Current Week's Bulletin


Current Week's Bulletin
Fourth Sunday of Advent
Saturday, December 20
8:00 AM Anthony Pelusi
4:00 PM Vito & Florence Capraro
Sunday, December 21
8:00 AM George Boudreau
10:00 AM Saltonstall– Irene M. Donovan
10:00 AM For the People
12:00 N Dante J. DeMichaelis
Monday, December 22
8:00 AM Anthony R. Pelusi
Taken from the Pasture
“Thus says the Lord:…’It was I who took
your from the pasture and from the care of the flock
to be commander of my people Israel’” (2 Samuel
King David has a nice idea: build a suitable
house for the Ark of the Covenant. But the Lord has
other even greater ideas: God will build of David’s
lineage an eternal house, a kingdom that through
Jesus will last forever.
In the course of this exchange of plans
between David and God, there is a lesson for all of
us: no matter how grand our schemes for what we
will do for God, God is the one who took us out of
the pasture. God gave us whatever talents or
opportunities have come our way.
Even more: God has a destiny in mind for us
that is far greater than anything we could imagine
for ourselves. Who among us, after all, could have
scripted this story: a baby born in a stable grows up
to be a wandering preacher and healer who is
brutally put to death and, being the Son or God, is
raised from the dead, thereby making it possible for
us to have a share in divine life?
Lord of Hosts, for all that you offer us,
we give you thanks.
Mark Neilsen
Living with Christ
Financial Report
Offertoryincluding electronic giving: $6,342
Second Collection:On-going Maintenance
Second Collection next weekend: St. Vincent de Paul
Thank you for your continued support of St. Joseph
Parish. Your help makes our parish great.
Tuesday, December 23
8:00AM Dolores Dietrich
Wednesday, December 24 – Christmas Eve
8:00AM John Murphy
8:30 AM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
to 1:00 PM
Lower Church
4:00 PM Christmas Mass
Midnight Christmas Mass
Thursday, December 25 – Christmas Day
11:00AM Christmas Mass
No Adoration
Friday, December 26
8:00 AM Renato Serraino
8:30 AM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
to 8:30 PM
Lower Church
Saturday, December 27
8:00 AM Souls in Purgatory
4:00 PM Stephen Foley
Sunday, December 28
8:00 AM For the People
10:00 AM Saltonstall– John Murphy
10:00 AM Helen Cataldo
12:00 N Theodore Moschella
Please pray for John Kelly, Charles H. Luciano,
Joseph B. Clemente and all our deceased
parishioners and loved ones.
St. FrancisMass Schedule:
Daily Mass: Monday – Thursday at 9am
Weekend Masses:
Saturdays at 4pm and Sundays at 7:30am &11am
December 21 – December 27
Sanctuary Light:
Christopher Robert DeBenedictis
Hosts: Eugene Granara, Jr.
Fourth Sunday of Advent
From Fr. Ed
What is the “real” or
authentic meaning of Christmas?
What’s the big deal? Why are we
here today and on Christmas?
Those are a couple of questions, and I’m sure many
of us have others, but we’re here. I’ll bet whether
we’re here all the time or just come once in a while,
it’s because we want a relationship with God. We
just want that relationship to be “real.”
The authentic life begins with the simple
desire to be who God created us to be and
cooperate with God by playing the part he has
designed for us in the world.
The adventure of salvation begins when we
stop asking, “What’s in it for me?” and turn humbly
to God in our hearts and ask, “How may I serve?
What work do you wish for me to do with my life?
What is your hope for my life?”
Every generation turns its back on God in its
own way. Our “enlightened” culture has revolted
violently against the idea of “God’s will.” Desperate
to maintain the illusion of being in control of their
lives, many “modern” Christians have either turned
their backs on God or created a new spiritual
language that allows them to determine selectively
God’s will for their lives.
And yet, it is the very surrendering of our
own will to God’s designs that characterizes the
whole Christian struggle. The successful spiritual
life is when we turn our individual will over to God.
God doesn’t call you to live an authentic life
in order to control you. He invites you to live an
authentic life so that you can become the best
version of yourself. By calling you to live an
authentic life, God is saying, “Be all I create you to
be.” Be yourself. You are good enough.
Christmas Eve: Last opportunity to spend a little quiet
time this Advent with Our Lord. Adoration in the lower
church will follow the 8 am Mass and conclude at 1:PM
On Christmas Day, adoration will be closed.
Friday December 26th, Adoration will resume at 8:30AM
until closing at 8:30PM
All the Blessings of Christmas.
