact Doreen Stuart (Exhibit
Coordinator at MESPA) for complete shipping instructions. All booths and extra tables are ordered directly through MESPA. No other contractors will be
Installation and Removal Times
It is mutually agreed that it is the duty and responsibility of each exhibitor to install their exhibit between 7:30 AM and 11:00 AM on Thursday, May 28, 2015.
Dismantling of exhibit should not begin until 4:45pm. All exhibits must be staffed and remain intact until the official closing time.
Exhibit Hours
All booths should be open and staffed during the following hours on Thursday, May 28. 2015:
11:30AM - 2:30 PM Exhibit viewing and Luncheon in Exhibit Hall
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM Exhibits open - concurrent sessions
4:00 PM - 4:45 PM Exhibits open - no workshops or sessions scheduled - Reception in Exhibit Hall for all.
All cancellations must be made in writing to the Exhibit Coordinator, Doreen Stuart, c/o MESPA, 28 Lord Road, Suite 125, Marlborough, MA 01752. If
notification is received on or before March 30, 2015 a full refund will be given. Cancellations received after March 30, 2015 obligates the exhibitor to the
forfeiture of all monies paid. NO REFUNDS WILL BE MADE AFTER THIS DATE. Failure to occupy booth space does not release the exhibitor from the
obligation of the full cost of the rental. If booth space is not occupied by 11:00 AM, Thursday, May 28, 2015, the exhibit management of MESPA will have the
right to use such space as it sees fit to eliminate empty spaces in the Exhibit Hall.
In the event of flood, fire, strikes, riots, civil commotion, or other uncontrollable circumstances that render the exhibit area unfit or unavailable for use within
10 days prior to the opening date of the exhibit, 50 percent of the money paid for rental will be refunded.
Use of Space
All demonstrations, interviews, literature distributions, or other promotional activities must be confined within the space rented by the exhibitor. Sufficient
space must be provided within an exhibit booth to contain persons watching any demonstrations and other promotional activities. Each exhibitor is
responsible for keeping the aisle or aisles near the booth free of congestion due to demonstrations or other promotions. If your display is larger than the
standard 8’ x 6’ booth space, an additional booth must be purchased.
MESPA reserves the right to restrict exhibits that become objectionable because of noise, method of operation, materials, or for any other reason, and also to
prohibit or to evict any exhibit that in the opinion of the management may detract from the general character of the MESPA Exhibit as a whole. This
restriction includes persons, things, printed matter, or anything of a character that the management determines is objectionable. In the event of such
restriction or eviction, MESPA is not liable for any refunds or other expenses.
Exhibitors are permitted to make sales on the exhibit floor. Obtaining the appropriate licenses or permits as required by law, collecting and remitting sales
taxes, and any other legal business requirements are solely the responsibility of the exhibitor.
Neither the Massachusetts Elementary School Principals’ Association, Inc. (MESPA), the Massachusetts Elementary School Principals’ Education Foundation
(MESPEF), nor The Resort and Conference Center at Hyannis is liable for any damages or loss that may occur to the exhibitor or to the exhibitor’s employees
or property from any cause. Insurance and liability are the full and sole responsibility of the exhibitor. The exhibitor, upon signing this contract, agrees to
indemnify and hold forever harmless the aforementioned for any and all liability and expense for personal injury, accident, or property damage from fire,
theft, destructive causes, or loss arising out of, in, at, or in connection with the exhibitor’s display. Exhibitors are solely responsible for their own exhibit
materials and should insure the exhibit against loss or damage from theft, accident, vandalism, fire, or other causes. All property of an exhibitor is understood
to remain in the exhibitor’s care, custody, and control in transit to, from, or within the confines of the Exhibit Area.
Care of Building and Equipment
Exhibitors or their agents must not injure or deface the walls or floors of the building, the booths, or the equipment of the booths. Nothing will be posted on,
tacked, nailed, screwed, or otherwise attached to walls, floors, or other parts of the building or furniture. Distribution of promotional gummed stickers or
labels is strictly prohibited. When such damage appears, the exhibitor is liable to the owner of the property so damaged. All materials used in decoration must
be flameproof. Electrical wiring must conform to National Electrical Code Safety Rules. Combustible materials or explosives are not permitted in the Exhibit
Massachusetts Elementary School Principals’ Association, Inc.
28 Lord Road, Suite 125
Marlborough, MA 01752
Tel: 508-624-0500 Fax: 508-485-9965
Application and Exhibit Contract
Massachusetts Elementary School Principals’ Association, Inc.
Annual Spring Conference - Hyannis, Massachusetts
To reserve a booth, complete and return this signed contract with full payment. American Express, Discover,
MasterCard and Visa are accepted (form below) or make checks payable to:
28 Lord Road, Suite 125
Marlborough, MA 01752
*Please send your check c/o Doreen Stuart, Exhibit Coordinator to the address above.
 EXHIBITING COMPANY (as it will appear in the program and on the MESPA Web site)
Company Name ________________________________________________________________________
Address _______________________________________________________________________________
City ___________________________________ State _________ Zip Code ________________________
Representative _________________________________________________________________________
Telephone ________________________________ Fax ________________________________________
E-Mail _____________________________________________ Web Site __________________________
8’ x 6’ booth – Early Bird Registration $425 each
8’ x 6’ booth – After March 30, 2015 $500 each
NOTE: If your display is larger than the standard 8’ x 6’ booth space and may potentially create an obstruction, an
additional booth must be purchased. Please measure display accordingly. Thank you.
INTERNET: Wireless (wi-fi) access is available in the hotel, including the exhibit hall.
 SPACE REQUEST: Please choose 3 booth locations from the Exhibit Layout. We will do our best to assign you one of the
booths of your choice but there is no guarantee. The earlier you register the better your booth choices will be. Booths will be
reserved and a booth number assigned only upon receipt of full payment. (Please refer to the Exhibit Layout)
(1) _____ (2) _____ (3) _____
 LETTERING FOR SIGN SHOULD READ:_____________________________________________
No exhibitor will assign, sublet, or share the space allotted. No firm or organization not assigned exhibit space will
be permitted to solicit business within the exhibit areas of the MESPA Spring Conference.
We ask that dismantling of booths not begin until 4:45 PM
# Booths _______ X $________ /Booth……………………………$_________
# Extra Tables _____ X $35.00/Table……………...……………….$_________
 SIGNATURE ___________________________________ TITLE ____________________________
The following sponsorship opportunities are available for this conference. Select an event and fax this form to
(508) 485-9965. For cost estimates on these options, please contact Doreen Stuart - Exhibit Coordinator at (508)
624-0500 or
Wednesday Opening Reception
Wednesday Awards Banquet
(Sponsors are seated at head table)
Thursday morning coffee/juice & bagels
Thursday Keynote Speaker
Thursday early evening entertainment (5:30pm-8pm)
Thursday evening entertainment (8pm-11:30pm)
Friday morning coffee break
Conference Tote Bags
Conference audio-visual equipment support
Conference Computer Café
Co-Sponsors needed