For more information about Adoration, to leave a
prayer request or to volunteer: 781-391-1396
Electronic Giving
12/25 Christmas: Clergy Benefit Trust
12/28 St. Vincent de Paul
always available
On-going Maintenance
always available
Church in Latin American
1/18 – 2/1
December 21, 2014
At our parishioners’ request or
with permission, we list those
who are sick or in the hospital
and wish to be remembered in
our prayers: Lisa Gilbert,
Angela Toto, Diane Rossetti,
Shawn Odom, Sr. Eileen Colbert, CSJ., Maria
Piemonte, John Carew, Janice Hoxie, Charlie
Madison, Theresa O’Brien Carew, James Harold,
FlaviaDiVito, Pauline Vojtas,
Rhonda Fruzzetti,
Dave Wilson, Jerry DeCristofaro, David Theisen,
David Theisen Jr, Ellen Henderson, Frank Carew,
Buchanan, Ann McLaughlin, Franco & Yolanda
Ciglino, Edward & Constance Kelly, Edward Powell,
Jr. Philip Silva, Grace Phillips, Michael DeMeo,
Baby Baxter Francis Belanger, Jean BarrySutherland,
Anthony Ruggieri Jr. Giuseppe A.
Cicoria Jr., Sr. Waltrude, Bob Howe, Maria Crognale,
Maria Mancini, Anthony Mutrano
Loved Ones In Service
Presently on active duty serving our
country: US Army Chaplain Fr. Paul
Hurley; Afghanistan, 1st Lt. US Army
Michael Durham; Chief Kevin Purifory, US Coast
Guard; Patrick Carney, U.S. Navy; Sgt. James
Mihelidakis, US Army Infantry home from Iraq; Sgt.
Nicholas Lavery, US Army Special Forces, Sgt. Dave
Wilkinson, US Army; PFC Grainne Battel, US Army;
Sgt. Caitlin Battel, US Army; Daniel Brogan, US
Navy. We are privileged to include their names in our
bulletin weekly. Our prayers go out to all our men
and women who are serving our country. May God
protect them.
Ecumenical Epiphany
Choir Festival
The St. Joseph/St. Francis Collaborative music
ministries invite you to join us in our Ecumenical
Epiphany Choir Festival, which will be presented on
Sunday, January 4th, at 2:00 P.M., at St. Francis
Church, 441 Fellsway West, Medford.
Our Adult, Young Adult and Youth Choirs will
be performing, as well as neighboring choirs,
accompanied by organ/piano, along with instrumental
There will be light refreshments in the parish
center following the program.
We would be delighted if you are able to join us
for this very special event on the Feast of the Epiphany,
as we celebrate the conclusion of the Christmas
For further information, or if you should have
any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Betsy
Pesce, Music and Liturgy Director, St. Joseph Parish,
either by e-mail ( or by
phone (781-391-1457).
Clergy Health and Retirement Trust
Christmas Collection
Every Christmas, Catholics across the Archdiocese of
Boston join together to honor and thank our priests.
Your gift to the Clergy Health and Retirement Trust
helps to ensure the highest quality of care and quality
of life programs that provide for the health and
wellbeing of our 628 active and senior priests.
Remember the priests who have made a meaningful
difference in your life, and consider honoring them with
a generous gift to the Christmas collection. Our priests
have been there for us in our times of need. Now, it is
our turn to care for them with they need us. All are
invited to make a gift online at or
use the in-pew envelopes that will be provided. Thank
you in advance for your prayers and generous support
of our priests.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
& Adult Confirmation/Formation
Have you ever thought about becoming a Roman
Catholic? If the answer is yes, or even if it is maybe,
please let us know.
Never completed all of your Sacraments of
Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and First Eucharist)
and wish you had done so? Especially since you now
want to be a godparent! Preparation for both of these
processes have begun – it is not too late for you to join
Please let us know if you are interested in
discussing your participation or if you just have some
questions. Please see Deacon Bob after Mass or
contact him by email at or
leave a message with the staff at the Parish Office at
New “Tradition”
We are hoping to create a new St. Joseph parish
tradition. Our Christmas tree is now on the altar, and
we invite all parishioners and families to bring an
ornament from home and place it on the tree when you
come to church. It is our hope that all of our families
will be represented on the branches of our parish tree!
Can You Help??
We are preparing to decorate the church for Christmas
on Tuesday, December 23rd, at 10am. We would be
most grateful for any help you can give. If you would
like to help please contact the liturgy office as soon as
possible at 781-391-1457. Let’s make the church as
beautiful as possible.
Youth Choir/Messengers'
Christmas Pizza Party
and Messengers and
their families are cordially invited to attend a Christmas
Pizza Party to be held immediately following our Youth
Choir Rehearsal next monday, December 22nd, at 4:00
P.M., in the St. Joseph’s School cafeteria. We will be
doing "secret santas", so members are asked to bring a
wrapped gift of approximately $7 - $10 in value, which
would be appropriate for any boy or girl in the
choirs. Members are requested to please complete and
return their reply forms as soon as possible, either by
e-mail (, or directly to Betsy
or to the school or rectory. We are looking forward to
seeing you all there!
Seasonal Psalmfor Advent
St. Joseph School Tours
St. Joseph School in Medford is now arranging
tours and enrollment information for the 2014-15
school year. Besides an Open House on February 8, the
school invites interested families to call the school to
arrange personal tours. Program features at the school
include an Early Childhood Center for three and four
year olds, traditional kindergarten as well as
transitional kindergarten for younger students who will
not be five until December 31.
The school educates grades one through eight,
and in September will begin a new program for
students eligible for grade eight, Intensive Academic
Preparation for High School. With high school
becoming increasingly demanding, as well as the
importance of the high school experience, this program
will not only include all the core subjects but also be
devoted to Organizational, Study and Reading skills.
The former is an excellent program for students
attending public, private or parochial high schools.
Please call St. Joseph’s at 781-396-3636 for
additional information.
Christmas Flower Donations
Flowers were donated in memory of:
Eugene Granara Sr, Eugene Granara Jr., John J.
Grant, Marjorie T. Grant, Joseph R. McCarthy, Felix
A. Jackimowicz, James F. Murphy, Nancy & Frank
Killeen, John Murphy, Dave & Annemarie Doherty,
Joseph Noe, Reginald & Maria Casali, Raphael
Evangelista, Anna Evangelista, Kay F. McDonnell,
Lucy & Antonio DeLuca, Anna Laura, Pasquale
Federico, Ronnie, Patsy, Steven & Bobby Federico,
Mary & Angelo Ferrort, Alphonse Spera, Frances
Spera, Charlotte Spera, Patrick & Adeline Jodice,
Fourth Sunday of Advent
Christmas Flowers continued…
Josephine Ferullo, William Durante, Jimmy Moniz,
Dorothy Skerry, Patrick Skerry, Kathleen Granara
Skerry, Pat J. Leone, Maria Modugno, Guy
Pietropaolo, Jennie Pietropaolo, Dave Napier, Scott
Napier, Clinton Family, Richard Family, Michael &
Jean, Rose & Chase Family, Christopher Lawless,
Capobianco, Elena Ricciardi, Donna Galusi, Hugh &
Emma Galusi, Len & Betty Sollitto, Anthony & Anne
Vitiello, Allan & Margaret Henry, Lorene DiTroia,
Emilia, Eufemio & Carlos Santos-Silva, Rejustin
Ridore, Nathan Boursiquot, Anne C. Boursiquot,
Donald O’Keefe, Mary Mullen, Frank R. Tringale,
Gerard Joyce, Demetrio Marra, Donald & Olive
Hanlon, Raymond & Mary Hayes, Fran & Muriel
Beckstrom, Connie Reagan, Foti & Garrone Families,
Michael P. Meskell, Ellen F. Meskell, Charles P.
Meskell, Warren C. Malatesta & Family, Tyschuk
Family, Myhal Family, Julius Lukenchuk & all
deceased relatives, Joanne Buoncuore, John &
Anna Buoncuore, Ruth Buoncuore, In honor of US
troops in harms way, Gaetana & Salvatore Tringali &
Family, Jay Tringali, William H. Morgan, Sr. Maureen
Rowe, John & Marion Fitzmaurice, William Morgan,
Margaret MacIsaac, Charles Dingee, Iacopucci,
Biagioni, Maniscalco & Capraro Families, Vito
Auterio, Rocco, Margaret & Robert Marchese, Sister
Miriam Walsh SSND, Suzanne Oliva, Murray & Walsh
Families, Robert Consolmagno Jr., Donelan Family,
Brown & Kenny Families, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ritchie
Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lynch Sr., Vincenzo
Stornaiulol, Nicola & Giovina Minicuca, Angelo &
Giovanna Stornaiuolo, Onofrio Abate, Our Armed
Forces (Military) alive & deceased, Ashley M.
O’Sullivan, Murray & O’Sullivan Families, Catherine
& Wallace DeWolfe, Catherine & Anthony McGlynn,
Angela, Eugene Kawalski, Albert & Frank Avellino,
John Murphy, John Murphy, Biogiotti Family,
Nicholas Messuri, William McDonough Sr., Blanche
Colella, Louis Colella, Joan Collela, Kearney &
Murphy Families, McGlynn Family, Mattos & Petroni
Family, Manuel & Martha Sousa, Manuel & Maria
Ferreira, Paul Ferlito, Edith Mattivello, Felicia Ferlito,
Lorraine Mattivello, James DiFiore, Sandra Ward,
Ellen Airhart, Mary Ellen DiFiore, all of our parents,
Passacantilli, Catherine Caprio, Joseph Chiarenza,
Mahoney & Cerone Family, Joan M. Anderson,
Sugrue Family, Hugh J. Goulding, Maeve E.
Goulding, Roger Grant Family, Florence & Carmine
Carpenito, Helen & Rudy Cavallo, Kevin & Charlie
Saunders, John & Mary McCarthy, Pat & Paul
Williams, Ermino & Marianna Fina, Carmine &
Rosina Iantosca, Carmine & Florence Carpenito,
Bona Sampson, Bonner Family, In honor of the born
and unborn, Rose Conley, Joseph Conley, Marie
Garrity, Paul Mahoney, Torrice Family, Mocogni
Family, Cecchini Family, DePascale Family, Victor
December 21, 2014
DiFazio, Pizzella Family, David Scully Jr., Dennis &
Bridget Hopkins, Mort MacSweeney, Michael
MacSweeney, Alpers & Cangiano Families, Rita &
Edward MacInnes, Theresa & Joseph Scirocco,
Cardillo Family, Sandra Marie Ward, Rita & Edward
MacInnes, Theresa Scirocco, Cadigan & Meuse
Family, Harrington Family, Molloy Family, Mary
Marolda, Noreen Donovan, Doherty, Farrell & Harhen
Families, Mr. & Mrs. John Bowen, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas
Stone, Katherine Garo, Joseph Garo, Stanley
Winchester Jr., James Lampassi, Lampassi &Salvato
Families, John Murphy, Janet Minchello, John & Bob
Minchello, Mr. & Mrs. Augie Bairos, Manny & Joe
Bairos, Jack & Sonny Coughlin, Marchi Family, Bob
Patten, Patten & Luka Families, St. Germain Family,
Guerra, MacNeil & Savage Families, Cangiano &
Lavender Families, Mary & Frank Wheateon, James
E. O’Brien, Henry Tinker Sr., Phyllis Tinker, Nicholas
LaSelva, Angelina LaSelva, Rev. Raymond Goulet,
Tonello & Fentross Family, George Boudreau,
Richard Cooke, William Lackie, Vivian Lackie, James
& Mary Maher, Victory & Julia DeMilia, Eleanor
Russo, Creedon Family members, Pascal Esperance,
Pascalite Jean, Yvon Benjamin, Yvone Benjamin,
Bernard Benjamin, Salvaore Tringali, Gaetana
Tringali, Jay Tringali,
Shirley Constantine,
Cunningham Family, Doherty Family, Kelly Family,
Killilea Family, Catherine Sellon, Richard Goss,
Mobilia Family, Pisani Family, Michael Pisani Jr.,
Raffaela & Alfonso DeLuca, Rossetti Family, Mary &
Michael Ciaccio, Teresa & David Brosnan, Frabetti
Family, Wing, Callahan & Davison Families, Rose &
Antonio Magazzu, John, Jennie & Mary Zielinski,
Bertuccini Family, Almeida & Pesce Families,
Pasquale, Rose, Anthony, Laura & Marion Lucia,
Joseph Zavaglia, Loretta Patrie, John Patrie, Ansaldi
& Santoro Families, Cicoria & Savoia Families,
Robert A. McConnell, Paul Rogers, Ryan Trant,
Ernest Stein, Frezza Family, Ignazio & Caterina
Giglio, Sebastian & Virginia Staffieri, Tong Family,
John Gough, Donna Fusco, Tony & Mary Fusco,
Richard Toomey, John & Irene Merrigan, Scottie
Rago, Francesco & Antonia Luzzo, John & Antonia &
Maria Rago, Frank & Marion Romano, Robert &
Deanne Romano, Marion C. Romano, Grant Family,
Ansaldi Family, Santoro Family, Mary & Joseph
Buttigieg Jr., Kay Buttgieg, DiVincenzo Family,
Irene Warner, Richie Warner, Philip Coronella &
Family, Margaret & William Reardon, Cangiano
Family, Albanese Family, Dante J. DeMichaelis, John
& Esther Prowse, McDonagh Family, DeCristofaro
Family, In honor of my family peace and good
health, Abbott Family, Jim Bradley, John Dulaghan,
James X. Kenneally Spencer & Greene Families,
Edward & Sheila Hatch, Deceased members of the
O’Neil Family, Deceased members of the Ellison
Family, Scott. V. Bruner, Pietro & Guiseffine Santini,
Luigi & Emma Bertolaccini
Due to the difficulty in reading the various
handwritings, we apologize for any misspellings.